Tag Archives: Jurassic Park

Ask Trev: Would you collect anything besides Transformers?

This question comes from master filmographer Pieter:

If The Transformers never existed do you think you would you have become a die hard collector of anything else like perhaps Robotech, Star Wars/Trek etc?

I’m going to have to give a big YES to that, though I’m sure never to the extent I have Transformers.  I’ve collected various other things over the course of my life, and if I didn’t have Transformers I think my collections of them would be a lot bigger than they are.  Given how much I spend per month on Transformers, the rest of my nerdy passions don’t get much of a look in.


Mid 90’s: Home Improvement Merchandise

Remember the 90’s sitcom Home Improvement?  Back in the day I LOVED that show!  Maybe it was because from 1987 onwards I lived away from my father, who had tried to be a good Dad in his way, but was 50 when I was born and already suffering from Paranoid Schizophrenia and Manic Depression.  Thus he wasn’t a father who was overtly loving or would play catch with me at the park.  So watching a TV Dad who openly loved, played and did activities with his sons, as well as being funny, perhaps was a substitute for something my own life was missing.

During the 90’s I wasn’t collecting Transformers as I wasn’t a big fan of Beast Wars, so for a while I collected Home Improvement merchandise.  This included everything from collector cards, posters, jumpers, t-shirts, socks and even a board game.


Mid 90’s:/2000’s: The Tick

I love The Tick!  He is by far and away my very favourite super hero and has been since the cartoon came out in the 90’s.  I don’t have a great deal of The Tick merchandise, but truthfully in part that’s because there isn’t that much out there, as super heroes go he is on the obscure side.


Late 90’s: X-Men Comics

I used to collect X-Men comics in the late 90’s.  Sadly when I moved in with a girl I gave a ton to a mate to hang onto who subsequently lost them, and now only have the special edition ones I kept for myself.


Early 2000’s: Men’s G-Strings

Wow – the ‘Censored’ sign somehow makes this photo look way worse than it actually is, you’d see worse at any swimming pool (maybe).

Hold up!  This isn’t as pervy as it sounds! And they were all mine, not someone else’s!

When backpacking around Europe in my mid 20’s I had to lug all the clothing I had in my backpack and didn’t get to wash clothes that often.  And two or 3 thongs would take up the same amount of space in my swag as one pair of boxer shorts would.  So by wearing mens g-strings I could triple the amount of underwear I had before I had to find a laundromat in whatever country I happened to be in – now that’s just good common sense for a world traveller.  As I traversed Europe I would occasionally pick up a new one at places like a fancy men’s underwear store in Florence.

When I arrived back in Australia I found I had accrued quite a few.  The oldest have been tossed now.  Back then I was young and very fit, these days it would look like wrapping a rubber band round the bottom of a pear.  Ah but back in the day, it was amazing how many bar patrons across Europe would buy drinks all night for a Mad Aussie dancing round in a blokes thong – a great money saver!


90’s/2000’s: Star Trek

Yes, VHS Tapes. Yes, I am that old.

I’ve seen most everything made in both franchises, though admit to being far more of a Trekkie than a Star Wars fan.  I bought nearly every Star Trek book written by Shatner, but never collected Star Trek merchandise in a huge way.  Back in the 90’s I collected the ‘Star Trek Fact Files’ that came out each week for $5 and could be put into associated binders.  Considering that there were a bit over 200 issues I guess that was a thousand bucks over 4 years which was a decent bit of cash.  Sadly I had them stored in a shed and mice got into them so they are pretty wrecked now.

Star Trek V: Kirk vs God


2000’s: Anime Statuettes

They’re from Japan – that makes them cultural instead of pervy.

For a while about 15 years ago I collected Anime Statuettes from some of my favourite Japanese cartoons and ended up with maybe a couple dozen.  However parenthood changes ones perspective, and given the… ahem… proportions of many anime girls, they didn’t seem appropriate to have on display anymore, so I stopped collecting and those I had got packed away and have spent a decade in a box in the storage shed.  I might get around to selling them off one day as I don’t think I’ll really ever want to display them again.


2010’s: My Little Pony

When I was the househusband and not working for 6 months when we first moved to NSW I used to watch My Little Pony with my young daughter each morning, and found it to be very entertaining and something we could share!  So both she and I started collecting MLP figures, myself specializing in Rarity figures since I found her hilarious!

Movie Review – My Little Pony

However the cartoon came to an end and she got older and lost all interest.  She actually donated her MLP toys to me and I was a bit sad to see something we had enjoyed together cast aside.  I kept a bunch of the Rarity ones, the rest went to goodwill as the joy for me came from collecting them with my daughter and sharing the hobby rather than the figures themselves.

Pictorial Toys Review – My Little Prime & Plasmane

Now my daughter is into Lilo & Stitch and I do try to share the hobby with her as best I can, but for my money the Ponies were more fun.

Video – Stitch: Toys and Facts with Acacia!


80’s/90’s/2000’s: Ghostbusters

‘Who ya gonna call? A middle-aged man cosplaying!’

If I didn’t collect Transformers, I think this would be mainly what I would collect now.  I adore Ghostbusters, it is definitely my No.2 pop culture love.  I’ve got a full uniform (gets busted out once a year to take my kids Trick’or’Treating), a few toys, DVD’s, video games, a board game etc.

Though nothing will ever equal the the first two movies for me, I love that the franchise is still kicking strong today.

Ghostbusters Movies: All 5 ranked from Worst to Best!


Hooray for Crossovers!

Two times the fun, wrapped up and rolled into one!

So while I may not be able to afford to collect much outside of Transformers, luckily there are Transformer Crossovers!  Between comics and toys Transformers has crossed over with the likes of Star Wars, Star Trek, Jurassic Park, Avengers, X-Men, Mr. Potato Head, Ghostbusters, Street Fighter, Back to the Future, Terminator….  heck, even Angry Birds!  

So these crossovers have enabled me to dip my toe into other sci-fi genre’s without having to compromise my Transformers budget.

Toys Review – Street Fighter Transformers

Toy Review – Ectotron

So yep Pieter, I would definitely still collect something.  And maybe its in the blood because my son also collects Transformers and my daughter collects Stuffed Animals & Stich merchandise.  But would I have a Ghostbustertorium Shed or MyLittlePony Stable?  Probably not.  Transformers have been producing toys for the last 40 years and never so much as in the past 20, and with dozens of different cartoons and movies, hundreds of different characters and thousands upon thousands of different toys, I don’t know how many other passions could have offered so much variety – it’s a lot of fun!  But there will always be one small cabinet in the corner of The Transformatorium for those little extra’s from my other nerdy loves.

Thank you Pieter for your question.

If you would like to see some of Pieter’s great work, check out the short film he did about my Transformatorium! 

Video: The Transformatorium: EXTENDED CUT

Do you collect something interesting?  Why not tell us about it in the comments section below!

Shriekers vs Raptors – Who would Win?

Jurassic Park and Tremors – two film franchises that have far more in common than one might think.

Yes the differences between the two franchises are huge; budgets, popularity, settings etc.  But when it comes down to it both movie series (having 7 flicks each thus far) are at their core about humans genetically messing with creatures from the dawn of time, before those same creatures then turn around and systematically hunt and kill the humans for their hubris.

Movie Review – Tremors 6: A Cold Day in Hell

Both franchises have their big monsters – the T-Rex and the Graboid respectively.  And they both have their flying monsters – the Pteradon and the Assblaster.  But what about those mid-sized creatures that love to run down humans for lunch?  In Jurassic Park these are the Velociraptors and in Tremors they are the Shriekers.

Note both the Raptors and the Shriekers are fictional.  Yes Raptors did actually exist, but they were around the size of large chickens and had feathers as well as scales; they were not 2-meter tall pack hunters that could use doorhandles and change their gender as needed.  And Shriekers are completely fictional, the mid-life cycle of Graboids before they turn into Assblasters, which then in turn lay eggs that turn into baby Graboids.

In both film franchises the species in question get genetically modified by humans, as well as attempts being made by humans to train their packs.  In the first Jurassic Park film, we find that Raptors have only been able to be resurrected by splicing their DNA with that of amphibians, which not only leads to them coming back to life but also being able to change their gender in order to breed.  By the end of the Tremors movies, humans have been messing with the DNA of Shriekers, giving them a ‘Sonic Scream’ that can completely incapacitate their prey.

In the Tremors TV series, it is revealed that the government has secretly been trying to train Shriekers to use their infrared vision in order to find victims in disaster areas.  In Jurassic Park, the Raptors have been trained for several different reasons, from being killing machines for the Military to simply ‘lets see if we can’.


So what if these two fictional pack-hunting creatures went head-to-head?  The Jurassic vs The Pre-Cambrian  Who would win?

To answer this, we will break down the skills and abilities of both Raptors and Shriekers.  Then examine the threat posed by the two species to humans, as well as to each other.


Shriekers vs Raptors – The Stats:

Size & Strength

Shriekers: Shriekers are approximately 1 meter high and 1.5 meters long.  They are strong enough to pin down a human and their bite is strong enough to rend metal.

Raptors: Approximately 2 meters high and 2.5 meters long.  They are much stronger than humans in all regards.

Winner: Raptors


Speed & Agility:

Shriekers: For such short stubby creatures, Shriekers can exhibit quite a turn of speed, being able to easily keep pace with a human running.  They are also able to jump and pivot easily.

Raptors: Raptors are very fast creatures, able to chase down humans that are riding quad bikes and motorcycles.  They have great leaping skills.

Winner: Raptors



Shriekers: Shrikers have no front appendages, severely limiting their dexterity.  They however have prehensile tongues, being able to to grab objects in much the way an elephant would use their trunks.

Raptors: Raptors have been observed being able to use their hands/claws to not only grab onto their enemies, but even successfully manipulate door handles and other objects.

Winner: Raptors



Shriekers: Whilst Shriekers have been mistaken for having high intelligence (destroying cars and communication towers, seemingly cutting off their prey from outside assistance) they are actually considered relatively dense.  That said, the army has been able to have some success with training Shriekers, and they have been observed being able to figure out puzzles such as how to reach high objects, which puts them above much of the animal kingdom.

Raptors: Raptors have been shown to have high intelligence (for animals), being able to utilize techniques such as distraction, misdirection, testing & assessing and even tool manipulation.

Winner: Raptors


Hunting/Pack Hunting:

Shriekers: Shriekers are able to utilize heat sensors on the tops of their heads in order to locate their prey.  This is highly effective, though can cause them to attack inanimate objects that also radiate heat.  Shriekers will emit loud shrieks (hence the name) to alert other Shriekers to potential prey – whilst they have no ears, the shrieking makes them give off more heat themselves as a signal to the rest of the pack. Shriekers can not only hunt and corral their prey by moving in packs, but can also work together to reach prey, such as standing on each others shoulders to reach victims that are high up. Shriekers that have been genetically modified can also subdue prey with a Sonic Scream attack that incapacitates their prey.

Raptors: Raptors are able to use their speed and size to quickly take down most any prey that are smaller than them.  Raptors are excellent pack hunters, able to corral their prey by approaching from multiple directions at once, or using one member to distract their prey whilst the rest of the pack sneak up on their quarry from other sides.  Raptors understand using cover and will use long grasses and bushes to disguise their approach.

Winner: A draw


Physical Offensive & Defensive Capabilities:

Shriekers: Shriekers have strong bone jaws that are able to slice through tough materials such as metal with ease, as well as feeling no ill effects from biting through objects that are hot or conducting electricity.  They are able to use their tongues to grab an object/prey.  Genetically modified Shriekers can unleash a Sonic Scream, causing major damage and incapacitation to their prey.  All Shriekers have a hard bone carapace over their heads, making their heads all but impervious to attack

Raptors: Raptors have long thick spurs on their hind legs which are able to rip through flesh with ease.  Raptors have claws on both front appendages, able to grab and tear at their enemies.  Raptors have a mouth full of razor-sharp teeth, able to rend the flesh from their prey.  They are fast and highly agile, able to run and leap in order to attack or escape.

Winner: Shriekers



Shriekers: Shriekers are the pupa stage of the lifecycle of Graboids and emerge from Graboids generally in groups of 3 to 6.  Shriekers only live on average for 24 hours after which, if they have ingested enough food, they evolve into Assblaster – flying creatures that are similar to Shriekers in many respects.  Given their relatively short lifespan in their Shrieker form, Shriekers do not have the longevity to learn new skills and operate mainly from instinct.  Shriekers are asexual, and by ingesting enough food are able to ‘vomit’ up another Shrieker which will grow to full size within a few hours.  By reproducing in this manner, a small group of newly born Shriekers can become a pack of overwhelming size within a very short period.

Raptors: The Raptors, due to having their DNA spliced with that of amphibians, are able to change their sex if there are too many of the one gender, facilitating being able to breed more efficiently.  Raptors lay eggs and will not only protect their nests fiercely, but even hunt down stolen eggs over vast distances to retrieve them.  Once hatched, baby Raptors follow the species normal life cycle.

Winner: Shriekers


Shriekers and Raptors – versus us and each other:

Shriekers & Raptors vs Humans:

In both movie franchises there have been plenty of humans who have been ripped apart by these two predatory species.  But which is best at taking humans out?

Shriekers: Shriekers can run as fast as a human and have enough body weight to pin one down.  They can kill a human with one bite from their powerful jaws, can hunt humans via the mammal’s body heat, and can overwhelm humans by multiplying their numbers exponentially.  They have enough cooperative skills that they can work together to catch their prey such as tunnelling or standing on each other’s shoulders to get humans that are out of reach.  They can shriek in order to alert other Shriekers of a human’s presence, and the genetically modified Shriekers can subdue a human in seconds with the Sonic Scream.  Once a Shrieker has evolved into an Assblaster, they can attack from the air.

Shriekers are able to be tricked very easily by the disguising of body heat.  By keeping solid objects between themselves and the Shrieker, or otherwise lowering their outer body temperature by the use of special clothing, humans can become essentially invisible to Shriekers and avoid them easily. Shriekers have strong bony skulls that can protect them from damage, but the rest of their body is susceptible to gunfire. They can also be killed by bladed weapons being stuck down their throats.

Raptors: Raptors are much bigger and faster than humans so have the speed and strength advantage.  They are intelligent enough to escape pens and traps created by humans, as well as work their way into human strongholds.  They have refined hunting instincts and are able to use a wide variety of tactics to take humans down – everything from using natural cover and distraction techniques, to corralling humans from different directions at once to cut off all escape.  Once caught, humans have no chance of survival in a one-on-one confrontation given the Raptors claws, spurs and teeth.

Raptors are susceptible to gunfire and other weaponry, including shock sticks.  With enough elevation, Raptors have no way to reach a human.

Conclusion: Both creatures are deadly to humans.  Raptors are the more skillful and refined predators.  Shriekers are arguably more dangerous, however are outwitted far more easily.  A draw.


Shrieker vs Raptor in a Fight – One on One:

Raptors have it all over Shriekers in terms of their size and speed.  If a Raptor is able to get past the Shriekers protected armoured head, it will easily be able to shred the Shrieker to pieces by grabbing it with its claws, then using its thick foot spurs and sharp teeth to eviscerate it. However, Shriekers are able to easily bite through solid metal with their bony jaws as well as grab their prey/enemies with their prehensile tongues.  With one single solid bite a Shrieker could easily decapitate a Raptor or sever a limb.  So the argument could be made that going head to head a Shrieker would win, but if a Raptor can dodge the Shriekers tongue and that first bite, the Raptor would easily destroy its smaller rival.

However in both franchises Raptors and Shriekers are shown to be genetically tampered with, and in the final movie of the franchise, it is shown that Shriekers now have the ability to emit a Sonic Scream.  As long as the Raptor doesn’t completely take the Shrieker by surprise, which it shouldn’t be able to do even with cover do due to the Shrikers infrared vision, then the Shrieker can easily subdue a Raptor with its disorienting scream, then rip the Raptor to shreds with its huge jaw before the dinosaur realises what’s happening.

Conclusion: A Raptor has more chance of killing a Shrieker in a one-on-one fight, however a genetically modified Shrieker would completely destroy a Raptor.


Shriekers vs Raptors in a Fight – Pack vs Pack

Raptors are more intelligent than Shriekers and live far longer, meaning they have the capability to learn how to handle Shriekers from previous stand-offs (assuming any Raptors survive).  It is conceivable that the Raptors could work as a pack, using one of their own as bait to distract the Shriekers whilst the rest of their pack picks off the Shriekers from behind.

However the above technique would probably only result in a few Shriekers getting killed before the rest realise what’s happening.  Once they do the remaining Shriekers should be able to, via their jaws and screams, make short work of the Raptors.  Shriekers also have the strength of numbers.  Raptors have been shown in the movies to hunt in packs of up to 6, whereas with enough food around the Shriekers can not only grow to huge numbers relatively quickly, but also quickly replace any killed members of their pack.  If half the Raptor pack is killed in a battle, they have to wait for their offspring to grow to adulthood to fight, whereas if even one Shrieker lives, it can quickly repopulate its pack within a matter of hours, with Shriekers who live long enough turning into airborne Assblasters to which the Raptors would have no defence.

Conclusion: In Pack vs Pack, the only possible way for the Raptors to win would be to somehow take the Shrieker pack by complete surprise and kill every single one of them as quickly as possible.  In every other scenario the Shriekers win.


So who is the overall Winner?

Genetically Modified Shrieker

Overall we have to give it to the Shriekers.  Yes, Raptors are bigger, stronger, faster, smarter and have the talons, claws and teeth to back it up.  But Shriekers can reproduce quickly and asexually, use infrared vision to hunt prey, have a bite that can rend metal and the genetically modified ones can use a Sonic Scream to subdue most anything or anyone.  If you combine those factors with their  armoured heads and prehensile tongues then the Raptors, essentially big clever lizards, don’t stand a chance.  In this competition of the hunters, Jurassic loses out to Pre-Cambrian.


Do you think the above comparisons between these fictitious creatures are accurate?   And would you be interested in a potential T-Rex vs Graboid comparison?  If so pop it in the comments section below!

Movie Review: The LEGO Batman Movie

The LEGO franchise was always big.  Now with a string of video games and DVD’s as well as being tied in to almost every popular franchise – from Marvel to Star Wars to even Ghostbusters – it is friggin huge!

A few years ago we all marveled at the first LEGO Movie.  It was funny, interesting and had a lot of heart.  One of the main characters in that movie was Batman.  He was arrogant, even if highly skilled enough to warrant it, egocentric and obsessed with metal music and the colour black.  The character has subsequently appeared in numerous tie-in DVD’s and has remained fairly faithful to this rendition of one of the most iconic super heroes of all time.

Now we have upon us the second of the Lego movies to hit the big screen and Batman has the starring role.  So let’s take a look at The LEGO Batman Movie.

This movie is all about Batman’s personal emotional journey from the character we saw in the last movie to one that actually stands a chance of showing empathy and having a personal connection to others.  We are treated at the start to a huge elaborate battle sequence between Batman and pretty much every villain that has ever shown up in the Batman Universe.  Lead by Joker they are all here, from well known characters like Mr. Freeze and Catwoman to obscure characters such as Calendar Man and even Egghead (an egg themed villain from the campy 60’s show played by Vincent Price).  Batman single handedly defeats every single villain, all whilst talking about how great he is, playing hardcore metal music and doing donuts in the Batmobile.  It’s very adrenaline packed and there would be few male viewers who would not love to be in his blocky shoes.

At the climax of the fight, we get the stage set for the overriding theme of the movie.  Joker appears to be genuinely hurt, even heartbroken, when Batman not only refutes that Joker is his arch enemy but states that Joker literally means nothing to him, no one does.  After winning the fight, dropping by an orphanage to shoot miscellaneous Bat-merchandise at a bunch of orphans (and a young Dick Grayson whom returns shortly after) he goes home to an empty mansion, eating and watching movies by himself.

Things change pretty swiftly for Batman.  Barbara Gordon becomes the new police commissioner and wants Batman to work with the police and within the constraints of the law.  During her inauguration all the super villains show up and promptly turn themselves in, depriving Batman of anyone to fight in the future.  It’s also at this time that Bruce Wayne unwittingly adopts Dick Grayson, agreeing to do by not even listening when the prospect is put to him and just blandly agreeing to whatever is said.

Deprived of his super villains to thwart Batman begins a downwards spiral and rejects Alfred’s suggestions to use this down time to make connections with people and focus on his personal life.  Desperately needing something to do, Batman decides to send Joker to the Phantom Zone and has no compunctions about risking his new young wards life to do it.


This movie is really about Batman being a jerk and slowly learning not to be.  Whilst the movie starts with him lapping up the attention we see showcased how he is unpopular with his fellow heroes (doesn’t even get invited to the Justice League party), disrespects Alfred, risks Robins life, refuses to work as a team with the police commissioner and constantly breaks the Jokers heart.  We get a glimpse into why though, the death of his parents made a young Bruce refuse to let anyone else get close and his life became about his own ego and his obsession with being a vigilante.


So the fun yet predictable happens.  Batman sends Joker to the Phantom Zone where he meets a ton of other evil characters from different franchises (including LOTR, Harry Potter, Jurassic Park and even Dr. Who), brings them back to Gotham and proceeds to destroy the city.  This forces Batman to actually work as a team with Barbara, Dick and Alfred and by doing so let them into his life.  The finale of Batman’s emotional journey is him finally admitting to Joker that he hates him and that Joker is the reason he works so hard as a crime fighter.  With this emotional rift healed Joker helps Batman save the city and Gotham is safe once more.

Just wanted to know he was hated

Overall I would say this is very much a boys movie.  Batman is a total jerk and a very blokey kind of jerk.  There is constant violence and lots of humor – I found myself chuckling a few times which is pretty good for me.  I took my 4 year old son and nothing was too graphic or smutty to faze him, though he was a tad restless in his seat by the end.  I’d happily recommend this movie to any boys under the age of say 17, or grown up boys who just cant get enough of The Bat.


Seen the movie and have a different opinion?  Would love to read it in the comments section below!