And thus the great cataloguing of my collection continues.
Generations is now used as a general umberella term for the majority of Transformers toylines that aren’t specifically based on a movie or cartoon, despite those toylines having their own names such as Power of the Primesor Legacy. However back in 2010 & 2011 the term first originated with its own Generations toyline. The toyline continued what many lines by this stage, such as Classics and Universe had done before, give fans new takes on classic characters, primarily from G1. It’s international offshoot GDO, had more characters based on G1, however for some reused moulds from the Movieverse line. Generations also introduced action figures based directly on the video game War for Cybertron.
In 2013 & 2014 it received it’s sequel toyline, Generations: Fall of Cybertron. This line consisted exclusively of figures based around the Fall of Cybertron video game, including many characters who did not appear in game but were designed in a similar style. FOC was supposed to fall into the ‘Aligned’ continuity, but given how G1 the characters were, most consider it much more of the G1 universe than that of Prime.
My Transformers Generations Collection
Transformers Generations Autobots
*Item #GENA001: Transformers Generations Autobot Red Alert
And thus the great cataloging of my collection continues.
The Transformers 2010 toyline is primarily made up of two sublines. The first of these was Hunt for the Decepticons, which was heavily infulenced by the Movieverse lines and indeed contained quite a few redeco’s of figures from the Revenge of the Fallen toyline. Reveal the Shield was its successor, harking back to the Classics line with new versions of classic G1 characters – even bringing back the beloved rubsigns!
Neither of these two sublines of Transformers 2010 were ever specifically classified as belonging to either the Movieverse or the Generations line, so fans were free to decide whether the individual characters belonged in one universe or the other. So if you think that HFTD Seaspray is a bitchin’ update to the G1 figure rather than an alternate Movieverse incarnation then you roll with it!
And thus the great cataloging of my collection continues.
Classics was really the start of what would become an ongoing Generations line, though the term ‘Generations’ would not crop up for several more years. With the first live action movie on the way, Hasbro wanted to revisit the original G1 characters and figures rather than do yet another alternate-universe cartoon spin-off of them like Robots in Disguise (2001) or Armada, something that we hadn’t seen since Generation 2. So for the first time in over a decade we got characters designed to be updates of the G1 Bots and Cons many of us grew up with. The concept proved so successful that it is still being used to this day!
My Classics Transformers Collection
Classics Autobot Figures
*Item #CGA001: Transformers Classics Autobot Optimus Prime
*Item #CGA002: Transformers Classics Autobot Optimus Prime (TUB set)
A few years ago Wizards of the Coast, in conjunction with Hasbro, released the Transformers Trading Card Game.
Though the game has come to a close now, it was very popular for quite a while, and WOTC/Hasbro were even kind enough to send me a few different sets to review when the game was at its height. Even if you no longer play the game, the artwork on the cards makes them well worth keeping.
And the great journey of cataloging my collection continues!
In the 3nd installment of the Unicron Trilogy we got the Cybertron series. The main gimmick with this series was the Cyber Planet Keys, which could unlock spring-activated weapons in both bots and vehicles. It also saw the introduction of themed colony planets, which has now become a staple of Transformers lore.
Transformers Cybertron Autobot Figures
*Item #CYBA001: Transformers Cybertron Autobot Optimus Prime
And so the great cataloging for my personal and ever expanding Transformers Collection continues!
I pretty much took the 90’s off Transformer collecting, so my collection of original Beast Wars, Beast Machinesand Machine Wars is so tiny I can pop them all in the one post!
(Note: All figures in photographs listed from Left to Right)
And so it begins, the great cataloging for my personal and ever expanding Transformers Collection!
And what better place to start than where the whole shebang kicked off – G1! Listed sequentially, and with accompanying photographs, here is the G1 Decepticon toys I have amassed over the last 35+ years.
Transformers Generation One Decepticon Collection
(Note: All figures in photographs listed from Top Left to Bottom Right)
And so it begins, the great cataloging for my personal and ever expanding Transformers Collection!
And what better place to start than where the whole shebang kicked off – G1! Listed sequentially, and with accompanying photographs, here is the G1 Autobot toys I have amassed over the last 35+ years.
Transformers Generation One Autobot Collection
(Note: All figures in photographs listed from Top Left to Bottom Right)