The second in my reviews of the new Titans Return toyline, today I am looking at the Voyager-class figures, namely Galvatron and Sentinel Prime. As both former leaders of their factions its nice to see them get bigger figures based on the characters – lets see if their new triple changer/headmaster forms work shall we (rhetorical question – we shall. Otherwise you just clicked on this link for no reason and y’all don’t have the time to waste on such frivolous actions now do ya?).
Galvatron – Robot Mode

We really have needed a Voyager-class CHUG Galvatron for some time, as with the current line up of Generations figures the Generations version just doesn’t cut it. The closest we have had is the Energon version (which I really wish I had bought back in the day). The huge orange cannon on him really works well, it looks like it could blast through the side of a space station! It is very well proportioned and very indicative of the Galvatron cannon. Only thing is the mask that comes up to cover Nucelon – it doesn’t sit quite flush at the front so it looks like it is a mask covering something else.
Sentinel Prime – Robot Mode
His robot mode is fairly customizable in regards there are plenty of different places to place his gunds/cannons as well as how much you can angle the wings at the back. Personally I chose to have the cannons sticking up over his shoulders and the wings as back as I could with them placed there in order to emulate how the character looked in the Origins: Megatron comics on which this character model seems to be based. He is fairly big and bulky and the Infinitus face looks kinda like Optimus but not quite which is how it should be.
Galvatron – Cybertronian Cannon Mode
Like we have needed a big CHUG Galvatron figure, we’ve also needed one that turned into a cannon emplacement. This figure does this quite well, though I can’t say it is brilliant looking. It does however do the job. No real spot that makes sense for the Titan Master partner though.
Sentinel Prime – Cybertronian Shuttle Mode
No cockpit visible which makes sense for a character not intending to carry humans. Like the robot mode there are multiple places to place the guns/cannons which is cool. The dimensions of the shuttle work well and Infinitus can sit either in a cannon on the side or in the cockpit on top, I think he works better in the cockpit otherwise the shuttle looks too lopsided to be aerodynamic (I suppose that doesn’t matter in space though).
Galvatron – Cybertronian Jet Mode
This makes more sense as a third mode than a pistol. Very Cybertronian-esque and the cannon sticking out the front is indicative of Animated Megatron. Though this mode also doesn’t look perfect, it looks quite cool and gives the Titan Master figure an excuse to sit in the cockpit.
Sentinel Prime – Cybertronian Train Mode

Very reminiscent of Energon Omega Supereme. Lots of cannons all over and certainly wouldn’t fit through a terran train tunnel. This is the mode that Infinitus works best in the cannon emplacement on the side on. While the colour scheme is good, the orange and red and too strong and too similar to make out all the little details within the mode, and the cannons could have used their own colouring.
Both these figures work pretty well. Sentinel Prime has not had a CHUG figure to date (DOTM and Timlines yes) and Galvatron has had one that was far to small in comparison to the rest of the lineup. What I like about both these figures is that neither is trying to shoehorn in a terran mode – both are Cybertronian characters who have no interest fitting in on earth so don’t try and by not making concessions to do so make their alien alt-modes work better. As both triple changers and Headmasters they both have a lot of play value and so in my book are worth the associated price tag.