Tag Archives: Transformers

Transformer Fan Interview – Chris Bishop

It’s time for another Transformer Fan Interview, and once again this one comes from overseas, the good ol’ US of A.  Chris has some of the most brilliant looking Transformers displays I have ever seen, and he’s sharing photos of it as well sharing the history of his hobby with us today.


Name and/or nicknames:

Chris Bishop.  I used to go by makoaspire as a customizer, but not so much anymore.


Married man, nearly 20 years this go round. Two teenage daughters.


I own and operate my own full service sign company. I do the little stuff  – like banners and such, and the big stuff – like shopping center monuments. As well as all the stuff in between. Having the equipment and the background I do from the sign business has helped incalculably in creating the collection display space that I have now.


Well I basically live on Facebook, so all of my content is there.  You can see my customs work, which includes exhaustive photos of my collection as well at: https://www.facebook.com/LNOWcustoms

I’m going to be starting up a side venture selling my background prints and creating dio pieces for anyone who wants them. I’m sluggish on the start, but hope to get that running soon.

How would you rate yourself on a C scale, C10 being MISB Mint perfection, to the lowest C1 ‘junker not worth it even for parts’?

I’m a 50 year old man. I’ve got more dents and dings in my packaging than I care to admit, but you see, the inside’s gone to pot as well.  I’m not a total loss though, so I’ll give myself a C5+

Fan/Collector since (year)?

September 17, 1984. The day the G1 cartoon premiered in the US.  A week earlier, a kid in my class had the first TF toy I had ever seen, a Buzzsaw cassette.  Up until that point Star Wars was the top dog in my toy arsenal. Then I see this thing, that’s TWO things.  And one was a robot bird! I was intrigued.  Then he told me a cartoon was coming out for these toys and it was gonna start the following week. I was hooked.

Transformers Allegiance, if you had one?

Decepticon. I have a tattoo of the symbol on my shoulder, a badge on the front of my truck, Devastator adorns my shop’s garage door.

I’m not all good. I’ve done some untoward stuff in my life. I love dark humor. The darker the better. I cannot suffer fools easily or at least without making my disdain known. I complain a lot, but I love cats, am exceedingly helpful and don’t want to cause any unnecessary pain.

Your Techspec motto if you had one?

Be nice, until it’s time to not be nice.

What existing, official Transformers character best describes you?

Blitzwing.  Has leadership goals, has a few sides to him, can avoid a hit when necessary, has his own mind, but is ultimately loyal and honorable in the end.

Which special ability of any Transformers character would you want to have for yourself? 

I’m a Skywarp fan and hate long car trips so, teleportation would be great.

Do you think you will collect Transformers until you die?

Difficult to see.  Always in motion, is the future. Just as you have with your Transformatorium, I have spent an inordinate amount of time and effort, as well as money and other intangibles to create the setup I have, so I’m definitely “pot committed” to use a poker term. AFTER I die, well, that’s my survivor’s problem.  But I have all the boxes in the attic for them to pack everything into to sell.

Do people outside of the hobby know you collect TFs (like at work/school)?

Yes. Several do, but I am of a generation where being a nerd was not something that you ever wanted to be labeled. So I still find myself low key ashamed to be into this sort of thing, especially at my age. I don’t broadcast it beyond the “community”. However, you make allowances for always loving what you grew up with and I love these things.

Were your family/parents supportive of collecting toys or did you have to hide your passion from them and friends?

I would say in retrospect, that I was spoiled with toys as a child. I was a good kid, definitely not a Veruca Salt, but I had a lot of stuff.  I was the first kid, first grandchild, so a lot of gifts at birthdays and holidays.  Not the rest of the year.  We were lower middle working class, but somehow my family provided plenty. Though there was always that one figure, or playset, or whatever, that I didn’t have or wanted, but didn’t get.

What does your partner think of your hobby?

She supports me, whatever.  She’s not into the hobby by any means. But she appreciates the effort and the artistry that I bring to it, because for me, it’s not just about the collecting, it’s about creating things and marrying the two.

Have you attended any fan-meets, Fairs, Conventions, Special Events?

I’ve been to many local cons, as well as a few TFCons.  Next up is TFCON Baltimore in November.

Favourite series/era/year, and why?

Geee-Wunnnnn!  Because it was the right time, I was the right age, it was made for me, crafted to manipulate me into loving these characters, watching their cartoon exploits, reading their comics (and shrugging off the differing from the cartoon storylines). And ultimately BUYING (or being gifted or stealing) the toys.

I know it wasn’t the best written thing. I cringe at AKOM episodes, or laugh at all the animation errors. But it was FOR me…at the time. And generationally as a whole,  Xers and Early Millenials are so entangled in their own pop culture nostalgia. Moreso than any previous or subsequent generation. Perfect storm, man.

Collect any comics?

None beyond the original TF ones, but I’ve read everything that’s come down the pike about the G1 characters. Dreamwave, IDW, Image.

Favourite Comic issue/story, and why?

I realize that when it comes to the original G1 comics continuity we have Marvel US and UK titles.  As an American, I’m always talking about the US title.  The comic stories didn’t really move me in any particular way, but Issue #9 with Circuit Breaker stands out, as well as the cover for issue #5. And of course the abomination in issue 70.

Favourite Cartoon episode/story, and why?

Don’t have a favorite, but I have ones that I don’t really like. Most of those are in Season 3 or by AKOM studios. Lol.

Favourite Character, and why?

If you could combine Shockwave, Skywarp and Motormaster into one badass hombre, then that’s my guy!

Which Transformers character would you want to exist for real?

Huffer or Gears.  He can help me work and complain all day with me.

Approx TFs toy collection count (or give a range like 200s, 300s, 2000s etc): 

Including items not on display I’d estimate in the 300-400 range.

Sealed collector or out-of-packaging collector?

I have done both.  But mainly out and displayed. The current Mainline/Studio Series 86 bots all remain MISB and packed away in the attic.

How much do you think you’ve spent on your collecting habit?

Including the lumber, supplies, lighting, toys and all the display redos since the Ikea Detolf days of 2014 – roughly $25 – $30K

Any rare/expensive figures in your collection? 

I have a few exclusives.  The most recent pickup was the Yolopark Clear Purple Megatron.

What interesting Licensed Merchandise items do you have?

I stay away from non-figure purchases.  I used to heavily collect Star Wars stuff in my 20s.  Had a display space similar to what I have for the TFs without all the dios and backgrounds, though.  I bought EVERY. THING. Star Wars branded and it had to stay MISB.  Of course I had ALL of the figures and playsets. But then I started buying scented markers, collectors plates, store displays, Bags of chips and Pepsi products, bookmarks.  It became untenable. It swallowed my time and was a small, but contributing factor to the disintegration of my first marriage.

First Transformers toy?

G1 Trailbreaker was the first one I unwrapped that Xmas.

One toy you most want?

I don’t have a grail. I’ve bought everything I want…so far.

The centrepiece/favourite toy in your collection at the moment (and why)?

It’s quite literally the entire centerpiece of my display. In 2020 during the pandemic time off I built a Legends scale G1 cartoon centerpiece display unit for the space.  It is comprised of 4 sides, each with 3-4 shelves that have dios of G1 cartoon scenes populated with legends figures. I intentionally built it with differing composition angles that force you to keep looking and moving around the unit. I feel it’s the finest work I will ever do. And I already did it… So I’m done, I guess. Lol.

Side 1: The Ark & Sherman Dam

Side 2: The Oil Rig and the Decepticon Underwater Base

 Side 3: The 86 Movie

Side 4: Cybertron, the Space Bridge and Season 4

Favourite toy in your early years of collecting?

Soundwave was always a banger to have on hand.

Worst toy(s) ever in your opinion?

Dino-Riders. Shout out to my buddy Gort. Lol.  But I assume you meant worst TF toy.  I personally dislike the pretenders, especially the mega super pretenders or whatever they called them. I was out of TFs by that point, trying to catch the ladies.

Toy(s) that were most disappointing when you got them?

All of the G1 toys, really.  Even then I held the toys up and compared them to the toon, and found them lacking.  Don’t get me wrong, I loved they toys then, but I was keenly aware they didn’t match the characters on the show.  I mean Where TF are Ironhide & Ratchet’s heads??  It started me on the road to customization.  Not knowing any different I would regularly repaint my figures with house paints or even one time I glued lego bits to Blaster to make him combine with the Throttlebots.

Thoughts on gimmick and non-convertible Transformers toys?

A gimmick is only cool if it doesn’t take anything away from the figure. I couldn’t care less about opening doors and hoods, or steering wheels on car robots. When you start making sacrifices to include a gimmick, that’s when the toy IS the gimmick and not the character. As far as non-converting – that’s a case by case basis, but I don’t prefer it unless it is a definitive representation of the character.  I’m slavish to G1 toon accuracy if you haven’t come to that conclusion yet. However you still have to straddle the line sometimes when it comes to Devastator.

Which single TFs toy should every fan own?

A Prime. For better or worse, he’s the sigil of the franchise.

Which Transformers toy/product would you give as a wedding present?

I can’t imagine that being a possible scenario in my life. LOL. My TF collecting friends already have everything.

Do you collect other toys? 

Minimally.  I have small collections or single shelves of various 80’s pop-culture properties.  Back to The Future, They Live, Aliens, Ghostbusters, Jaws (70s) Flash Gordon and others.

I also have 3 shelves of Indiana Jones.  Artifacts from the films and the recent 6” figure line. I had to make custom figures of several of the characters that Hasbro left out.  All the shelves have some sort of backgrounds or dioramas. I can’t help myself 😉


How did you find out about www.bigangrytrev.com?

I’ve seen your Transformatorium photos in the groups before, and just watched your video.  It’s a massively, impressive collection you’ve amassed. Now it’s got it’s own orbit with people sending you stuff all the time to add to it. But to also be able to share it with your kids is golden, and best of all. I’m sure you’re supremely proud of it all, and you SHOULD be!

Thanks for requesting the interview. I’m quite proud of what I’ve done and like to show it off. I guess it’s the equivalent to gearheads and their rides and car shows or burning donuts. Except our collections can’t go anywhere to show off, we just get to post cool pics.

 Additional photos

Thank you so much to Chris for sharing his AMAZING Transformer displays with us!  If there is anything else you’d like to know about Chris and his hobby, pop it in the comments section below!

Ask Trev: Different reactions to The Transformatorium

This question comes from Adam in Melbourne:

“What’s the strangest reaction you’ve had when people see The Transformatorium?”

(Or as Adam put it: ‘the nerd shed’)

Well that’s a toughie, I’ve had at least a few hundred visitors to the shed since I first got it set up nearly 4 years ago.  Some people travel hours to specifically tour the shed and sometimes fathers contact me, wanting to bring their sons for their birthdays.  Conversely, sometimes it’s an unsuspecting tradesman visiting our farm, such as a mechanic or labourer, getting dragged in with a ‘Hey, you want to see something cool?’ line from yours truly.  Usually I do the lighting start up sequence, where shelf after shelf gets lit from the bottom up, ending with ignition of the ceiling light.  There is usually a lot of ‘Oh wow!’s followed by that moment of stunned amazement as people try to visually process what they are seeing, being completely enveloped by Transformers on every wall and even the ceiling.

Their subsequent reactions tend to be based on who they are and why they are seeing it.


People that know about The Transformatorium

Jason, Trent and Dallas – all travelled 3 hours to come hang out in the shed.

Reactions from people who have specifically come to see the Transformatorium, or at least are aware of its existence before visiting our place on other business are pretty standard:

Those coming to see the shed tend to go very quiet after their initial excitement, wandering around getting lost in the thousands of toys surrounding them.  They methodically work their way through shelf after shelf, seeing if they can spot any figures from their childhood.

Those who were aware of the sheds existence, but didn’t come specifically to see it, show bemusement a lot of the time.  This is often the mothers of the friends of my children, who are dropping their kids off for a playdate or party, and have been taken in for a look.  They seem impressed but also have a ‘why would anyone do this?’ look upon their faces.


People that don’t know about the shed

Lachlan came to clean an underground water tank – ended up getting a full tour he wasn’t expecting!

It’s the people that aren’t even aware that The Transformatorium exists (how that can be I do not know – the level of ignorance in society can be shocking sometimes!) are ones that give the most varied reactions, though the first reaction is always surprise as no one expects to see such a thing on a farm in the middle of nowhere.  In fact only last week my daughters new singing teacher (a very talented young woman who has appeared on The Big DJ Trev Show before) saw the shed for the first time, as did her mother later when she came to pick her daughter up.

The mother was extremely impressed and spent a long time looking around the shed.  In fact when her two other younger daughters were asking to leave after nearly half an hour she said ‘No, I haven’t finished looking yet’.

However when the singing teacher took a look, her reaction was almost accusatory. ‘How much did all this cost?’ I believe were her exact words.  In that scenario I was the one that was bemused.


People online

Most people on the internet are very complimentary when they first see a photo. I’ve received all kinds of compliments, and sometimes comments such as ‘I want come live there’ or ‘will you adopt me?’.

Some people say it looks like a store which I’ve always found a bit odd, though I take it as a compliment as to how they are displayed.  Other people react with questions, often about dusting but sometimes other things such as how many Transformers I have or the dimensions of the shed.

The Transformatorium – most popular FAQ’s


The Visitor Book

We used to have a carpet cleaning company come out once a year that was run by a husband and wife.  When I showed the husband the shed he swore a lot (in a good way), looked about, then went and got his wife from inside our main farmhouse ‘Ya gotta f*cken look at this!” I believe were his exact words to her.  It was actually his suggestion for me to get a visitors book.  Let’s have a look at just some of the reactions people have recorded in it over the years:

“Wow, that’s a BIG collection.  Dayam”   Brendan – 15/11/2020

Wow!  Just wow, and I want to play with them” – Ronnie – 19/12/2020

“All I can say is WOW!! Just completely blown away” – Brett, 24/01/2021

“Coolest thing I’ve ever seen” – Patrick, 07/08/2021

“It’s bloody awesome” – Shane & Jodie, 19/01/2022

“Mind Blowing!! Keep it growing” – Michelle, 06/08/2022

“Wow wow wow!!! I can’t actually believe how incredible it is.  Fabulous Job Trev”Diane, 11/12/2022

“Amazing – ‘More than meets the eye’” – Pieter from Able Media Productions, 13/01/2023

“I loved listening to you talk about your collection.  May it grow even bigger!” Ben from Mudgee Guardian, 19/05/2023

“Amazing, childhood dream come true” – Matt, Chester & Ashlee, 06/08/2023

“Incredible!! You da bomb Trev!” – Lisa & Scott, 03/02/2024

“Mind instantly blown, it took me back to my childhood.  Amazing” – Michael & Wyatt, 24/04/2024

“WOWSERS! Oh my HAT!” – Petrina, 12/06/2024


The Strangest Reaction Ever

The strangest reaction I ever got, ever, would have to be from one of the operators of Dry Creek Farm, an awesome company that uses goats in order to clean out noxious weeds like blackberries in an environmentally sustainable way in the best traditions of permaculture.  His reaction was – nothing.

Complete indifference.  Could have been saying to him ‘Hey, look at this brick that looks exactly like those 27,000 other bricks over there, isn’t it great?!’  Didn’t like it, didn’t dislike it, just didn’t care.

I’ve encountered wonder, awe, shock, confusion, bemusement, amazement & joy.  I’ve had people visibly impressed, dumbstruck, stunned and surprised.  But never, before or since, have I had someone look inside the shed and have the same expression one would have looking at a piece of grass – just complete disinterest.  Even people that aren’t into Transformers are either impressed with the scale of the collection they are seeing, or at least kinda curious in how it came about since its not something you see every day. But nope, not this time.


So Adam, the strangest reaction the nerd shed ever got was no reaction at all.

Cheers for your question.

Event Review – Transformers 40th Cinema Event

As most members of the Transformers Fandom would be aware, this year is the 40th anniversary of the franchise.

As such, worldwide Hasbro held a special Transformers 40th Cinema Event worldwide!

This event consisted of firstly a sneak peak at Season 2 of the cartoon series Transformers Earthspark.   This was then followed by a Table Read of the script of the very first episode of the Generation One cartoon, with many of the surviving voice actor cast.  Lastly the subsequent 3 episodes of the G1 cartoon were shown.

Whilst it was cool to get a look at the upcoming S2 of Earthspark, a short two minute section of an episode showcasing Starscream and his Seekers fighting the Autobots, and was also cool to see the G1 Episodes up on the big screen, it was really the Table Read that was the highlight of the show.

As someone who knows (either proudly or sadly depending on your viewpoint) every episode of the old 80’s cartoon by heart, it was interesting to hear the likes of Pete Cullen and Frank Welker reading out their lines.  Not only were the inflections different, but you could also hear (especially in Cullen) how their voices have aged over four decades.

Other members of the original cast were there too, but of course sadly not all have survived, necessitating some characters vocals being performed by other voice actors.  The voice actor that picked up Starscream and Wheeljack did an impressive rendition of Starscream, however made Wheeljack sound like he should be trying to order food at a Kosher Deli before having an afternoon nap.  The highlight however was Gregg Berger reading Spike Witwicky – he sounded nothing like Spike but rather a 4 year old about to tell on another student in kindergarten for taking his favorite toy.   Every time he did Spike the audience erupted in laughter and delight!

Myself personally booked tickets the moment the showing was announced at Event cinemas and went along with a large group of friends and our sons, including superfans Dallas, Trent and Brendan.

Fun for the kids…
… and the kids at heart!

However two weeks after we had booked and paid for our tickets, I was contacted by Hasbro and Double Jump Communications to let me know of a special VIP Showing in Sydney that same night.  Whilst I would have loved to attend, there was no way I was bailing on my friends so sadly had to miss out.  However lots of other friends attended, including David Quinn and Lisamaree.  They have kindly provided some photos and a few words about their experiences.


Recount  by Lisamaree:

I was lucky enough to attend the VIP 40th Anniversary Transformers cinematic screening event at Event Cinemas in George Street, in the heart of the Sydney CBD.

One of the big differences with this event from previous VIP events I’ve been to was the diversity and sheer number of fans. Sure, the regular mega fans were there, but so were a lot of fans who didn’t know about any of the Australian Transformers clubs or online forums. Some were collectors and others just love Transformers cartoons or characters. It was a great mix of geekdom ready to celebrate 40 years of transforming robots. Yeah!

At 6pm the fans were invited into an area where glorious cardboard cut-outs (or giant standees as a lot of the “younger generation” were calling them) greeted us. G1 box-art of Megatron, Soundwave, Bumblebee and Ravage were super-sized and lining the entry for everyone to enjoy and take photos with.

Inside the foyer there was a giant backdrop of the classic G1 box art from the original toys to take photos in front of, a demonstration of the Robosen Optimus, Megatron and Grimlock self-transforming robots, a glass display of new and upcoming toys and an array of Transformer One cut-out characters to grab a photo op with.

For those who posted on social media with the right tags, the event organisers gave a limited number of Transformers One posters as prizes.

We were encouraged to post our photos from the event on social media, which I always do for these kinds of events in the hope of encouraging other fans to get involved and join in.

As we were ushered into the V-Max cinema everyone received a goodie bag that contained a G1 40th anniversary poster, a legend class Legacy United figure (either Tasmania Kid or Dinobot Sludge) and a discount voucher for Amazon.

The cinema greeted us with a movie sized still of the G1 backing box art on the big screen. It was impressive to see the classic 80’s artwork larger than life. The chairs were well spaced very comfy recliners. Masterpiece Ironhide, who had joined me as my figure of choice for the night, made himself quite at home on my chair as I took in the atmosphere of all the fans filling the cinema in excitement.

The event organiser started the session off with a transformers trivia competition. They were all easy trivia until the question “Name the four moons of Cybertron” was asked. Can you answer that without googling it? No one in our cinema could and there were some absolute Transformers masterminds in the room.

We were given a preview of the Transformers One trailer before getting into the viewing of the first 4 episodes of the Transformers G1 cartoon. The first episode voices were re-recorded with as many of the original cast as possible and a couple of more recent voice actors standing in for those we’ve lost. Watching Peter Cullen and Frank Welker side by side reprising the first episode was nostalgic, funny, amazing and so very 80’s. As the episode progressed the voice actors were shown performing their lines side by side with the animation, which, was very pixelated and didn’t translate well onto the big screen… but that didn’t stop anyone enjoying the show. Notable shout out to Frank Todaro who did an amazing and incredibly expressive job filling in as Starscream.

At the end of the first episode we got to see a bloopers reel of Frank making Peter laugh, Greg Berger trying to make everyone laugh and some of the antics that had taken place while the voice actors had recorded the session together around a table.

There was a collective disappointment that the 2nd, 3rd and 4th episodes shown hadn’t been given the same re-recorded voice actor treatment but it was a novelty to see the tv episodes in a cinema format.

After the episodes finished the event organisers came back to the front of the cinema and told us there was one last prize for the best social media post.

Then they said the winner was … “aus – geek – mum”. My jaw dropped as I belatedly processed… ausgeekmum… that was me! I raised Ironhide in the air and yelled “woohoo” as the organiser came up and game me my prize. The prize included Rise of the Beasts Airazor, Rise of the Beasts legend class Arcee and a Rise of the Beasts Bumblebee mask.

At first I looked at it and thought “oh no – not ANOTHER Airazor!” but then another collector pointed out to me it was autographed. In fact, all the items were autographed. Arcee was autographed by the actress who voiced her in Rise of the Beasts – Liza Kolby. I was told Airazor was autographed by Michelle Yeoh, however I have yet to confirm this as the signature doesn’t look like her normal signature. Bumblebee was autographed too, but I gave him away to another collector I know really well as the mask wasn’t something I would have displayed in my collection and I believe in sharing the good luck around.

As everyone moved out of the cinema fans were congregated near a number of the large cut-out figures. People were focussed on a group of the cut-outs on one side of the walkway when I noticed Ravage standing on his own behind everyone. I walked up to him and said “well, since no one is taking you, you can come home with me!” I grabbed him with glee and said “I’m taking him”.

Someone asked if I wanted to swap with Bumblebee and I politely said no while in my mind thinking there was no comparison between the autobot scout and the supremely superior Ravage. I made the trip home via the train with Ravage taking up his own 3-seater seat, much to the delight of most of the people in the carriage who couldn’t believe what they were seeing. He will now take up pride of place as the Prime Shrine attack kitty for the rest of his days.

Overall it was a fun night. Lots of laughs, nostalgia and fun was had with a small swag of goodies to top it all off.


Photo’s by David Quinn:


From Big Angry Trev thanks to Hasbro and Double Jump for putting on these fantastic events!  I’m sure we speak for all fans when we say we look forward to more in the future!


Transformers: Rise of the Beasts – Special Preview Screening Event!

Toy Review – DX Battle Station Optimus Prime

It’s been nice to see Takara revert to form in the last few years regarding minor changes and upgraded paint jobs.  And this is most certainly evident in the latest Optimus Prime toy from Earthspark when compared to its Hasbro counterpart.  So without further ado lets take a look at DX Battle Station Optimus Prime.


Robot Mode

Optimus is redeco of the Warrior-class version of the toy from last year, sporting a bright colour scheme and that signature Earthspark large mouthplate.  The articulation is good and the flip-out battle axe is a nice touch.  Just a shame he’s got the nose of the truck hanging off him like an oversized bum-bag.


Truck Mode

Nice looking, and the bright colour scheme will really appeal to younger fans.  The arms are the letdown here.  Not only does it leave a gap between the shoulders on the back of the truck cab, but they are a total pain in the arse during transformation as they need to clip into the cab, the nose and the tail of the truck, and often when doing one tab you cause another to come loose or accidentally jostle the opposing arm free.  This makes what is otherwise a simplistic transformation quite fiddly and irritating.


Base Mode

The paintjob on this really sets it apart from its Hasbro counterpart as well as the Cyberverse versions this was lifted from.  It’s a pretty cool looking base with lots of 5mm ports you can attach extra guns to and will accomodate a deluxe sized vehicle.  It’s a shame that the big spring-loaded cannons come out the back of the base but this is necessary for the Battle Trailer Mode.


Trailer/Battle Trailer

It’s a good looking and well proportioned trailer.  The ramp at the back folds down to allow deluxe-sized vehicles to enter the trailer cavity.

A spring-loaded mechanism allows to big guns to flip out at the front of the trailer, and the roof folds over to not only allow for a turret gun but also another transformer to stand in the trailer to operate it, giving it a lot of play value!



This figure is realitively cheap for its size and its abundance in Japan makes it easy to find and import.  The only let downs are the transformation from robot to truck and overall it feels like the plastic is realitvely weak and cheaply made.  However this is a really fun figure and is highly recommended!


Unboxing Video!

Check out the unboxing video below from our YouTube channel, and why not give a like & subscribe while you are there!

Transformers Collection – Cyberverse

And thus the great cataloging of my collection continues.

Transformers Cyberverse got off to a slow start.  Not a great amount of toys and most of those either Warrior-class or 1-step changers.  Also the cartoon was pretty lackluster, it seemed that, like the comics, it was the ‘Bumblebee & Windblade Show’ – two characters definetely overused in recent years.

Then in the second year Cyberverse really took off!  Better toys, way better cartoon and a much bigger range of characters in both.  Also Cyberverse brought back a something that had been missing from Transformers for a long time – humour!  Some of those cartoon episodes were genuinely funny, such as Wheeljack magnetizing an energon-infused Grimlock or Grimlock & Arcee standing on the prow of The Ark blasting asteroids with gattling guns while laughing their heads off!

Yes, like Robots in Disguise (15) Cyberverse is probably not the favorite iteration of Transformers for many fans, but seasons 2 to 4 were great fun and we got some cool figures – even our first official Scraplet!


Transformers Cyberverse Action Figure Collection

Cyberverse Autobot Figures


*Item #CV0001: Transformers Cyberverse Warrior Autobot Optimus Prime (MOSC)


*Item #CV0002: Transformers Cyberverse Deluxe Autobot  Optimus Prime

*Item #CV0003: Transformers Cyberverse Deluxe Autobot  Thunderhowl


*Item #CV0004: Transformers Cyberverse Deluxe Autobot  Bumblebee

*Item #CV0005: Transformers Cyberverse Roll & Combine Autobot  Bumblebee

*Item #CV0006: Transformers Cyberverse Warrior Autobot  Bumblebee


*Item #CV0007: Transformers Cyberverse Deluxe Autobot Hot Rod

*Item #CV0008: Transformers Cyberverse Warrior Autobot  Hot Rod


*Item #CV0009: Transformers  Cyberverse Ultra Dinobot Grimlock

*Item #CV0010: Transformers Cyberverse Warrior Dinobot Grimlock

Toys Review – Cyberverse: Grimlock & Shockwave


*Item #CV0011: Transformers Cyberverse Deluxe Dinobot Slug

*Item #CV0012: Transformers Cyberverse Ultra Dinobot Sludge

*Item #CV0013: Transformers Cyberverse Roll & Combine Dinobot Swoop

*Item #CV0014: Transformers Cyberverse Warrior Dinobot Snarl

Toys Review – Cyberverse Dinobots


*Item #CV0015: Transformers Cyberverse 1-step Autobot Repugnus

*Item #CV0016: Transformers Cyberverse 1-step Autobot Whirl

*Item #CV0017: Transformers Cyberverse 1-step Autobot Blurr


*Item #CV0018: Transformers Cyberverse Warrior Autobot Windblade

*Item #CV0019: Transformers Cyberverse Warrior Autobot Prowl

*Item #CV0020: Transformers Cyberverse Warrior Autobot Jetfire

*Item #CV0021: Transformers Cyberverse Warrior Autobot Arcee

Toy Review: Cyberverse Prowl


*Item #CV0022: Transformers Cyberverse Autobot Wheeljack (MOSC)

*Item #CV0023: Transformers Cyberverse Autobot Windblade (MOSC)


*Item #CV0024: Transformers Cyberverse Autobot Cosmic Patrol Prowl (MOSC)

*Item #CV0025: Transformers Cyberverse Autobot Blizzard Breaker Ratchet (MOSC)


*Item #CV0026: Transformers Cyberverse Autobot TCV-26 Jazz (MOSC)


*Item #CV0027: Transformers Cyberverse Ultra Autobot Rack’n’Ruin

*Item #CV0028: Transformers Cyberverse Ultra Autobot Alpha Trion

Toy Review – Cyberverse Alpha Trion


*Item #CV0029: Transformers Cyberverse Busy Books Autobot Bumblebee

*Item #CV0030: Transformers Cyberverse Busy Books Autobot Optimus Prime

*Item #CV0031: Transformers Cyberverse Busy Books Autobot Hot Rod

*Item #CV0032: Transformers Cyberverse Busy Books Autobot Bumblebee vehicle

*Item #CV0033: Transformers Cyberverse Busy Books Autobot Optimus Prime vehicle

*Item #CV0034: Transformers Cyberverse Busy Books Autobot Hot Rod vehicle


Cyberverse Decepticon Figures


*Item #CV0035: Transformers Cyberverse Elite Decepticon Megatron

*Item #CV0036: Transformers Cyberverse Deluxe Decepticon Megatron


*Item #CV0037: Transformers Cyberverse 1-Step Decepticon Megatron X


*Item #CV0038: Transformers Cyberverse Ultra Decepticon Shockwave

*Item #CV0039: Transformers Cyberverse Warrior Decepticon  Shockwave

*Item #CV0040: Transformers Cyberverse Deluxe Decepticon  Shockwave

Toys Review – Cyberverse Deluxe Class, Wave 1


*Item #CV0041: Transformers Cyberverse Decepticon Solar Shock Shockwave (MOSC)

*Item #CV0042: Transformers Cyberverse Decepticon Demolition Destryoyer Starscream (MOSC)


*Item #CV0043: Transformers Cyberverse Warrior Decepticon Deadlock

*Item #CV0044: Transformers Cyberverse Warrior Decepticon Acid Storm

*Item #CV0045: Transformers Cyberverse 1-Step Decepticon Bludgeon

*Item #CV0046: Transformers Cyberverse Warrior Deepticon Dead End

Toy Review – Cyberverse: Acid Storm


*Item #CV0047: Transformers Cyberverse Warrior Decepticon  Slipstream (MOSC)


*Item #CV0048: Transformers Cyberverse Ultra Decepticon  Slipstream

*Item #CV0049: Transformers Cyberverse Ultra Decepticon Starscream

Toy Review: Cyberverse Slipstream (Ultra)


*Item #CV0050: Transformers Cyberverse Ultra Decepticon Clobber

*Item #CV0051: Transformers Cyberverse Ultra Decepticon Ramjet

*Item #CV0052: Transformers Cyberverse Ultra Decepticon Wildwheel


*Item #CV0053: Transformers Cyberverse Scout Decepticon Ramjet (MOSC)

*Item #CV0054: Transformers Cyberverse Scout Decepticon Shadow Striker (MOSC)

*Item #CV0055: Transformers Cyberverse Scout Decepticon Dead End (MOSC)


*Item #CV0056: Transformers Cyberverse Deluxe Decepticon Soundwave

*Item #CV0057: Transformers Cyberverse Decepticon Laserbeak

*Item #CV0058: Transformers Cyberverse Warrior Decepticon Soundwave

Toy Review – Cyberverse Soundwave


*Item #CV0059: Transformers Cyberverse Ultra Decepticon Skullcruncher


*Item #CV0060: Transformers Cyberverse Busy Books Decepticon Soundwave

*Item #CV0061: Transformers Cyberverse Busy Books Decepticon Megatron

*Item #CV0062: Transformers Cyberverse Busy Books Decepticon Starscream

*Item #CV0063: Transformers Cyberverse Busy Books Decepticon Soundwave vehicle

*Item #CV0064: Transformers Cyberverse Busy Books Decepticon Megatron vehicle

*Item #CV0065: Transformers Cyberverse Busy Books Decepticon Starscream vehicle


Other Cyberverse Character Figures


*Item #CV0066: Transformers Cyberverse (Alchemist Prime)  MacAddams

*Item #CV0067: Transformers Cyberverse Titan Iaconus


*Item #CV0068: Transformers Cyberverse Scraplet


*Item #CV0069: Transformers Cyberverse Warrior Sharkticon Gnaw


-Quintesson Invasion Pack (MISB). Including:

*Item #CV0070: Transformers Cyberverse Prowl

*Item #CV0071: Transformers Cyberverse Quintesson Judge

*Item #CV0072: Transformers Cyberverse Decepticon Shockwave


-Sharkticons Attack Pack (MISB). Including

*Item #CV0073: Transformers Cyberverse Autobot Stealth Force Hot Rod

*Item #CV0074: Transformers Cyberverse Sharkticon 1

*Item #CV0075: Transformers Cyberverse Sharkticon 2

*Item #CV0076: Transformers Cyberverse Sharkticon 3


Transformers Collection – Animated


Transformers Collection – Toyline Cards

To take a little break from cataloging action figures, I decided to catalog my Transformers Trading Cards.

However its been a much bigger task than I thought  Where I thought I had a few hundred, it turns out I have over a thousand!

So I’ve broken my card collection into catagories such as Movieverse cards and TCG cards, and here we are with the 3rd category – Toyline Cards.


Transformer Toyline Trading Cards


G1 Reissues

*Item #GRTC001:  Decepticon Nautilator

*Item #GRTC002: Overbite

*Item #GRTC003: Decepticon Seawing

*Item #GRTC004: Skalor

*Item #GRTC005: Decepticon Tentakil

*Item #GRTC006: Decepticon Snap Trap

*Item #GRTC007: Decepticon Piranacon


Encore/JP Reissues

*Item #ETC001: 16 Special

*Item #ETC002: D-62-S

*Item #ETC003: E-Hobby 68

*Item #ETC004: D-73

*Item #ETC005: D-74

*Item #ETC006: D-75

*Item #ETC007: D-76

*Item #ETC008: D-77

*Item #ETC009: D-78


*Item #ETC010: Encore 05

*Item #ETC011: Encore 06

*Item #ETC012: Encore 13

*Item #ETC013: 46


Robots in Disguise (2001)

*Item #RIDTC001: Dreadwing

*Item #RIDTC002: Smokejumper



*Item #ATC001: Optimus Prime

*Item #ATC002: Jetfire

*Item #ATC003: Sideswipe

*Item #ATC004: Blurr

*Item #ATC005: Smokescreen

*Item #ATC006: Scavenger

*Item #ATC007: Overload

*Item #ATC008: Red Alert

*Item #ATC009: Hot Shot

*Item #ATC010: Megatron

*Item #ATC011: Tidal Wave

*Item #ATC012: Demolishor

*Item #ATC013: Starscream

*Item #ATC014: Skywarp

*Item #ATC015: Thundercracker

*Item #ATC016: Cyclonus

*Item #ATC017: Predacon

*Item #ATC018: Thrust

*Item #ATC019: Sideways

*Item #ATC020: Unicron

*Item #ATC021: Laserbeak

*Item #ATC022: Laserbeak (2nd unit)



*Item #ETC001: Optimus Prime

*Item #ETC002: Rodimus

*Item #ETC003: Jetfire

*Item #ETC004: Omega Supreme

*Item #ETC005: Prowl

*Item #ETC006: Inferno

*Item #ETC007: Hot Shot

*Item #ETC008: Roadblock

*Item #ETC009: Downshit

*Item #ETC010: Ironhide

*Item #ETC011: Tow-Line

*Item #ETC012: Landmine

*Item #ETC013: Bulkhead

*Item #ETC014: Storm Jet

*Item #ETC015: Grimlock & Swoop


*Item #ETC016: Megatron

*Item #ETC017: Scorponok

*Item #ETC018: Starscream

*Item #ETC019: Shockblast

*Item #ETC020: Slugslinger

*Item #ETC021: Barricade

*Item #ETC022: Snow Cat

*Item #ETC023: Demolishor

*Item #ETC024: Steamhammer

*Item #ETC025: Sharkticon

*Item #ETC026: Alpha Quintesson

*Item #ETC027: Mirage


Transformers Go!

*Item #GOTC001: Junbu (robot)

*Item #GOTC002: Jinbu (vehicle)

*Item #GOTC003: Jinbu (combined)

*Item #GOTC004: Ganoh (robot)

*Item #GOTC005: Ganoh (vehicle)

*Item #GOTC006: Ganoh (combined)

*Item #GOTC007: Kenzan (robot)

*Item #GOTC008: Kenzan (vehicle)

*Item #GOTC009: Kenzan (combined)


Henkei! Henkei!

*Item #HHTC001: C-19 Cosmos

*Item #HHTC002: C-19 Warpath

*Item #HHTC003: C-19 Wheelie


Transformers Music Label

*Item #MLTC001: Soundwave


Thrilling 30 Collectibles

*Item #T30TC001: 1/30 Optimus Prime

*Item #T30TC002: 2/30 Megatron

*Item #T30TC003: 3/30 Ratchet

*Item #T30TC004: 4/30 Starscream

*Item #T30TC005: 5/30 Soundwave

*Item #T30TC006: 18/30 Ultra Magnus

*Item #T30TC007: 19/30 Grimlock

*Item #T30TC008: 20/30 Rodimus

*Item #T30TC009: 22/30 Prime Shockwave

*Item #T30TC010: 23/30 Prime Wheeljack

*Item #T30TC011: 25/30 Prime Insecticon


Combiner Wars

*Item #CWTC001: Optimus Prime

*Item #CWTC002: Rodimus

*Item #CWTC003: Wreck-Gar

*Item #CWTC004: Silverbolt

*Item #CWTC005: Alpha Bravo

*Item #CWTC006: Skydive

*Item #CWTC007: Firefly

*Item #CWTC008: Powerglide

*Item #CWTC009: Victorion

*Item #CWTC010: Computron

*Item #CWTC011: Scattershot

*Item #CWTC012: Sky Lynx

*Item #CWTC013: Hot Spot

*Item #CWTC014: Groove

*Item #CWTC015: Windcharger

*Item #CWTC016: Huffer

*Item #CWTC017: Pipes

*Item #CWTC018: Warpath


*Item #CWTC019: Megatron

*Item #CWTC020: Armada Megatron

*Item #CWTC021: Shockwave

*Item #CWTC022: Starscream

*Item #CWTC023: Thundercracker

*Item #CWTC024: Thundercracker 2

*Item #CWTC025: Cyclonus

*Item #CWTC026: Skywarp

*Item #CWTC027: Skywarp 2

*Item #CWTC028: Devestator

*Item #CWTC029: Liokaiser

*Item #CWTC030: Onslaught

*Item #CWTC031: Motormaster

*Item #CWTC032: Drag Strip

*Item #CWTC033: Blackjack

*Item #CWTC034: Blackjack (2nd unit)

*Item #CWTC035: Bombshell

*Item #CWTC036: Chop Shop

*Item #CWTC037: Buzzsaw

*Item #CWTC038: Viper


Titans Return

*Item #TRTC001: Powermaster Optimus Prime

*Item #TRTC002: Sentinel Prime

*Item #TRTC003: Alpha Trion

*Item #TRTC004: Blaster

*Item #TRTC005: Rewind

*Item #TRTC006: Stripes

*Item #TRTC007: Bumblebee

*Item #TRTC008: Cosmos

*Item #TRTC009: Seaspray

*Item #TRTC010: Perceptor

*Item #TRTC011: Road Burn

*Item #TRTC012: Wheelie

*Item #TRTC013: Chromedome

*Item #TRTC014: Hardhead

*Item #TRTC015: Highbrow

*Item #TRTC016: Hot Rod

*Item #TRTC017: Seargeant Kup

*Item #TRTC018: Blurr

*Item #TRTC019: Broadside

*Item #TRTC020: Topspin

*Item #TRTC021: Twin Twist

*Item #TRTC022: Breakaway

*Item #TRTC023: Windblade

*Item #TRTC024: Twinferno

*Item #TRTC025: Fortress Maximus


*Item #TRTC026: Brawn


*Item #TRTC027: Galvatron

*Item #TRTC028: Scourge

*Item #TRTC029: Soundwave

*Item #TRTC030: Rumble

*Item #TRTC031: Laserbeak

*Item #TRTC032: Ravage

*Item #TRTC033: Wolfwire

*Item #TRTC034: Skullsmasher

*Item #TRTC035: Mindwipe

*Item #TRTC036: Six Shot

*Item #TRTC037: Blitzwing

*Item #TRTC038: Octone

*Item #TRTC039: Sky Shadow

*Item #TRTC040: Triggerhappy

*Item #TRTC041: Misfire

*Item #TRTC042: Quake

*Item #TRTC043: Krok

*Item #TRTC044: Kickback

*Item #TRTC045: Trypticon

*Item #TRTC046: Gnaw

*Item #TRTC047: Gnaw (2nd unit)


Power of the Primes

*Item #POTPTC001: Optimus Prime

*Item #POTPTC002: Rodimus Prime

*Item #POTPTC003: Wreck-Gar

*Item #POTPTC004: Optimal Optimus

*Item #POTPTC005: Elita-1

*Item #POTPTC006: Novastar

*Item #POTPTC007: Moonracer

*Item #POTPTC008: Beachcomber

*Item #POTPTC009: Tailgate

*Item #POTPTC010: Outback

*Item #POTPTC011: Grimlock

*Item #POTPTC012: Slug

*Item #POTPTC013: Sludge

*Item #POTPTC014: Swoop

*Item #POTPTC015: Snarl

*Item #POTPTC016: Slash

*Item #POTPTC017: Windcharger

*Item #POTPTC018: Jazz

*Item #POTPTC019: Inferno


*Item #POTPTC020: Starscream

*Item #POTPTC021: Blackwing

*Item #POTPTC022: Dreadwind

*Item #POTPTC023: Rodimus Unicronus

*Item #POTPTC024: Hun-Grrr

*Item #POTPTC025: Blot

*Item #POTPTC026: Rippersnapper

*Item #POTPTC027: Cutthroat

*Item #POTPTC028: Sinnertwin

*Item #POTPTC029: Roadtrap

*Item #POTPTC030: Battleslash

*Item #POTPTC031: Cindersaur


Kingdom Cards

*Item #KTC001: Optimus Prime

*Item #KTC002: Nemesis Prime

*Item #KTC003: Blackarachnia

*Item #KTC004: Blackarachnia (2nd unit)

*Item #KTC005: Blackarachnia (scanning)

*Item #KTC006: Blackarachnia (Predacon)

*Item #KTC007: Blackarachnia (Maximal)

*Item #KTC008: Blackarachnia (Maximal) (2nd unit)

*Item #KTC009: Ark

*Item #KTC010: Ark (Decepticon)

*Item #KTC011: Ark (Robot)

*Item #KTC012: Ark 1984

*Item #KTC013: Dinobot

*Item #KTC014: Dinobot (2nd unit)

*Item #KTC015: Dinobot (altmode)

*Item #KTC016: Dinobot (Maximal)

*Item #KTC017: Dinobot (Predacon)


Tiny Titans

*Item #TTTC001: 1/12 Ultra Magnus

*Item #TTTC002: 3/12 Terrashock

*Item #TTTC003: 12/12 Autobot Jazz

*Item #TTTC004: 10/12 Grimlock

*Item #TTTC005: 11/12 Crazybolt

*Item #TTTC006: 12/12 Barrage

*Item #TTTC007: 10/12 Perceptor

*Item #TTTC008: 2/12 Repugnus

*Item #TTTC009: 3/12 Wreck-Gar

*Item #TTTC010: 5/12 Filch

*Item #TTTC011: 6/12 Decepticon Fracture

*Item #TTTC012: 7/12 Shockwave

*Item #TTTC013: 9/12 Wheeljack

*Item #TTTC014: 12/12 Autobot Twinferno

*Item #TTTC015: 1/12 Bumblebee

*Item #TTTC016: 2/12 Sky-Byte

*Item #TTTC017: 4/12 Cheetor

*Item #TTTC018: 5/12 Minimus Ambus

*Item #TTTC019: 7/12 Nightstrike

*Item #TTTC020: 8/12 Optimus Prime

*Item #TTTC021: 8/12 Optimus Prime (2nd unit)

*Item #TTTC022: 9/12 Unicron

*Item #TTTC023: 9/12 Unicron (2nd unit)


*Item #TTTC024: 9/12 Thunderhoof



*Item #MPTC001: MP-3 Starscream

*Item #MPTC002:  MP-5 Megatron

*Item #MPTC003: MP-8 Grimlock

*Item #MPTC004: MP-10B Black Convoy

*Item #MPTC005: MP-11 Starscream

*Item #MPTC006: MP-11 Starscream (2nd unit)

*Item #MPTC007: MP-11T Thundercracker

*Item #MPTC008: MP-11ND Dirge

*Item #MPTC009: MP-11NR Ramjet


*Item #MPTC010: MP-11NT Thrust

*Item #MPTC011: MP-12 Lambor

*Item #MPTC012: MP-12G Lambor G-2 Ver.

*Item #MPTC013: MP-14 Alert

*Item #MPTC014: MP-15/16-E Cassettbot vs Cassettron

*Item #MPTC015: MP-17 Prowl

*Item #MPTC016: MP-18 Streak

*Item #MPTC017: MP-19 Smokescreen

*Item #MPTC018: MP-20 Wheeljack


*Item #MPTC019: MP-21 Bumble

*Item #MPTC020: MP-22 Ultra Magnus

*Item #MPTC021: MP-23 Exhaust

*Item #MPTC022: MP-24 Starsaber

*Item #MPTC023: MP-25 Tracks

*Item #MPTC024: MP-26 Road Rage

*Item #MPTC025: MP-27 Ironhide

*Item #MPTC026: MP-28 Hot Rodimus

*Item #MPTC027: MP-29 Destron Laserwave


*Item #MPTC028: MP-30 Ratchet

*Item #MPTC029: MP-33 Inferno

*Item #MPTC030: MP-35 Grapple

*Item #MPTC031: MP-36 Megatron

*Item #MPTC032: MP-39 Sunstreaker

*Item #MPTC033: MP-45 Bumble Ver 2.0

*Item #MPTC034: MP-46 Blackwidow (Beast Wars)

*Item #MPTC035: MP-47 Hound

*Item #MPTC036: MP-51 Arcee


*Item #MPTC037: MP-53 Skids

*Item #MPTC038: MP-53+ Senator Crosscut

*Item #MPTC039: MP-55 Nightbirdshadow

*Item #MPTC040: MP-56 Trailbreaker

*Item #MPTC041: MP-57 Skyfire

*Item #MPTC042: MP-58 Hoist


*Item #MPTC043: MPG-01 Trainbot Shouki

*Item #MPTC044: MPG-02 Trainbot Getsuei

*Item #MPTC045: MPG-02 Trainbot Yukikaze

*Item #MPTC046: MPG-04 Trainbot Suiken

*Item #MPTC047: MPG-05 Trainbot Seizan

*Item #MPTC047: MPG-05 Trainbot Kaen


Card Count: 299



Cards that don’t fit under any other catagory


Top Trump Mini

*Item #TTMTC001: Optimus Prime

*Item #TTMTC002: Cliffjumper

*Item #TTMTC003: Bumblebee

*Item #TTMTC004: Hound

*Item #TTMTC005: Jazz

*Item #TTMTC006: Bluestreak

*Item #TTMTC007: Ironhide

*Item #TTMTC008: Ratchet

*Item #TTMTC009: Grapple

*Item #TTMTC010: Megatron

*Item #TTMTC011: Shockwave

*Item #TTMTC012: Soundwave

*Item #TTMTC013: Frenzy

*Item #TTMTC014: Laserbeak

*Item #TTMTC015: Ravage

*Item #TTMTC016: Grimlock

*Item #TTMTC017: Starscream

*Item #TTMTC018: Cover Card


Transformers Collectors Club Australia

*Item #TCCATC01: 5 Ultra Magnus

*Item #TCCATC02: 6 Shockwave

*Item #TCCATC03: 15 Springer

*Item #TCCATC04: 16 Cyclonus

Card Count: 22


Transformers Collection – Movieverse Cards

Transformers Collection – TCG Cards

Transformers Collection – Movieverse Cards

To take a little break from cataloging action figures, I decided to catalog my Transformers Trading Cards.

However its been a much bigger task than I thought  Where I thought I had a few hundred, it turns out I have over a thousand!

So I’ve broken my card collection into catagories, and lets start with the first catagory – Movieverse Cards.


Transformers (the live action Movie)

*Item #TTC0001: Embossed Foil Card 8 of 10 Optimus Prime

*Item #TTC0002: 3 Bumblebee Autobot


*Item #TTC0003: 19 Sam Witwicky

*Item #TTC0004: 21 John Keller

*Item #TTC0005: 25 Satt Sgt. Epps


*Item #TTC0006: 35 Desert Trek

*Item #TTC0008: 37 Assault on Qatar

*Item #TTC0009: 41 A boy, a girl and a robot

*Item #TTC0010: 49 A conference with Keller

*Item #TTC0011: 51 Inside Hoover Dam

*Item #TTC0012: 56 Airborne Menace

*Item #TTC0013: 66 Hero with a heart

*Item #TTC0014: 68 Behemoth on Ice

*Item #TTC0015: 76 Programmed to kill


Transformers 3D Battle Card Game

*Item #BCGC001: Mirage (robot)

*Item #BCGC002: 60 Mirage Battle Card

*Item #BCGC003: Jetfire (robot)

*Item #BCGC004: Blackout (robot)

*Item #BCGC005: 90 Blackout Battle Card


Dark of the Moon Official Trading Cards

*Item #OTC0001: CR-02 Bumblebee

*Item #OTC0002: CR-05 Bumblee & Camero

*Item #OTC0003: CR-06 Autobot Shield


*Item #OTC0004: CL-02 Card List 02

*Item #OTC0005: CL-02 Card List 02 (2nd card)

*Item #OTC0006: CL-03 Card List 03

*Item #OTC0007: CL-04 Card List 04

*Item #OTC0008: CL-05 Card List 05

*Item #OTC0009: CL-06 Card List 06

*Item #OTC0010: CL-06 Card List 06 (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0011: CL-07 Card List 07

*Item #OTC0012: CL-08 Card List 08

*Item #OTC0013: CL-08 Card List 08 (2ND unit)

*Item #OTC0014: CL-09 Card List 09


*Item #OTC0015: SP-03 Bumblebee

*Item #OTC0016: SP-04 Sentinel Prime

*Item #OTC0017: SP-09 Optimus Color

*Item #OTC0236: SP-09 Optimus Color


*Item #OTC0018: GC-02 Bumblebee

*Item #OTC0019: GC-04 Megatron

*Item #OTC0020: GC-07 Ironhide

*Item #OTC0021: GC-09 Dark of the Moon

*Item #OTC0022: SC-03 Sentinel Prime

*Item #OTC0237: SC-03 Sentinel Prime (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0023: SC-06 Starscream

*Item #OTC0024: SC-07 Ironhide


*Item #OTC0025: MC-04 Ironhide

*Item #OTC0026: MC-05 Sideswipe

*Item #OTC0027: MC-07 Sentinel Prime

*Item #OTC0028: MC-13 Bumblebee Camero

*Item #OTC0029: MC-19 Barricade

*Item #OTC0030: MC-24 Blackout

*Item #OTC0031: MC-25 Frenzy


*Item #OTC0032: OP-01 Optimus Prime 1

*Item #OTC0033: OP-01 Optimus Prime 1 (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0034: OP-02 Optimus Prime 2

*Item #OTC0035: OP-03 Optimus Prime 3

*Item #OTC0036: OP-03 Optimus Prime 3 (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0037: OP-04 Optimus Prime 4

*Item #OTC0038: OP-04 Optimus Prime 4 (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0039: OP-05 Optimus Prime 5

*Item #OTC0040: OP-05 Optimus Prime 5 (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0041: OP-06 Optimus Prime 6

*Item #OTC0042: OP-06 Optimus Prime 6 (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0043: OP-07 Optimus Prime 7

*Item #OTC0044: OP-07 Optimus Prime 7 (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0045: OP-08 Optimus Prime 8

*Item #OTC0046: OP-08 Optimus Prime 8 (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0047: OP-09 Optimus Prime 9

*Item #OTC0048: OP-09 Optimus Prime 9 (2nd unit)


*Item #OTC0049: ST-01 Sentinel Prime 1

*Item #OTC0050: ST-03 Sentinel Prime 3

*Item #OTC0051: ST-03 Sentinel Prime 3 (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0052: ST-04 Sentinel Prime 4

*Item #OTC0053: ST-06 Sentinel Prime 6

*Item #OTC0054: ST-06 Sentinel Prime 6 (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0055: ST-07 Sentinel Prime 7

*Item #OTC0056: ST-09 Sentinel Prime 9

*Item #OTC0057: ST-09 Sentinel Prime 9 (2nd unit)


*Item #OTC0058: BB-01 Bumblebee 1

*Item #OTC0059: BB-01 Bumblebee 1 (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0060: BB-02 Bumblebee 2

*Item #OTC0061: BB-02 Bumblebee 2 (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0062: BB-04 Bumblebee 4

*Item #OTC0063: BB-04 Bumblebee 4 (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0064: BB-05 Bumblebee 5

*Item #OTC0065: BB-07 Bumblebee 7

*Item #OTC0066: BB-07 Bumblebee 7 (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0067: BB-08 Bumblebee 8

*Item #OTC0068: BB-09 Bumblebee 9


*Item #OTC0069: MG-01 Megatron 1

*Item #OTC0070: MG-01 Megatron 1 (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0071: MG-02 Megatron 2

*Item #OTC0072: MG-04 Megatron 4

*Item #OTC0073: MG-04 Megatron 4 (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0074: MG-07 Megatron 7

*Item #OTC0075: MG-07 Megatron 7 (2nd unit)


*Item #OTC0076: SW-01 Shockwave 1

*Item #OTC0077: SW-01 Shockwave 1(2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0078: SW-02 Shockwave 2

*Item #OTC0079: SW-02 Shockwave 2 (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0080: SW-03 Shockwave 3

*Item #OTC0081: SW-04 Shockwave 4

*Item #OTC0082: SW-04 Shockwave 4 (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0083: SW-01 Shockwave 5

*Item #OTC0084: SW-01 Shockwave 5 (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0085: SW-01 Shockwave 7

*Item #OTC0086: SW-01 Shockwave 7 (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0087: SW-01 Shockwave 8

*Item #OTC0088: SW-01 Shockwave 8 (2nd unit)


*Item #OTC0089: AC-01 Optimus Prime

*Item #OTC0090: AC-01 Optimus Prime (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0091: AC-02 Bumblebee

*Item #OTC0092: AC-04 Ironhide

*Item #OTC0093: AC-05 Sideswipe

*Item #OTC0094: AC-08 Arcee

*Item #OTC0095: AC-08 Arcee (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0096: AC-09 Sentinel Prime

*Item #OTC0097: AC-09 Sentinel Prime (2nd unit)


*Item #OTC0098: DC-02 Shockwave

*Item #OTC0099: DC-02 Shockwave (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0100: DC-03 Starscream

*Item #OTC0101: DC-03 Starscream (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0102: DC-04 Demolisher

*Item #OTC0103: DC-04 Demolisher (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0104: DC-05 Rampage

*Item #OTC0105: DC-05 Rampage (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0106: DC-08 Ravage

*Item #OTC0107: DC-09 The Fallen

*Item #OTC0108: DC-09 The Fallen (2nd uit)


*Item #OTC0109: MS1-01 Scorponok strikes in Quatar

*Item #OTC0110: MS1-04 The location of the Allspark

*Item #OTC0111: MS1-06 “Autobots Roll Out

*Item #OTC0112: MS1-06 “Autobots Roll Out” (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0113: MS1-07 Bonecrusher bashes bus

*Item #OTC0114: MS1-11 “I smell you… boy”

*Item #OTC0115: MS1-11 “I smell you… boy” (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0116: MS1-12 “These things just don’t die”

*Item #OTC0117: MS1-12 “These things just don’t die” (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0118: MS1-15 “Give me the cube… boy”


*Item #OTC0119: MS2-01 The destruction of Demolisher

*Item #OTC0120: MS2-02 Soundwave launches Ravage

*Item #OTC0121: MS2-02 Soundwave launches Ravage (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0122: MS2-03 Starscream taunts at Sam

*Item #OTC0123: MS2-04 Optimus visits Sam

*Item #OTC0124: MS2-04 Optimus visits Sam (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0125: MS2-05 Ironhide

*Item #OTC0126: MS2-05 Ironhide (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0127: MS2-06 Optimus fires at Megatron

*Item #OTC0128: MS2-07 Megatron confronts Starscream

*Item #OTC0129: MS2-07 Megatron confronts Starscream (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0130: MS2-08 Battle in the Forest

*Item #OTC0131: MS2-08 Battle in the Forest (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0132: MS2-09 Jetfire speaks of the Primes


*Item #OTC0133: MS2-10 Bumblebee

*Item #OTC0134: MS2-10 Bumblebee (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0135: MS2-12 Jetfire Teleports

*Item #OTC0136: MS2-13 Sam & Mikaela dashes to cover

*Item #OTC0137: MS2-13 Sam & Mikaela dashes to cover (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0138: MS2-15 Megatron attacks top of the Pyramid

*Item #OTC0139: MS2-16 “Optimus, take my parts”

*Item #OTC0140: MS2-16 “Optimus, take my parts” (2nd unit

*Item #OTC0141: MS2-17 Victory over The Fallen

*Item #OTC0142: MS2-18 “I am Optimus Prime”

*Item #OTC0143: MS2-18 “I am Optimus Prime” (2nd unit)


*Item #OTC0144: PA-02 Bumblebee

*Item #OTC0145: PA-03 Shockwave

*Item #OTC0146: PA-03 Shockwave (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0147: PA-04 Shockwave

*Item #OTC0148: PA-04 Shockwave (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0149: PA-05 Shockwave

*Item #OTC0150: PA-05 Shockwave (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0151: PA-06 Megatron

*Item #OTC0152: PA-06 Megatron (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0153: PA-07 Megatron

*Item #OTC0154: PA-07 Megatron (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0155: PA-08 Megatron

*Item #OTC0156: PA-08 Megatron (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0157: PA-09 Sentinel Prime

*Item #OTC0158: PA-10 Optimus Prime

*Item #OTC0159: PA-10 Optimus Prime (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0160: PA-11 Bumblebee

*Item #OTC0161: PA-12 Sentinel Prime


*Item #OTC0162: LA-02 Bumblebee

*Item #OTC0163: LA-03 Sentinel Prime

*Item #OTC0164: LA-03 Sentinel Prime (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0165: LA-05 Shockwave

*Item #OTC0166: LA-06 Starscream

*Item #OTC0167: LA-06 Starscream (2nd unit)


*Item #OTC0168: RV-01 Bumblebee 1

*Item #OTC0169: RV-02 Ratchet 1

*Item #OTC0170: RV-02 Ratchet 1 (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0171: RV-03 Ironhide 1

*Item #OTC0172: RV-03 Ironhide 1 (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0173: RV-04 Bumblebee 2

*Item #OTC0174: RV-05 Ratchet 2

*Item #OTC0175: RV-05 Ratchet 2 (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0176: RV-06 Ironhide 2

*Item #OTC0177: RV-08 Sideswipe 2

*Item #OTC0178: RV-08 Sideswipe 2 (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0179: RV-09 Sideswipe 3

*Item #OTC0180: RV-01 Sideswipe 3 (2nd unit)


*Item #OTC0181: CC1-01 Power Up Optimus Prime 1

*Item #OTC0182: CC1-01 Power Up Optimus Prime 1 (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0183: CC1-03 Power Up Optimus Prime 3

*Item #OTC0184: CC1-04 Power Up Optimus Prime 4

*Item #OTC0185: CC1-04 Power Up Optimus Prime 4 (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0186: CC1-06 Power Up Optimus Prime 6

*Item #OTC0187: CC1-07 Power Up Optimus Prime 7

*Item #OTC0188: CC1-07 Power Up Optimus Prime 7 (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0189: CC1-09 Power Up Optimus Prime 9


*Item #OTC0190: CC2-02 Demolisher & Devestator 2

*Item #OTC0191: CC2-02 Demolisher & Devestator 2 (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0192: CC2-03 Demolisher & Devestator 3

*Item #OTC0193: CC2-05 Demolisher & Devestator 5

*Item #OTC0194: CC2-05 Demolisher & Devestator 5 (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0195: CC2-06 Demolisher & Devestator 6

*Item #OTC0196: CC2-08 Demolisher & Devestator 8

*Item #OTC0197: CC2-08 Demolisher & Devestator 8 (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0198: CC2-09 Demolisher & Devestator 9


*Item #OTC0199: CC3-01 Arcee & Sideswipe 1

*Item #OTC0200: CC3-04 Arcee & Sideswipe 4


*Item #OTC0201: CC4-01 Decepticons 1

*Item #OTC0202: CC4-01 Decepticons 1 (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0203: CC4-02 Decepticons 2

*Item #OTC0204: CC4-03 Decepticons 3

*Item #OTC0205: CC4-03 Decepticons 3 (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0206: CC4-04 Decepticons 4

*Item #OTC0207: CC4-04 Decepticons 4 (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0208: CC4-05 Decepticons 5

*Item #OTC0209: CC4-06 Decepticons 6 (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0210: CC4-06 Decepticons 6 (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0211: CC4-07 Decepticons 7

*Item #OTC0212: CC4-07 Decepticons 7 (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0213: CC4-08 Decepticons 8

*Item #OTC0214: CC4-09 Decepticons 9

*Item #OTC0215: CC4-09 Decepticons 9 (2nd unit)


*Item #OTC0216: CC5-01 Optimus & Sentinel 1

*Item #OTC0217: CC5-03 Optimus & Sentinel 3

*Item #OTC0218: CC5-03 Optimus & Sentinel 3 (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0219: CC5-04 Optimus & Sentinel 4

*Item #OTC0220: CC5-05 Optimus & Sentinel 5

*Item #OTC0221: CC5-06 Optimus & Sentinel 6

*Item #OTC0222: CC5-06 Optimus & Sentinel 6 (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0223: CC5-07 Optimus & Sentinel 7

*Item #OTC0224: CC5-08 Optimus & Sentinel 8

*Item #OTC0225: CC5-09 Optimus & Sentinel 9

*Item #OTC0226: CC5-09 Optimus & Sentinel 9 (2nd unit)


*Item #OTC0227: CC6-02 Autobots 2

*Item #OTC0228: CC6-02 Autobots 2 (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0229: CC6-03 Autobots 3

*Item #OTC0230: CC6-05 Autobots 5

*Item #OTC0231: CC6-06 Autobots 6

*Item #OTC0232: CC6-08 Autobots 8

*Item #OTC0233: CC6-08 Autobots 8 (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0234: CC6-09 Autobots 9

*Item #OTC0235: CC6-09 Autobots 9 (2nd unit)


TF3 Unlock the Secrets Cards

*Item #UTSC001: Megatron

*Item #UTSC002: Autobot Symbol

*Item #UTSC003: Bumblebee

*Item #UTSC004: Bumblebee 2

*Item #UTSC007: Bumblebee 2 (2nd unit)

*Item #UTSC008: Sentinel Prime

*Item #UTSC009: Sentinel Prime (2nd unit)


TF4 Topps Cards

*Item #TF4C001: 1 Autobots

*Item #TF4C002: 38 Bumblebee

*Item #TF4C003: 72 Sideswipe

*Item #TF4C004: 88 Mikaela Barnes

*Item #TF4C005: 91 Carly Spenser


Total Count: 271 Cards


Transformers Collection – Toyline Cards

Video: Trev interviewed on the Frostbite channel

Today I was very happy, after many delays on my end, to be interviewed by Leeny for his youtube channel Frostbite’s GI Joe Repro.  However instead of discussing GI Joe’s, we discussed Transformers – evrything from how my hobby began to my most beloved figures to how I now share the hobby with my son.

So tune in and enjoy Big Angry Trev interviewed on Frostbite.

And dont forget to subscribe and check out some of the other great interviews on the Frostbite’s GI Joe Repro channel!


Video: Interviews at Transformers Rise of the Beasts Preview Screening

Video: Interviews at More than Meets the Eye Exhibition


Transformer Fan Interview – James

For several years we have been doing Transformer Fan interviews with different Aussie collectors.

Well as the Big Angry Trev Blog grows, the borders of our great brown land are no longer big enough to contain it!  So it’s time to travel across the watery ditch to a country where my girlfriend convinced me to throw myself off a bridge (no not relationship problems, went bungy-jumping). So coming all the way from New Zealand, we have Transformer Collector James, giving us the low down on his favorite hobby.


Name and/or nicknames:

James Nomansson, James Anderson (current legal name, pending change to the former), PSPS, TheAlderbunny, NoGravitasHere



One sister and her family unit. The rest of my relations are total writeoffs.



Professional nerd-plastic shill! I sell Lego Bionicle parts and sets. I’m actually the biggest seller for the theme in the Southern Hemisphere!



PSPS Facebook:
PSPS BrickLink:
PSPS Parts Guide:

PSPS Social Club:


How would you rate yourself on a C scale, C10 being MISB Mint perfection, to the lowest C1 ‘junker not worth it even for parts’? 

I guess no lower than C7? I have a real stick up my ass about quality, but there’s a limit y’know?


Fan/Collector since (year)?

I was a 90s kid, so I grew up with Beast Wars, the Unicron trilogy, and Bayverse. The only one of those that really stuck with me was Bayverse of all things. I don’t count myself as a collector until like, 2020-2021 when I started actively seeking new figures. Blame Transformers: Prime and my friend Koda for that.


Transformers Allegiance, if you had one?

Ex-Decepticon turned Autobot, for sure. I uhh… Wasn’t a great person in the past.


Your Techspec motto if you had one?

What is better – to be born good, or to overcome your evil nature through great effort?


What existing, official Transformers character best describes you?

Probably Bayverse Jetfire. I’m only 30, but I feel like a cantankerous, eccentric old man.


Which special ability of any Transformers character would you want to have for yourself?

Teleportation, hands down. It’s just awesome, even if it’s limited to just line-of-sight.


What drew you to Transformers, making you become a fan/collector?

Transformers: Prime was my adult gateway drug. I was bored during the pandemic, and started watching TF:P on a whim. I fell in love with Soundwave’s design in particular, and my friend Koda was kind enough to help me navigate the fandom as a complete novice.


Do you think you will collect Transformers until you die?

As long as they keep making stuff I want, absolutely! My tastes are pretty niche, limited almost entirely to live action and TF:P.


Do people outside of the hobby know you collect TFs (like at work/school)?

Yep! Collection pics occasionally leak over into promo posts for PSPS, and my mates all know I’m a sucker for the big shiny robots.


Were your family/parents supportive of collecting toys or did you have to hide your passion from them and friends?
As a kid, yes.


What does your partner think of your hobby?

Well, it’s just me, along with my cat, Floof. He doesn’t seem to mind.


Have you attended any fan-meets, Fairs, Conventions, Special Events?

Nah, not really my shtick.


Any creative endeavours with Transformers (drawing, writing, customising, etc)?

I commission the odd bit of custom work (paint or printed parts), but aside from that, no.


Favourite series/era/year, and why?

It’s a tie between Bayverse and TF:P. Both have some pretty glaring flaws, but it’s easy to love something that’s perfect. Bot designs, and toy engineering, are where my enthusiasm for the hobby lies. The fact that some of these big, shiny Bayverse bots look so good, and are still able to transform, will never cease to amaze me. They just keep getting better too! I made the leap to unlicensed bots pretty early on, and never looked back.

Movie Review – Transformers: The Last Knight


Collect any comics?

Nope, not my shtick. Wouldn’t have anywhere to put them either, jeez… Space is at a premium here!

Favourite Comic issue/story, and why?

Unknown due to lack of exposure.


Favourite Cartoon episode/story, and why?

TF:P S01E05 – Darkness Rising. Purely for what might be the most savage burn in Transformers history.

Starscream – ‘Surely, Lord, Megatron, the Autobots are… Up to something.’
Megatron (with the most sarcasm ever) – ‘Reeeally, Starscream?’

Favourite Character, and why?

Optimus Prime. Either as space–dad, or grumpy war-crime machine. As an aside, the live action films are kind of a fun wee slide into Nemesis Prime if you squint a bit.

Toys Review – POTP Optimus & Rodimus Prime


Sexiest Transformers (robot) Character?

Unknown, not my thing. The concept baffles me a bit, to be honest.


Which Transformers character would you want to exist for real?

Probably TF:P Arcee? Not for sexy reasons haha, I just love 2 wheeled transport. I never enjoyed driving cars, and Arcee’s characterisation in Prime is surprisingly complex. The PTSD element, which she works through as the show progresses, really adds a more mature sorta vibe to her as a character. She’s not just like, the token female y’know?


Approx TFs toy collection count (or give a range like 200s, 300s, 2000s etc):

54, and a pile of Scraplets.


Sealed collector or out-of-packaging collector?

FREE THEM! Let them breathe! Out of packaging, for sure. Can’t transform them in a box!


How much do you think you’ve spent on your collecting habit?

Nope, not answering that. That’s the Forbidden Math question hahahaha. I know they’re insured for like $8000NZD though.


Any rare/expensive figures in your collection?

A couple, yeah! The most expensive would be MM01 v2 Bumblebee Movie Optimus Prime, and his upgrade kit. As for the most rare… Possibly the TF:P Vehicon Flyer General?


What interesting Licensed Merchandise items do you have?

None whatsoever!


 First Transformers toy? 

I think it was Beast Machines Obsidian?

One toy you most want?

Toy that exists? Go! Smokescreen, from TF:P. It’s got much more accurate paint than the other decos, but it’s a total fart to find.

Toy that doesn’t exist? A decent TF:P Knockout, or an MPM/MPM+ scale DOTM Jetwing Prime.


The centrepiece/favourite toy in your collection at the moment (and why)?

God I hate this question.

For the big live action stuff, it’d be MM01 BBM Optimus, or Black Apple Thunder Leader ‘07 Optimus.

For my smaller stuff, probably APC Attack Prime v2? The chrome just makes the figure pop, and he’s absolutely gorgeous in hand. Huge pain in the ass to find in the right paint though.


Favourite toy in your early years of collecting?

TF:P RID Soundwave. I love that weird lanky dude, so much.


Worst toy(s) ever in your opinion?

SS WW2 Hot Rod. That mould and figure are abysmal. It was a stain on my early SS collection. I gave it to a friend who ended up selling it. More power to him, I couldn’t justify asking money for that pile of crap.


Toy(s) that were most disappointing when you got them?

MPM Starscream’s mould. The lack of bicep rotation was a huge disappointment. Thankfully, one of my friends modified his arms.


Thoughts on gimmick and non-convertible Transformers toys?

Not for me personally, with the odd exception. I have some ‘accessory’ figures that don’t transform, like the Scraplets, or Lockdown’s Steeljaws, or Igor. My personal collection ‘rule’ is that if a Transformer doesn’t transform, it’s usually not for me. No hate to people who go in for the Threezero/YoloPark/whatever non-transforming stuff though, each to their own!


Which single TFs toy should every fan own?

TF:P RID Vehicon. Steve is just a funky little dude. Any version of that mould is just an absolute delight to handle.


Which Transformers toy/product would you give as a wedding present?

Probably none? I’d much rather give the happy couple something they can both enjoy at the same time. Transformers are a bit hard to co-op transform.


Do you collect other toys?

God yes. I have a disgustingly expensive collection of Bionicle masks, as well as a bunch of system sets I repurpose for D&D. And some pretty UCS/UCS equivalent space sets, mostly Star Wars. Again, my tastes are very niche, but if I see something I like, it’s coming home.


What is your favourite TF themed post on this website?

Transformers Collection – Prime

Pretty boring of me, but I loved seeing Trev’s collection of TF:P bots! I covet his Go! Smokescreen fiercely. If it’s ever on the market, I call dibs.


How did you find out about www.bigangrytrev.com?

Trev and I bumped into each other in Botposting, and struck up a conversation about Vehicons. It all went downhill from there hahaha.


Thank you James for sharing your hobby with us!  If you’ve got any questions for James, pop them in the comments section below.

Transformers Collection – Prime

And thus the great cataloging of my personal collection continues.

The Transformers Prime cartoon came out while the live-action movies were at their peak in popularity,  and so took on much of their asthetic.  Prime as a long-nosed cab, Arcee as a motorcycle, Bumblebee having a damaged voicebox – all lifted from the Movieverse.  This meant that poor old Ironhide lost his spot on Team Prime as in the Movieverse, Sentinel had just killed him.

Prime has proven to be one of the most popular Transformer cartoons of all time, and it had a pretty good toyline to go with it, although all the sublines contained within became very confusing, including: First Edition, Robots in Disguise, Cyberverse, Arms Micron, Go!, Adventure, Thrilling 30, Beast Hunters, Beast Hunters: Preadacons Rising and even more!


Transformers Prime Autobot Figures

Transformers Prime Autobots


*Item #PRA001: Transformers Prime Beast Hunters Autobot Ultimate Optimus Prime

Reference Photo: #P00260


*Item #PRA002: Transformers Prime  Autobot  Optimus Prime

*Item #PRA003: Transformers Prime Beast Hunters Autobot  Optimus Prime

Reference Photo: #P00261


*Item #PRA004: Transformers Prime  Autobot Weaponizer Bumblebee

*Item #PRA005: Platinum Edition Transformers Prime  Autobot Weaponizer Ultra Magnus (MISB)

*Item #PRA006: Transformers Prime  Autobot Weaponizer Optimus Prime

Reference Photo: #P00262


*Item #PRA007: Transformers Prime  Autobot Ultra Magnus

*Item #PRA008: Transformers Adventure  Autobot TAV14 Ultra Magnus

Reference Photo: #P00263


*Item #PRA009: Transformers Prime  Autobot Cliffjumper

*Item #PRA010: Transformers GO! Prime  Autobot G06 Smokescreen

*Item #PRA011: Transformers Prime  Autobot Kup

*Item #PRA012: Transformers Prime  Autobot Hot Shot

*Item #PRA013: Transformers Prime  Autobot Wheeljack

*Item #PRA014: Transformers Prime  Autobot Bumblebee

*Item #PRA015: Transformers Prime  Autobot Arcee

*Item #PRA016: Transformers Prime  Autobot Ratchet

Reference Photo: #P00264


*Item #PRA017: Transformers Prime  Autobot Bulkhead

Reference Photo: #P00265


*Item #PRA018: Transformers Prime  Beast Hunters Autobot Smokescreen

*Item #PRA019:  Transformers Prime  Beast Hunters: Predacons Rising Autobot Smokescreen

Reference Photo: #P00266


*Item #PRA020: Transformers Prime  Autobot Fallback

*Item #PRA021:  Transformers Prime  Autobot Tailgate

Reference Photo: #P00267


*Item #PRA022: Transformers Prime  Autobot Ironhide

*Item #PRA023: Transformers Prime  Beast Hunters Autobot Huffer

*Item #PRA024: Transformers Prime  Beast Hunters Autobot Trailcutter

Reference Photo: #P00268


*Item #PRA025: Transformers Prime  Beast Hunters Autobot Arcee (MOSC)

*Item #PRA026: Transformers Prime  Beast Hunters Autobot Arcee

Reference Photo: #P00269


*Item #PRA027: Transformers Arms Micron Orion Pax  (MISB)

*Item #PRA028: Transformers Arms Micron Gold Metal R.A (MISB)

Reference Photo: #P00270


*Item #PRA029: Transformers Prime  First Edition Terrorcon Cliffjumper (MOSC)

Reference Photo: #P00271


*Item #PRA030: Transformers Prime  Cyberverse Autobot Quickblade Bumblebee (MOSC)

*Item #PRA031: Transformers Prime  Cyberverse Autobot Arcee (MOSC)

*Item #PRA032: Transformers Prime  Beast Hunters Autobot Prowl (MOSC)

Reference Photo: #P00272


*Item #PRA034: Transformers Prime  Cyberverse Autobot Wheeljack (MISB)

*Item #PRA035: Transformers Prime  Cyberverse Star Hammer (vehicle) (MISB)

Reference Photo: #P00273


*Item #PRA036: Transformers Arms Micron  Shadow C.L

*Item #PRA037: Transformers Arms Micron  Shining B.B

Reference Photo: #P00274


*Item #PRA038: Thrilling 30 CollectibleTransformers Prime  Autobot Wheeljack

Reference Photo: #P00275


*Item #PRA039: Mashems Transformers Prime  Autobot Optimus Prime

*Item #PRA040: Mashems Transformers Prime  Autobot Optimus Prime (2nd unit)

*Item #PRA041: Mashems Transformers Prime   Autobot Bulkhead

*Item #PRA042: Mashems Transformers Prime  Autobot Bumblebee

Reference Photo: #P00276


*Item #PRA043: McDonald’s Transformers Prime  Autobot Bumblebee

*Item #PRA044: McDonald’s Transformers Prime  Autobot Optimus Prime

*Item #PRA045: McDonald’s Transformers Prime  Autobot Bumblebee (vehicle mode)

*Item #PRA046: McDonald’s Transformers Prime  Autobot Optimus Prime (vehicle mode)

Reference Photo: #P00277


*Item #PRA047: Kinder Surprise Transformers Prime  Autobot Ratchet

*Item #PRA048: Kinder Surprise Transformers Prime  Autobot Arcee

*Item #PRA049: Kinder Surprise Transformers Prime  Autobot Bumblebee

*Item #PRA050: Kinder Surprise Transformers Prime  Autobot Optimus Prime

*Item #PRA051: Kinder Surprise Transformers Prime  Autobot Bulkhead

*Item #PRA052: Kinder Surprise Transformers Prime  Autobot Bulkhead (2nd unit)

Reference Photo: #P00278


Transformers Prime Decepticon Figures

Transformers Prime Decepticons


*Item #PRD001: Transformers Prime  Decepticon Megatron

Reference Photo: #P00279


*Item #PRD002: Transformers Prime  Decepticon Starscream

Reference Photo: #P00280


*Item #PRD003: Transformers Prime  Decepticon Soundwave

*Item #PRD004: Transformers Prime  Decepticon Laserbeak

Reference Photo: #P00281


*Item #PRD005: Transformers Go! Prime Decepticon G13 Shockwave

Reference Photo: #P00282


*Item #PRD006: Transformers Prime  Decepticon Skyquake

Reference Photo: #P00283


*Item #PRD007: Transformers Prime  Decepticon Knock Out

Reference Photo: #P00284


*Item #PRD008: Transformers Prime  Decepticon Arachnid

Reference Photo: #P00285


*Item #PRD009: Transformers Prime  Decepticon Dead End

Reference Photo: #P00286


*Item #PRD010: Transformers Prime  Arms Micron Stunticon Wildrider

*Item #PRD011: Transformers Prime  Arms Micron Ozu

Reference Photo: #P00287


*Item #PRD012: Transformers Adventure TAV-12 Decepticon Dreadwing

Reference Photo: #P00288


*Item #PRD013: Transformers Arms Micron  Decepticon AM-30 Rumble

*Item #PRD014: Transformers Arms Micron  Decepticon AM-31 Frenzy

*Item #PRD015: Transformers Prime  Arms Micron Dago-R

*Item #PRD016: Transformers Prime  Arms Micron Dago-F

Reference Photo: #P00289


*Item #PRD017: Transformers Arms Micron  AM-34 Jet Vehicon General

*Item #PRD018: Transformers Prime  Arms Micron Igu S

Reference Photo: #P00290


*Item #PRD019: Transformers Prime  Cyberverse Vehicon

*Item #PRD020: Transformers Prime  Beast Hunters Cyberverse Jet Vehicon

Reference Photo: #P00291


*Item #PRD021: Transformers Prime  Insecticon

Reference Photo: #P00292


*Item #PRD022: Transformers Prime  Cyberverse Decepticon Knock Out

Reference Photo: #P00293


*Item #PRD023: Transformers Thrilling 30 Collecible Prime  Decepticon Shockwave

*Item #PRD024: Transformers Thrilling 30 Collectible Prime  Insecticon

Reference Photo: #P00294


*Item #PRD025: Transformers Prime  Robots in Disguise Vehicon (MOSC)

*Item #PRD026: Transformers Prime  First Edition Vehicon (MOSC)

Reference Photo: #P00295


*Item #PRD027: Transformers Prime  Beast Hunters Decepticon Soundwave (MOSC)

*Item #PRD028: Transformers Prime  Beast Hunters Decepticon Ravage (MOSC)

Reference Photo: #P00296


*Item #PRD029: Transformers Prime  Cyberverse Decepticon Flamewar (MOSC)

Reference Photo: #P00297


*Item #PRD030: Transformers Prime  Decepticon EZ-SP2 Breakdown (MOSC)

*Item #PRD031: Transformers Prime Cyberverse  Decepticon Breakdown (MOSC)

Reference Photo: #P00298


*Item #PRD032: Transformers Arms Micron  Decepticon AM-22 Dreadwing (MISB)

*Item #PRD033: Transformers Arms Micron  Jigu (MISB)

Reference Photo: #P00299


*Item #PRD034: Transformers Prime Cyberverse Decepticon Knock Out

*Item #PRD035: Transformers Prime Cyberverse Energon Driller (vehicle)

Reference Photo: #P00300


*Item #PRD036: Transformers Prime Star Seeker Thundertron

Reference Photo: #P00301


*Item #PRD037: Transformers Arms Micron  Shadow Gora

*Item #PRD038: Transformers Arms Micron  Shadow Balo

Reference Photo: #P00302


*Item #PRD039: McDonald’s Transfomers Prime Breakdown

Reference Photo: #P00303


*Item #PRD040: McDonald’s Transfomers Prime Decepticon Megatron

*Item #PRD041: McDonald’s Transfomers Prime Decepticon Starscream

*Item #PRD042: McDonald’s Transfomers Prime Decepticon Megatron (vehicle)

*Item #PRD043: McDonald’s Transfomers Prime Decepticon Starscream (vehicle)

Reference Photo: #P00304


*Item #PRD044: Kinder Surprise Transfomers Prime Decepticon Megatron

*Item #PRD045: Kinder Surprise Transfomers Prime Decepticon Starscream

*Item #PRD046: Kinder Surprise Transfomers Prime Decepticon Starscream (2nd unit)

*Item #PRD047: Kinder Surprise Transfomers Prime Decepticon Soundwave

*Item #PRD048: Kinder Surprise Transfomers Prime Decepticon Soundwave (2nd unit)

Reference Photo: #P00305


Transformers Prime Predacon Figures

Transformers Prime Predacons


*Item #PRP001: Transfomers Prime Predacon Predaking

Reference Photo: #P00306


*Item #PRP002: Transfomers Prime Predacon Skylynx

*Item #PRP003: Transfomers Prime Predacon Vertebreak

Reference Photo: #P00307


*Item #PRP004: Transfomers Prime Predacon Cindersaur

*Item #PRP005: Transfomers Prime Predacon Rot Gut

Reference Photo: #P00308


*Item #PRP006: Transfomers Prime Predacon Blight

*Item #PRP007: Transfomers Prime Predacon Windrazor

*Item #PRP008: Transfomers Prime Predacon Hun-Grrr

*Item #PRP009: Transfomers Prime Predacon Rippersnapper

*Item #PRP010: Transfomers Prime Predacon Twinstrike

Reference Photo: #P00309


Transformers Prime Gods Figures

*Item #PRG001: Transfomers Arms Micron Unicron

*Item #PRG002: Transfomers Arms Micron Bogu

Reference Photo: #P00310


Transformers Prime VS

*Item #PRV001: Transfomers Prime Robots in Disguise Autobot  Bumblebee (MISB)

*Item #PRV002: Transfomers Prime Human MECH Soldier (MISB)

*Item #PRV003: Transfomers Prime Human Silas (MISB)

*Item #PRV004: Transfomers Prime Robots in Disguise  Starscream (MISB)

Reference Photo: #P00311