The slow release of the Studio Series Constructicons continues. Some see it as a good thing, not overloading their budgets. Others see it as an irritation, their frustration to build Devastator from Revenge of the Fallen growing week by week.
For me personally it has been neither. As someone who is happy enough with the ROFT Devastator I already own, this Studio Series has simply been a chance to fill out my collection with those onscreen Cons who never received an actually decent toy before such as Scrapmetal.
Today we are looking at one such character. The leader of the Constructicons in G1, who like Long Haul and Mixmaster got to actually keep their proper name and traditional alt-mode for the movieverse, we are looking at Scrapper.
Robot Mode
This looks pretty good for a movieverse toy. He actually looks like a robot rather than just a mess and is pretty faithful to how he appeared on the big screen. He has retained the flail attachment on his arm, however sadly is unable to swing it. He has decent articulation for a fairly stocky bot, with elbows, neck, knees and hip movement.
‘Am I busting a kung-fu move or just getting down with my bad self? Let your imagination run wild kids!’
The colour scheme is not only faithful to how he appeared in ROTF, but also has some G1 roots too, almost an homage to the European/Australasian rerelease of the G1 Constucticons from 1992.
“The studio insisted I bulk up for the movie”
Vehicle Mode
Really pretty damn good! A superb amount of detail throughout the entire vehicle form, this looks like a proper model of a real construction vehicle. Some have argued that the alt-mode is too kibble-laden, but as someone who has seen a lot of very large construction vehicles up close, some Front Shovel Loaders do indeed look similar with parts everywhere.
The vehicle form feels very solid overall and a nice touch is that you can actually raise the shovel!
Super-Sweet-Shovel-Slap Bro!
This figure has a really interesting transformation. With 36 steps its going to take you a few minutes to do the first time out, but there is no part that is overly frustrating or a head-scratcher. It feels very satisfying to work through, and that is always a massive plus when dealing with actual transformer toys.
If you have no interest in the Movieverse (in which case why are you reading this review? Go outside and play!) then it’s an easy pass. But if you like the Movieverse, are a Constructicon fan or a completionist then you will want to pick this guy up. Of course if you intend to build Devastator then you have no choice but to pick him up! But you wont regret doing so, it’s a solid figure in both modes with a good transformation and for once you feel like you are getting a proper Voyager-class sized figure when buying a toy of that classification. So yeah, a good value toy that reminds you just how fun transforming transformers can be.
Last year we saw the introduction of the Commander Class in the Generations toyline of the Transformers franchise. This new classification of toy size was for those characters that were much bigger than even the likes of Optimus and Megatron in the G1 cartoon and the fans wanted a toy to match.
So far we had only had Jetfire, and what a damn cool toy he turned out to be! This year we have gotten our second Commander Class toy. The Space Dragon with an ego almost as big as his hull, we get Sky Lynx.
The original Sky Lynx was a very unique toy and a very unique character in the G1 franchise. The toy was made up of two distinct pieces; a motorized troop carrier box that could turn into a giant, twin-tailed Lynx beast, and a space shuttle that could turn into a sorta Dinobird monster. These could operate independently of each other in the cartoon and were controlled by the one consciousness that was Sky Lynx, effectively making him the brands second DuoCon, afterOmega Supreme. More often than not in the cartoon however, the space shuttle usually carried the troop carrier on the bottom of its hull in order to transport Autobots through space. In robot mode the Lynx and Dinobird portions combined into Sky Lynx’s complete robot form, with size and strength enough to take on the likes of Predaking independently, and even take a pot shot at Trypticon. In this complete form, the toy could walk, once again making it fairly unique in the toyline.
We didn’t see a Sky Lynx toy for many years, until the Predacons Rising subset of the Prime cartoon and toyline. While he still had his Space Dragon mode and was big, he wasn’t huge and had a robot mode instead of a space shuttle mode. That combined with being a Predacon meant that fans were underwhelmed by the characters return to screen.
A few years later we got another Sky Lynx figure. This time a Voyager class toy in the Combiner Wars line which was much more an homage to G1. He had his space shuttle and Space Dragon modes, by could not separate. Instead he became the torso of a combiner Sky Reign– with the head of a Lynx. This toy was more warmly received, but being only Voyager class and not having all the modes of the G1 toy, fans still did not get their proper Sky Lynx fix.
Well, now in 2020 weve finally got what we were waiting for, a proper reimagining of the Sky Lynx figure, and boy was it worth the wait! So with our history lesson done, lets move onto looking at this fantastic new toy!
Space Shuttle Mode
A really nice, really big looking space shuttle. Sky Lynx is trying to finally have an Earth disguise with NASA printed on the side. You will note that the name on the side of the shuttle is ‘Magnificence’, both a reference to a large story arc from the Transformers IDW comics, as well as to Sky Lynx’s opinion of himself.
The top of the shuttle opens up, just as the G1 toy did, to reveal what could either be considered escape pods or cargo pods. I’m inclined to think of them as the latter. Besides this there are not many play features to the space shuttle, but its still a damn nice looking toy.
Dinobird Mode
Very faithful to the G1 concept, with instead of two eyes it having a row of the space shuttle windows for viewing. The wings are a great improvement, both with the detail on the blue sections to make them look more like robotic feathers, but also the fact the wings can now be angles up and down instead of going out from the body on a straight angle. Speaking of posing, the Dinobird has in his legs hip joint swivel, ankle tilts and knees, making it much easier to pose.
The head is a bit big for my liking in Dinobird mode, but one thing I do like is that instead of just having a blaster for a tongue, he now has a tongue and blaster and both can be moved about on a separate hinge in his mouth. Combine this with the fire effects that come with the toy it can give him a nice offensive posture.
Troop Carrier Mode
It was pretty boring on the G1 toy, just being a blue box. This is a bit better, though not that much. At least it comes with big tank tracks on the side to make it look like it is supposed to move around under its own power. Unfortunately, unlike the G1 toy it doesn’t move around under its own power, though it does have wheels so it will roll. The lack of batteries has opened up the inside so that other small Transformer figures such as Micromasters can ride inside it.
Please, no ‘enter me from the rear’ jokes, as tempting as they are
Add a couple of lasers to the front and it looks like something industrial designed to navigate a rough planet or asteroid, something out of a sci-fi like the new Thunderbirds or perhaps Starship Troopers.
Lynx Mode
At least the head can actually stick up more this time, rather than constantly looking at his own feet. Once again very faithful to the G1 concept, even down to the twin tails.
A cool new addition is that like the Dinobird it can now shoot fire from its mouth. The figure also has some (but limited) leg articulation.
Space Shuttle Transport Mode
A thing of friggin beauty! Having the two halves of the toy combined really gives it a physical presence the character deserved, and feels strong and bulky in the hand to boot! Besides holding it in the air and yelling ‘zoom!’ the only real play features are that you can open up the back and unfold a ramp to load Micromaster vehicles, and you can put flame effects in the shuttle exhausts. But all said, it’s a great looking toy – just make sure you get the two halves of the toy tabbed together correctly.
Combined Robot Form
And here he is! Truly magnificent! Here the head now seems perfectly in proportion as does everything really. With the fact you can move the prehensile neck, adjust the knees and ankles and wings you can pose him quite well for a character that lacks traditional hips and has no arms.
And the size of him is fantastic, I honestly expected him to be around the same size as the G1 toy but he dwarfs his predecessor.
Space Shuttle Launch Base Mode
If all of the above weren’t good enough, we even get a new mode! The troop carrier/lynx portion of the toy can fold out and become a base for the space shuttle with built in launch pad. While this was pretty cool with the latest Astrotrain figure to come out, its even cooler looking here due to the size. A particularly nice touch I thought was the extendable ramps that lead from the ground all the way up to the shuttles storage pods, making it look like it is taking on supplies before heading into space.
Worth Getting?
Australia is one of the first places in the world to get it and right now is fairly easy to find at the Big W toy sale for $119(au). Sky Lynx is definitely worth the price tag. With so many modes there is an absolute ton of play value to be had here. The transformations are quite easy and very indicative of the G1 toy. Whilst some collectors may be annoyed at the simplicity, I’m not as it means that you can change Sky Lynx into whichever of his multitude of modes suits your play without having to spend 10 minutes doing so. So not only is this figure great for G1 enthusiasts as well as Transformer Collectors in general, but means it is also great for younger fans too with the easy accessibility it provides. I cannot recommend this toy heartily enough – as loathe as I am to coddle an ego that is already so big, this Sky Lynx is worthy of the name Magnificence.
Got a Sky Lynx too, or thinking of picking one up? Tell us in the comments section below!
The Authentics line is not the most beloved of Transformer toylines. People don’t rant online about their local store being out of stock or discuss on message boards how excited they are about a new figure coming up.
What the Authentics line is known for is being relatively cheap, usually G1 inspired and relatively easy to find. Most supermarkets will have a few Authentics toys in their tiny toy sections so if you live near a Coles or Woolworths chances are you can find one.
There have already been two Grimlocks in the Authentics line. If one were to use classifications from the Generations line you would say a ‘Scout’ class and a ‘Deluxe’ class. Both were OK looking, but of course not brilliant and made of extremely cheap materials. Hasbro has decided to continue with this theme but upscale it, so let’s have a look at the new Titan Changer class of Authentics toy with an all new Grimlock figure.
Robot Mode
Undoubtedly G1 inspired and with the simplicity of his look you could almost classify him as a representation of how he looked in the old G1 Marvel comics. Interestingly he has some shoulder mounted multi-missile launchers which are far more indicative of Cyberverse Grimlock toys. Perhaps this is to make up for the fact he has no other weapons and no accessories.
This figure has limited articulation, having some swivel at the hips and shoulders as well as being able to bend at the knees. No elbows however and no neck swivel.
“Me Grimlock frolick!”
The toy is extremely lanky, his overly long legs putting him on a height scale with many Generations Leader-Class figures. He is also extremely thin, and if you turn him around you will see there is almost literally nothing behind him.
Space Tyrannosaurus Mode
It’s… actually not that bad
It’s…. OK. The back of the dinosaur mode is very boxy, almost the opposite of the overly elongated POTP Grimlock figure. The head is a lot flatter than your usual Grimlock toy. He has a small lever on the back of his head which allows you to open and shut the dinosaur jaws and is his only real gimmick. As the robots arms become the dinosaurs legs, the figure has no knee movement and his upper arms are locked in position.
Look, its not great OK. But we’ve had some pretty average looking dinosaur mode toys for Grimlock over the years so it’s not like this one is significantly worse than a lot of the others.
The Space T-Rex sniffs the air, trying to locate the scent of its next meal
I think my kids put it best when they were fiddling with this figure this morning: ‘This is a kids toy isn’t it Dad, cause’ it’s so light’. Firstly I love the fact they think most of my Transformers are intended for adults since its dad that gets them – bless their hearts! But it was a good analysis from them – this toy being such a big figure made out of such cheap plastic means that it is best suited for younger fans who want their own Grimlock toy to play with. Combine this with a simplistic transformation and relatively low price tag (mine cost $30[AU] from Aldi) and it means that while this is a Grimlock most collectors will happily skip, it may be a great gift for their offspring.
Got something to say about this figure? Pop it in the comments section below!
Mirage is one of those middle-of-the-road Autobot Car characters in terms of popularity, and this is reflected in the amount of toys based on him over the years. Whilst not super-rare like say Grapple, not super popular like Sideswipe or Prowl either.
Mirage has cropped up in such Transformer toy sub-lines such as Kre-O, Alternators and Bot Shots, but has only had two significantly G1-themed toys released over the last 13 years. First was the Classics version in 2006, whom had a magnificent alt-mode but an overly-lanky body. The second was in 2015 in the Combiner Wars, but as a minor retool of the StunticonDrag Strip didn’t look overly impressive in either mode.
So in 2019 Mirage has finally gotten another G1-based figure, albeit with a Cybertronian alt-mode. So let’s have a look at Siege Mirage.
Robot Mode
‘Well I’ll be damned, I actually look like me again!’
The most G1-faithful looking Mirage figure we’ve had since, well, G1 really. The proportions of his body are spot on and it’s been far too long since Mirage sported a shoulder-mounted rocket launcher. No spring action firing but the rocket can at least be removed from its launcher. His blaster is quite nice too. With decent articulation and a great colour scheme it’s very hard to find fault with this figure. If I had one minor quibble, it’s that he has a lot of faux parts, for instance the F1-racer waist piece doesn’t actually make up the nose of the car mode.
Fuck stealth!
Mirage, even more than the likes of Impactor, really lends himself to the Weaponizer gimmick, and with multiple ports all over his body you can really pimp him out for battle!
Cybertronian Racer
I’m translucent – that makes me Cybertronian.
Like many of the other Siege toys, this looks more like an Earth vehicle with a few Cybertronian elements pasted on top. But it’s still a nice looking race car and the first offworld version of the character we have had. I really like how part of the car’s body is translucent as an homage to the fact that the character has invisibility powers – much more attractive than the battle-damage paint most Siege figures come with.
Unlike the robot mode, you can’t really Weaponize Mirage’s vehicle mode. There are only two spots which are on his tailfin, and these are taken up by his rocket launcher and rifle. However the weapons look pretty cool there and make his alt-mode look distinctly more Cybertronian, differentiating the figure nicely from the very good Classics version.
Worth Getting?
For those that are happy with the Mirage toys they already have, there is a completely translucent version of this toy too which could be worth tracking down online as it looks pretty boss, though it means purchasing the Decepticon version of Impactor and the third Powerdasher figure with it. But I wanted this version as the robot mode holds so much appeal for me, especially since Mirage was the first Autobot I ever got as a kid. But whichever way you wanna go, this is a very solid toy with a fun and intuitive transformation and is very faithful to the characters roots – he will fit nicely into anyone’s collection.
Got anything to say about this figure? Pop it in the comments section below!
The Generations Selects line is one that divides people. On the one hand it provides opportunities for figures to get made that might otherwise not due to a lack of popularity. On the other, it means these figures are often only available either online, at specific stores and/or limited to a few select countries, meaning higher prices with a dollop of international postage for good measure.
The War for Cybertron Siege toyline has had a whopping nine Selects figures released this year. Some such as Redwing have been virtually impossible for overseas collectors to get their hands on at a reasonable price. But some have been released through multiple US online stores making things a bit easier, and today we are looking at the latest wave of them, consisting of the Powerdashers Cromar and Zetar, and the always mysterious Nightbird.
Note: As all three characters are minor retools of other Siege figures that have been out for quite some time, we will be focusing more on their aesthetics rather than their articulation, transformation and Weaponizer potential.
Powerdasher Cromar
Robot Mode
‘We all float down here…’
Whilst it seems his main weapon would be to hang about in Cybertronian Sewers eating Decepticon Protoforms, as a retool of Six-Gun his body is bristling with weapons. Two long guns on the lower arms and four cannons on the shoulders and back. Not bad since the original toy didn’t even have a gun.
‘Everybody loves a clown, so why can’t you?’
Cromar gets his distinctive face from the 1984 Mail-away figure he is based on (and the only TF I had and lost as a kid that I have yet to replace as an adult). It’s… not flattering and makes this a figure you really don’t want to give to a coulrophobia sufferer as a gift.
If you think this looks weird, you should have seen my original toy
Pretty much Siege Six-Gun with new colours. However it works for the character quite well, with perhaps only Cybertron Sideways being a more appropriate recolour. I likes it!
Powerdasher Zetar
Robot Mode
I’m smiling because I can kill you with a headbutt
No fingers, no neck, but one helluva hat! The silly thing is the drill on his head can be spun fairly easily in robot mode but not in vehicle mode. A retool of Siege Brunt, he lacks a certain appeal that Brunt possessed, but is certainly faithful to the original toy & character. The bonus being he gets a gun this time around which (due to the no fingers thing) can be attached to his forearms.
The creepy circus motif continues
The look of his head really makes me want to get the third Powerdasher – Aragon – just to see if he has some clownish attributes too.
‘I..I just don’t know what the hell I am supposed to be’
Once again we are looking at Siege Brunt, but with a drill on the front. The ironic thing is that the cannon on top, if you attach the blaster, sticks out further than the drill does. But hey, with the drill that close to the ground Zetar can definitely get a job drilling holes for oversized cybermice or mowing really thin strips of lawn. Unite Warriors Nosecone or even Combiner Wars Drillhorn make far more practical looking drill tanks.
Robot Mode
‘I’m quite frolicsome for a Ninja’
A retool of Siege Chromia, Nighbird boasts a totally new headsculpt which is very indicative of how she looked back in the G1 cartoon, though severely limits how much she can turn her head. She comes with the same weaponry that can be either a pistol and grenades, a gun or a sniper rifle. It would have been nice if she had come with some sai’s like the Legends version of her did to show her Ninja origins.
‘Help! I’ve fallen and I can’t get up!’
What is very disappointing for a Selects figure is that Nightbird comes apart quite easily. Her legs, arms and crotchplate all come off way to easily, though at least are not too hard to reattach.
‘Wonder if I can get a date with Kit from Knightrider?’
I had no idea she would be this black! Her backpack makes up the majority of the car body and it’s as black as black can be with a dark purple canopy. I would have liked to see the backpack/car body remain grey with the black limited to her fenders. However at least this car mode is more generally Cybertronian, rather than the Legends version which was quite Arcee indicative.
Worth Getting?
Only if, like me, you are a fan of obscure G1 characters. All these moulds have been done before and none of these characters are popular enough that any kid is going to be screaming for them this Xmas. It’s nice to see the Powerdashers get new figures after all this time, though the lack of a dash component kinda irks me. Nightbird isn’t bad but I find the Legends version to be far superior in both modes. So yeah, they are all nice in their way and I’m glad to have them, but none have any wow factor that is going to keep you awake at night wishing that you owned them.
Got anything to add to this review? Pop it in the comments section below!
Omega Supreme– the first BIG bot of the Transformers franchise.
SureDevastatorshowed a season earlier but he was made up of 6 smallerbots whereas Omega was simply massivein his own right. I still remember the first episode I saw him in –out of nowhere this big battle base character showed up, flew to the moon as a rocket and then turned into this giant robotthatwas able to pick upMegatroninone hand and tell him what for! The first time he showed up in the comics he promptly killedhalftheDecepticonson earth in asingle battle!
In other words – Omega is huge and Omega isSUPREME!
Being one of my very favourite characters I was extremely chuffed to hear we would be getting aTitan classOmega Supreme toy. Whilst I really liked myYOTS Omega, his alt-mode had nothing to do with the G1 character. Likewise I loved Omega in theAnimated cartoon, but he never got a toy at all. So when it was announced that Omega Supreme would be getting a huge new toy which was based, in both modes, on hisG1incarnation, I gave a little squeal of geeky delight!
So without further ado,letslook atTitan-Class War forCybertronSiege Omega Supreme.
Robot Mode
Size: Impressive
Oh be still my beating fuel pump! He isfrigginawesome! And unlikeMetroplexandFort Max, Omega Supreme gives a real sense ofbulk. Good thick lower legs and arms and a massive torso, just like one would hope for. Add to this the two cannon arms, track-wings, translucent visor andfaithfulcolour scheme and there is no mistaking who this big boy is supposed to be. Something I think is an excellent addition is the fact that they have made his claw arm prehensile, as in the claws can bend in the middle in order better grab things. In fact, whilst not as good as some other toys, this Omega has the best articulation ofany toy of his namesake, with shoulders, elbows, knees and neck all moveable to put him in a variety of poses.
Guns: Blazing!
Omega is packing atonof firepower in robot mode. As well as having a huge blaster on the end of each arm, he has his signature tank cannon in the back of his head which can be swivelled around. On his upper chest he has two cannons, these can be folded upwards to reveal further missile racks underneath. So if Omega doesn’t simply squashya, he can blast you into oblivion.
Omega Supreme figures have always beenpartsformers. Thoughsomepurists contendthat apartsformerisn’t really a propertransformer, given Omega’salt-mode/s it’s actually a necessity. Both the original and the Siege versions consist of three separate machines(tank, rocket,base)and even theEnergonversion needed to come apart to form various trains and cranes. So while there was no way that Siege Omega was not going to be apartsformer, the separate parts have been kept to a minimum(Tank/Torso, Arms/Rocket, Body/Base, Wings/Tracks x 2)and there is still a lot of transformation going on.
The Base
The outer body and legs of Omega become the base whilst his wings, like the original toy, become the tracks. It’s really a nice looking base and I love the fact that it comes with two little inner ramps thatMicromasterfigurescan drive up and down. The missile racks are displayed here so that the base can defend itself andone thing I really like is how the track is both elevated as well as being wide enough to accommodate the tank. The feet of the robot can fold out to show little caverns forMicromastersto hide in, though personally I prefer to keep them folded up to keep that oval shape.
The Tank
The torso and head become the tank. The tank cannon that is on the back of Omega’s head is actually not the same tank cannon here, this one is way larger. It’s a great looking tank, though not motorized like the original. The tank can open up to reveala space forMicromasters, though I would have preferred they makethe ramp smootherso that the little guys can actually roll out of himproperly,rather than bump their way down.
The Rocket
Rocket Mode: Phallic. Cosmos: Jealous.
Wow – this isabigrocket! Like,reallybig! Made up primarily of the arms and a thin panel along the back, it’s amazing just the length this rocket reaches, making it as tall as Omega is in his robot mode! The transformation is very clever,wrapping around circular parts and the top of the rocket opens up to show a small cockpit forMicromasterfigures. If I had a complaint, it’s that the prehensile claw that serves as the landing struts tend to slowly slip outwards, so unless you have them flat down Omega’s rocket mode will eventually tilt as one of them gives way.
The Finished Article
All three of Omega’s modules on their own are pretty cool, but add them all together and it looks wicked! Seriously, I don’t think there is much I can say here about how great it is that the photo’s don’t convey on their own.
Rocket Base Mode: Awesome. Fan Boys: Jizzing themselves right now.
In theG1toylineandDreamwavecomicsCountdown was aMicromasterlunar rover that came with his own rocket base. Making him a partner to Omega Supreme who himself turns into a rocket base was a good call. Countdown looks good in both modes and if nothing else really highlights how much interactivity there is between figures his size and the Omega toy.
Worth Getting?
At around $260(AU) he isn’t cheap but isn’t any more expensive thanTrypticonwas two years ago. If you are a G1 lover or afanof huge Transformers this figure could be considered a must have. The interactivity withMicromasterfigures, the robot mode, the rocket base mode – it all works. Whilst not theabsoluteperfect figure, he is a genuinely excellent toy which by far is the best Omega Supreme we’ve ever had, and perhaps ever will have. What can I say? This toy is trulySUPREME!
Got something to say about this figure? Pop it in the comments section below!
The Wreckers – the biggest bot badasses this side of the Dinobots. The team the Autobots go to when they don’t give a shit about collateral damage, they just want some Cons dead!
‘The Wreckers: Class of 1986’ (Absent: Rack’n’Ruin)
The Wreckers have been around since the old Marvel comics and since have become ingrained within Transformers lore. And before the mighty Springer became leader of the team, their leader was the hardened, the ruthless, the one and only – Impactor.
Impactor did not get an official toy for many years. In fact it wasn’t until the Generations FOC toyline in 2013 he got his first one, a kinda weird redo of FOC Onslaught. Then a few years later in 2016 Impactor got a Timelines toy that was infinitely cooler, yet as a redo of CW Rook still didn’t tick all the boxes that fans of the G1 Comics Impactor required.
Well here we are in 2019 and Impactor has finally gotten a figure designed specifically for him. And damn it’s a beauty! So let’s have a look at Siege Deluxe Class Impactor.
Robot Mode
‘Face the front perp, prepare for your mugshot’
Beautiful colours here, really does justice to him. The timelines version was pretty good with an awesome head, but that huge grey peg in his chest was a definite drawback. This Impactor looks buff, tough and has the right stuff! His shoulder cannon looks particularly faithful and impressive.
‘Where is that green prick who stole my job?’
Articulation on this figure is very good, with multiple points all over his upper and lower body, allowing you to put him in a myriad of battle poses. The right (or left if you prefer) hand folds in to attach his signature harpoon. The tank barrel from his tank mode serves as a rifle. Really, its hard to find fault here, everything from the head sculpt to the colour scheme are spot on.
‘Orange was never my colour’
Cybertronian Tank Mode
Finally, I have treads instead of wheels!
To be honest, he looks even cooler than he did in any comic. Weaponry wise he sports a giant tank cannon at the front, his shoulder cannon becomes a roof mounted laser cannon, there are twin scatter blasters on either side and his harpoon becomes a rotating laser gun on top. Add to that four huge spikes at the front and he don’t need no stinkin Battle Masters to kick butt, he’s a one-tank arsenal! There are however multiple ports to add Battle Master and Weaponizer guns should you wish.
Overkill? Na…
Once again the colour scheme is top notch, and as the leader of The Wreckers the battle damage suits him more than most . This really is the Impactor you’ve been waiting for.
Quite straight forward. Not stupidly simple but no real challenge to be had.
Worth Getting?
Oh hells yes! I’ve been pretty damn happy with my Timelines Impactor for the past three years, and while I was looking forward to an update I wasn’t yearning for it. But now I have this guy my other two Impactors won’t be getting a look in any time soon. Everything about this figure is really spot on and just screams Wreck’n’Rule! Whether you want this guy or the upcoming one which is Decepticon aligned, either way go and grab one and continue to pray there is a Rack’n’Ruin toy in the works soon.
Got something to say about this figure? Pop it in the comments section below!
Sharkticons. In G1 they worked for the Quintessons. In IDW they worked for the Junkions. Whatever the place in the Multiverse, it always seems to be the fate of the Sharkticons to be the serving class – rotund warriors who turn into savage shark… thingies.
Gnaw is to this day the only named member of the Sharkticon race, whereas even the Junkions have grown their named-character ranks over the years. But given their appearance in The Transformers: The Movie in 1986 and then in multiple episodes of G1 Season 3 thereafter Sharkticons – and therefore Gnaw – are instantly recognisable to nearly any Transformer fan on the planet.
Gnaw got his first new toy in thirty years with his 2016 Titans Return figure. It was much beloved, especially since he was so small and cheap that you could by a ton of him! Well now three years after that Gnaw is taking his first steps into the Multiverse with a bigger (if somewhat similar figure). So let’s chomp down on Cyberverse Gnaw.
Robot Mode
“Call me ‘Humpty Dumpty’ again. I dare you – say it one more time”
Tubby fragger isn’t he! But he conforms perfectly to how the Sharkticons looked in the G1 show and how they may/probably look when they debut in the Cyberverse cartoon. The articulation isn’t too bad for a Warrior-Class CB figure, with some actuation in his shoulders, elbows, hips, knees and neck. With a neckline covered in teeth and a light grey, light blue and pink colour scheme you would be hard pressed to mistake this fella for anyone else.
Mace Mash
By pushing the shark fin situated in the middle of Gnaw’s Back you make him do a Mace Mash spin, akin to the gimmick that the Cyberverse Acid Storm sports. It’s kinda fun I guess, certainly aimed at a younger demographic. Certainly adds more play value than simply pressing a button like on Alpha Trion. I do like how his mace has a big kink in it, something to give it a bit more visual appeal.
Sharticon Mode
“I watch you while you sleep”
Half-Frog, Half-Shark – all ugly! Yup – he ticks all the boxes. This is for the most part simply an upscaled version of the Titans Return version, in fact their transformations are nearly identical. Sadly this Gnaw has no articulation in his arms which is a bit of a letdown as was something they could have been easily included without compromising the Mace Mash gimmick. But it’s a small quibble, on the whole he looks great. Ugly yes – but great.
Worth Getting?
Gnaw’s on parade
Well, I reckon so. As only the third official Gnaw toy we’ve had in the last 33 years, people would have been over the moon if this had been released before the Titans Return figure existed. As it is he is worth getting if you are into Cyberverse or the character in general. Given the $29(AU) price point I can’t see many folk using him to army build. Given his size however, which is half way between the other two official Gnaw figures, he will add some nice variety to your Sharkticon displays.
Baby Shark, do-de-do-do-do
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Season 2 of Cyberverse has just started to air in Australia and more Cyberverse toys are hitting the shelves. One of the latest ones is a character who ironically died in a flashback back in Season 1. So let’s have a look at that grand old sage, one of the Original 13 and Matrix-babysitter for hire: Ultra-ClassAlpha Trion.
Robot Mode
Ol’ Alpha is looking pretty beefy here for an aging bot. Really strong and stocky, looks like he should be pounding iron rather than babysitting baubles. I really like how the wings of his alt-mode become a quasi-cape and he has the big spikes on the shoulder that the character did in the G1 cartoon in the Evergreen style Cyberverse has adopted – I believe he is the first Alpha Trion figure to be sporting them. A decent beard on him as well. Otherwise he is pretty simplistic looking, suffers from very limited articulation and sports no weapon whatsoever.
Vehicle Mode
Alpha Trion first sported a Space Cruiser alt-mode in the Timelines toyline which also carried over into his Titans Return toy. This seems to be the go-to alt-mode for Alpha now as he sports it again here. Like the Titans Return version, the Space Cruiser mode is severely plain, his paintjob consisting of big unadorned patches of red and purple with a small cockpit at the back. From the top and sides it looks OK, but don’t look from the bottom as it reveals how simplistic the Transformation is (i.e – you can see its just the robot hunched up and Trion staring at you angrily).
Laser Beam Blast
Well, it makes more sense than Slipstream’s helicopter-out-the-back-thingie power I guess. By pushing down on at the back you can make giant lasers flip out from both wings. It’s kinda cool, but there is a paint deficiency on the outer front halves of the lasers, making them a streaky pink instead of a solid one. Will add a little bit of play value for the younger fans.
Worth Getting?
I’m one of the Original 13 Primes – damn well buy me! …… please!
To be honest, at $39(AU) I would have to say no. The fairly decent looking robot mode does not make up for the cheapy feel, lack of articulation, less than inspiring alt-mode and the simplistic transformation. Add to that no accessories and this is a figure you can easily bypass. Frankly I only got him as it was the first time in a long time I had actually seen a new Transformer toy on the shelves of the only department store that’s within 50km of where I live. However if you are a fan of the Original 13, Cyberverse or want what is probably the most G1-looking Alpha Trion toy we have ever had, then he may be worth picking up if you see him at a discounted price. Considering Alpha Trion is already dead in the cartoon, if you want a Cyberverse representation of him don’t wait for a better toy to come along as you are unlikely to see it.
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The exclusives continue thick and fast in the Transformers: War for Cybertron: Siege toyline. In fact nearly 40% of this toyline is made up of figures you can only purchase in particular US stores or otherwise online.
Last time we looked at Greenlight, who was only available through the US Amazon Prime site. Today we are looking at some more Amazon exclusives, though thankfully you can get them through the AU store. Today we look at the Autobot Alphastrike Counterforce.
This pack is made up of three bots but four characters – Covert Clone Sideswipe, a new Battle Master character named Trenchfoot, and vehicle only characters Raindance and Grand Slam who combine into Slamdance.
Covert Clone Sideswipe
Robot Mode
‘Look, I’ve got the G1 symbol so that makes me G1, totally not G2, I swear!’
Yep – despite the name we all know from the colour scheme this is really G2 Sideswipe. Except the inversion of the red and black colours, this figure is exactly the same as the regular Sideswipe that came out in the main Siege toyline. At least with all the blaster adaptability you can beef up his weaponry – which consist of a Photo-Pulser Proton Launcher and a Gryo Blaster that can combine into a RR Gryofuse Axleswitch Hyper-Blaster – so he resembles more his more hardcore G2 incarnation.
Cybertronian Sports Car Mode
No sir, I don’t really like it. It’s not bad, but with all the red under the translucent dome the colour scheme really screams the Decepticons Wildrider or Runabout. Once again, adding lots of weapons is your friend here to give him that G2 Sideswipe feel.
Trenchfoot is a recolour of Decepticon Battle Master Caliburst and his colour scheme makes it clear he is more intended to be paired up with Sideswipe than Slamdance. I think he works really well in both modes, his gun apparently being a Foxhole Counterblast Cannon. Interestingly he is one of the very few completely original characters in the Siege toyline so far.
Raindance & Grand Slam
A little history lesson. In 1988 G1 Blaster finally got a 3rd set of cassettes – Raindance and Grand Slam. What made these characters unique was that they had no robot or robotic animal modes whatsoever (until they combined) – they both turned from cassettes into vehicles.
Here Raindance once again has no robot mode of his own, and not even a cassette mode! He is however a very cool looking blue earth jet, replacing his Cybertronian Jet-Drone mode.
Grand Slam
G1 Grand Slam turned from a cassette into a red Cybertronian Tank. Like Raindance he has also lost his cassette mode but turns into a pretty sweet red tank fairly reminicent of the original, sporting a big A2A Proton Missile Launcher on the front. Both Grand Slam and Raindance can sport each others weapons as well (Raindance’s being a Smokecloak Blaster)
Took over 3 decades but I’m back baby! I hope those 80’s dances are still popular!
As mentioned, the original G1 Raindance and Grand Slam toys could combine to finally give them a robot mode – Slamdance – and here he is once again. A slight retool of Siege Skytread but with a new head, he stands that slight bit taller than your average Deluxe figure. This is a great shout out to a pretty obscure character!
Beware the left ankle!
There have been many reports of people snapping the left ankle off their Slamdance! And indeed having this knowledge in advance I was very careful with mine and found that yes, his left ankle is very tight and stiff. However I found that giving the area a quick squirt with some spray lubricant like WD-40 and then leaving him for half an hour resulted in a much less stiff and more fluid movement in the part, so now I transform him without worry. I highly recommend doing the same when you first remove yours from the box.
Is this set worth getting?
Well there are no brand new moulds here. All 3 (or 4) moulds have already been released in the main Siege line so if you are looking for something new look elsewhere. That said, this has been the cheapest version of G2 Sideswipe we’ve had since the original, its the first time in over 30 years we’ve had a Slamdance figure and Trenchfoot is that rare thing becoming more elusive – a whole new character. The price is around $80(AU) online which really isn’t too bad for 2 Deluxe’s and a Battle Master so you can feel like you are getting decent value for money. This is really a take or leave exclusive which I primarily picked up for Slamdance, and I am quite happy I did.
Got anything to say about this set of figures? Pop it in the comments section below!