Sharkticons. In G1 they worked for the Quintessons. In IDW they worked for the Junkions. Whatever the place in the Multiverse, it always seems to be the fate of the Sharkticons to be the serving class – rotund warriors who turn into savage shark… thingies.
Gnaw is to this day the only named member of the Sharkticon race, whereas even the Junkions have grown their named-character ranks over the years. But given their appearance in The Transformers: The Movie in 1986 and then in multiple episodes of G1 Season 3 thereafter Sharkticons – and therefore Gnaw – are instantly recognisable to nearly any Transformer fan on the planet.
Gnaw got his first new toy in thirty years with his 2016 Titans Return figure. It was much beloved, especially since he was so small and cheap that you could by a ton of him! Well now three years after that Gnaw is taking his first steps into the Multiverse with a bigger (if somewhat similar figure). So let’s chomp down on Cyberverse Gnaw.
Robot Mode

Tubby fragger isn’t he! But he conforms perfectly to how the Sharkticons looked in the G1 show and how they may/probably look when they debut in the Cyberverse cartoon. The articulation isn’t too bad for a Warrior-Class CB figure, with some actuation in his shoulders, elbows, hips, knees and neck. With a neckline covered in teeth and a light grey, light blue and pink colour scheme you would be hard pressed to mistake this fella for anyone else.
Mace Mash
By pushing the shark fin situated in the middle of Gnaw’s Back you make him do a Mace Mash spin, akin to the gimmick that the Cyberverse Acid Storm sports. It’s kinda fun I guess, certainly aimed at a younger demographic. Certainly adds more play value than simply pressing a button like on Alpha Trion. I do like how his mace has a big kink in it, something to give it a bit more visual appeal.
Sharticon Mode

Half-Frog, Half-Shark – all ugly! Yup – he ticks all the boxes. This is for the most part simply an upscaled version of the Titans Return version, in fact their transformations are nearly identical. Sadly this Gnaw has no articulation in his arms which is a bit of a letdown as was something they could have been easily included without compromising the Mace Mash gimmick. But it’s a small quibble, on the whole he looks great. Ugly yes – but great.
Worth Getting?

Well, I reckon so. As only the third official Gnaw toy we’ve had in the last 33 years, people would have been over the moon if this had been released before the Titans Return figure existed. As it is he is worth getting if you are into Cyberverse or the character in general. Given the $29(AU) price point I can’t see many folk using him to army build. Given his size however, which is half way between the other two official Gnaw figures, he will add some nice variety to your Sharkticon displays.

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