I’ve been collecting Transformers for nearly 40 years. For quite a while now, people have been asking to see more than just photo’s of The Transformatorium, my specially built shed housing over 4000 Transformer figures! But doing a quick few vids with a camera phone to post online didn’t seem like it would really do the scope of the shed justice.
So in conjunction with Able Media Productions, for the first time we have proper footage of The Transformatorium in all its glory, as well as questions about the shed answered by yours truly.
So strap in and enjoy! And if you like this video and are a rabid Transformers fan, then you might also enjoy the extended cut with 12 extra minutes of toy shelf footage, showing figures spanning the last 39 years!
Did you like this behind the scenes look at my lifes work? Then say something nice in the comments section below 🙂
Great video and insight into such an amazing and unique collection / display
Your Collection is absolutely amazing , Trevor . The video is also terrific 👍❌👍❌
Awesome stuff Trev. And great editing too!
Wow, well done to Trev and family, all up,,,,,, very impressive!!
Glad you saw the error of your ways Trev. Awesome video. Great music. Brent