To take a little break from cataloging action figures, I decided to catalog my Transformers Trading Cards.
However its been a much bigger task than I thought Where I thought I had a few hundred, it turns out I have over a thousand!
So I’ve broken my card collection into catagories such as Movieverse cards and TCG cards, and here we are with the 3rd category – Toyline Cards.
Transformer Toyline Trading Cards

G1 Reissues

*Item #GRTC001: Decepticon Nautilator
*Item #GRTC002: Overbite
*Item #GRTC003: Decepticon Seawing
*Item #GRTC004: Skalor
*Item #GRTC005: Decepticon Tentakil
*Item #GRTC006: Decepticon Snap Trap
*Item #GRTC007: Decepticon Piranacon
Encore/JP Reissues

*Item #ETC001: 16 Special
*Item #ETC002: D-62-S
*Item #ETC003: E-Hobby 68
*Item #ETC004: D-73
*Item #ETC005: D-74
*Item #ETC006: D-75
*Item #ETC007: D-76
*Item #ETC008: D-77
*Item #ETC009: D-78

*Item #ETC010: Encore 05
*Item #ETC011: Encore 06
*Item #ETC012: Encore 13
*Item #ETC013: 46
Robots in Disguise (2001)

*Item #RIDTC001: Dreadwing
*Item #RIDTC002: Smokejumper

*Item #ATC001: Optimus Prime
*Item #ATC002: Jetfire
*Item #ATC003: Sideswipe
*Item #ATC004: Blurr
*Item #ATC005: Smokescreen
*Item #ATC006: Scavenger
*Item #ATC007: Overload
*Item #ATC008: Red Alert
*Item #ATC009: Hot Shot
*Item #ATC010: Megatron
*Item #ATC011: Tidal Wave
*Item #ATC012: Demolishor
*Item #ATC013: Starscream
*Item #ATC014: Skywarp
*Item #ATC015: Thundercracker
*Item #ATC016: Cyclonus
*Item #ATC017: Predacon
*Item #ATC018: Thrust
*Item #ATC019: Sideways
*Item #ATC020: Unicron
*Item #ATC021: Laserbeak
*Item #ATC022: Laserbeak (2nd unit)

*Item #ETC001: Optimus Prime
*Item #ETC002: Rodimus
*Item #ETC003: Jetfire
*Item #ETC004: Omega Supreme
*Item #ETC005: Prowl
*Item #ETC006: Inferno
*Item #ETC007: Hot Shot
*Item #ETC008: Roadblock
*Item #ETC009: Downshit
*Item #ETC010: Ironhide
*Item #ETC011: Tow-Line
*Item #ETC012: Landmine
*Item #ETC013: Bulkhead
*Item #ETC014: Storm Jet
*Item #ETC015: Grimlock & Swoop

*Item #ETC016: Megatron
*Item #ETC017: Scorponok
*Item #ETC018: Starscream
*Item #ETC019: Shockblast
*Item #ETC020: Slugslinger
*Item #ETC021: Barricade
*Item #ETC022: Snow Cat
*Item #ETC023: Demolishor
*Item #ETC024: Steamhammer
*Item #ETC025: Sharkticon
*Item #ETC026: Alpha Quintesson
*Item #ETC027: Mirage
Transformers Go!

*Item #GOTC001: Junbu (robot)
*Item #GOTC002: Jinbu (vehicle)
*Item #GOTC003: Jinbu (combined)
*Item #GOTC004: Ganoh (robot)
*Item #GOTC005: Ganoh (vehicle)
*Item #GOTC006: Ganoh (combined)
*Item #GOTC007: Kenzan (robot)
*Item #GOTC008: Kenzan (vehicle)
*Item #GOTC009: Kenzan (combined)
Henkei! Henkei!

*Item #HHTC001: C-19 Cosmos
*Item #HHTC002: C-19 Warpath
*Item #HHTC003: C-19 Wheelie
Transformers Music Label

*Item #MLTC001: Soundwave
Thrilling 30 Collectibles

*Item #T30TC001: 1/30 Optimus Prime
*Item #T30TC002: 2/30 Megatron
*Item #T30TC003: 3/30 Ratchet
*Item #T30TC004: 4/30 Starscream
*Item #T30TC005: 5/30 Soundwave
*Item #T30TC006: 18/30 Ultra Magnus
*Item #T30TC007: 19/30 Grimlock
*Item #T30TC008: 20/30 Rodimus
*Item #T30TC009: 22/30 Prime Shockwave
*Item #T30TC010: 23/30 Prime Wheeljack
*Item #T30TC011: 25/30 Prime Insecticon
Combiner Wars

*Item #CWTC001: Optimus Prime
*Item #CWTC002: Rodimus
*Item #CWTC003: Wreck-Gar
*Item #CWTC004: Silverbolt
*Item #CWTC005: Alpha Bravo
*Item #CWTC006: Skydive
*Item #CWTC007: Firefly
*Item #CWTC008: Powerglide
*Item #CWTC009: Victorion
*Item #CWTC010: Computron
*Item #CWTC011: Scattershot
*Item #CWTC012: Sky Lynx
*Item #CWTC013: Hot Spot
*Item #CWTC014: Groove
*Item #CWTC015: Windcharger
*Item #CWTC016: Huffer
*Item #CWTC017: Pipes
*Item #CWTC018: Warpath

*Item #CWTC019: Megatron
*Item #CWTC020: Armada Megatron
*Item #CWTC021: Shockwave
*Item #CWTC022: Starscream
*Item #CWTC023: Thundercracker
*Item #CWTC024: Thundercracker 2
*Item #CWTC025: Cyclonus
*Item #CWTC026: Skywarp
*Item #CWTC027: Skywarp 2
*Item #CWTC028: Devestator
*Item #CWTC029: Liokaiser
*Item #CWTC030: Onslaught
*Item #CWTC031: Motormaster
*Item #CWTC032: Drag Strip
*Item #CWTC033: Blackjack
*Item #CWTC034: Blackjack (2nd unit)
*Item #CWTC035: Bombshell
*Item #CWTC036: Chop Shop
*Item #CWTC037: Buzzsaw
*Item #CWTC038: Viper
Titans Return

*Item #TRTC001: Powermaster Optimus Prime
*Item #TRTC002: Sentinel Prime
*Item #TRTC003: Alpha Trion
*Item #TRTC004: Blaster
*Item #TRTC005: Rewind
*Item #TRTC006: Stripes
*Item #TRTC007: Bumblebee
*Item #TRTC008: Cosmos
*Item #TRTC009: Seaspray
*Item #TRTC010: Perceptor
*Item #TRTC011: Road Burn
*Item #TRTC012: Wheelie
*Item #TRTC013: Chromedome
*Item #TRTC014: Hardhead
*Item #TRTC015: Highbrow
*Item #TRTC016: Hot Rod
*Item #TRTC017: Seargeant Kup
*Item #TRTC018: Blurr
*Item #TRTC019: Broadside
*Item #TRTC020: Topspin
*Item #TRTC021: Twin Twist
*Item #TRTC022: Breakaway
*Item #TRTC023: Windblade
*Item #TRTC024: Twinferno
*Item #TRTC025: Fortress Maximus

*Item #TRTC026: Brawn

*Item #TRTC027: Galvatron
*Item #TRTC028: Scourge
*Item #TRTC029: Soundwave
*Item #TRTC030: Rumble
*Item #TRTC031: Laserbeak
*Item #TRTC032: Ravage
*Item #TRTC033: Wolfwire
*Item #TRTC034: Skullsmasher
*Item #TRTC035: Mindwipe
*Item #TRTC036: Six Shot
*Item #TRTC037: Blitzwing
*Item #TRTC038: Octone
*Item #TRTC039: Sky Shadow
*Item #TRTC040: Triggerhappy
*Item #TRTC041: Misfire
*Item #TRTC042: Quake
*Item #TRTC043: Krok
*Item #TRTC044: Kickback
*Item #TRTC045: Trypticon
*Item #TRTC046: Gnaw
*Item #TRTC047: Gnaw (2nd unit)
Power of the Primes

*Item #POTPTC001: Optimus Prime
*Item #POTPTC002: Rodimus Prime
*Item #POTPTC003: Wreck-Gar
*Item #POTPTC004: Optimal Optimus
*Item #POTPTC005: Elita-1
*Item #POTPTC006: Novastar
*Item #POTPTC007: Moonracer
*Item #POTPTC008: Beachcomber
*Item #POTPTC009: Tailgate
*Item #POTPTC010: Outback
*Item #POTPTC011: Grimlock
*Item #POTPTC012: Slug
*Item #POTPTC013: Sludge
*Item #POTPTC014: Swoop
*Item #POTPTC015: Snarl
*Item #POTPTC016: Slash
*Item #POTPTC017: Windcharger
*Item #POTPTC018: Jazz
*Item #POTPTC019: Inferno

*Item #POTPTC020: Starscream
*Item #POTPTC021: Blackwing
*Item #POTPTC022: Dreadwind
*Item #POTPTC023: Rodimus Unicronus
*Item #POTPTC024: Hun-Grrr
*Item #POTPTC025: Blot
*Item #POTPTC026: Rippersnapper
*Item #POTPTC027: Cutthroat
*Item #POTPTC028: Sinnertwin
*Item #POTPTC029: Roadtrap
*Item #POTPTC030: Battleslash
*Item #POTPTC031: Cindersaur
Kingdom Cards

*Item #KTC001: Optimus Prime
*Item #KTC002: Nemesis Prime
*Item #KTC003: Blackarachnia
*Item #KTC004: Blackarachnia (2nd unit)
*Item #KTC005: Blackarachnia (scanning)
*Item #KTC006: Blackarachnia (Predacon)
*Item #KTC007: Blackarachnia (Maximal)
*Item #KTC008: Blackarachnia (Maximal) (2nd unit)
*Item #KTC009: Ark
*Item #KTC010: Ark (Decepticon)
*Item #KTC011: Ark (Robot)
*Item #KTC012: Ark 1984
*Item #KTC013: Dinobot
*Item #KTC014: Dinobot (2nd unit)
*Item #KTC015: Dinobot (altmode)
*Item #KTC016: Dinobot (Maximal)
*Item #KTC017: Dinobot (Predacon)
Tiny Titans

*Item #TTTC001: 1/12 Ultra Magnus
*Item #TTTC002: 3/12 Terrashock
*Item #TTTC003: 12/12 Autobot Jazz
*Item #TTTC004: 10/12 Grimlock
*Item #TTTC005: 11/12 Crazybolt
*Item #TTTC006: 12/12 Barrage
*Item #TTTC007: 10/12 Perceptor
*Item #TTTC008: 2/12 Repugnus
*Item #TTTC009: 3/12 Wreck-Gar
*Item #TTTC010: 5/12 Filch
*Item #TTTC011: 6/12 Decepticon Fracture
*Item #TTTC012: 7/12 Shockwave
*Item #TTTC013: 9/12 Wheeljack
*Item #TTTC014: 12/12 Autobot Twinferno
*Item #TTTC015: 1/12 Bumblebee
*Item #TTTC016: 2/12 Sky-Byte
*Item #TTTC017: 4/12 Cheetor
*Item #TTTC018: 5/12 Minimus Ambus
*Item #TTTC019: 7/12 Nightstrike
*Item #TTTC020: 8/12 Optimus Prime
*Item #TTTC021: 8/12 Optimus Prime (2nd unit)
*Item #TTTC022: 9/12 Unicron
*Item #TTTC023: 9/12 Unicron (2nd unit)

*Item #TTTC024: 9/12 Thunderhoof

*Item #MPTC001: MP-3 Starscream
*Item #MPTC002: MP-5 Megatron
*Item #MPTC003: MP-8 Grimlock
*Item #MPTC004: MP-10B Black Convoy
*Item #MPTC005: MP-11 Starscream
*Item #MPTC006: MP-11 Starscream (2nd unit)
*Item #MPTC007: MP-11T Thundercracker
*Item #MPTC008: MP-11ND Dirge
*Item #MPTC009: MP-11NR Ramjet

*Item #MPTC010: MP-11NT Thrust
*Item #MPTC011: MP-12 Lambor
*Item #MPTC012: MP-12G Lambor G-2 Ver.
*Item #MPTC013: MP-14 Alert
*Item #MPTC014: MP-15/16-E Cassettbot vs Cassettron
*Item #MPTC015: MP-17 Prowl
*Item #MPTC016: MP-18 Streak
*Item #MPTC017: MP-19 Smokescreen
*Item #MPTC018: MP-20 Wheeljack

*Item #MPTC019: MP-21 Bumble
*Item #MPTC020: MP-22 Ultra Magnus
*Item #MPTC021: MP-23 Exhaust
*Item #MPTC022: MP-24 Starsaber
*Item #MPTC023: MP-25 Tracks
*Item #MPTC024: MP-26 Road Rage
*Item #MPTC025: MP-27 Ironhide
*Item #MPTC026: MP-28 Hot Rodimus
*Item #MPTC027: MP-29 Destron Laserwave

*Item #MPTC028: MP-30 Ratchet
*Item #MPTC029: MP-33 Inferno
*Item #MPTC030: MP-35 Grapple
*Item #MPTC031: MP-36 Megatron
*Item #MPTC032: MP-39 Sunstreaker
*Item #MPTC033: MP-45 Bumble Ver 2.0
*Item #MPTC034: MP-46 Blackwidow (Beast Wars)
*Item #MPTC035: MP-47 Hound
*Item #MPTC036: MP-51 Arcee

*Item #MPTC037: MP-53 Skids
*Item #MPTC038: MP-53+ Senator Crosscut
*Item #MPTC039: MP-55 Nightbirdshadow
*Item #MPTC040: MP-56 Trailbreaker
*Item #MPTC041: MP-57 Skyfire
*Item #MPTC042: MP-58 Hoist

*Item #MPTC043: MPG-01 Trainbot Shouki
*Item #MPTC044: MPG-02 Trainbot Getsuei
*Item #MPTC045: MPG-02 Trainbot Yukikaze
*Item #MPTC046: MPG-04 Trainbot Suiken
*Item #MPTC047: MPG-05 Trainbot Seizan
*Item #MPTC047: MPG-05 Trainbot Kaen
Card Count: 299
Cards that don’t fit under any other catagory
Top Trump Mini

*Item #TTMTC001: Optimus Prime
*Item #TTMTC002: Cliffjumper
*Item #TTMTC003: Bumblebee
*Item #TTMTC004: Hound
*Item #TTMTC005: Jazz
*Item #TTMTC006: Bluestreak
*Item #TTMTC007: Ironhide
*Item #TTMTC008: Ratchet
*Item #TTMTC009: Grapple
*Item #TTMTC010: Megatron
*Item #TTMTC011: Shockwave
*Item #TTMTC012: Soundwave
*Item #TTMTC013: Frenzy
*Item #TTMTC014: Laserbeak
*Item #TTMTC015: Ravage
*Item #TTMTC016: Grimlock
*Item #TTMTC017: Starscream
*Item #TTMTC018: Cover Card
Transformers Collectors Club Australia

*Item #TCCATC01: 5 Ultra Magnus
*Item #TCCATC02: 6 Shockwave
*Item #TCCATC03: 15 Springer
*Item #TCCATC04: 16 Cyclonus
Card Count: 22
Transformers Collection – Movieverse Cards
Transformers Collection – TCG Cards