Tag Archives: Powermaster Optimus Prime

Trev interviewed on the ‘Children of Primus’ channel

Today I was interviewed by the lads of the ‘Children of Primus’ channel, which was livestreamed on Youtube.  The guys had lots of questions about my collecting and The Transformatorium, and people were able to send in questions for me to answer live online.

It was a lot of fun and I had a really good time doing it.  The four regulars who interviewed me were a mixture of Canadians and Americans, which just goes to show that the love of Transformers trancends timezones.

The video can now be found on their YouTube channel, so check it out below!

(Yes I know I said Windcharger when I should have said Cliffjumper, and the bot we couldn’t remember the name of was Grandus – cut me some slack, I was live!)

If you’d like to see more of the Children of Primus, check out their website and they can be found on all the social medias so look them up on Facebook, instagram, TikTok and X.


Video: Trev interviewed on the Frostbite channel


Transformer Fan Interview – David Lee

For several years we have been doing Transformer Fan interviews with different Aussie collectors.

Well as the Big Angry Trev Blog grows, the borders of our great brown land are no longer big enough to contain it!  So with our first international interview, coming all the way from Malaysia, we have Transformer Collector David Lee, giving us the low down on his favorite hobby.

Name and/or nicknames:

David Lee / Sifu-David


Divorced, Mom, Dad and Sister all intact


Once an Accounts person but now a full time tertiary educator and the Head of Academic of a local Malaysian private University College.

How would you rate yourself on a C scale, C10 being MISB Mint perfection, to the lowest C1 ‘junker not worth it even for parts’?

I’d rate myself a solid C7, not too shabby, not too shambled.

Fan/Collector since (year)?:

1987 or 1987 when I was a kid, my late grandmother introduced me to Powermaster Optimus Prime and here I am with my collection.

Transformers Allegiance, if you had one?

I feel the Autobot cause is more for me as I always felt Freedom is the Right of all Sentient Beings.

Your Techspec motto if you had one?

“Between Logic and Emotions, nothing in between exists”

What existing, official Transformers character best describes you?

I would say it be Hot Rodimus / Rodimus Prime. As a leader at work, I always feel the doubt of my own abilities to lead and to bring a better future to the team.

Which special ability of any Transformers character would you want to have for yourself? 

I would personally like the ability to teleport/warp like Skywarp as there are places I need to reach which I can’t sometimes.

What drew you to Transformers, making you become a fan/collector?

My late grandmother did. She introduced me to something which is for boys and said these robots seem to be a very good fit for a little boy at my age of 3 to 4.

Do you think you will collect Transformers until you die?

Collect and keep them yes. But keep on buying, maybe not. I just have a specific wishlist to complete. Once it’s up, it’s done.

Do people outside of the hobby know you collect TFs (like at work/school)?

Yes, people do know and they do have very much negative things to say about it.

Were your family/parents supportive of collecting toys or did you have to hide your passion from them and friends?

All my friends and family know about my collecting toys. At first my parents were kind of against it as it eats up space but as I got my own place, I got to do what I like, stock up more toys.

What does your partner think of your hobby?

My ex-wife was kind of on the fence on this. It made me famous in the local toy scene so she was riding along that fame, else, she did not like the toys clogging the house.

Have you attended any fan-meets, Fairs, Conventions, Special Events?

Many but not many Transformers related. Recently I participated to display some cool Armada Era Transformers at a local RoboCon.

Any creative endeavours with Transformers (drawing, writing, customising, etc)? 

I did have a story board in my head on a specific Transformers story culminating all Transformers series from G1 to Cybertron (my favourite list) and how ONE story can connect TILL ALL.

Favourite series/era/year, and why?

Super God Masterforce 1988. The first series that I was introduced on TV when the infamous Star TV dub came on air. I was mesmerised by how powerful Powermaster Optimus Prime (God Ginrai) was and how he single handedly defeated Black Zarak.

Collect any comics?

Nope, none.

Favourite Comic issue/story, and why?

I never really read them but I did the 1991 or 1992 Transformers Annual which was a hard cover compilation. I like the story on how Carnivac actually turned against the Decepticons and not liking the cause.

Favourite Cartoon episode/story, and why?

If I were to choose, I will go for Super God Masterforce’s Ep 15 The Birth of Super Ginrai. That was the episode that first saw Ginrai becoming a Super Robot, something that not many Transformers could do at that time.

Favourite Character, and why?

Ginrai. The human + the robot. Although he lacks in leadership and judgement, he covers up with compassion and care towards his subordinates like how he risked his life saving Go Shuta when he was lured into the Decepticon sea base.

Sexiest Transformers (robot) Character?

I’d say Arcee. The only robot that is definitely sexy.

Which Transformers character would you want to exist for real?

I’d like to see a Star Saber in real life and see how a plane of such mass can work.

Approx TFs toy collection count (or give a range like 200s, 300s, 2000s etc): 

Probably close to 300s I think.

Sealed collector or out-of-packaging collector?

PLAYER. I’d like to pose my Transformers out of their plastic / cardboard graves.

How much do you think you’ve spent on your collecting habit?

Probably close to US$5,000?

Any rare/expensive figures in your collection? 

I have a G1 Refurbished Complete Black Zarak. That is the rarest and most expensive piece in my collection.

What interesting Licensed Merchandise items do you have?

I do have a Bumbleebee pillow from Universal Studios Singapore.

First Transformers toy?

G1 Powermaster Optimus Prime which is still around this day.

One toy you most want?

Takara Micron Legends Convoy Final Battle version set aka the Japanese version of the Powerlinx Optimus Prime from Armada.

The centrepiece/favourite toy in your collection at the moment (and why)?

LG custom repainted Fire Guts God Ginrai done up in pure Orangey goodness.

Favourite toy in your early years of collecting?

It will have to be the Energon Prime with Energon Omega Supreme.

Worst toy(s) ever in your opinion?

I would have to say the G1 Duocons. They look funny, so off proportions and they don’t really have arms.

Toy(s) that were most disappointing when you got them?

LG35 Super Ginrai. My first official Transformers after a long hiatus of not buying Transformers and my God, it sucks. The legs are wobbly, some joints are loose, so many problems. I don’t know where criticisms should start.

Legends ‘LG35 Super Ginrai’ vs Titans Return ‘Powermaster Optimus Prime’

Thoughts on gimmick and non-convertible Transformers toys?

I’d say some gimmicky stuffs like Minicons from Armada are pretty nice and the Cyber Keys from Cybertron are very neat. However, I do stand my point on non-transforming Transformers being not Transformers at all.

Which single TFs toy should every fan own?

A WFC / Earthrise Optimus Prime. That is the closest to a G1 Optimus Prime you can get.

Which Transformers toy/product would you give as a wedding present?

POTP Optimus Prime. To signify the young lad (Orion Pax) will now slowly evolve into a full grown man (Optimus Prime).

Toys Review – POTP Optimus & Rodimus Prime

Do you collect other toys? 

I collect Tokusatsu stuffs from Japan mainly Sentai, Kamen Rider and Ultraman.

What is your favourite TF themed post on this website?

The Transformatorium.


How did you find out about www.bigangrytrev.com?



Many thanks to David for sharing his hobby with us.  Got any follow up questions for him and his fantastic Transformers collection?  Pop it in the comments section below!

Legends ‘LG35 Super Ginrai’ vs Titans Return ‘Powermaster Optimus Prime’

Super Ginrai.  Not just the Japanese version of Powermaster Optimus Prime but a character unto his own right.  Finding himself to be not just an ordinary human but to be an actual Autobot Godmaster (how’s that for a bitchin subgroup name!) who could bond with a Transector in order to don the visage of legendary Autobot leader Optimus Prime and fight the evil Destrons…

… or so the story goes.  It may be a different character technically but in reality it’s pretty much the same damn toy.  The G1 Super Ginrai and Powermaster Optimus had very few differences, even if one was a little Japanese dude obsessed with his big hair in a mech suit and the other was Optimus Prime on steroids.

Here we are 30 years later and we have a similar thing happening.  The (US) Titans Return toy is ‘Powermaster Optimus Prime’ whilst the retooled (JP) Legends version is ‘LG35 Super Ginrai’.  Both toys have their pro’s and cons.  Six months ago I reviewed the Optimus toy (which can be read HERE); today I’m going to give a quick overview of the Legends Super Ginrai version and then most importantly engage in a comparison.  This way you, my loyal readers, will know which to shell out your hard-earned money on.


First off – Super Ginrai!

I’m not Optimus Prime, I swear!

Truck Mode

No, I’m not Optimus I said!

Very nice and solid.  Unbeknown to most there is a small screw between the cab wheels you can loosen so that the cab does not have to sit flush with the trailer.  The trailer is very reminiscent of the original toy and the trailer has all the armament that the G1 version did.  The end result is a Mad Max’esque tractor trailer in a world gone mad – nice!


Robot Mode

Look, I’m not f*cking Optimus Prime OK!?!

Instead of Ginrai turning into the engine of his Optimus (but not Optimus) mech he now turns into the head. While still a cool concept I liked the engine gimmick better simply as it was that bit rarer.  Very nice proportions, decently articulated and a nice paintjob.  Good overall.


Base Mode

And no, I’m not ‘Optimus who got stuck in a particularly challenging yoga pose’ either you f*cking smartass!

Really does not stand up to the original G1 toys base mode.  There are some gun turrets that Ginrai can sit in and all the guns from the other two modes are useable here.  But it looks sparse and everything looks a bit flimsy – like he got stuck in mid-transformation.


Comparison between Legends LG-35 Super Ginrai and Titans Return Powermaster Optimus Prime

Vehicle Mode

Ginrai looks a lot more similar to the original toy whereas Optimus looks like an updated version, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing.  The black guns on the top of trailer work a lot better on Ginrai and his robot feet sit a lot more flush at the back.  I have to give points to Optimus for a new style and Ginrai for a more balanced look.

Base Mode

6 of 1, a half dozen of the other.  Both don’t look flash to me.  There are a few differences with the different chest pieces that come up to be the central seat for the Headmaster. The towers on Ginrai work being put higher due to you being able to place the black guns half way up, something you cant do with Optimus due to his robots hands not rotating.


Robot Mode

‘One of these bots is not like the other…’

One of the most significant differences are the ankles.  Ginrai’s have been extensively retooled in order that they pivot better and provide more height.  This makes Ginrai slightly taller than Optimus overall.  Optimus’ hand guns look that bit more impressive but Ginrai is able to hold his better due to maneuverable wrists.  The chest armor is slightly different as well.  Overall I think Ginrai does look that bit better than Optimus here.


Apex vs Ginrai

Two heads are…. no, wait, too obvious a joke. I’ll come back.

Apex is the name of Optimus’ Titan Master partner whereas Ginrai is, well, Ginrai but as stated turns into a head instead of an engine.  When comparing the two, Apex transforms into a head which looks a lot like Orion Pax, with the Optimus helmet going over the top.  Ginrai turns into an Optimus head with… er… an Optimus helmet going over the top (the definition of redundant).  So Apex wins the alt-mode race but the robot/human mode race is no race at all.  Ginrai has lots of detail and (even though you probably cant tell with my bad camera) even has a little human face. Apex by comparison has bland colours and a featureless head.

Ones a robot, ones a human in a mech suit. Both have absolutely screwed torsos


So who to choose?

Look, I got both because of the displays I wanted to create.  One display is of Optimus Prime figures which turn into trucks and have a trailer so Powermaster Optimus Prime goes there.  The other is robot modes of all the different Generations (and Generations subsets) characters and while I have plenty of Generations Optimus figures I didn’t have a Ginrai one so he goes there.  That said, I still feel like I wasted my money a bit by getting both.  They are just too similar to warrant the expenditure on two Leader-class figures.

If I was to pick one I’d pick Ginrai.  The robot mode is better and the Headmaster partner is a lot better.  Ginrai wins.  But then I guess, if you get both, you can at least join them up in to one super base like I have below!


Got something you would like to add to this ‘comparison of toys’ review?  Would love to read it in the comments section below!