It’s been a long time since I did a Multiverse Gallery but if any figure warrants their return it’s Unicron! So lets have a look at the Chaos Bringer in his myriad of toy forms.
Please Note: All pictures are my own figures unless otherwise stated. Many thanks to M.K. Griffin for providing pictures of his different variants of the Armada Unicron Mold.
Omega Supreme– the first BIG bot of the Transformers franchise.
SureDevastatorshowed a season earlier but he was made up of 6 smallerbots whereas Omega was simply massivein his own right. I still remember the first episode I saw him in –out of nowhere this big battle base character showed up, flew to the moon as a rocket and then turned into this giant robotthatwas able to pick upMegatroninone hand and tell him what for! The first time he showed up in the comics he promptly killedhalftheDecepticonson earth in asingle battle!
In other words – Omega is huge and Omega isSUPREME!
Being one of my very favourite characters I was extremely chuffed to hear we would be getting aTitan classOmega Supreme toy. Whilst I really liked myYOTS Omega, his alt-mode had nothing to do with the G1 character. Likewise I loved Omega in theAnimated cartoon, but he never got a toy at all. So when it was announced that Omega Supreme would be getting a huge new toy which was based, in both modes, on hisG1incarnation, I gave a little squeal of geeky delight!
So without further ado,letslook atTitan-Class War forCybertronSiege Omega Supreme.
Robot Mode
Size: Impressive
Oh be still my beating fuel pump! He isfrigginawesome! And unlikeMetroplexandFort Max, Omega Supreme gives a real sense ofbulk. Good thick lower legs and arms and a massive torso, just like one would hope for. Add to this the two cannon arms, track-wings, translucent visor andfaithfulcolour scheme and there is no mistaking who this big boy is supposed to be. Something I think is an excellent addition is the fact that they have made his claw arm prehensile, as in the claws can bend in the middle in order better grab things. In fact, whilst not as good as some other toys, this Omega has the best articulation ofany toy of his namesake, with shoulders, elbows, knees and neck all moveable to put him in a variety of poses.
Guns: Blazing!
Omega is packing atonof firepower in robot mode. As well as having a huge blaster on the end of each arm, he has his signature tank cannon in the back of his head which can be swivelled around. On his upper chest he has two cannons, these can be folded upwards to reveal further missile racks underneath. So if Omega doesn’t simply squashya, he can blast you into oblivion.
Omega Supreme figures have always beenpartsformers. Thoughsomepurists contendthat apartsformerisn’t really a propertransformer, given Omega’salt-mode/s it’s actually a necessity. Both the original and the Siege versions consist of three separate machines(tank, rocket,base)and even theEnergonversion needed to come apart to form various trains and cranes. So while there was no way that Siege Omega was not going to be apartsformer, the separate parts have been kept to a minimum(Tank/Torso, Arms/Rocket, Body/Base, Wings/Tracks x 2)and there is still a lot of transformation going on.
The Base
The outer body and legs of Omega become the base whilst his wings, like the original toy, become the tracks. It’s really a nice looking base and I love the fact that it comes with two little inner ramps thatMicromasterfigurescan drive up and down. The missile racks are displayed here so that the base can defend itself andone thing I really like is how the track is both elevated as well as being wide enough to accommodate the tank. The feet of the robot can fold out to show little caverns forMicromastersto hide in, though personally I prefer to keep them folded up to keep that oval shape.
The Tank
The torso and head become the tank. The tank cannon that is on the back of Omega’s head is actually not the same tank cannon here, this one is way larger. It’s a great looking tank, though not motorized like the original. The tank can open up to reveala space forMicromasters, though I would have preferred they makethe ramp smootherso that the little guys can actually roll out of himproperly,rather than bump their way down.
The Rocket
Rocket Mode: Phallic. Cosmos: Jealous.
Wow – this isabigrocket! Like,reallybig! Made up primarily of the arms and a thin panel along the back, it’s amazing just the length this rocket reaches, making it as tall as Omega is in his robot mode! The transformation is very clever,wrapping around circular parts and the top of the rocket opens up to show a small cockpit forMicromasterfigures. If I had a complaint, it’s that the prehensile claw that serves as the landing struts tend to slowly slip outwards, so unless you have them flat down Omega’s rocket mode will eventually tilt as one of them gives way.
The Finished Article
All three of Omega’s modules on their own are pretty cool, but add them all together and it looks wicked! Seriously, I don’t think there is much I can say here about how great it is that the photo’s don’t convey on their own.
Rocket Base Mode: Awesome. Fan Boys: Jizzing themselves right now.
In theG1toylineandDreamwavecomicsCountdown was aMicromasterlunar rover that came with his own rocket base. Making him a partner to Omega Supreme who himself turns into a rocket base was a good call. Countdown looks good in both modes and if nothing else really highlights how much interactivity there is between figures his size and the Omega toy.
Worth Getting?
At around $260(AU) he isn’t cheap but isn’t any more expensive thanTrypticonwas two years ago. If you are a G1 lover or afanof huge Transformers this figure could be considered a must have. The interactivity withMicromasterfigures, the robot mode, the rocket base mode – it all works. Whilst not theabsoluteperfect figure, he is a genuinely excellent toy which by far is the best Omega Supreme we’ve ever had, and perhaps ever will have. What can I say? This toy is trulySUPREME!
Got something to say about this figure? Pop it in the comments section below!
Overlord – a gigantic Decepticon despot! From the Japanese G1 continuity, he was the staunch foe of Ginrai and was manned by both a male and female Powermaster. A cool character with an even cooler toy! This character has become very popular with Western TF fans of recent with his outings in the IDW comics where he has been portrayed as a truly unstoppable psychopath.
This rise in notoriety has facilitated Overlord getting his first toy in a long time in the Titans Return line, and like most toys from Hasbro he has also cropped up in the Takara Tomy line. So today we look at the Legends toy – LG 60 Overlord.
Mega & Giga
The two Headmaster partners here are Mega and Giga respectively and each turns Overlord into the Mega or Giga version of himself. Each is slightly different coloured and sports a different expression for Overlord when becoming the face. I’ve found the left arm on Giga keeps popping off so you may want to watch this so you don’t lose it.
Mega Jet
Stealthy (bar the lavender highlights)
I don’t know why but I really like the little landing struts that come out of the bottom. It’s a fairly sleek looking jet and the subdued colours makes it look like it could be streaking silently across the night sky to bomb some Bots. No visible weapons except for two very tiny lasers in the nosecone. The cockpit can open up for Mega to sit in, though mine sticks a bit so requires application of a fingernail to open.
Overlord Mega
In this mode I’m a grinner and a leftie
What a big bloody robot – awesome! This character deserved a big build and that is what they got! The 6 cannons on one side like the G1 toy are represented but sadly the corresponding panel on the right does not fold out into lasers. In ‘Mega’ mode the chest panels are closed, revealing the shoulders more. The nose of the jet becomes detached and attaches to the left shoulder like the G1 toy to serve as a quasi-shield. Overlord Mega has a great smirk going and is by far my favoured of the two faces.
Giga Tank
The paint store was out of black
Despite the garish colour scheme, quite a good looking tank. Bulky yet compact, it feels a very solid toy to play with. Big cannon on the front, detailed tank tracks on the sides and a cockpit at the top that Giga can either fully sit inside or otherwise stand up in to survey the carnage being dished out. Very good!
Overlord Giga
In this mode I’m a serious rightie
In this mode Giga becomes the serious looking face and the chest panels open to reveal some detailed Powermaster components. However I personally would have preferred for one of these spots to be empty like both were on the Hasbro version, so that the current Headmaster not in use could reside in the hole. Some detailing on the back of their legs could have made them look like a Powermaster engine like the original G1 toy. As it is I put the spare Headmaster in the jets cockpit.
Combined Vehicle Mode
‘I ripped off the idea from Flywheels cameo in the S4 opening credits’
I’m not surprised that this mode doesn’t have a specific name as it doesn’t make any sense! The best you could say is it is designed for the jet component to whisk the tank component off to drop at the site of a new battle.
Fortress Base Mode
Not remotely phallic
In this instance the original toy (which is on my ‘grail’ list) is far superior. This is a more compact version with no ramps and one central elongated structure. The cannon in the middle works well and I like how there are spots for both Headmasters to stand. Connector joins come out at the front so that you can affix ramps from the likes of Titans Return Soundwave or even Overlords sworn enemy, Legends Ginrai.
I’ve never even touched the G1 toy (though by gods I’d love one!) and did not pick up the Titans Return Skyshadow or Overlord. I even bypassed the 3rd party Carnifex so this is my first time playing with both this character and this toy mould. I must say I am quite impressed all up! Sure the transformations are a tad simplistic but with a multitude of modes and two Headmasters this toy has a LOT of play value. If you have not picked up one of the aforementioned toys then I heartily recommend you give this figure a go – well worth both your money and your time.
Got anything to add to the review above? Would love to read it in the comments section below!
The Titans Return toyline has had a peculiar quirk. To get more toy sales Hasbro has been releasing figures that obviously have other characters alt-modes before those characters get released themselves. To this end we had a Sentinel Prime which would obviously be retooled into Astrotrain and a Sky Shadow which everyone knew would become Overlord (making some people regretful they spent a fortune on Carnifex). Now the last two obvious retools have been made and we get a look at Wave 5 which was what we all wanted Wave 3 to be. So lets take a look at Blitzwing(retooled from TRMegatron) and Octone (retooled from TROptimus Prime).
MISB – but not for long!
Robot Mode
‘Yes the last version of me had a longer and thicker turret, but I have a better personality’
Quite a nice looking Blitzwing and is both well proportioned and easy to pose. One thing here that is a big plus is he does not come with the shoulder issues that the Thrilling 30 version of him came with. You can remove the tank turret from his back if you don’t like it sticking up but personally I find it gives him that bit more of a G1 look. Speaking of a G1 look, its interesting that his HeadmasterTitan MasterHazard looks a lot more like the original toy than what Blitzwing looked like in the cartoon.
Tank Mode
‘Stop staring at my skinny turret I said!’
While certainly better looking than the Thrilling 30 version, he suffers from having a big gap at the front with his jet modes engines on display for all to see. Also the wings would benefit from an extra few millimeters so that they could fold properly down the sides and underneath the tank rather than jut out from the sides. I quite like the little cockpit sticks up like a blast shield instead of just hiding Hazard within.
Now you are just overcompensating Blitzwing
Jet Mode
Fans of the G1 toy rejoice!
A lot more sleek than the Thrilling 30 version. However instead of having his legs sticking up on the back its got his tank parts sticking out below, much like the G1 toy. While that’s great for display, it aint great for play and for any kid making him zoom above their heads its quite an obvious design quirk that perhaps could have been handled better.
Good if you want to risk your partner shooting you in the back of the cockpit
IDW – say goodbye to all those ‘Tall Tankor’ jokes
Robot Mode
‘Sandstorm, check it out! I’m finally Voyager-sized!’
I think probably the best looking official Octane Octone toy we have had to date (which if you count the Kre-O version makes a whopping total of 4). He has the taller shoulders reminiscent of the Universe version and the dynamic wings of the G1 version along with the squarish chest. Once again he is able to be posed fairly easily as well as good articulation. Would have been nice to see him armed with a shield instead of a second gun.
Tanker Truck Mode
Just damn cool!
Best. Taker Truck Mode. Ever. The G1 version was good but the huge arms at the sides wrecked it and you had to add the huge cover on the back whereas here it is built in. This tanker mode looks very sleek for a tanker truck, makes the odd colour scheme work well and I love the stripes at the sides. Only thing is be careful of the stripes – they are stickers, not paint – and are liable to get worn off unless you are careful during transformations. There is a small unobtrusive cockpit on the top of the tanker for Murk to ride in.
Yeah, put some cannons firing hot plasma right next to all that volatile Energon – there’s a good idea.
Cargo Plane Mode
The back is definitely not aerodynamic…
It seems all Octone toys suffer in some form from having a bit that just wont fit. With the G1 toy it was the arms in tanker truck mode (yes they weren’t great in plane mode either but at least sorta hid under the wings) and with the Universe mode it was that one of the robots arms ended in a vastly oversized melee blade that frankly looked odd at best. With this incarnation of Octone it’s the cargo plane mode. The front two-thirds look fine but he has the split truck cab sitting either side at the back, making the G1 plane vastly superior for me. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a nice enough looking plane but certainly the weakest of his three modes.
… and now neither is the front.
Worth your money?
So are these two worth getting? For Octane Octone I’d say a definite yes. Despite the drawback of the plane modes rear it is still the best Octane toy we have had to date. Blitzwing, well, it depends if you have the Thrilling 30 version and how much you like it. Blitzwing seems destined to never have a normal head again, either sporting three faces of darkness or his skull turning into a little robot and running off. Personally I’m still glad I got him and he fits in well to my ever expanding Blitzwing family.
Got something to say about these two toys? Would love to read it in the comments section below!