Tag Archives: KRR.fm

Big DJ Trev broadcasting live from the 2025 Rylstone-Kandos Show

The time is almost upon us once again, that time that kids love and parents worry about the welfare of their wallets – The Rylstone-Kandos Show. And as an extra special treat, once again everyones favorite radio personality will be on hand and broadcasting LIVE!

Big DJ Trev broadcasting at the 2024 show

That’s right, along with many other KRR.fm presenters, Big DJ Trev will be broadcasting live and on site from the Rylstone-Kandos Show throughout the day playing some awesome tunes!  So between 10 and 11am, come on up to the broadcast building where you will get to meet Big DJ Trev, take a selfie, have a chat and even get an autograph signed – you lukcy ducks you!

My always awesome guest cohost Orion
Hanging with other KRR.fm personalities – Brent & Rodger

So don’t forget to get your tickets for the Rylstone-Kandos Show on the 22nd of Feburary 2025

We will see you at the show!

Trev & Orion with other KRR.fm presenters Leanne & Kirilee

Footage from ‘The Big DJ Trev Show!’ – July 2024

I always enjoy having guest cohosts on ‘The Big DJ Trev Show!’,   Sometimes they do acts, sometimes they do challenges, and sometimes its just having a lot of great fun and banter on air!

Matilda Poole live on The Big DJ Trev 3rd anniversary show!

This week I had special guest cohosts Jason and Trent.  We discussed everything from law and the possible existence of aliens, to Star Trek to the recent cancelling of shows by Tenacious D.  Along with Jason and Trent were all our first born sons, who each chose a song and introduced it on air.  Every guest that night did a fantastic job!

The show went for 3 hours, but as well as going out live on Krrfm.org.au we did some live streaming on social media as well.  Find below the three short live streaming clips from the show.  Unfortunately due to music copyright laws, short parts of audio are missing from the first and third videos.

Hopefully we can convince Jason & Trent to come back and do another show next year!  In the meantime keep listening to The Big DJ Trev Show on KRR.fm


Video: World’s Hottest Corn Chips Challenge!

Big DJ Trev broadcasting LIVE from the Rylstone Show!

The time is almost upon us once again, that time that kids love and parents worry about the welfare of their wallets – The Rylstone-Kandos Show.

And as this is the 85th annual exhibition – an impressive milestone – as an extra special treat everyones favorite radio personality will be on hand and broadcasting LIVE!

The Big DJ Trev Show

That’s right, along with many other KRR.fm presenters, Big DJ Trev will be broadcasting live and on site from the Rylstone Show throughout the day playing some awesome tunes!  So between 10 and 11am, come on down to the broadcast building where you will get to meet Big DJ Trev, take a selfie, have a chat and even get an autograph signed – you lukcy ducks you!

So don’t forget to get your tickets for the Rylstone-Kandos Show on the 24th of Feburary 2024

We will see you at the show!


Big DJ Trev appearing at Rylstone Street Feast


Matilda Poole live on The Big DJ Trev 3rd anniversary show!

Many’s the star who can attribute the moment their career really took flight to being a guest on The Big DJ Trev Show on Krr.fm.  Whether it be Bernie Pogston, Flannel Devine or the Splooten Triplets – all those household names you adore can attribute their success to being given the Big DJ Trev boost.  Even as recently as October this year, we were very happy to bring you an Aussie Radio first by playing the newest album by Cybertronic Spree.

Album Review – Respect The Prime 1986 Revisited

Also, as regular listeners would know, we always have some entertaining guests and do something a bit special for our anniversary shows. And never more than what we have planned for this year for The Big DJ Trev 3rd Anniversary Show!

This Thursday the 21st of December, we are very excited to be able to bring you an extremely talented young woman, an up-and-comer who has all the qualities to make it big – Ms Matilda Poole.

Photo’s provided by Matilda’s publicist Petrina

Here are a few words from the artist:

My name is Matilda Poole, I’m a local singer-songwriter and live music performer in the mid-west region, and I’ve just recently won the Mid-West Music Quest.

Most of my weekends consist of performing multiple gigs around Mudgee, Rylstone, Gulgong, and Dubbo, and sharing my love of music with everyone I can.

I’m 17 years old, and I have been singing since before I could talk, however my solo musical career performing and playing gigs began almost 5 years ago, when I auditioned for “Vocal Stars” and received the Gold Package.

Within the last six months, I’ve performed over 30 gigs, and to thousands of people, and I can’t wait to share my music with the KRR.fm listeners on The Big DJ Trev Show!

 Not only is Matilda a talented singer, she is also a talented actor & dancer and one of the nicest young people I have had the pleasure of directing upon the stage.  Tilda recently played a starring role in the latest Kandos production of ABBA: The Musical, acquitting herself superbly to the delight of the enraptured audience.

Did I teach her everything she knows? Probably. Did I teach her everything I know? Of course not – that would make her too dangerous to live!

So tune in from 6pm this Thursday to hear Matilda Poole singing live on The Big DJ Trev 3rd Anniversary show on KRR.fm.

Ask Trev – What’s it like being a Radio Star?


Australian Radio First – Ravage by Cybertronic Spree

In an exclusive to The Big DJ Trev Show on KRR.fm, for the first time on Australian Radio, we are proud to present Ravage – the newest album from Cybertronic Spree.

For anyone unfamiliar with the band, Cybertronic Spree released their first album in 2019; Transformers 1986, containing covers from soundtrack of that cult-classic The Transformers: The Movie.  Known to perform live in excellently crafted costumes of beloved Transformers characters such as Hot Rod, Unicron, Shockwave and Soundwave, the band had found a successful niche within the pop-culture world.

Album Review – Cybertronic Spree: Transformers 1986

Ravage is a collection of new original music by the band, with heavy 80’s influences.  However don’t let me spoil it for you – why not take the opportunity to listen for yourself!

Tune in to The Big DJ Trev Show from 6 to 9pm AEST on Thursday October 5th to hear the album played for the first time on Australian Radio!

For those in Central West NSW, tune into to 98.7fm.  For everyone else around the world go online to KRRfm.org.auTo celebrate the new album Ravage, not only we will be playing tracks from this new album, but having a Transformers themed night, complete with music from Cybertronic Spree’s first album, as well as music from the live-action movie soundtracks and other Transformer musical releases!

So tune in, rock on and roll out!


Album Review – ‘Transformers: Roll Out’

Album Review – Respect The Prime 1986 Revisited

Big DJ Trev appearing at Rylstone Street Feast

Everyone’s favourite DJ, Big DJ Trev, of local station KRR.fm will be putting in a live appearance at this year’s Rylstone Street Feast on November 5th! This will be the first time the event has been held since the start of the Pandemic so looking forward to some great tucker!

The most popular DJ on radio (that appears on KRR.fm between the hours of 6 & 9pm on Thursdays).

Video certainly didn’t kill this radio star! Big DJ Trev will be on site between 10am & 5pm, and will graciously  pose for selfies and sign  autographs.  Phone answering messages recorded upon request (payments accepted in either cash or beer). If he is eating however do NOT disturb him – it is not wise to get between a man and his meat because losing a finger often offends.

So come on down and meet Big DJ Trev, it’ll be something to tell your grandchildren!

Ask Trev – What’s it like being a Radio Star?


‘The Big DJ Trev Show’ Promo Pics

As is my custom, each week I put up on various Social Media  (such as the Big Angry Trev! Facebook Group) promo pics reminding you good folk to tune in for some awesome music and witty (if sometimes somewhat insane) banter between me, myself and I on The Big DJ Trev Show! 

Please enjoy the first two dozen of those promo pics, including those from the weeks where I was lucky enough to have some co-hosts join me for the fun!

The Big DJ Trev Show


The Big DJ Trev Show
The Big DJ Trev Show


The Big DJ Trev Show

The Big DJ Trev Show


The Big DJ Trev Show


The Big DJ Trev Show


The Big DJ Trev Show


The Big DJ Trev Show


The Big DJ Trev Show


The Big DJ Trev Show


The Big DJ Trev Show


The Big DJ Trev Show


The Big DJ Trev Show


The Big DJ Trev Show


The Big DJ Trev Show


The Big DJ Trev Show


The Big DJ Trev Show


The Big DJ Trev Show


Co-Host Shots

The Big DJ Trev Show


The Big DJ Trev Show


The Big DJ Trev Show
The Big DJ Trev Show


So don’t forget – 6 to 9pm AEST every Thursday – tune in to The Big DJ Trev Show on KRR-fm for kickass music and my own brand of lunacy, you wont be disappointed!


Related Articles:

Big Angry Trev is back on the radio!

Bean Boozled Flaming Five Challenge live on air!

World’s Hottest Corn Chips Challenge live on air!

Video: World’s Hottest Corn Chips Challenge!

This week on The Big DJ Trev Show on KRR.fm we engaged in an extra bit of fun!  We had guest co-hosts Mangled Melsy and Red Hot Chilli Angle (better known as Mel & Brendan) in the studio, and they brought some goodies with them!

Yet again I was unable to resist pitting my tastebuds against the insanely hot (twice in one night in this case!).  And live on air Brendan & I engaged in the World’s Hottest Corn Chips Challenge!

For those of you who listened in and wondered what the whole process looked like, worry not!  We have videoed it for you!  So watch and enjoy.

Did you enjoy watching us in pain?  Well tune back in to http://krrfm.org.au/  in the Spring when we tackle the World’s Hottest Gummy Bears!

Related Articles:

Video: Bean Boozled Flaming Five Challenge!

Big Angry Trev is back on the radio!

Video: Trev vs Mad Dog 357 Hot Sauce

Video: Bean Boozled Flaming Five Challenge!

This week on The Big DJ Trev Show on KRR.fm we engaged in an extra bit of fun!  We had guest co-hosts Mangled Melsy and Red Hot Chilli Angle (better known as Mel & Brendan) in the studio, and they brought some goodies with them!

Yes, once again I was unable to resist pitting my tastebuds against the insanely hot.  And live on air Melsy, Angle & I engaged in the Bean Boozled Flaming Five Challenge!

For those of you who listened in and wondered what the whole process looked like, worry not!  We have videoed it for you!  So watch and enjoy.

Did you enjoy watching us in pain?  Well lucky you, there are more videos to come!


Related Articles:

Pick Brendan’s DJ Name

Big Angry Trev is back on the radio!

Video: Trev vs Mad Dog 357 Hot Sauce