Tag Archives: Transformers

Comic Shop Review: Good vs Evil

Living in the countryside for a pop-culture fanatic can be hard.  Everyone plays footy instead of watching sci-fi and good luck when it comes to finding someone that can translate a Klingon text for you.  However if you are in Victoria, at least if you are into comics you are covered, thanks to a shop called Good vs Evil.


Located in Bendigo, Good vs Evil would easily have the biggest comics range in central Victoria.  A whole wall in adorned in comics and there are usually plentiful stacks of all the latest issues to come out that week sitting on the counter for you to peruse.



Like many comic shops these days, Good vs Evil has diversified to take into account the ever expanding needs and interests of the Pop Culture enthusiast.  There are sections of DVDs, a full section of various Manga and of course the obligatory collectables such as Pop! figures and and board games based on movies and video games.


There is also the Games Workshop section.  Now all that stuff is kinda a closed book to me, I tend to look at it in the same way outsiders look at me collecting Transformers, thinking “Wow – do the guys into this ever get laid?”.  But I’ve seen on Saturday afternoons the store opened up with tables set up for big groups of guys all sitting there playing this stuff so it must have its appeal, and its great to have somewhere to meet to indulge the interest.


Speaking of Transformers, here is why I personally shop there. Matt, the owner, is a fellow TF fan and I have been relying on his faithful service to get me every TF comic I require for the past five years.  He always comes though, and something that is a sign of a proprietor that genuinely cares about his clientele, I’ve often rocked into the store for him to say “Trev, I saw this and knew you would want it and chucked it aside for ya”.  After this fashion I’ve gotten all the FP TF publications over the last few years as well as the physical copies of what were originally net comics.  And if ever I find out about a comic that is now years old that I want, Matt is sure to do his best to track it down for me – a top bloke indeed!

How can you not trust two dudes in Grimlock t-shirts?
How can you not trust two dudes in Grimlock t-shirts?
So if you are after a Comic Shop experience where the owner is the guy behind the counter and will look after ya, will cater for everything you need to the best of the stores ability, and can be a great place to just hang out, then I heartily suggest visiting Good vs Evil in Bendigo.  Tell’em Big Angry Trev sent ya!


P.S: There has been no ‘Comics for Comments’ deal here.  If anything I’m slightly resentful towards Matt – I’d love nothing better than to run my own comic shop and that bugger is living the dream I should be!


Note: If in one of the major cities I can recommend Pulp Fiction in Adelaide and Comics R Us in Melbourne.  Pulp Fiction is small but the owner is great for a laugh and will pour through box after box to find you what you want.  Comics R Us in Melbourne has a funny crew of guys who have often had Bill Hicks playing on the store speakers of a Sunday morning and their glass cabinets often have a range of old 80’s toys in there that the rare toy hunter will drool over.  Minotaur in Melbourne has a huge range of pop culture stuff but it can all be quite expensive.  There is also Kings Comics in Sydney that I visited many years ago that I found some HOC figues at and I quite liked Daily Planet comics in Brisbane.  I’ve been to one other there but can’t remember which.  Should I ever hit up these big cities again a more detailed review will come your way!



Toy Review – Titans Return Blurr, Hardhead, Scourge and Skullsmasher

The third in my reviews of the first wave of the new Titans Return toyline, today we are looking at the Deluxe figures.  This is the only size that is evenly distributed, two Autobots and two Decepticons.  And like the Voyager line they all have Cybertronian alt-modes.  So lets have a look at what is predominantly the cast list from Seasons 3 & 4 of a cartoon decades old – Blurr, Hardhead, Scourge and Skullsmasher.


Blurr – Robot Mode

The fastest bot in all Cyber-Mexico!DSCF5579

The fastest bot in all Cyber-Mexico!

Whilst not as tall and lanky as the original it does look really good.  You can position the noscone from the hovercar mode either on his arm to simulate the shield the original toy (and the Animated toy) had, or you can put it on his back to simulate the original toys backpack which is where it is supposed to go anyway for transformation.  Very easy to pose with lots of points of articulation.

Hardhead – Robot Mode

Very indicative of the G1 version of the character. I think it’s a nice touch that you can maneuver the cannon on his back to sit up or over the shoulder. Quite good articulation, well proportioned, good colour scheme, poseable.   Only downside is his size – he could stand to be a bit bigger, especially when compared to his G1 and Universe incarnations.

Skullsmasher – Robot Mode


The eyes on Grax are a bit too dark, and while this simulates the G1 toy I think the Takara head looks better.  The tail, like the G1 toy, becomes a hand weapon but it’s a bit too big and can’t really be positioned on any great angle.  Out of the four new Titans Return deluxes he is certainly the weakest of the four.  Also his alligator claws come off really easy in this mode.

Scourge – Robot Mode


Fracas is a bit too boxy and the laser on the top doesn’t stick up enough to be properly noticeable.  Besides that this is a pretty good looking Scourge with a good colour scheme, articulation and the proportions and wings work well.  I think he will be serving as a Sweep next to the G1, Titanium and Generations versions in my collection.

Blurr – Cybertronian Hovercar Mode


Now THIS looks like the speedster we all know and love, not a recoloured Drift.  Very compact and sleek, it’s a great representation of the character.  The laser under the front even works well.  The little hatch for his Titans Return partner is good and it even incorporates the little gap between the back and the cabin that the original toy had – top marks!  Only one big downside is for a Titan Master to have his own vehicle you unattach the nose of the car which leaves the front of Blurr looking gutted and horrible.

Hardhead – Cybertronian Tank Mode

A bit flatter than the G1 version, very streamlined, very much how he looked waaaay back at the start of the IDW comics before they gave him his Universe-styled body. Once again the cannon is maneuverable and like the G1 toy you can place a gun in the top of the cannon. Furos can either sit in the cab or the back of the cannon opens up so he can be stood there. He looks a little weird standing right back on the pegs he is supposed to so I personally reposition it so that he looks like he is operating the gun.

Skullsmasher – Cybertronian Gator Mode


A really good looking gator!  Very long and well proportioned.  They have done their best with the colour scheme so it doesn’t look as sickening as the G1 versions does and I really like the details in the mouth with all those individual teeth and the segmenting detail on the tounge.  The head can swivel somewhat which is good, but it can be hard to make the tail sit flush with the gators arse.  Grax’s compartment actually has a rubber hatch which is an odd choice and the placement has changed, instead of being afraid he would get swallowed like the G1 toy, in this case he already has been and is half way to the gut.

Scourge – Cybertronian Hovercraft


Like Blurr he is really compact and really good looking.  One of the most triangular of body in shape ones I’ve seen done of the Sweep class, looks a lot like they did in some episodes the Season 3 cartoon.  You can put his big blaster on the front of the hovercraft which makes him look pretty badass, but obscures a lot of the nicer details of the mode.  I actually think Scourge having a small cockpit works, it is flush enough with the rest of the hovercraft that it doesn’t change the aesthetic much, however it’s still noticeable and the dark blue hue suits it well.



The Titans Return toyline, as well as acting as a revival for the Headmaster gimmick, is filling a lot of holes for peoples Generations collections.  We now have a Scourge that’s not a flying wing, a Blurr that’s not a terran car, a Hardhead that’s not a SWAT armoured vehicle and our first Skullsmasher(cruncher) of the line.  G1 fans will be very happy with the appearance of these four, others may be happy with the versions they already have.  But between the great alt-modes, the little Titans Return partners and the overall decent quality I heartily recommend these four figures.


Note: For a more detailed review of Hardhead, check out My Hardhead review thread on Ozformers

Toy Review – Titans Return Galvatron and Sentinel Prime

The second in my reviews of the new Titans Return toyline, today I am looking at the Voyager-class figures, namely Galvatron and Sentinel Prime.  As both former leaders of their factions its nice to see them get bigger figures based on the characters – lets see if their new triple changer/headmaster forms work shall we (rhetorical question – we shall.  Otherwise you just clicked on this link for no reason and y’all don’t have the time to waste on such frivolous actions now do ya?).


Galvatron – Robot Mode

Who says I'm compensating for the lack of a penis?!?!
Who says I’m compensating for the lack of a penis?!?!

We really have needed a Voyager-class CHUG Galvatron for some time, as with the current line up of Generations figures the Generations version just doesn’t cut it.  The closest we have had is the Energon version (which I really wish I had bought back in the day).  The huge orange cannon on him really works well, it looks like it could blast through the side of a space station!  It is very well proportioned and very indicative of the Galvatron cannon.  Only thing is the mask that comes up to cover Nucelon – it doesn’t sit quite flush at the front so it looks like it is a mask covering something else.

Sentinel Prime – Robot Mode


His robot mode is fairly customizable in regards there are plenty of different places to place his gunds/cannons as well as how much you can angle the wings at the back.  Personally I chose to have the cannons sticking up over his shoulders and the wings as back as I could with them placed there in order to emulate how the character looked in the Origins: Megatron comics on which this character model seems to be based.  He is fairly big and bulky and the Infinitus face looks kinda like Optimus but not quite which is how it should be.

Galvatron – Cybertronian Cannon Mode


Like we have needed a big CHUG Galvatron figure, we’ve also needed one that turned into a cannon emplacement.  This figure does this quite well, though I can’t say it is brilliant looking.  It does however do the job.  No real spot that makes sense for the Titan Master partner though.

Sentinel Prime – Cybertronian Shuttle Mode


No cockpit visible which makes sense for a character not intending to carry humans.   Like the robot mode there are multiple places to place the guns/cannons which is cool.  The dimensions of the shuttle work well and Infinitus can sit either in a cannon on the side or in the cockpit on top, I think he works better in the cockpit otherwise the shuttle looks too lopsided to be aerodynamic (I suppose that doesn’t matter in space though).

Galvatron – Cybertronian Jet Mode


This makes more sense as a third mode than a pistol.  Very Cybertronian-esque and the cannon sticking out the front is indicative of Animated Megatron.  Though this mode also doesn’t look perfect, it looks quite cool and gives the Titan Master figure an excuse to sit in the cockpit.

Sentinel Prime – Cybertronian Train Mode

It's the great space coaster - get onboard!
It’s the great space coaster – get onboard!

Very reminiscent of Energon Omega Supereme.  Lots of cannons all over and certainly wouldn’t fit through a terran train tunnel.  This is the mode that Infinitus works best in the cannon emplacement on the side on.  While the colour scheme is good, the orange and red and too strong and too similar to make out all the little details within the mode, and the cannons could have used their own colouring.



Both these figures work pretty well.  Sentinel Prime has not had a CHUG figure to date (DOTM and Timlines yes) and Galvatron has had one that was far to small in comparison to the rest of the lineup.  What I like about both these figures is that neither is trying to shoehorn in a terran mode – both are Cybertronian characters who have no interest fitting in on earth so don’t try and by not making concessions to do so make their alien alt-modes work better.  As both triple changers and Headmasters they both have a lot of play value and so in my book are worth the associated price tag.

Toy Review – Timelines Ramjet

Well, here we are.  The final of the ‘free’ subscription service figures’ you get for paying a small fortune to belong to the official Transformers Collectors Club.  In past years nearly all the figures sent out have been based on G1 or BW figures, but the final one is based on a Universe figure which was originally based on an Armada figure – and the figure in question is Ramjet.  Lets see if he was worth being a subscribing member:


Series – Timelines
Wave – The last!
Size/class – Deluxe
New/remould/redeco – Redeco of Timelines Aramada Skywarp
Released here – Only as part of the TFCC
Approximate Retail Price – $50
Approximate Size: 14cm
Allegiance – Decepticon
Alt-mode – ‘Cybertronian Jet Fighter’
Main Features/Gimmicks –Pushfire missiles
Main Colours – White, Blue, Red
Accessories: 2 x Swords

Robot Mode
Very nice paint apps. The face has been done well, especially the fiery mouth and eyes, to portray a servant of Unicron. Well proportioned, feels new yet an obvious homage to the Universe: Ramjet that was based on the Armada: Skywarp figure. I just had some trouble detaching his swords for the robot mode – they seemed pretty jammed.


Vehicle Mode
I don’t know why, but this looks and feels nicer than Generations Armada Starscream. Really portrays a Cybertronian Fighter Jet. There is the missile firing capability which adds more play value for the younger fans.

Very simple transforming from robot to jet and back again. Instructions not needed.

This is a nice final figure from the TFCC and the quality feels better than a lot of their previous figures that felt like they were put together in sweat shops by some poor buggers earning 13c an hour in 3rd world countries.  I didn’t think I would like this homage to Universe Ramjet as much as I do. But well done to Funpub for taking a very obscure character/toy and giving it a new lease of life. It may not be G1, it may not be BW, but it’s a good enough curtain call for Funpub to feel good about sending it out to it’s members (even if it is sans the Mini-Con figure the original toy came with) in its final year of having the TF licence.

Toys Review – TAV08 Gregevor, TAV37 Megatronus & TAV38 Thunderhoof

The Japanese Adventure Toyline currently being made is an interesting one.  It consists exclusively of recolours from different toylines such as Animated, United and Generations.  Today we will be looking at three Decepticons based on the current Robots in Disguise (15) toyline – TAV08 Gregevor, TAV37 Megatronus and TAV38 Thunderhoof.

Note: We will be looking at Thunderhoof and Megatronus mainly, we will briefly examine Gregevor at the end.
IMG_4244 IMG_3619 DSCF5360_zps6bxe9lar

Robot mode – Thunderhoof
It continues the aesthetic that permeates much of the RID(15) toyline. Quite blocky legs and arms with a rectangular torso. The arms can be somewhat of an irritant. You can keep them in close to the body which looks good but limits their maneuverability, or otherwise you can pull the spindly little connectors that connect his shoulders to his body out which makes them far more poseable but looks extra silly considering the giant shoulder wheels he has. The colour scheme is very nice, much better on the TAV version than the regular Warrior version, although it has that annoying scanner badge on the chest. The antlers do not look much like the cartoon, the 3-step changer does a better job of that, however this concession is required for the vehicle mode to be more screen accurate.


Robot mode – Megatronus
Actually quite nicely proportioned and the TAV colours make him all shiny and evil.  The small purple and blue highlights work quite well and I like that you can attach his sword staff either to his arm or he can wield it in his hand.  Only part lacking with the toy is the head – it’s a tad small for the figure and it would have been great if it could have had a retractable mask like in the cartoon.


Vehicle Mode – Thunderhoof
One of the main reasons I grabbed this guy is as a Mallee Boy I just can’t resist a farm-themed vehicle. It’s quite a nice looking and well proportioned tractor and indeed my brother owns one of this same colour. One thing though – it is small. Like, really small! Sure one could say compact but let’s be honest here – it’s small. It’s a good thing they labelled these ‘Warrior Class’ toys because they sure as shinola are not deluxe class, which is shrinking every year anyway.
The fork configuration on this version is far more screen accurate than the 1-step and 3-step changer versions. However I had to look into what this particular type is, it’s a ‘stick push rake’ attachment which you don’t often see in Australia – quite an interesting choice. I’ve never seen one in real life.


Vehicle Mode – Megatronus
Looking at it, it looks like it should be baring the name ‘Galvatronus’ rather than ‘Megatronus’.  Rather than the Cybertronian tank from the end of season one of the cartoon, which the huge 5-step changer looks like, it really just looks like a cannon with a couple of tank tracks attached.



Transformation – Thunderhoof
Fairly simplistic which characterises this toyline, the only thing is it can be quite fiddly on the first attempt to get the arms and shoulders in place to become the back half of the tractor. The instructions for this toy surprisingly are not great, they have both missed steps and redundant steps. I find this a bit odd because usually Takara instructions far better than Hasbro ones. Once you’ve transformed him though it takes you about 15 seconds to transform him back.

 Transformation – Megatronus
Once again, fairly simplistic.  You will not be flexing any of your brain muscles in trying to transform this figure in either direction.  Makes it a good toy for a younger TF fan but a bit boring for us of the older persuasion.


Overall – Thunderhoof
Well, the puns with this character abound. In robot mode he kinda has a head like a deer, as a vehicle he kinda looks like a John Deere tractor . Chuck in a New York mobster accent for someone that turns into a farming vehicle and he is all over the shop. But he is one of the more interesting Con characters from the new show and has a very nice (but small) looking alt-mode. I don’t mind if I miss a lot of the RID(15) figures but rather glad I got him, even if the arms detract in robot mode and the size detracts in vehicle mode. Grab the TAV version if you can, it’s a perfect example of how a great paintjob can make a difference.

Overall – Megatronus
It’s not like we get a toy of one of the Original 13 Primes every day (though we do have an Alpha Trion coming up in the Titans Retun toyline) so that alone makes him worth getting.  Besides this novelty there is not a lot to recommend this toy, it’s deinetly an ‘ok’ toy but not spectacular in any regard.


Toy Review – Gregevor

A basic colour repaint of RID(15) Strongarm (so a sex change straight off the bat!) which in itself is a pretty basic and uninspired toy.  I just got him for the name…


The tale of his name is an interesting one.  G1 Swindle got recoloured into RID(01) Rollbar. This toy was then named in the Japanese version of the cartoon Greejeeber.  Now this recolour of RID(15) Strongarm has been reoloured as an homage RIDJP(01) Greejeeber but was deemed too hard for western fans to pronounce to got reduced to Gregevor.

I bought this both for my friend Greg, and myself TrevorGregevor – get it?!  That’s why mine is will be kept MOSC, because after buying and playing with Strongarm I know I’ll enjoy his name more than the toy.


Please note: None of these figures reviewed are available in Australia.  If you are after them you are best to order them from a Japanese online store.

Transformers Trump Card Competition Winners!

Well done to the winners of the Transformers Top Trumps Competition!  People had to either write a poem or create a picture that involved me and the Transformers somehow.  We have our two winners below: Brody wrote a poem chronicling the dramas I had getting my PC fixed when I turned up and the old owner, who was also a Transformers nut, had sold the business.  Scottie (our resident fan artist extraordinaire!) has created a simply awesome pic which hopefully bodes well for the future casting decisions of upcoming Transformer movies.  Well done guys, your Top Trump cards will be sent out to you soon!


A poem by Brody

You took your pc to get fixed,
The owner was new,
And he you knew,
He also liked Transformers
It took you a while to remember the former
Rhyming is hard,
I’m not Wheelie,
Thirty-Five words,
I’m not the Riddler
I am not a Fiddler
Don’t linger,
Just be careful of Dipstick’s finger!


A picture by Scottie 



Toys Review – RID Deployer Decepticons

The Deployer toys from the RID(15) series certainly cause conflicting reactions amongst TF fans.  On the one hand they are very simplistic toys with very simple transformations and models.  On the other hand they come with Mini-Con partners which turn into either discs, missiles or cyclone spheres which they can shoot in either their robot or alt-modes.  Anyway, lets have a look at the three Decepticon ones that have been released to date – namely FRACTURE, OVERLOAD and CRAZYBOLT.

Please note: As Fracture was released so long ago I will mainly focus on the other two which can still be found on store shelves.  I will still touch on the Bountyhunter Deployer from yesteryear though.




Very stock standard but a vast improvement on the first round of Deployer toys (Fracture and Drift). Some poseability but not much. Decent proportions, looks like a real bruiser!



Some sort of weird stylized chameleon lizard thing. Looks a bit of a hodgepog with bits of the alt-mode going every which way. When not sporting a Cyclone-Sphere Mini-Con the jaw comes up, leaving the launcher hanging below awkwardly. When having a Mini-Con in place the jaw extends down much like a snake eating an egg so it looks like he is coughing up a Cyclone Sphere to spit at someone which is kinda cool.

mm mmm



Very stock standard again but ok. Just looks like they changed the Megatronus mould a bit. At least his vehicle mode still kinda works without the Mini-Con attached – again, a great improvement over the likes of Drift.

5 3


Looks like a pretty cool, stylized Cybertronian Dragster, would not have been out of place from the Speed Planet line of toys in the Cybertron series. Very nicely proportioned and the touches of dull-orange help to add contrast to the light blue and white colouring overall, especially on the dual-triple flame exhausts that cleverly come from the lizard modes toes.. The Mini-Con launcher is set at the back of the car, which while not as aggressive looking as say the placement on Overload, makes sense if it’s a dragster character who is always going to be racing ahead of whoever he is battling.




Backtrack looks like he would fit in well with one of the new Star Wars movies, whilst Hammer looks like a prehistoric chicken!

6 6a



When I first went to open this toy I was thinking “Wow – the robot looks a helluva lot better than the Drift Deployer – this might be good”
Then I opened him and realised the deployer mechanism does not detach – what balls! It looks so stupid and unsightly sitting up over his right shoulder!
I don’t mind the motorcycle mode too much – looks suitably Cybertronian and it looks like it could be a Cybertronian side-car. Not nearly as detailed as the robot mode but with the awful backpack that is how is gonna live.
I quite like Airazor especially his leg structure, its nice to see something a bit different and it looks pretty cool. Only let-down for me is the face – looks like some bad lava-moster. And all the extra bits you can attach to him don’t look as good as other Mini-Cons out there.


Overall opinion of the Decepticon Deployers

Look, none of these three toys are great.  But then none of the RID(15) toyline figures are so at least these come with little Mini-Con partners they can shoot.  If you are a fan of the cartoon or a completionist then these three are worth picking up on the cheap if you can find them.  If not, then do not bother my friends, very average figures indeed.

Competition – win Transformer Top Trump Card Packs!



Recently I have come into possession of some extra Transformers: Top Trump game packs, featuring all that lovely box-art from the early 80’s!  It would be too cruel of me to hoard them like the usual TF-miser I am so I have a plan to spread the joy – I’m gonna get folk to jump through metaphorical creative hoops in order to give me an excuse to give them away!


Here is how you can win your own pack:

*Option A: Write something creative, be it a poem, ode or story.  Must be between 38 and 3800 words that must involve yours truly (Big Angry Trev) and the Transformers.  What way, shape and form the story takes is up to you!  I wanna see those keyboards run wild and be dripping so much with your extruded creative juices that you’ll net to sit it out in the sun for 90 minutes to dry!

*Option B: A picture is worth a thousand words!  A picture either drawn or done via computer with me and the Transformers in some fashion (That does NOT give people a licence to draw a pic of me getting bent over an oil-can by an overexcited Dipstick by the way!  Arcee maybe, but not Dipstick).


The competition will run until the end of June.  Send entries via PM on Facebook, Ozformers or here.  At the end I will pick the best written entry and the best visual entry and mail those people their free Transformers: Top Trump packs!  The winners will also have their stories/pictures published here on the bigangrytrev website for all to enjoy!


Good luck everyone!  I look forward to seeing your entries! (and no, that’s not another Dipstick joke)

Album Review – ‘Transformers: Roll Out’


Many things can inspire someone to song, be it the rise of the sun over the plains, the look of affection in their lovers eye, the heartache of loss and regret.  However apparently giant alien robots can stir the muse within as well, and so we have ‘Transformers: Roll Out’


This CD was touted as the Transformers inspired soundtrack.  This means it’s not from a Transformers cartoon or movie, but is meant to be a collection of songs by artists that have felt inspired by huge transforming mechanoids from beyond the stars.  The CD is made up of 10 tracks, all from relatively obscure bands and artists:

  1. “Roll Out” – Mount Holly
  2. “This House is on Fire” – Bush
  3. “Gigantik” – Crash Kings
  4. “Count to Ten” – MEW
  5. “Into the Fire” – Elle Rae
  6. “Exiled” – SPURS
  7. “Just a Spark” – Jameson Burt
  8. “Stronger” – Ours
  9. “Modern Man” – Darby™
  10. “Our Revolution” – Born Cages


Now some of these songs actually do have Transformer themed lyrics embedded within their songs. Examples are:

Roll Out – Mount Holly

“Let’s Roll Out, Rise Up…”

References to Optimus catch phrase before battle, and Megatrons battle cry from the Animated series

Exiled – Spurs

“We are the exiled ones – the lost daughters and sons of Cybertron.”

Reference to the myriad of Transformers genres where they had to abandon their home planet.

Just a Spark – Jameson Burt

“One Shall Stand, One Shall Fall”

Optimus catch phrase before he and Megatron have a big battle in the Animated and live action Movie.


So yes, there is some Transformer stuff in there for the robot aficionado.  However it doesn’t really save this CD from mediocrity.  A couple of songs aren’t bad, the first one on the CD by Mount Holly certainly being the best of the bunch.  But this is really a CD of filler songs, as in they are not the songs you hate, but ones you’d expect to be jammed between the big hits on other CD’s.  The ones you would listen to because you can’t be bothered pressing the ‘Next Track’ button on your cars sound system.

This CD cost me eighteen bucks from JB Hi-Fi.  So about $1.80 a song which isn’t bad but you could probably download them cheaper off iTunes or something.  There is nothing to hate about this CD, but very little to get excited about either.  Only recommended as a purchase if, like me, you are a Transformers fan that does a LOT of driving out of radio range and need all the tunes you can get to fill in those lonely country miles.

Collection Critique – Jordan’s Gigantic Stash!

Welcome to the first, of hopefully many, critiques of peoples collections.  And we have an absolute pearler to start with!  But before that, let us put ‘Collectors’ in general in perspective (the male ones anyway).

There are your first type of collector who embodies the most well-known stereotype.  Sad, pathetic little fraggers who both look and smell damp like little toads, still living in the room they grew up in or entombed in their parents basement.  The touch of a woman will remain forever an unearthly and purely imagined delight that will never be sampled and human companionship is relegated to whatever chatroom they frequent most to angrily discuss the merits of whatever sci-fi foolishness is gracing the big screen.

Then you get the second type of collectors.  The ones who are your average joe.  Could be your neighbor or the guy sitting in the next cubicle.  They have friends, go to work, even do ok with the girls.  They just happen to have a penchant for collecting a particular genre, be it baseball cards or model trains.  They make up the grist of society and I’m sure one is responsible for creating the colour beige.

Then you get your third type – the fabled ‘Alpha Collector’.  These  guys looks like they could bench-press you and probably snap your spine with a modicum of effort if the whim struck.  Not only are they socially well-adjusted but also usually the life of the party, with plenty of mates who want to hang with them and plenty of girls who want to sample what’s hanging from them.  And when they collect they don’t dick about – they collect big time!

This third type of collector is rare.  I’m proud to say I’ve tried to live my life as one, this article is about another.  Let’s meet Jordan!



Like me, Jordan grew up on a farm so a few thousand acres was his playground.  Now, also like me, he is older with a nice 3-bedroom house, a lovely wife, beautiful kids and a steady job.  Main difference is he still looks like he could lift a pizza truck whereas age has made me look like I could eat the contents.  I met Jordan in the flesh for the first time a bit over a year ago and despite the 11 hours apart we live from each other I promised that one day I would come to see his collection.  On Tuesday I got that chance.

Entering Jordan’s lovely hilltop home overlooking a picturesque lake you could be forgiven for thinking this is not the home of a collector.  Everything is very neat and tidy, you can see a couple of Lego Pirate Ships on top of a cabinet and a Generations Metroplex in the dining room but with kids in the house this is to be expected.

Entering Jordan’s kitchen I start to get a sense of what lies beneath.  Spread everywhere are quite large containers and boxes filled with various Lego pieces – even to my untrained eye there seem to be a few thousand.

“I’m just sorting out a bunch of old boxes while I have the house to myself” Jordan explains.  It then becomes apparent as my eye takes everything in that there is Lego EVERYWHERE!  Many of the boxes have pre-made kits in them.   A couple are old enough that I remember them from my childhood but obviously there are ones spanning the last 20 years on show.  Jordan takes me through all assembled (and also disassembled) and I marvel at some of the more elaborately constructed vehicles.



“Right!  Let me give you the tour” Jordan says.

Now, here is why Jordan’s looks so normal on the surface.  Because every nook, cranny, cupboard, draw and shelf is absolutely CHOCKERS with collectibles of all sorts!  By the end of my tour I was certain if I opened the fridge I would have found a scale-replica Tie-Fighter in the crisper and some Micro-Machines in the butter dish.   There are MISB playsets in the tops of his kids cupboards, MOSC TF Animated toys in the top of his WIR, video games in draws under the master bed, TF jigsaws in the laundry, Xbox games in the basement and the study is just a mancave dream full of toys, video games and a bitchin guitar and drum set!

None of my descriptions or photographs can really do his collection justice since it is so spread out in so many small (but highly significant) groupings all over the house. With pics you can never really get an idea of just how BIG this collection is, you would need a specially designed shed or underground cavity to do it justice by having it all together.   I will say to my mind the most impressive collections were those of his Lego, retro 80’s toys, video games and of course Transformers!  But there were plenty of other smaller ones on show such Masters of the Universe and TMNT.

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Some personal thrills of mine were to see toys and games I had myself owned as a kid and not seen in manys a decade.  Strider (the metal horse) and Fisto (guy with a big metal fist – think he does German porn now) from He-Man made up 90% of my collection from Eternia back then and sure as She-Ra Jordan had them!

You know when some guy says “Oh yeah, I got thousands of games man!” and you think “bullshit you do”?  Video Games tend to be a lot like sex, the more a dude brags he has the less he probably really does.  Well I’ve only heard Jordan mention his games in passing before, but this is a guy who could say and mean it literally that he does have thousands of games!  Everything from the current era of consoles to dating back before I was born!  Some of these systems I had never even heard of!  The Vectrex – who has ever heard of a friggin Vectrex?!  But one was there and it’s like the first Tron movie finally made sense!  I got a massive rush seeing that many classic games I had owned that Jordan still had such as the Mario games on the NES, Zombies ate my Neighbours on the SNES, Goldeneye 007 on the N64 – all brought back brought back font memories.  A MAJOR thrill of mine was to see that he had ASTERIX on the Atari 2600!  And in the freakin box!  I wasted many hours of my pre-teen years trying to clock this unclockable game!

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After taking me on this big tour Jordan unveiled what he knew I had come in particular to see – his TRANSFORMERS!

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First off was the Animated collection in his WIR.  Nearly every figure I could think of was there MIB or MOSC.  And he very kindly took down (after he saw me nearly lay a freakin egg in excitement!) his pristine Botcon Stuntcon set.  I gotta admit, I was drooling over this and thoughts of grabbing it and throwing myself out the nearest window to run into the night did cross my mind (only problems were we were two stories up and it was daytime – small but critical flaws in an otherwise brilliant plan).  But then it was time for Jordan to take me to the linen cupboard of splendor!


Inside Jordan had about 100 to 150 G1 figures.  Certainly a respectable collection!  He even had Hosehead and Camshaft who I lack myself.  But even more impressive was the massive amount of miscellaneous TF merchandise from the 80’s era he had!  It was UN-F*CKING BELIEVABLE!  Everything from tents to gift-set, candles-to tooth-brush packs, records to books-on-tape!  I have a lot of misc TF merchandise myself but to compare mine to his would be like comparing a dandelion to an oak-tree – in other words there is no comparison!  Whilst I may have more, very little of it is from the G1 80’s era (most from the last decade) and 80’s gear is what Jordan had in spades – I felt both envious and aroused on so many levels I would have fainted, except a lack of consciousness would have meant I had to stop looking at all the cool shit on show!

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In the end, I only was able to spend 2 hours admiring Jordan’s collection before time dragged me away, but I could have spent days there.  As I left I realized I’d spent so much time drooling over all the great collectibles that I’d forgotten to do the interview part of the visit!  Jordan said “Don’t worry man, just send me any questions you have” so if people have questions please post them below and I’m sure he will get a chance to answer them at some point.

I’d like to thank him for opening his home to me and showing me all his wonderful stuff!  This man and his collection are both to be highly respected and honored.  Maybe if you are lucky one day he will give you a tour too!
