Tag Archives: Comics

Ask Trev: Would you collect anything besides Transformers?

This question comes from master filmographer Pieter:

If The Transformers never existed do you think you would you have become a die hard collector of anything else like perhaps Robotech, Star Wars/Trek etc?

I’m going to have to give a big YES to that, though I’m sure never to the extent I have Transformers.  I’ve collected various other things over the course of my life, and if I didn’t have Transformers I think my collections of them would be a lot bigger than they are.  Given how much I spend per month on Transformers, the rest of my nerdy passions don’t get much of a look in.


Mid 90’s: Home Improvement Merchandise

Remember the 90’s sitcom Home Improvement?  Back in the day I LOVED that show!  Maybe it was because from 1987 onwards I lived away from my father, who had tried to be a good Dad in his way, but was 50 when I was born and already suffering from Paranoid Schizophrenia and Manic Depression.  Thus he wasn’t a father who was overtly loving or would play catch with me at the park.  So watching a TV Dad who openly loved, played and did activities with his sons, as well as being funny, perhaps was a substitute for something my own life was missing.

During the 90’s I wasn’t collecting Transformers as I wasn’t a big fan of Beast Wars, so for a while I collected Home Improvement merchandise.  This included everything from collector cards, posters, jumpers, t-shirts, socks and even a board game.


Mid 90’s:/2000’s: The Tick

I love The Tick!  He is by far and away my very favourite super hero and has been since the cartoon came out in the 90’s.  I don’t have a great deal of The Tick merchandise, but truthfully in part that’s because there isn’t that much out there, as super heroes go he is on the obscure side.


Late 90’s: X-Men Comics

I used to collect X-Men comics in the late 90’s.  Sadly when I moved in with a girl I gave a ton to a mate to hang onto who subsequently lost them, and now only have the special edition ones I kept for myself.


Early 2000’s: Men’s G-Strings

Wow – the ‘Censored’ sign somehow makes this photo look way worse than it actually is, you’d see worse at any swimming pool (maybe).

Hold up!  This isn’t as pervy as it sounds! And they were all mine, not someone else’s!

When backpacking around Europe in my mid 20’s I had to lug all the clothing I had in my backpack and didn’t get to wash clothes that often.  And two or 3 thongs would take up the same amount of space in my swag as one pair of boxer shorts would.  So by wearing mens g-strings I could triple the amount of underwear I had before I had to find a laundromat in whatever country I happened to be in – now that’s just good common sense for a world traveller.  As I traversed Europe I would occasionally pick up a new one at places like a fancy men’s underwear store in Florence.

When I arrived back in Australia I found I had accrued quite a few.  The oldest have been tossed now.  Back then I was young and very fit, these days it would look like wrapping a rubber band round the bottom of a pear.  Ah but back in the day, it was amazing how many bar patrons across Europe would buy drinks all night for a Mad Aussie dancing round in a blokes thong – a great money saver!


90’s/2000’s: Star Trek

Yes, VHS Tapes. Yes, I am that old.

I’ve seen most everything made in both franchises, though admit to being far more of a Trekkie than a Star Wars fan.  I bought nearly every Star Trek book written by Shatner, but never collected Star Trek merchandise in a huge way.  Back in the 90’s I collected the ‘Star Trek Fact Files’ that came out each week for $5 and could be put into associated binders.  Considering that there were a bit over 200 issues I guess that was a thousand bucks over 4 years which was a decent bit of cash.  Sadly I had them stored in a shed and mice got into them so they are pretty wrecked now.

Star Trek V: Kirk vs God


2000’s: Anime Statuettes

They’re from Japan – that makes them cultural instead of pervy.

For a while about 15 years ago I collected Anime Statuettes from some of my favourite Japanese cartoons and ended up with maybe a couple dozen.  However parenthood changes ones perspective, and given the… ahem… proportions of many anime girls, they didn’t seem appropriate to have on display anymore, so I stopped collecting and those I had got packed away and have spent a decade in a box in the storage shed.  I might get around to selling them off one day as I don’t think I’ll really ever want to display them again.


2010’s: My Little Pony

When I was the househusband and not working for 6 months when we first moved to NSW I used to watch My Little Pony with my young daughter each morning, and found it to be very entertaining and something we could share!  So both she and I started collecting MLP figures, myself specializing in Rarity figures since I found her hilarious!

Movie Review – My Little Pony

However the cartoon came to an end and she got older and lost all interest.  She actually donated her MLP toys to me and I was a bit sad to see something we had enjoyed together cast aside.  I kept a bunch of the Rarity ones, the rest went to goodwill as the joy for me came from collecting them with my daughter and sharing the hobby rather than the figures themselves.

Pictorial Toys Review – My Little Prime & Plasmane

Now my daughter is into Lilo & Stitch and I do try to share the hobby with her as best I can, but for my money the Ponies were more fun.

Video – Stitch: Toys and Facts with Acacia!


80’s/90’s/2000’s: Ghostbusters

‘Who ya gonna call? A middle-aged man cosplaying!’

If I didn’t collect Transformers, I think this would be mainly what I would collect now.  I adore Ghostbusters, it is definitely my No.2 pop culture love.  I’ve got a full uniform (gets busted out once a year to take my kids Trick’or’Treating), a few toys, DVD’s, video games, a board game etc.

Though nothing will ever equal the the first two movies for me, I love that the franchise is still kicking strong today.

Ghostbusters Movies: All 5 ranked from Worst to Best!


Hooray for Crossovers!

Two times the fun, wrapped up and rolled into one!

So while I may not be able to afford to collect much outside of Transformers, luckily there are Transformer Crossovers!  Between comics and toys Transformers has crossed over with the likes of Star Wars, Star Trek, Jurassic Park, Avengers, X-Men, Mr. Potato Head, Ghostbusters, Street Fighter, Back to the Future, Terminator….  heck, even Angry Birds!  

So these crossovers have enabled me to dip my toe into other sci-fi genre’s without having to compromise my Transformers budget.

Toys Review – Street Fighter Transformers

Toy Review – Ectotron

So yep Pieter, I would definitely still collect something.  And maybe its in the blood because my son also collects Transformers and my daughter collects Stuffed Animals & Stich merchandise.  But would I have a Ghostbustertorium Shed or MyLittlePony Stable?  Probably not.  Transformers have been producing toys for the last 40 years and never so much as in the past 20, and with dozens of different cartoons and movies, hundreds of different characters and thousands upon thousands of different toys, I don’t know how many other passions could have offered so much variety – it’s a lot of fun!  But there will always be one small cabinet in the corner of The Transformatorium for those little extra’s from my other nerdy loves.

Thank you Pieter for your question.

If you would like to see some of Pieter’s great work, check out the short film he did about my Transformatorium! 

Video: The Transformatorium: EXTENDED CUT

Do you collect something interesting?  Why not tell us about it in the comments section below!

Can the Transformers fandom just chill out a bit?

Living in the bush I don’t get to see other Transformer fans very often.  I don’t get to pop over to a mate’s house to see his latest acquisitions.  I don’t attend meets, I don’t go to pop culture conventions, hell I don’t even get to visit toy stores.  So when it comes to talking to others about a shared hobby I have to rely almost solely on the internet.

But the way a large segment of the fandom has been going in the last few years, I find myself thinking more often than not why I bother.

The default expression of an online Transformers fan

I don’t know when this all started.  Maybe it was the live action Transformer movies.  Most people seemed to like, or at least tolerate, the first movie in 2007.  Those raising very vocal hatred for it being largely groups of GeeWunners who wanted it to look like the 1984 cartoon.

But then Revenge of the Fallen came out and a massive amount of the fandom started bitching, and it seems they have never stopped.  It’s been  years since a Transformers movie directed by Michael Bay (The Last Knight) has been released, and you still can’t surf a Transformers site without there being negative comments and memes threaded throughout screaming about how people hated them and it ‘raped their childhood’.  Now in 2024, it’s the same arguments and complaints about the new Transformers One trailer: “Why isn’t this part of the G1 cartoon universe?!  It’s a kick in the teeth to all the fans who carried the franchise for 40 years – Habro owes us!”  Fans treating it as a personal insult that an animated movie designed to sell children’s toys isn’t aimed soley at middle-aged men – the sense of entitlement is staggering.

‘I was created not for entertainment, but to piss off fans. Didn’t you know that?’

And it seems this negativity of the fandom has spread from the movies to encompass any and everything Transformers.  Be it comics, cartoons, toys – whatever.  If it’s toys it’s all nitpicking about release times, non screen accurate figures and online retailers.  If it’s the cartoons then it’s that the cartoon isn’t specifically aimed at demographic X – and if it IS aimed at demographic X then demographic Y kicks up a fuss.

When it’s about the comics people seem to get the most vocal of all (at least in years where a new movie hasn’t been released).  Pre the reboot at IDW it was all about the writers having an agenda and virtue signalling and what have you.  Now it’s about crossovers.  The amount of hatred on the internet about the My Little Pony crossover coming up has been frankly disgusting. Anyone who isn’t hating on the idea getting accused of being a homosexual or engaging in bestiality.  Grown men – grown men – talking about how they despise My Little Pony.  Why any grown man without a daughter has watched enough episodes to form such a strong opinion on a cartoon aimed at little girls is beyond me – but they must have watched it because they all seem to be experts on it and hate it.  Even one of the artists that did one of the front covers for the upcoming crossover comics has received enough abuse to comment about it publicly.  People abusing someone for doing their job and daring to draw a fictional horse on the same page as a fictional robot – way to make the fandom look good fellas.

‘You are destroying my franchise and deserve to die…. apparently’

Now bear in mind I don’t have a problem with people who have a genuine complaint.  If you’ve bought a figure that snapped the moment you tried to transform it, despite you being gentle and following the instructions precisely, then damn right you are valid in being pissed off about it.  Complain away and you will find a sympathetic ear in me.  You got ripped off by an ebay seller and your TR Trypticon turns out to be a pack of beach towels – yell to high heaven!  Preach brother!  And if you didn’t like a comic or cartoon or movie or toy, then I’ll happily read your opinion if you keep it civil, logical, factual and state your opinion once.

Like Insecticons, angry posts like to clone themselves over and over and over

But it’s the constant bitching I can’t hack anymore.  The people who didn’t like a movie and then years later are still writing post after post about how they hated it.  People talking about how much a toy or movie sucks before they have even been  released yet, like their opinion on something they have yet to personally experience makes it fact.  People acting like so-called experts when they know little more than someone who has just entered a toyshop for the first time.

And the bitching about nothing!  Sexuality in Transformers?  Seriously?  That is what brings people to boiling point?  People lost their shit when the first wrist-rest mouse pads were released, like the manufactures had made booby pads based on their mothers instead of fictional shape-shifting alien robots.  People scream abuse at each other over whether it is valid for Transformers to feel romantic affection for each other since they don’t breed.  Is such a thing really worth calling a stranger a ‘f**king c**t’ over?

‘Why does our love cause you such hate?’

So it’s sad to say I’m feeling pretty done right now.  I’m sick of clicking on a link or a FB post or a thread on a fansite to find out about some of the latest Transformer news and being confronted with a wall of vitriolic shit.  I’m sick of saying I like something and having a dozen people call me an idiot or a faggot or worse for daring to have an opinion different to theirs.  Sick of clicking to see if a toy is available only to see the people that got their toys and the people that didn’t, who ordered from the same online retailer, tearing each other a new one.

I know this kind of behaviour is not solely related to the Transformers fandom, it certainly happened in the Ghostbusters fandom with Frozen Empire.  Some days it seems it’s the whole internet in general.  Maybe I’m too old for the digital world.  Whenever I converse online I try to think about, if I said this to a bloke in the pub, would it earn me a punch in the face?  Because that was the reality I grew up with, with no internet and texting being easily accessible until I was in my 20’s. When you said something to someone you were saying it to their face.  But now we have people who have done nearly all of their socialization their whole lives online, and have grown up in a world where you can say whatever hateful shit you like to someone because chances are that person is on the other side of the planet and you will never have to face consequences for your actions.   Yes, the internet is getting too angry for even Big Angry Trev.

‘Can’t we all just peace out?’

Now people who live in GlassGas houses shouldn’t throw Cyberstones, and there are undoubtedly people out there that I have gotten into heated online arguments with over the years over very silly issues.  So I am guilty too.  But I pride myself that each year I get into less online fights, get into less pointless arguments and get better at cyber-walking away.  I’m not perfect but I’m getting better.  And maybe that it a goal we could all aim for – to improve our skill of walking away from the keyboard or smartphone when the blood begins to boil, and go play with our Technobots for a while.

So when I go home tonight, I won’t be surfing the big Transformer sites.  I’m going to try my best to practice what I’m preaching and be a chilled out fan.  I’m going to open up a bunch of new figures I just got and play with them with my son, as a reminder to myself that this hobby should be positive, should be fun, and in the end is about plastic toy robots.


Hey!  If you are a positive person who loves talking about all the things they LIKE about Transformers? Why not restore my faith and write something happy in the comments below!


Related Article:

Hard Times for Aussie Collectors

Ask Trev: How do I avoid spoilers?

This question comes from Michael in Melbourne:

How do you avoid spoilers for major movies/comics/stories etc in the age of the internet? What is an appropriate time delay before spoilers are OK in a public forum? What should be done (if anything) to those who spoil things for others?

Ah spoilers, people do tend to forget that the major word within that is ‘spoil’ don’t they eh!  That by giving away the plot and/or ending they are spoiling that potential experience for someone else.


So how to avoid spoilers in the age of the internet?

The problem with major movies is that half the time the trailer IS the spoiler – they are that desperate to get you to see their flick instead of the other thousand other competing movies that come out that month, that they put in clips of all the best parts, which usually includes images of the climax of the movie!  It’s a pain in the arse is what it is!  So what hope have you of avoiding spoilers when even the trailers can spoil movies for you?  And comics and stories aren’t much better.

So to avoid spoilers from the internet, I suggest the following:

See no spoilers. Hear no spoilers.

*Step 1: Announce to the world via social media that you will be logging off for the foreseeable future and that A: you are not dead, just uncontactable, and B: You will hurt anyone that tries to break your embargo.

*Step 2: Unplug your computer

*Step 3: Smash your smart phone

*Step 4: Fake an illness and get a month’s leave from work

*Step 5: Erect a barricade made out of old furniture and razor wire on your front lawn, leaving a small hidden Hogan’s Heroes-esque tunnel so that your kids can still go to school and your wife can still bring home food.

*Step 6: Go into the basement

*Step 7: Apply a blindfold and earplugs

*Step 8: Get your wife to feed you and empty your potty until the day of the movie/comic/story release, then get her to lead you, still in a state of sensory deprivation, to the cinema/comic/bookstore.

*Step 9: Wait until you are seated with the book in your hand or the movie is starting (NOT while the trailers for other flicks are still running) then with a prearranged signal from your spouse, remove earplugs and blindfold and enjoy your spoiler-free experience.

And the beauty is, you will probably smell so much by then that most people will want to stay the hell away, which lessens the risk of spoilers in the future.


What is an appropriate time delay before spoilers are OK in a public forum?

Six months.  That’s the golden rule – six months.  Unless it’s me and it’s a movie and then it’s a solid two years because that’s how long it takes me to get around to watching a flick (unless it’s Deadpool or Transformers in which case I’m there front row centre!).


What should be done (if anything) to those who spoil things for others?

They should be turned from their homes.  They should be stripped naked and paraded through the streets where they can be jeered and pelted with rotted fruit by the populace at large.  They should be marched up the steps of the nearest town hall where, via the medium of a car battery and a wet towel, their genitalia is repeatedly fried again and again so that they can not produce another generation that cant keep their damn traps shut!


I wish you luck Michael, in this day and age avoiding spoilers is almost an impossible feat, but with the love (and potty emptying skills) of a good woman I’m sure you will manage it somehow.


Got any other advice for Michael?  Add it in the comments section below!


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Comic Shop Review: Good vs Evil

Living in the countryside for a pop-culture fanatic can be hard.  Everyone plays footy instead of watching sci-fi and good luck when it comes to finding someone that can translate a Klingon text for you.  However if you are in Victoria, at least if you are into comics you are covered, thanks to a shop called Good vs Evil.


Located in Bendigo, Good vs Evil would easily have the biggest comics range in central Victoria.  A whole wall in adorned in comics and there are usually plentiful stacks of all the latest issues to come out that week sitting on the counter for you to peruse.



Like many comic shops these days, Good vs Evil has diversified to take into account the ever expanding needs and interests of the Pop Culture enthusiast.  There are sections of DVDs, a full section of various Manga and of course the obligatory collectables such as Pop! figures and and board games based on movies and video games.


There is also the Games Workshop section.  Now all that stuff is kinda a closed book to me, I tend to look at it in the same way outsiders look at me collecting Transformers, thinking “Wow – do the guys into this ever get laid?”.  But I’ve seen on Saturday afternoons the store opened up with tables set up for big groups of guys all sitting there playing this stuff so it must have its appeal, and its great to have somewhere to meet to indulge the interest.


Speaking of Transformers, here is why I personally shop there. Matt, the owner, is a fellow TF fan and I have been relying on his faithful service to get me every TF comic I require for the past five years.  He always comes though, and something that is a sign of a proprietor that genuinely cares about his clientele, I’ve often rocked into the store for him to say “Trev, I saw this and knew you would want it and chucked it aside for ya”.  After this fashion I’ve gotten all the FP TF publications over the last few years as well as the physical copies of what were originally net comics.  And if ever I find out about a comic that is now years old that I want, Matt is sure to do his best to track it down for me – a top bloke indeed!

How can you not trust two dudes in Grimlock t-shirts?
How can you not trust two dudes in Grimlock t-shirts?
So if you are after a Comic Shop experience where the owner is the guy behind the counter and will look after ya, will cater for everything you need to the best of the stores ability, and can be a great place to just hang out, then I heartily suggest visiting Good vs Evil in Bendigo.  Tell’em Big Angry Trev sent ya!


P.S: There has been no ‘Comics for Comments’ deal here.  If anything I’m slightly resentful towards Matt – I’d love nothing better than to run my own comic shop and that bugger is living the dream I should be!


Note: If in one of the major cities I can recommend Pulp Fiction in Adelaide and Comics R Us in Melbourne.  Pulp Fiction is small but the owner is great for a laugh and will pour through box after box to find you what you want.  Comics R Us in Melbourne has a funny crew of guys who have often had Bill Hicks playing on the store speakers of a Sunday morning and their glass cabinets often have a range of old 80’s toys in there that the rare toy hunter will drool over.  Minotaur in Melbourne has a huge range of pop culture stuff but it can all be quite expensive.  There is also Kings Comics in Sydney that I visited many years ago that I found some HOC figues at and I quite liked Daily Planet comics in Brisbane.  I’ve been to one other there but can’t remember which.  Should I ever hit up these big cities again a more detailed review will come your way!