Tag Archives: Starscream

Transformers Collection – Robots in Disguise (2015)

And thus the great cataloging of my personal collection continues.

Transformers Robots in Disguise (15) was very much an “Eh – it was ok” entry into the Transformers multiverse.  Set in the Aligned Continuity, it was meant to be the sequel to Transformers Prime and run cocurrent to Transformers Rescue Bots.  However whilst Prime impressed fans with its ongoing mature storyline, impressive graphics and excellet figures, Robots in Disguise was far more simplistic and considered a downgrade.  The cartoon became a The Tick like show where the team battled a differently themed bad guy each week, and the toyline introduced Warrior-class and 1-step changer toys – simplistic toys with simplistic transformations.

Whilst never hated like Kiss Players, Robots in Disguise (15) failed to impress anyone, and will remain a cartoon and toyline that the majority of fans feel ambivelent about.   At least we got some better figures from other toylines RID crossed over with such as Adventure and Go! 


Transformers Robots In Disguise (15)/Adventure Action Figure List

Autobot Figures


*Item #RID150001: Transformers Robots in Disguise Autobot Mega Optimus Prime

*Item #RID150002: Transformers Robots in Disguise Autobot Optimus Prime


*Item #RID150003: Transformers Robots in Disguise Autobot Drift

*Item #RID150004: Transformers Robots in Disguise Mini-Con Jetstorm

*Item #RID150005: Transformers Robots in Disguise Mini-Con Slipstream


*Item #RID150006: Transformers Robots in Disguise Strongarm

*Item #RID150007: Transformers Robots in Disguise 9 (1-step) Strongarm


*Item #RID150008: Transformers Robots in Disguise Sideswipe

*Item #RID150009: Transformers Robots in Disguise Activator Sideswipe

*Item #RID150010: Transformers Robots in Disguise Mini-Con Great Byte


*Item #RID150011: Transformers Robots in Disguise Twinferno

*Item #RID150012: Transformers Robots in Disguise Bumblebee

*Item #RID150013: Transformers Robots in Disguise Blurr

*Item #RID150014: Transformers Adventure TAV23 Jazz

*Item #RID150015: Transformers Robots in Disguise Stormshot

*Item #RID150016: Transformers Robots in Disguise Windblade

*Item #RID150017: Transformers Adventure TAV59 Ratchet


*Item #RID150018: Transformers Robots in Disguise Dinobot Grimlock

*Item #RID150019: Transformers Robots in Disguise (1-step) Gold Armour Grimlock


*Item #RID150020: Transformers Robots in Disguise Mini-Con Sawback

*Item #RID150021: Transformers Robots in Disguise Mini-Con Windstrike

*Item #RID150022: Transformers Robots in Disguise Mini-Con Velocirazor

*Item #RID150023: Transformers Robots in Disguise Mini-Con Sawtooth

*Item #RID150024: Transformers Robots in Disguise Mini-Con Beastbox

*Item #RID150025: Transformers Robots in Disguise Mini-Con Tricerashot


*Item #RID150026: Transformers Robots in Disguise Mini-Con Bashbreaker


*Item #RID150027: Transformers Robots in Disguise Mini-Con Fixit


*Item #RID15MD0028: Transformers Robots in Disguise Autobot Optimus Prime

*Item #RID15MD0029: Transformers Robots in Disguise Autobot Optimus Prime(V2)


*Item #RID15MD0030: Transformers Robots in Disguise Dinobot Grimlock

*Item #RID15MD0031: Transformers Robots in Disguise Dinobot Grimlock (V2)

*Item #RID15MD0032: Transformers Robots in Disguise Dinobot Grimlock (V2) (MISB)


*Item #RID15MD0033: Transformers Robots in Disguise Autobot Bumblebee

*Item #RID15MD0034: Transformers Robots in Disguise Autobot Bumblebee (V2)

*Item #RID15MD0035: Transformers Robots in Disguise Autobot Bumblebee (MISB)

*Item #RID15MD0036: Transformers Robots in Disguise Autobot Bumblebee (MISB)


*Item #RID15MD0037: Transformers Robots in Disguise Autobot Strongarm

*Item #RID15MD0038: Transformers Robots in Disguise Autobot Drift

*Item #RID15MD0039: Transformers Robots in Disguise Autobot Sideswipe


*Item #RID150040: Transformers Robots in Disguise TAV10 Dinobot Slug


**Item #RID150041: Transformers Robots in Disguise Optimus Prime vehicle (MOSC)


*Item #RIDTT0042: Transformers Robots in Disguise Tiny Titans Autobot Optimus Prime


*Item #RIDGO0043: Transformers Go! Kenzan

*Item #RIDGO0044: Transformers Go! Ganoh


Decepticon Figures


*Item #RID150001: Transformers Robots in Disguise Megatronus

*Item #RID150002: Transformers Adventure TAV37 Megatronus


*Item #RID150003: Transformers Robots in Disguise Decepticon Starscream

*Item #RID150004: Transformers Robots in Disguise Mini-Con Lancelon


*Item #RID150005: Transformers Robots in Disguise Decepticon Chompazoid Underbite

*Item #RID150006: Transformers Robots in Disguise Decepticon Quillfire

*Item #RID150007: Transformers Robots in Disguise Decepticon Amphiboid Springload


*Item #RID150008: Transformers Robots in Disguise Decepticon Fracture

*Item #RID150009: Transformers Robots in Disguise Mini-Con Airazor

*Item #RID150010: Transformers Robots in Disguise Mini-Con Divebomb


*Item #RID150011: Transformers Robots in Disguise Decepticon Overload

*Item #RID150012: Transformers Robots in Disguise Mini-Con Backtrack


*Item #RID150013: Transformers Robots in Disguise Decepticon Crazybolt

*Item #RID150014: Transformers Robots in Disguise Decepticon Crazybolt (vehicle)

*Item #RID150015: Transformers Robots in Disguise Mini-Con Hammer


*Item #RID150016: Transformers Robots in Disguise Decepticon (Warrior) Soundwave

*Item #RID150017: Transformers Robots in Disguise Decepticon (Activator) Soundwave

*Item #RID150018: Transformers Robots in Disguise Decepticon Mini-Con Laserbeak

*Item #RID150019: Transformers Robots in Disguise Decepticon Mini-Con Ratbat


*Item #RID150020: Transformers Robots in Disguise Decepticon Thermoidor

*Item #RID150021: Transformers Adventure TAV38 Decepticon Thunderhoof

*Item #RID150022: Transformers Robots in Disguise Decepticon Skywarp

*Item #RID150023: Transformers Robots in Disguise Decepticon Bludgeon

*Item #RID150024: Transformers Robots in Disguise Decepticon Steeljaw


*Item #RID150025: Transformers Robots in Disguise Decepticon Clampdown

*Item #RID150026: Transformers Robots in Disguise Decepticon Cyclonus

*Item #RID150027: Transformers Robots in Disguise Decepticon Groundbuster


*Item #RID150028: Transformers Robots in Disguise Combiner Force Decepticon Bisk (MOSC)


-Combiner Menasor, consisting of:

*Item #RID150029: Transformers Robots in Disguise Stunticon Motormaster


*Item #RID150030: Transformers Robots in Disguise Stunticon Drag Strip

(right arm)

*Item #RID150031: Transformers Robots in Disguise Stunticon Wildbreak

(left arm)

*Item #RID150032: Transformers Robots in Disguise Stunticon Heatseeker

(right leg)

*Item #RID150033: Transformers Robots in Disguise Stunticon Slashmark

Left (leg)

*Item #RID150034: Transformers Robots in Disguise Stunticon Crash Combiner Drag Strip

*Item #RID150035: Transformers Robots in Disguise Stunticon Crash Combiner Wildbreak


*Item #RID150036: Transformers Robots in Disguise Decepticon Crash Combiner Warnado

*Item #RID150037: Transformers Robots in Disguise Decepticon Crash Combiner Shockdrive


*Item #RID150038: Transformers Robots in Disguise Mini-Con Swelter

*Item #RID150039: Transformers Robots in Disguise Mini-Con Doomitron

*Item #RID150040: Transformers Robots in Disguise Mini-Con Lord Back

*Item #RID150041: Transformers Robots in Disguise Mini-Con Sandsting

*Item #RID150042: Transformers Robots in Disguise Mini-Con Dragonus


*Item #RID150043: Transformers Adventure TAV08 Decepticon Gregevor (MOSC)


*Item #RID150044: Transformers Adventure TED-05 Decepticon Junkion


*Item #RID15MD0045: Transformers Robots in Disguise Chompazoid Underbite


*Item #RID150046: Transformers Robots in Disguise Steeljaw (vehicle) (MOSC)


*Item #RIDTT0047: Transformers Robots in Disguise Tiny Titans Fracture

*Item #RIDTT0048: Transformers Robots in Disguise Tiny Titans Fracture ((2nd unit)

*Item #RIDTT0049: Transformers Robots in Disguise Tiny Titans Steeljaw

*Item #RIDTT0050: Transformers Robots in Disguise Tiny Titans Minimus Ambus

*Item #RIDTT0051: Transformers Robots in Disguise Tiny Titans Minimus Ambus (2nd unit)

*Item #RIDTT0052: Transformers Robots in Disguise Tiny Titans Thunderhoof

*Item #RIDTT0053: Transformers Robots in Disguise Tiny Titans Terrashock

*Item #RIDTT0054: Transformers Robots in Disguise Tiny Titans Nightstrike

*Item #RIDTT0055: Transformers Robots in Disguise Tiny Titans Filch


Transformers Collection – Prime

Transformers Collection – Rescue Bots

Transformers Collection – TCG Cards

A few years ago Wizards of the Coast, in conjunction with Hasbro, released the Transformers Trading Card Game.

Though the game has come to a close now, it was very popular for quite a while, and WOTC/Hasbro were even kind enough to send me a few different sets to review when the game was at its height.  Even if you no longer play the game, the artwork on the cards makes them well worth keeping.


Transformers Trading Card Game Cards


Decepticon Character Cards

*Item #TTCG0001: Megatron (Decepticon Leader)

*Item #TTCG0002: Megatron (Arrogant Ruler)

*Item #TTCG0003: Starscream (Decepticon King)

*Item #TTCG0004: Starscream (Air Commander)

*Item #TTCG0005: Flamewar

*Item #TTCG0006: Specialist Flamewar

*Item #TTCG0007: Major Soundwave

*Item #TTCG0008: Skywarp

*Item #TTCG0009: Dirge

*Item #TTCG0010: Raider Ion Storm

*Item #TTCG0011: Raider Flamefeather

*Item #TTCG0012: Seargent Sparkstalker

*Item #TTCG0013: Decepticon Venim

*Item #TTCG0014: Ruckus

*Item #TTCG0015: Raider Runabout

*Item #TTCG0016: Raider Runamuck

*Item #TTCG0017: Seargeant Skrapnel

Exclusive Cards Reveal: Dirge and Defensive Driving. Transformers: TCG


*Item #TTCG0018: Bonecrusher

*Item #TTCG0019: Hook

*Item #TTCG0020: Scrapper

*Item #TTCG0021: Longhaul

*Item #TTCG0022: Mixmaster

*Item #TTCG0023: Scavenger

*Item #TTCG0024: Divebomb

*Item #TTCG0025: Predacon Headstrong

*Item #TTCG0026: Torox

Devastator Pack Review: Part 1 – Transformers TCG


*Item #TTCG0027: Motormaster

*Item #TTCG0028: Breakdown

*Item #TTCG0029: Decepticon Drag Strip

*Item #TTCG0030: Offroad

*Item #TTCG0031: Dead End

*Item #TTCG0032: Dead End (2nd unit)

*Item #TTCG0033: Dreadwind

*Item #TTCG0034: Blackwing

*Item #TTCG0035: Raider Laserbeak

*Item #TTCG0036: Raider Ravage

*Item #TTCG0037: Raider Storm Cloud

*Item #TTCG0038: Raider Visper

*Item #TTCG0039: Raider Detour

*Item #TTCG0040: Raider Road Hugger


Autobot Character Cards

*Item #TTCG0041: Metroplex

*Item #TTCG0042: Optimus Prime

*Item #TTCG0043: Bumblebee (Courageous Scout)

*Item #TTCG0044: Bumblebee (Trusted Lieutenant)

*Item #TTCG0045: Bumblebee (Brave Warrior)

*Item #TTCG0046: Dinobot Swoop

*Item #TTCG0047: Six-Gun

*Item #TTCG0048: Scamper

*Item #TTCG0049: Slammer

*Item #TTCG0050: Red Alert

*Item #TTCG0051: Private Red Alert

*Item #TTCG0052: Grapple

*Item #TTCG0053: Ironhide

*Item #TTCG0054: Major Prowl

*Item #TTCG0055: Seargent Hound

*Item #TTCG0056: Private Trailbreaker

*Item #TTCG0057: Private Arcee

*Item #TTCG0058: Seargent Chromia

*Item #TTCG0059: Autobot Novastar

*Item #TTCG0060: Sergeant Kup

*Item #TTCG0061: Blurr

Review – Metroplex Pack: Transformers TCG


*Item #TTCG0062: Autobot Hot Rod

*Item #TTCG0063: Optimus Prime

*Item #TTCG0064: Prowl

*Item #TTCG0065: Autobot Mirage

*Item #TTCG0066: Autobot Mirage (2nd unit)

*Item #TTCG0067: Alpha Bravo

*Item #TTCG0068: Skydive

*Item #TTCG0069: Fireflight

*Item #TTCG0070: Air Raid

*Item #TTCG0071: Dinobot Snarl

*Item #TTCG0072: Dinobot Sludge

*Item #TTCG0073: Private Top Shot

*Item #TTCG0074: Private Flak

*Item #TTCG0075: Private Mudslinger

*Item #TTCG0076: Private Tote

*Item #TTCG0077: Private Stakeout

*Item #TTCG0078: Private Red Heat

Exclusive Card Reveal: Private Stakeout – Transformers TCG


Decepticon Cards

*Item #TTCG0079: Fusion Cannon of Megatron

*Item #TTCG0080: Tooth and Claw

*Item #TTCG0081: Stunticon Swagger

*Item #TTCG0082: HV Electron Breacher

*Item #TTCG0083: Decepticon Crown

*Item #TTCG0084-86: Builder’s Tools (x3)

*Item #TTCG0087-88: Scoundrel’s Blaster (x2)

*Item #TTCG0089-91: Heavy Loading (x3)

*Item #TTCG0092-93: Reclaim (x2)

*Item #TTCG0094: Tower

Exclusive Card Reveal: Electro-Optical Visor. Transformers: TCG


Autobot Cards

*Item #TTCG0095: Combat Commands

*Item #TTCG0096-97: Noble’s Blaster (x2)

*Item #TTCG0098: Electrified Spikes

*Item #TTCG0099-101: Protected by Metroplex (x3)

*Item #TTCG0102-104: Height Advantage (x3)

*Item #TTCG0105-107: Rally the City (x3)


Double Orange

*Item #TTCG0108-122: Improvised Shield (x15)

*Item #TTCG0123-124: Mounted Missiles (x2)


Double Blue

*Item #TTCG0125-137: Handheld Blaster (x13)

*Item #TTCG0138: Energized Field

*Item #TTCG0139: EMP Wave


Orange & Blue

*Item #TTCG0140: Recon System


White & Green

*Item #TTCG0141-147: Spare Parts (x7)

*Item #TTCG0148-149: Secret Dealings (x2)

*Item #TTCG0150-152: Attack Drone (x3)

*Item #TTCG0153-158: Escape Route (x 5)

*Item #TTCG0159: Espionage

*Item #TTCG0160: Personal Targeting Drone

*Item #TTCG0161: Inverted!


Orange & Green

*Item #TTCG0162-165: Enforcement Batons (x4)

*Item #TTCG0166-167: Reactive Armor (x2)

*Item #TTCG0168-169: Focus Fire (x2)

*Item #TTCG0170-174: Bashing Shield (x5)

*Item #TTCG0175-176: Sparring Gear (x2)

*Item #TTCG0177-178: Scrounge (x2)

*Item #TTCG0179: Press the Advantage


Blue & Green

*Item #TTCG0180-182: Backup Beam (x3)

*Item #TTCG0183: Extra Padding

*Item #TTCG0184: Sturdy Armor

*Item #TTCG0185: Reflex Circuits

*Item #TTCG0186: Dismantling Claw

*Item #TTCG0187: Master Plan

*Item #TTCG0188-191: Smelt (x4)

*Item #TTCG0192: Covert Armor



*Item #TTCG0193-200: Rest & Relaxation (x8)

*Item #TTCG0201-202: Sonic Scramble (x2)

*Item #TTCG0203-208: Tech Research (x6)

*Item #TTCG0209-211: Enemy Combat Analysis (x3)

*Item #TTCG0212: Metal Detector

*Item #TTCG0213-214: Cornered (x2)

*Item #TTCG0215: Battlefield Scan



*Item #TTCG0216: Hiding Spot

*Item #TTCG0217: Bad Attitude

*Item #TTCG0218-220: Ready For Action (x3)

*Item #TTCG022`: Dismantle

*Item #TTCG0222: Calculated Strike

*Item #TTCG0223: Crash Landing

*Item #TTCG0224: Smokethrower

*Item #TTCG0225: EM24 IR Laser Launcher

*Item #TTCG0226: Repurpose

*Item #TTCG0227: Steamroll

*Item #TTCG0228-234: Fling (x7)

*Item #TTCG0235: Medic!

*Item #TTCG0236-237: Plasma Burst (x2)

*Item #TTCG0238: Medic! (2nd type)

*Item #TTCG0239: Strafing Run

*Item #TTCG0240-241: Bolt of Lightning (x2)



*Item #TTCG0242-243: Piercing Blaster (x2)

*Item #TTCG0244-248: Data Pad (x5)

*Item #TTCG0249-250: Delibitating Crystal (x2)

*Item #TTCG0251: Force Field

*Item #TTCG0252-259: Force Field (2nd type) (x8)

*Item #TTCG0260-262: Superior Jetpack (x3)

*Item #TTCG0263: Intelligence Mission

*Item #TTCG0264-266: Backup Plan (x3)

*Item #TTCG0267: Diagnosis

*Item #TTCG0268: Frag Toss

*Item #TTCG0269-285: Rapid Conversion (x17)

*Item #TTCG0286-291: Surprise Attack (x6)

*Item #TTCG0292-296: Field Communication (x5)

*Item #TTCG0297-299: Work Overtime (x3)

*Item #TTCG0300-302: Leap of Faith (x3)

*Item #TTCG0303: Fog of War

*Item #TTCG0304: Combat Training



*Item #TTCG0305: Battlefield Report

*Item #TTCG0306: Reclaim

*Item #TTCG0307-313: Pep Talk (x7)

*Item #TTCG0314: Brainstorm

*Item #TTCG0315: Steady Shot

*Item #TTCG0316-320: Underhanded Tactics (x5)

*Item #TTCG0321-322: Universal Network Access (x2)

*Item #TTCG0323-328: Vaporize (x6)

*Item #TTCG0329: Bumpers

*Item #TTCG0330-334: Energon Slingshot (x5)

*Item #TTCG0335: Urban Camo

*Item #TTCG0336: Smoke Cloak

*Item #TTCG0337-347: Primary Laser (x11)

*Item #TTCG0348-352: Blast Shield (x5)

*Item #TTCG0353-355: Bravery (x3)

*Item #TTCG0356-357: Evasive Manoeuvres (x2)

*Item #TTCG0358-360: Leap into Battle (x3)

*Item #TTCG0361-366: Inspiring Leadership (x6)

*Item #TTCG0367: Start your Engines

*Item #TTCG0368-380: Armoured Plating (x13)

*Item #TTCG0381: Drill Arms

*Item #TTCG0382: Reinforced Plating

*Item #TTCG0383-385: Superior Plating (x3)

*Item #TTCG0386: Marksmanship

*Item #TTCG0387: Brainstorm

*Item #TTCG0388: Inferno Breath

*Item #TTCG0389: Heavy-Handed

*Item #TTCG0390: The Bigger They Are…

*Item #TTCG0391-392: Team-Up Tactics (x2)

*Item #TTCG0393: Collateral Damage



*Item #TTCG0394: Mining Pick

*Item #TTCG0395: Superior Cannon

*Item #TTCG0396-400: Flamethrower (x5)

*Item #TTCG0401-402: Combat Dagger (x2)

*Item #TTCG0403-407: Scrapper Gauntlets (x4)

*Item #TTCG0408-409: Power Punch (x2)

*Item #TTCG0410: Basic Combat Protocol

*Item #TTCG0411: Bolster

*Item #TTCG0412-413: Defensive Formation (x2)

*Item #TTCG0414-418: Field Repair (x5)

*Item #TTCG0419-421: Reckless Charge (x3)

*Item #TTCG0422-426: Swindled (x5)

*Item #TTCG0427-432: Testify (x6)

*Item #TTCG0433-435: Rapid Ascent (x3)

*Item #TTCG0436-439: Ramming Speed (x4)

*Item #TTCG0440-441: Repair Bay (x2)

*Item #TTCG0442-446: Supercharge (x5)

*Item #TTCG0447-453: Grenade Launcher (x7)

*Item #TTCG00454: Swarm!

*Item #TTCG0455-456: Incoming Transmission (x2)

*Item #TTCG0457-458: Vandalize (x2)

*Item #TTCG00459: Treasure Hunt

*Item #TTCG0460-464: Confidence (x5)

*Item #TTCG0465-469: Erratic Lightning (x5)

*Item #TTCG0470-471: Body Armor (x2)

*Item #TTCG0472: Ancient Wisdom

*Item #TTCG0473-474: New Designs (x2)

*Item #TTCG0475: Stealthiness

*Item #TTCG0476: Battle Ready

*Item #TTCG0477: Tackle

*Item #TTCG0478: Cooling Vents


Enigma Cards

*Item #TTCG0479-481: Constructicon Enigma (x3)

*Item #TTCG0482-483: Stunticon Enigma (x2)

*Item #TTCG0484-485: Predacon Enigma (x2)

*Item #TTCG0486: Sentinel Enigma

*Item #TTCG0487: Dinobot Enigma

*Item #TTCG0488-490: Aerialbot Enigma (x3)

ROTC Booster Packs. Part 2: Gameplay – Transformers TCG



*Item #TTCG0491: Starter Pack (MISB)


*Item #TTCG0492: Rise of the Combiners Booster Box

Rise of the Combiners Booster Packs. Review Part 1 – Transformers TCG

Transformers Collection – Prime

And thus the great cataloging of my personal collection continues.

The Transformers Prime cartoon came out while the live-action movies were at their peak in popularity,  and so took on much of their asthetic.  Prime as a long-nosed cab, Arcee as a motorcycle, Bumblebee having a damaged voicebox – all lifted from the Movieverse.  This meant that poor old Ironhide lost his spot on Team Prime as in the Movieverse, Sentinel had just killed him.

Prime has proven to be one of the most popular Transformer cartoons of all time, and it had a pretty good toyline to go with it, although all the sublines contained within became very confusing, including: First Edition, Robots in Disguise, Cyberverse, Arms Micron, Go!, Adventure, Thrilling 30, Beast Hunters, Beast Hunters: Preadacons Rising and even more!


Transformers Prime Autobot Figures

Transformers Prime Autobots


*Item #PRA001: Transformers Prime Beast Hunters Autobot Ultimate Optimus Prime

Reference Photo: #P00260


*Item #PRA002: Transformers Prime  Autobot  Optimus Prime

*Item #PRA003: Transformers Prime Beast Hunters Autobot  Optimus Prime

Reference Photo: #P00261


*Item #PRA004: Transformers Prime  Autobot Weaponizer Bumblebee

*Item #PRA005: Platinum Edition Transformers Prime  Autobot Weaponizer Ultra Magnus (MISB)

*Item #PRA006: Transformers Prime  Autobot Weaponizer Optimus Prime

Reference Photo: #P00262


*Item #PRA007: Transformers Prime  Autobot Ultra Magnus

*Item #PRA008: Transformers Adventure  Autobot TAV14 Ultra Magnus

Reference Photo: #P00263


*Item #PRA009: Transformers Prime  Autobot Cliffjumper

*Item #PRA010: Transformers GO! Prime  Autobot G06 Smokescreen

*Item #PRA011: Transformers Prime  Autobot Kup

*Item #PRA012: Transformers Prime  Autobot Hot Shot

*Item #PRA013: Transformers Prime  Autobot Wheeljack

*Item #PRA014: Transformers Prime  Autobot Bumblebee

*Item #PRA015: Transformers Prime  Autobot Arcee

*Item #PRA016: Transformers Prime  Autobot Ratchet

Reference Photo: #P00264


*Item #PRA017: Transformers Prime  Autobot Bulkhead

Reference Photo: #P00265


*Item #PRA018: Transformers Prime  Beast Hunters Autobot Smokescreen

*Item #PRA019:  Transformers Prime  Beast Hunters: Predacons Rising Autobot Smokescreen

Reference Photo: #P00266


*Item #PRA020: Transformers Prime  Autobot Fallback

*Item #PRA021:  Transformers Prime  Autobot Tailgate

Reference Photo: #P00267


*Item #PRA022: Transformers Prime  Autobot Ironhide

*Item #PRA023: Transformers Prime  Beast Hunters Autobot Huffer

*Item #PRA024: Transformers Prime  Beast Hunters Autobot Trailcutter

Reference Photo: #P00268


*Item #PRA025: Transformers Prime  Beast Hunters Autobot Arcee (MOSC)

*Item #PRA026: Transformers Prime  Beast Hunters Autobot Arcee

Reference Photo: #P00269


*Item #PRA027: Transformers Arms Micron Orion Pax  (MISB)

*Item #PRA028: Transformers Arms Micron Gold Metal R.A (MISB)

Reference Photo: #P00270


*Item #PRA029: Transformers Prime  First Edition Terrorcon Cliffjumper (MOSC)

Reference Photo: #P00271


*Item #PRA030: Transformers Prime  Cyberverse Autobot Quickblade Bumblebee (MOSC)

*Item #PRA031: Transformers Prime  Cyberverse Autobot Arcee (MOSC)

*Item #PRA032: Transformers Prime  Beast Hunters Autobot Prowl (MOSC)

Reference Photo: #P00272


*Item #PRA034: Transformers Prime  Cyberverse Autobot Wheeljack (MISB)

*Item #PRA035: Transformers Prime  Cyberverse Star Hammer (vehicle) (MISB)

Reference Photo: #P00273


*Item #PRA036: Transformers Arms Micron  Shadow C.L

*Item #PRA037: Transformers Arms Micron  Shining B.B

Reference Photo: #P00274


*Item #PRA038: Thrilling 30 CollectibleTransformers Prime  Autobot Wheeljack

Reference Photo: #P00275


*Item #PRA039: Mashems Transformers Prime  Autobot Optimus Prime

*Item #PRA040: Mashems Transformers Prime  Autobot Optimus Prime (2nd unit)

*Item #PRA041: Mashems Transformers Prime   Autobot Bulkhead

*Item #PRA042: Mashems Transformers Prime  Autobot Bumblebee

Reference Photo: #P00276


*Item #PRA043: McDonald’s Transformers Prime  Autobot Bumblebee

*Item #PRA044: McDonald’s Transformers Prime  Autobot Optimus Prime

*Item #PRA045: McDonald’s Transformers Prime  Autobot Bumblebee (vehicle mode)

*Item #PRA046: McDonald’s Transformers Prime  Autobot Optimus Prime (vehicle mode)

Reference Photo: #P00277


*Item #PRA047: Kinder Surprise Transformers Prime  Autobot Ratchet

*Item #PRA048: Kinder Surprise Transformers Prime  Autobot Arcee

*Item #PRA049: Kinder Surprise Transformers Prime  Autobot Bumblebee

*Item #PRA050: Kinder Surprise Transformers Prime  Autobot Optimus Prime

*Item #PRA051: Kinder Surprise Transformers Prime  Autobot Bulkhead

*Item #PRA052: Kinder Surprise Transformers Prime  Autobot Bulkhead (2nd unit)

Reference Photo: #P00278


Transformers Prime Decepticon Figures

Transformers Prime Decepticons


*Item #PRD001: Transformers Prime  Decepticon Megatron

Reference Photo: #P00279


*Item #PRD002: Transformers Prime  Decepticon Starscream

Reference Photo: #P00280


*Item #PRD003: Transformers Prime  Decepticon Soundwave

*Item #PRD004: Transformers Prime  Decepticon Laserbeak

Reference Photo: #P00281


*Item #PRD005: Transformers Go! Prime Decepticon G13 Shockwave

Reference Photo: #P00282


*Item #PRD006: Transformers Prime  Decepticon Skyquake

Reference Photo: #P00283


*Item #PRD007: Transformers Prime  Decepticon Knock Out

Reference Photo: #P00284


*Item #PRD008: Transformers Prime  Decepticon Arachnid

Reference Photo: #P00285


*Item #PRD009: Transformers Prime  Decepticon Dead End

Reference Photo: #P00286


*Item #PRD010: Transformers Prime  Arms Micron Stunticon Wildrider

*Item #PRD011: Transformers Prime  Arms Micron Ozu

Reference Photo: #P00287


*Item #PRD012: Transformers Adventure TAV-12 Decepticon Dreadwing

Reference Photo: #P00288


*Item #PRD013: Transformers Arms Micron  Decepticon AM-30 Rumble

*Item #PRD014: Transformers Arms Micron  Decepticon AM-31 Frenzy

*Item #PRD015: Transformers Prime  Arms Micron Dago-R

*Item #PRD016: Transformers Prime  Arms Micron Dago-F

Reference Photo: #P00289


*Item #PRD017: Transformers Arms Micron  AM-34 Jet Vehicon General

*Item #PRD018: Transformers Prime  Arms Micron Igu S

Reference Photo: #P00290


*Item #PRD019: Transformers Prime  Cyberverse Vehicon

*Item #PRD020: Transformers Prime  Beast Hunters Cyberverse Jet Vehicon

Reference Photo: #P00291


*Item #PRD021: Transformers Prime  Insecticon

Reference Photo: #P00292


*Item #PRD022: Transformers Prime  Cyberverse Decepticon Knock Out

Reference Photo: #P00293


*Item #PRD023: Transformers Thrilling 30 Collecible Prime  Decepticon Shockwave

*Item #PRD024: Transformers Thrilling 30 Collectible Prime  Insecticon

Reference Photo: #P00294


*Item #PRD025: Transformers Prime  Robots in Disguise Vehicon (MOSC)

*Item #PRD026: Transformers Prime  First Edition Vehicon (MOSC)

Reference Photo: #P00295


*Item #PRD027: Transformers Prime  Beast Hunters Decepticon Soundwave (MOSC)

*Item #PRD028: Transformers Prime  Beast Hunters Decepticon Ravage (MOSC)

Reference Photo: #P00296


*Item #PRD029: Transformers Prime  Cyberverse Decepticon Flamewar (MOSC)

Reference Photo: #P00297


*Item #PRD030: Transformers Prime  Decepticon EZ-SP2 Breakdown (MOSC)

*Item #PRD031: Transformers Prime Cyberverse  Decepticon Breakdown (MOSC)

Reference Photo: #P00298


*Item #PRD032: Transformers Arms Micron  Decepticon AM-22 Dreadwing (MISB)

*Item #PRD033: Transformers Arms Micron  Jigu (MISB)

Reference Photo: #P00299


*Item #PRD034: Transformers Prime Cyberverse Decepticon Knock Out

*Item #PRD035: Transformers Prime Cyberverse Energon Driller (vehicle)

Reference Photo: #P00300


*Item #PRD036: Transformers Prime Star Seeker Thundertron

Reference Photo: #P00301


*Item #PRD037: Transformers Arms Micron  Shadow Gora

*Item #PRD038: Transformers Arms Micron  Shadow Balo

Reference Photo: #P00302


*Item #PRD039: McDonald’s Transfomers Prime Breakdown

Reference Photo: #P00303


*Item #PRD040: McDonald’s Transfomers Prime Decepticon Megatron

*Item #PRD041: McDonald’s Transfomers Prime Decepticon Starscream

*Item #PRD042: McDonald’s Transfomers Prime Decepticon Megatron (vehicle)

*Item #PRD043: McDonald’s Transfomers Prime Decepticon Starscream (vehicle)

Reference Photo: #P00304


*Item #PRD044: Kinder Surprise Transfomers Prime Decepticon Megatron

*Item #PRD045: Kinder Surprise Transfomers Prime Decepticon Starscream

*Item #PRD046: Kinder Surprise Transfomers Prime Decepticon Starscream (2nd unit)

*Item #PRD047: Kinder Surprise Transfomers Prime Decepticon Soundwave

*Item #PRD048: Kinder Surprise Transfomers Prime Decepticon Soundwave (2nd unit)

Reference Photo: #P00305


Transformers Prime Predacon Figures

Transformers Prime Predacons


*Item #PRP001: Transfomers Prime Predacon Predaking

Reference Photo: #P00306


*Item #PRP002: Transfomers Prime Predacon Skylynx

*Item #PRP003: Transfomers Prime Predacon Vertebreak

Reference Photo: #P00307


*Item #PRP004: Transfomers Prime Predacon Cindersaur

*Item #PRP005: Transfomers Prime Predacon Rot Gut

Reference Photo: #P00308


*Item #PRP006: Transfomers Prime Predacon Blight

*Item #PRP007: Transfomers Prime Predacon Windrazor

*Item #PRP008: Transfomers Prime Predacon Hun-Grrr

*Item #PRP009: Transfomers Prime Predacon Rippersnapper

*Item #PRP010: Transfomers Prime Predacon Twinstrike

Reference Photo: #P00309


Transformers Prime Gods Figures

*Item #PRG001: Transfomers Arms Micron Unicron

*Item #PRG002: Transfomers Arms Micron Bogu

Reference Photo: #P00310


Transformers Prime VS

*Item #PRV001: Transfomers Prime Robots in Disguise Autobot  Bumblebee (MISB)

*Item #PRV002: Transfomers Prime Human MECH Soldier (MISB)

*Item #PRV003: Transfomers Prime Human Silas (MISB)

*Item #PRV004: Transfomers Prime Robots in Disguise  Starscream (MISB)

Reference Photo: #P00311

Transformers Collection – Animated

And so the great cataloging of my personal Transformers Collection continues.

Animated still proves to be a much beloved and popular part of the Transformers cartoon franchise.  It saw a return to character-driven storylines with each Bot and Con portrayed as having special and unique powers.  With a touch of humour and new takes on classic characters, both the show and toyline proved incredibly popular with fans, especially with their unique visual asthetic.

Transformers Animated Collection


Transformers Animated Autobot Figures

Transformers Animated Autobots


*Item #ANA001: Transformers Animated Autobot Optimus Prime

*Item #ANA002: Transformers Animated Autobot Optimus Prime Cybertron Mode

(Reference: Photo #P00233)


Item #ANA003: Transformers Animated Autobot Ultra Magnus

(Reference: Photo #P00234)


Item #ANA004: Transformers Animated Autobot Blurr

Item #ANA005: Transformers Animated Autobot Sentinel Prime

Item #ANA006: Transformers Animated Autobot Jazz

(Reference: Photo #P00235)


Item #ANA007: Transformers Animated Autobot Ratchet

Item #ANA008: Transformers Animated Autobot Ratchet Cybertron Mode

(Reference: Photo #P00236)


Item #ANA009: Transformers Animated Autobot Prowl

Item #ANA010: Transformers Animated Autobot Bumblebee

(Reference: Photo #P00237)


Item #ANA011: Transformers Animated Autobot Bulkhead

(Reference: Photo #P00238)


Item #ANA012: Transformers Animated Autobot Rodimus Minor

Item #ANA013: Transformers Animated Autobot Ironhide

Item #ANA014: Transformers Animated Autobot Arcee

(Reference: Photo #P00239)


Item #ANA015: Transformers Animated Autobot Wreck Gar

(Reference: Photo #P00240)


Item #ANA016: Transformers Animated Autobot Bumblebee (Activators)

Item #ANA017: Transformers Animated Autobot Cliffjumper

(Reference: Photo #P00241)


Item #ANA018: Transformers Animated Autobot Jetstorm

Item #ANA019: Transformers Animated Autobot Jetfire

(Reference: Photo #P00242)


Item #ANA020: Transformers Animated Dinobot Snarl

Item #ANA021: Transformers Animated Dinobot Grimlock

Item #ANA022: Transformers Animated Dinobot Swoop

(Reference: Photo #P00243)


Item #ANA023: Transformers Timelines Animated Autobot Jackpot

(Reference: Photo #P00244)


Item #ANA024: Transformers Animated McDonalds Autobot Bumblebee

Item #ANA025: Transformers Animated McDonalds Autobot Optimus Prime

Item #ANA026: Transformers Animated McDonalds Autobot Ratchet

(Reference: Photo #P00245)


Transformers Animated Decepticon Figures

Transformers Animated Decepticons


Item #AND001: Transformers Animated Decepticon Megatron

Item #AND002: Transformers Animated Decepticon Megatron Cybertron Mode

(Reference: Photo #P00246)


Item #AND003: Transformers Animated Decepticon Shockwave

(Reference: Photo #P00247)


Item #AND004: Transformers Animated Decepticon Blitzwing

(Reference: Photo #P00248)


Item #AND005: Transformers Animated Decepticon Soundwave

Item #AND006: Transformers Animated Decepticon Laserbeak

(Reference: Photo #P00249)


Item #AND007: Transformers Animated Decepticon TA-35 Sunstorm (MISB)

Item #AND008: Transformers Animated Decepticon Starscream

Item #AND009: Transformers Animated Decepticon Skywarp

(Reference: Photo #P00250)


Item #AND010: Transformers Animated Decepticon Dirge

Item #AND011: Transformers Animated Decepticon Thundercracker

(Reference: Photo #P00251)


Item #AND012: Transformers Animated Decepticon  TA-20 Blackout

(Reference: Photo #P00252)


Item #AND013: Transformers Animated Decepticon Lockdown

(Reference: Photo #P00253)


Item #AND014: Transformers Animated Lugnut

(Reference: Photo #P00254)


Item #AND015: Transformers Animated Decepticon Swindle

(Reference: Photo #P00255)


Item #AND016: Transformers Animated Decepticon Wapinator

Item #AND017: Transformers Animated Decepticon Black Arachnia

(Reference: Photo #P00256)


Item #AND018: Transformers Animated Decepticon Oilslick

(Reference: Photo #P00257)


Item #AND019: Transformers Timelines Animated Stunticon Motormaster

Item #AND020: Transformers Timelines Animated Stunticon Dead End

Item #AND021: Transformers Timelines Animated Stunticon Dragstrip

Item #AND022: Transformers Timelines Animated Stunticon Breakdown

Item #AND023: Transformers Timelines Animated Stunticon Wildrider

(Reference: Photo #P00258)


Item #AND024: Transformers TMcDonalds Animated Decepticon Megatron

(Reference: Photo #P00259)

Transformers Collection – Energon

And the great journey of cataloging my collection continues!

In the 2nd installment of the Unicron Trilogy we got the Energon series.  This saw a rise of 2-bot combination and the return of some classic characters such as Scorponok and Omega Supreme.  Best of all, we got our first official Quintesson figure!


Transformer Energon Autobot Figures


*Item #ENA001: Transformers Energon Autobot Optimus Prime

(Reference: Photo #P00188)


*Item #ENA002: Transformers Energon Autobot Optimus Prime (Costco Exclusive)

(Reference: Photo #P00189)


*Item #ENA003: Transformers Energon Autobot Hot Shot

*Item #ENA004: Transformers Energon Autobot Rodimus

*Item #ENA005: Transformers Energon Autobot Downshift

*Item #ENA006: Transformers Energon Autobot Prowl

(Reference: Photo #P00190)


*Item #ENA007: Transformers Energon Autobot Tow-Line

(Reference: Photo #P00191)


*Item #ENA008: Transformers Energon Autobot Roadblock

*Item #ENA009: Transformers Energon Autobot Inferno

(Reference: Photo #P00192)


*Item #ENA010: Transformers Energon Autobot Ironhide

*Item #ENA011: Transformers Energon Autobot Jetfire

(Reference: Photo #P00193)


*Item #ENA012: Transformers Energon Autobot Landmine

*Item #ENA013: Transformers Energon Autobot Bulkhead

(Reference: Photo #P00194)


*Item #ENA014: Transformers Energon Dinobot Grimlock

*Item #ENA015: Transformers Energon Dinobot Swoop

(Reference: Photo #P00195)


*Item #ENA0016: Transformers Energon Autobot Omega Supreme

(Reference: Photo #P00196)


*Item #ENA017: Transformers Energon Omnicon Strongarm

*Item #ENA018: Transformers Energon Omnicon Signal Flare

*Item #ENA019: Transformers Energon Omnicon Arcee

(Reference: Photo #P00197)


*Item #ENA020: Transformers Energon Autobot Air Team Sky Shadow

*Item #ENA021: Transformers Energon Autobot Air Team Storm Jet

*Item #ENA022: Transformers Energon Autobot Air Team Treadshot

(Reference: Photo #P00198)


*Item #ENA023: Transformers Energon McDonald’s Autobot Ironhide (MIS-Bag)

*Item #ENA024: Transformers Energon McDonald’s Autobot Ironhide

(Reference: Photo #P00199)


*Item #ENA025: Transformers Energon Mini-Con Sureshock

*Item #ENA026: Transformers Energon Mini-Con High Wire

*Item #ENA027: Transformers Energon Mini-Con Grindor

(Reference: Photo #P00200)


Transformer Energon Decepticon Figures


*Item #END001: Transformers Energon Decepticon Megatron

(Reference: Photo #P00201)


*Item #END002: Transformers Energon Alpha Quintesson

(Reference: Photo #P00202)


*Item #END003: Transformers Energon Terrorcon Scorponok

*Item #END004: Transformers Energon Terrorcon Battle Ravage

*Item #END005: Transformers Energon Terrorcon Cruellock

*Item #END006: Transformers Energon Terrorcon Divebomb

*Item #END007: Transformers Energon Terrorcon Insecticon

(Reference: Photo #P00203)


*Item #END008: Transformers Energon Decepticon Shockblast

(Reference: Photo #P00204)


*Item #END009: Transformers Energon Decepticon Mirage

(Reference: Photo #P00205)


*Item #END010: Transformers Energon Decepticon Snowcat

*Item #END011: Transformers Energon Decepticon Starscream

*Item #END012: Transformers Energon Decepticon Demolisher

*Item #END013: Transformers Energon Decepticon Sharkticon

*Item #END014: Transformers Energon Decepticon Slugslinger

(Reference: Photo #P00206)


*Item #END015: Transformers Energon Decepticon Construction Team Sledge

*Item #END016: Transformers Energon Decepticon Construction Team Steamhammer

*Item #END017: Transformers Energon Decepticon Construction Team Duststorm

(Reference: Photo #P00207)


*Item #END018: Transformers Energon McDonald’s Decepticon Galvatron

(Reference: Photo #P00208)


*Item #END019: Transformers Energon McDonald’s Unicron

(Reference: Photo #P00209)


*Item #END020: Transformers Energon Decepticon Destruction Team Kickback

*Item #END021: Transformers Energon Decepticon Destruction Team Barricade

*Item #END022: Transformers Energon Decepticon Destruction Team Stormcloud

(Reference: Photo #P00210)


(5 Separate figures pictured in their combined form of Bruticus Maximus)

*Item #END023: Transformers United Decepticon Onslaught


*Item #END024: Transformers United Decepticon Brawl


*Item #END025: Transformers United Decepticon Vortex


*Item #END026: TFX Crossfires Explorer (3rd party)


*Item #END027: TFX Crossfires  Munitioner (3rd party)


(Reference: Photo #P00211)

Transformers Collection – Armada

Big Angry Trev and his Armada (toys)

And so the great undertaking of cataloging my massive collection continues!

Armada was a really fun Transformers toyline.  It introduced a whole new race of Transformers – Mini-Cons, who could attach to larger Transformers to unlock new abilities.  It also gave fans what we had been waiting for for nearly 20 years – a Unicron toy!


Transformer Armada Autobot Figures

*Item #ARA001: Transformers Armada Autobot Optimus Prime

*Item #ARA002: Transformers Armada Mini-Con Sparkplug

(Reference: Photo #P00163)


*Item #ARA003: Transformers Armada Autobot Jetfire

*Item #ARA004: Transformers Armada Mini-Con Comettor

(Reference: Photo #P00164)


*Item #ARA005: Transformers Armada Autobot Red Alert

*Item #ARA006: Transformers Armada Autobot Red Alert (2nd unit)

*Item #ARA007: Transformers Armada Mini-Con Longarm

(Reference: Photo #P00165)


*Item #ARA008: Transformers Armada Autobot Scavenger

*Item #ARA009: Transformers Armada Mini-Con Rollbar

(Reference: Photo #P00166)


*Item #ARA010: Transformers Armada Autobot Overload

*Item #ARA011: Transformers Armada Mini-Con Headmaster Rollout (combined with Overload)

(Reference: Photo #P00167)


*Item #ARA012: Transformers Armada Autobot Hot Shot

*Item #ARA013: Transformers Armada Mini-Con Jolt

(Reference: Photo #P00168)


*Item #ARA014: Transformers Armada Autobot Smokescreen

*Item #ARA015: Transformers Armada Mini-Con Liftor

(Reference: Photo #P00169)


*Item #ARA016: Transformers Armada Autobot Blurr

*Item #ARA017: Transformers Armada Mini-Con Incinerator

(Reference: Photo #P00170)


*Item #ARA018: Transformers Armada Autobot Sideswipe

*Item #ARA019: Transformers Armada Mini-Con Nightbeat

(Reference: Photo #P00171)


*Item #ARA020: Transformers Armada Autobot Laserbeak

*Item #ARA021: Transformers Armada Autobot Laserbeak (2nd unit)

(Reference: Photo #P00172)


*Item #ARA022: Transformers Armada McDonald’s Autobot Hot Shot

*Item #ARA023: Transformers Armada McDonald’s Autobot Hot Shot (2nd unit)

*Item #ARA024: Transformers Armada McDonald’s Autobot Hot Shot (3rd unit)

*Item #ARA025: Transformers Armada McDonald’s Autobot Hot Shot Smokescreen

(Reference: Photo #P00173)


*Item #ARA026: Transformers Armada Optimus Prime (keychain)

(Reference: Photo #P00174)



Transformer Armada Decepticon Figures

*Item ARD001#: Transformers Armada Decepticon Megatron

*Item ARD002#: Transformers Armada Mini-Con Leader-1

(Reference: Photo #P00175)


*Item #ARD003: Transformers Armada Decepticon Thundercracker

*Item #ARD004: 9ransformers Armada Mini-Con Zapmaster

*Item #ARD005: Transformers Armada Decepticon Starscream

*Item #ARD006: Transformers Armada Mini-Con Swindle

*Item #ARD007: Transformers Armada Decepticon Skywarp

*Item #ARD008: Transformers Armada Mini-Con Thunderclash

(Reference: Photo #P00176)


*Item #ARD009: Transformers Armada Decepticon Tidal Wave

*Item #ARD010: Transformers Armada Mini-Con Ramjet

(Reference: Photo #P00177)


*Item #ARD011: Transformers Armada Decepticon Demolishor

*Item #ARD012: Transformers Armada Mini-Con Blackout

(Reference: Photo #P00178)


*Item #ARD013: Transformers Armada Decepticon Cyclonus

*Item #ARD014: Transformers Armada Mini-Con Crumplezone

(Reference: Photo #P00179)


*Item #ARD015: Transformers Armada Decepticon Thrust

*Item #ARD016: Transformers Armada Mini-Con Inferno

(Reference: Photo #P00180)


*Item #ARD017: Transformers Armada Decepticon Predacon

*Item #ARD018: Transformers Armada Mini-Con Side Burn

*Item #ARD019: Transformers Armada Mini-Con Skid-Z

(Reference: Photo #P00181)



Transformer Armada Unicron Figures

*Item #ARU001: Transformers Armada Unicron

*Item #ARU002: Transformers Armada Mini-Con Dead End

(Reference: Photo #P00182)


*Item #ARU003: Transformers Armada Sideways

*Item #ARU004: Transformers Armada Mini-Con Rook

*Item #ARU005: Transformers Armada Mini-Con Crosswise

(Reference: Photo #P00183)



Transformer Armada Mini-Con Team Figures

*Item #ARM001: Transformers Armada Mini-Con Destruction Team Dualor

*Item #ARM002: Transformers Armada Mini-Con Destruction Team Drill Bit

*Item #ARM003: Transformers Armada Mini-Con Destruction Team Buzzsaw

(Reference: Photo #P00184)


*Item #ARM004: Transformers Armada Mini-Con Road Wrecker Team Dualor

*Item #ARM005: Transformers Armada Mini-Con Road Wrecker Team Drill Bit

*Item #ARM006: Transformers Armada Mini-Con Road Wrecker Team Buzzsaw

(Reference: Photo #P00185)


*Item #ARM007: Transformers Armada Mini-Con Sea Team Waterlog

*Item #ARM008: Transformers Armada Mini-Con Sea Team Oceanglide

*Item #ARM009: Transformers Armada Mini-Con Sea Team Stormcloud

(Reference: Photo #P00186)


*Item #ARM010: Transformers Armada Mini-Con Air Military Team Gunbarrel

*Item #ARM011: Transformers Armada Mini-Con Air Military Team Terradive

*Item #ARM012: Transformers Armada Mini-Con Air Military Team Thunderwing

(Reference: Photo #P00187)


Transformer Fan Interview – Michael Vella

It’s been over two years since the last installment, but we have another entry in the ever popular Transformer Fan Interviews!  In this latest interview with Aussie TF collectors we are talking to Michael Vella, a young bloke who in recent years has become well known to many fans  of Transformers down under.

Name and/or nicknames:

Michael Vella but I also go by Tha_Phantom online.


Married to my hobby:

What a breathtaking life partner he has!


I rearrange things out of order they happened so that they make sense.  What I’m trying to say is that I do video editing for a living.


I help admin a Facebook group called Transformers Down Under with fellow collectors Ben Keenan, Adam Templeton and Justin Masaru.

How would you rate yourself on a C scale, C10 being MISB Mint perfection, to the lowest C1 ‘junker not worth it even for parts’?  

Probably a C6. Acceptable at a glance, but definitely some many issues present…

Do you accept into your life Big Angry Trev as your toy collecting savior and the Alpha (Trion) & Omega (Supreme) of all things?


The admiration is palphable

Fan/Collector since (year)?

I started getting into collecting and watching Transformers around 1999. I know I was aware of Transformers earlier than that, though. They’ve sort of always been around because of my older brother being a fan. If memory serves correctly, 2005 is the only year since 1999 that I didn’t purchase at least one Transformer. I’ve taken a step back from collecting at certain times here and there, but ever since Combiner Wars I’ve been constantly buying and haven’t slowed down.

Transformers Allegiance, if you had one?

Maximal, because who doesn’t want to yell “maximise” as they transform?

Your Techspec motto if you had one?

Prime’s death was an inside job.

What existing, official Transformers character best describes you?

Probably Starscream. Always ambitious, but never getting there.

Which special ability of any Transformers character would you want to have for yourself? 

Skywarp’s teleporting sure would come in handy.

What drew you to Transformers, making you become a fan/collector?

I think it’s the obvious aspect that you get two (or sometimes more) toys in one. I love that each toy is a unique experience and they have covered so many different alt modes now – especially since Bot Bots! I quite often will buy a figure based on the alt mode if I don’t already have a connection to the character and quite often the alt mode is why I will pay attention to a character. 

Do you think you will collect Transformers until you die? 

Yes, definitely. There’s always something to add or replace in the display. It’s never finished.

Do people outside of the hobby know you collect TFs (like at work/school)?

Most people I interact with do know I collect. I don’t try to hide it but I also don’t go out of my way to bring it up unless it’s somehow relevant.

Were your family/parents supportive of collecting toys or did you have to hide your passion from them and friends?

There was a bit of disapproval in my teenage years but now everyone in my family has accepted that’s what I do. I think they also like seeing that I’ve made a lot of new friends because of it since joining the online fandom.

Have you attended any fan-meets, Fairs, Conventions, Special Events?

Yes, I’ve not only attended but organised plenty of Sydney and even Melbourne fan meets over the years and helped run Transformer-related stands at a couple of Supernovas. As far as special events go, I was there for the POTP reveal at Hasbro Australia headquarters in 2017. I also contributed some of my own figures to the More Than Meets The Eye exhibition at Kings Comics earlier this year and I most recently was at the Sydney premiere of the Rise Of The Beasts film thanks to Hasbro Australia!

Transformers: Rise of the Beasts – Special Preview Screening Event!

Any creative endeavours with Transformers (drawing, writing, customising, etc)? 

I’ve mildly dabbled with customisation, but nothing worth showing off. I usually get someone else to do it.

Favourite series/era/year, and why?

G1 era for sure. Those characters and designs always stuck with me from watching the cartoon, even though I grew up at a time when Beast Machines, RID and Armada toys were on shelves. As a kid I would often pretend that the current toys of the time were those G1 characters if they vaguely resembled them in some way! The vintage G1 toys have a such unique charm to them as well, despite the lack of articulation. So I’m thankful to be a part of online communities where I can back-collect them and learn more about the different variants and such.

Favourite Cartoon episode/story, and why?

My favourite cartoon episode is War Dawn from G1.I felt it had a good message and it was really cool to see the origin of Optimus Prime.

Favourite Character, and why?

Gee, that one’s a mystery:

That’s a lotta Bumblebee’s!

Sexiest Transformers (robot) Character?

Blackarachnia, easily.

Man, that original toy of Black Arachnia had a rack on her eh!

Which Transformers character would you want to exist for real?

G1 Jazz.

Approx TFs toy collection count (or give a range like 200s, 300s, 2000s etc): 

Currently at around 1200.

Sealed collector or out-of-packaging collector?

Out of packaging for the most part. I am the type of person who has to transform everything at least once. I do have some sealed items, but in most cases those are doubles or variants of loose figures I have, because curiosity would get the better of me otherwise.

How much do you think you’ve spent on your collecting habit?

I wouldn’t be able to guess, but it’d be an insane amount.

Any rare/expensive figures in your collection? 

Yeah, I’ve always had a focus on the rarer items so I won’t go through them all. Some highlights would be a set of MOSC G2 Stunticon limbs, G1 Battle Gaia, a couple of test shots/prototypes etc.

What interesting Licensed Merchandise items do you have?

An employee-only Happy Holidays RPM Bumblebee and 5/6 colour variants of the 1985 McDonalds Bumblebee toys (these toys were released only in a test market in the US).

First Transformers toy?  

The first Transformers I ever bought were Beast Wars Scarem and Air Hammer at the same time with some confirmation money.

One toy you most want?

A Powered Convoy DX set, but realistically that’s never going to happen and it’s not technically a Transformer anyway. My current Transformer grail is a lucky draw Armada Prime, which I mostly want for the Sparkplug as I have all of his other colour variants. Sparkplug was a very special toy to me as a kid because of the obvious similarities to Bumblebee.

The centrepiece/favourite toy in your collection at the moment (and why)?

Probably my proudest acquisition would be my Diaclone red Mirage, but again that’s not technically a Transformer. So let’s go with my 1991 reissue Bumblebee as it was the first Bumblebee I ever got and I will never part with it even if I got out of collecting.

Favourite toy in your early years of collecting?

I can remember being so over the moon when I got Beast Machines Jetstorm and that is a big part of why I got so into collecting Transformers as a kid despite the lack of G1 on the shelves at the time. The metallic deco and overall aesthetic just grabbed me.

Worst toy(s) ever in your opinion?

Not that I owned them, but I got to mess with a few of the first year Cyberverse toys and they were pretty bad especially for the price. Thankfully the line improved after that.

Ask Trev – Your worst figure, why should I still buy it?

Toy(s) that were most disappointing when you got them?

It’s not something I tend to think about a lot, but Earthrise Bluestreak disappointed me so much so that I reverted back to the Siege version. Titanium War Within Optimus didn’t impress me much either because of the poorly thought out use of die cast. 

Thoughts on gimmick and non-convertible Transformers toys?

I think that we as fans (but more so Hasbro) often forget that the most important gimmick for a Transformer should be that it converts from one thing to another, so generally I don’t care for other gimmicks that get in the way of that. I also have very little time for non-converting toys for that reason too, since that downgrades Transformers to being just like any other toyline. All that said, I do have exceptions to this rule. Especially from the 1987 G1 year as a few of those gimmicks were pretty cool.

Which single TFs toy should every fan own?

G1 Bumblebee! Such a timeless conversion that I’ll never get tired of and it’s easy to carry around with no accessories to lose. I may be a tad biased there, though.

Which Transformers toy/product would you give as a wedding present?

Probably some Transformer themed cufflinks or a watch.

Do you collect other toys? 

I do have interests in other toylines and collectables, but none come close to the extent of my Transformers collecting. My non-Transformer interests are Digimon cards and tamagotchis, Beyblades, McDonalds toys, Power Rangers, Star Wars, Tazos and DBZ anime cels.

What is your favourite TF themed post on this website?

Since you mention Transformers in it, I’m going with your 12 days of Xmas song! 

How did you find out about www.bigangrytrev.com?

I remember seeing your posts on TCCA when I was fairly new to the online community. Because of that, I already knew who you were when we met in person for the first time at the POTP reveal.


Many thanks to Michael for his excellent interview.  Got any more questions for Mr. Vella?  Pop them into the comments section below!

Transformers Siege trailer: Character breakdown and analysis

Today at the New York Toyfair the world was treated to the teaser trailer for the new Transformers cartoon trilogy coming to Netflix later this year – War For Cybertron: Siege.   Even though this has been touted as ‘Anime’ we are getting a CGI cartoon like the Power of the Prime’s trilogy rather than some stylized Japanese animation.  Based mainly on the Siege Toyline, but also reminiscent of the opening sequence to the 2018 Bumblebee Movie, this cartoon has kept many of us in keen anticipation and is set in the final stages of their war on Cybertron.  Watch below:

Video from Transformers Official Youtube Channel


So let’s have a quick rundown of what characters we saw in this short video, what they did and what implications it could have for the upcoming cartoons storyline.



Optimus Prime: Voiced by Peter Cullen, we see Optimus doing his usual – saving other Autobots, battling Megatron, protecting the Allspark and so on.  More interestingly, you get to see some of his warriors questioning his methods rather than talking about how great he is.

Elita-1: The only  Transformer from the video that did not have a toy in the Siege line or the upcoming Earthrise (her figure coming out in POTP).  Her line said to Optimus ‘This is not the life I imaged for us’ brings up the question: is she referring to her and Optimus indicating a relationship between the two, or referring to the Transformer race in general.

Ultra Magnus: Instead being his usual ‘Yes Prime’ self, we see him questioning Prime’s methods, and even going in secret to see the Decepticon command.  This potentially could be the most interesting we have ever seen him portrayed on screen.

Bumblebee: Another bot that is usually at Prime’s beck and call, we see him telling Prime his attitude to the war will get him killed.  Thankfully it seems he is based on his G1 self which will get a toy in the Earthrise line, rather being based on the Bumblebee Movie.

Chromia: Seen fighting Barricade, one wonders with the inclusion of her and Elita, does this mean we will finally get a break from Windblade and Arcee being the two main female Autobots in any given story?

Cog: Seen dying of an injury, but his parts being used by Sideswipe in Weaponizer fashion.  Oddly later in the trailer we see a bot that has Cog’s body type but is coloured like Six-Gun running after Elita.  A trick of the lighting or the first animation error?

Wheeljack: Like Bumblebee, he has a figure coming up in the Earthrise toyline, so will he transform in the cartoon?

Sideswipe & Hound: Both seen in fight scenes


Megatron: Not voiced by Frank Welker, but sounds good all the same.  Sporting some battle damage and some big Overlord-style lips.  Like Optimus he is doing his usual – inspiring his army and trying to kick Prime’s butt.

Soundwave: Seen standing off to the side of the Decepticon command table.  Does this mean he wont be as big a character as usual?  Or without Welker’s voice that he may remain silent?

Shockwave: Also seen at the command table.

Refracktor/s: Two Refracktor’s are seen firing over a barricade.  The powers that be have obviously gone for the choice of having them all identical like the G1 cartoon, rather than Spectro, Viewfinder and Spyglass getting their own colour schemes and weaponry.

Barricade: I guess this solidifies Barricade’s inclusion to the G1 universe.  Seen sitting at the command table as well as putting the smack down on Chromia.

Skytread: Seen getting punched in the face by Optimus.

Jetfire: In a few scenes with Megatron and most definitely sporting the Decepticon symbol.  Looks like we will get the inevitable ‘Jetfire swaps sides’ storyline at some point.

Impactor: Like Jetfire we see his Decepticon incarnation.  Will he, like Jetfire undoubtedly will, join the side of the Autobots at some stage in the series?

SEEKERS: From some shots it looks like there is going to be a lot of them, perhaps all of them.  Here are the ones that were definitely spotted:

Starscream: In both battle scenes and at the command table.  Given all the other story implications, we might actually be spared the ‘Starscream betrays Megatron’ story that has been played to death in the past.

Skywarp: Battle scenes and at the command table.

Thundercracker: In a few battle scenes

Redwing and Acid Storm:  Seen standing guard as Ultra Magnus approaches the Decepticon base.


So, seems like there may be some interesting story arcs and some interesting takes on characters.  One can just hope that this cartoon is better than the last CGI transformers cartoons we received.

What do you think of this trailer?  Pop it in the comments section below!

Rise of the Combiners Booster Packs. Review Part 1 – Transformers TCG

Yes kids, the wait is over!  For months now we have been seeing previews of both the new Hero Cards and Battle Cards for Wave 2 of Transformers: Trading Card Game, the wave entitled Rise of the Combiners.  People have been anxiously awaiting to get thier hands on these cards to see if they are as good, or even better, than the excellent cards that were released in Wave 1 last year.

Hasbro and Wizards of the Coast have been kind enough to send me a box of the new Booster Packs from Wave 2, in order to review in much the same way I did the Metroplex Pack last year and the Dirge Reveal several weeks ago.  Once again, it must be stated that I have not been paid to do this review nor have either company tried to dictate the contents of this blog.  www.bigangrytrev.com would like to thank both Hasbro and Wizards of the Coast for the opportunity to examine these cards.

Oh the sweet anticipation of opening!

Now, as you may have noticed from the title of this blog post, this is Part 1 of a review of these booster packs.  Why am I doing it over more than one post?  Because in recieving a box of the Booster Packs, each box holding 30 packs which in turn contain at least 8 cards, it means I now have over 200 cards on my billiard table (er… I mean gaming table) with at least a hundred of them different!  That’s a LOT of cards to look at and a pretty big undertaking!  So in Part 1 we will be examining Drop Rates, new types of cards, Combiners and new Hero & Battle Cards.  In Part 2 we will look at how they perform in gameplay.


The Packs Themselves

Each Pack contains 7 Battle Cards and 1 Hero Card or 1 Pair of Combiner Character Cards.  We will look at the likelihood of doubles near the end of this review.


The Cards Themselves

Note: At the end of each discussion of the new cards I will be popping in their Drop Rate.  This is to signify how many times I was able to find these cards from the 30 packs contained within a single box of Booster Packs.


Combiner Cards

So many Combiners to be made!

Whereas Hero Cards have the robot on the front and the alt-mode on the back, Combiner Character Cards come in pairs.  On one card you will find the robot mode and the other the alt-mode.  On the back of the cards you will find artwork to join together to make the Combiner itself.

Gotta Combin’em all!

There are 5 different Combiners to make from the Booster Packs: Volcanicus, Optimus Maximus, Predaking, Superion and Menasor.

The Stunticons

I was lucky enough to find from the one box all 5 sets of Character Cards in order to make Menasor.  I look forward to bringing you a review of just how he goes in actual gameplay.  I was also able to form what could be termed a Mini-Combiner:

The Dreadwing Pair

First revealed exclusively by Ozformers, this pair of Decepticons – Dreadwind and Blackwing (formerly Darkwing) combine to form the Dreadwing Sky Destroyer Jet.  This was a smart move on the part of the game makers, as it means you have a greater likelihood of making a Combiner sooner rather than later since he only needs two Character Card pairs instead of 5 or 6.

Drop Rate: Both the side of the box and the official website say the drop rate for Combiner Character Cards is about 50%. When opening multiple packs I was pleasantly surprised to find, for me at least, it surpassed that promise.  Out of the 30 packs I opened, 20 of them had Combiner Character Cards.  So rather than a drop rate of 50% it was a drop rate of 66%.  That’s great considering most Combiners are made up of 5 or 6 different characters you have to collect.


Hero Cards

New Hero Cards

As well as the Combiner Cards, we have the same sort of Hero Cards that were released in Wave 1.  There are quite a few new characters getting a showing, and many of the most famous characters, such as Megatron, Bumblebee and Starscream, have been released again but with new artwork and stats

New Hero Cards

I got a mix of characters I had other versions of from Wave 1 along with a good dose of new guys.  I was particularly pleased I was able to get Dirge since www.bigangrytrev.com was given the exlusive reveal of Dirge earlier in the year.  Some Character Cards have their special abilities blank, such as Novastar and Ruckus.  I have yet to figure out exactly why this is and how it will affect their gameplay value.

Drop Rate: Those packs that don’t come with a Combiner Character come with a regular Hero Card.  I found the drop rate to be one in every 3 packs, which doesn’t sound great but actually is if you are after the Combiners specifically, which I believe most players will be actively seeking.

Drop rates for Ultra Rare cards are described as 50:1.  You’ll note I got a King Starscream which is indeed Ultra Rare.  So I got one at a ratio of 30:1 but its entirely possible I could buy 20 more packs without finding another.


Battle Cards

Before we had Battle Cards that came in a few different colours based on their ability to attack and defend, with some cards overlapping.  Rise of the Combiners see’s some new categories introduced.

Star Battle Cards

Oh. My. Primus!

This cards are definitely going to be a game changer!  Big time! Got a team which only uses up 22 or 23 or the 25 Star allowance.  Well now there are Battle Cards that have stars!  That means you can put them in as part of your team.  Valued at 1 Star apiece, these are perfect for rounding up your team.  I can see Bolt of Lightning being very useful but it’s Vandalize, where you can scrap all enemy Weapons, Armour or Utilities, that blows me away!  I can’t think of many instances where that wont be invaluable!

Drop Rate: There are 7 Star Battle Cards, in 30 packs I obtained 6 of them.

Enigma Cards

Enigma Cards

So you have all your characters needed to create a Combiner.  But you need one more thing – an Enigma Card.  There is an Enigma Card for each Combiner.  Being Green (discussed shortly), these cards can be rescued from the discard pile which saves a lot of heartache.  The Enigma Card is used to make your Combiner Character cards join together, even if some of those characters have been previously KO’ed.

Drop Rate: In 30 packs I was able to get all 5 Enigma’s as well as a couple of spares.

Team Specific Cards

Team Specific Cards

There are specific cards that you can use with each team but no others.  They can be placed on only one member of this team.  I have yet to see if they can be retroactive – for instance I have a Dinobot Swoop card from Wave 1, but it does not make up the Volcanicus Team.  Can I use my Electrified Spikes card on that old Swoop since he is a Dinobot and the card talks about Dinobots, not Volcanicus?  Stay tuned for future reviews to find out!

Drop Rate: I was able to find cards for four of the five teams within 30 packs.

Green Battle Cards

If you get a Green Battle Card, it means that you are able to retrieve it from the discard pile.  You can only do this with one card per turn.  Whilst this sounds good but not game changing, it can be of extreme importance given what some of these cards (such as the Enigma’s) do.

Regular Battle Cards

White Battle Cards

We have a slew of new Battle Cards in already established catagories, so many it would take too long to list them all.  Some of them we have already seen in exclusive reveals, such as those made by Lisamaree on the Life with SPROGS site, like Inferno Breath and Surprise Attack.   I was a little disappointed to not get a Defensive Driving card but don’t believe it will take me long to obtain one.

Orange Battle Cards
Blue Battle Cards

Drop Rate: Well you are guaranteed 7 Battle Cards per pack.  I was very heartened that I never got the same two cards in the same pack.


So there ya go, a not-so-short synopsis of the new cards on offer from the Wave 2 Transformers Trading Card Game Rise of the Combiner Booster Packs.  I was very pleasantly surprised that I only got two doubles of characters (Dead End and Mirage) out of the 30 packs, which made this undertaking even bigger!  Stay tuned for Part 2, where we test these bad bots (now available in selected stores) out with some serious gameplay!


Related Articles:

ROTC Booster Packs.  Part 2 – Gameplay

Exclusive Cards Reveal: Dirge & Defensive Driving

Metroplex Pack: Transformers TCG





Video – My 100+ Generations Decepticons

For a bit of fun and a bit of comparison I pulled out of my storage crates a lot of my Decepticons.  In particular, toys that were updates of classic characters, mainly (but not exclusively) from G1.    I was amazed and how many characters have gotten new toys!

So enjoy this short video I made of the display.  Also below you will find some screenshots and a full list of the Decepticons on display along with links to reviews of many of the figures displayed here – have fun!





Acid Storm, Apeface, Astrotrain, Axor,

Banzaitron, Battletrap, Bonecrusher, Black Arachnia, Blast Off, Blitzwing, Bludgeon, Bombshell, Breakdown, Brawl, Bruticus, Buzzsaw,

Caliburst, Catgut, Chop Shop, Cyclonus,

Darkmount, Darkwing, Dead End, Devestator, Dirge, Doubledealer, Drag Strip, Dreadwind, Dreadwing,

Fangry, Frenzy, Full-Tilt, 

Galvatron, Gnaw, Grabuge

Hook, Hun-Grrr, 


Kickback, Krok,

Laserbeak, Leozack, Liokaiser, Long Haul,

Megatron, Menasor, Mindwipe, Misfire, Mixmaster, Motormaster,

Needlenose, Nightbird, Nightstick, Nemesis Striker,

Octone, Onslaught, Overkill, Overlord



Ramjet, Rampage, Ratbat, Ravage, Rippersnapper, Rodimus Unicronus, Rumble, Runabout

Scavenger, Scourge, Scorponok, Scrapper, Shockwave, Singe, Sixshot, Shrute, Skrapnel, Skullgrin, Skullsmasher, Sky Byte, Sky Shadow, Skywarp, Slice, Slipstream, Slugslinger, Soundblaster, Soundwave, Spinister, Starscream, Submarauder, Sunbeam, Swindle

Tankorr, Thrust, Thundercracker, Thunderwing, Treadshot, Triggerhappy, Trypticon


Waspinator, Wildrider, WingspanWindsweeper, Wolfwire,
