Tag Archives: Big Angry Trev

‘Are Men Redundant?’ article for TNT Magazine

A full 20 years ago my girlfriend (now wife) and I were backpacking Europe and living predominately in London.  And like many young Aussie backpackers, we were grateful for the free TNT magazines you could pick up at tube stations (yes folks, these were the days before smartphones).

Issue #1058, Dec 2003

In TNT magazine they had a weekly forum competition; each week they would pose a question and encourage readers to write in with a 350 word answer.  The two winning answers would be published and the winners would recieve a prize, usually tied in some fashion to either Australia, New Zealand or South Africa (those being the predominent populations of backpackers in London back then).

One week the prize was a crate full of packets of Tim Tam’s, a much beloved Aussie chocolate bikkie.  When my girlfriend read what the prize was she pointed to the competition page and said very matter-of-factly ‘Win that for me’.  I still remember her tone of voice when saying it – there was no ‘try and win it’ or ‘think you could win it?’.  It was very factual, as though if I wrote in that the foregone conclusion would be those sought after chocolately delights would most certainly be hers – it was kinda touching she had that much faith in my writing ability so early in our relationship.

Well, I wrote in as instructed, answering the question “Are men becoming redundant?’ and yep, I won.  So my girlfriend and a bunch of our Aussie female friends were in Tim Tam heavan for a week!

A fortnight ago, we were cleaning out our wardrobe and came across a box of keepsakes from our backpacking days.  Opened it up and lo and behold – there was an copy of the TNT issue my answer was in!

So enjoy reading the work of Young Backpacker Trev, as he earns his girl some chokkies.

They changed ‘Them’ to ‘Fido’ – I nearly chucked a Russell Crowe – they messed with my art!



In a world of artificial insemination, single sex relationships and rather interestingly shaped marital aids, the prospect of men becoming redundant seems possible.  But ask yourself – do you want this?

We men, proud hunters from the dawn of time, are not ready to be discounted just yet.  Can a vibrator change a lightbulb?  Not likely.  Do all lesbians want to know how to change the oil in the lawn mower?  Probably not.  Can a test tube kill that big, hairy spider in the bath tub?  Perhaps, but you’d have to be a really good shot, and I don’t facy cleaning up afterwards.

And what about the value of the father?  Men are needed to teach their sons the skills that will get them through life – how to catch a football, how to shoot peas from your nose, how to impress a girl by burping all 26 letters of the alphabet.  And, most importantly, fathers are needed to keep other males away from their daughters.  We know what’s on their minds.

In short ladies, you need us.  We unblock your drains, lift your heavy objects and check what the creepy nooise downstairs is.  Women can do most everything a man can, but wouldn’t you rather have us do it?  We may smell, shed hair and leave messes around the house, but so does a dog and everyone seems to like them.

Besides, we love you, and wouldn’t you rather hear that from us than from sperm in a cup?


Toy Review – Legacy United Magneous

With 2024 and the 40th anniversary of the Transformers franchise fast approaching, we find ourselves moving out of the Legacy: Evolution toyline and into Legacy: United.

Legacy has been generally well received by TF toy collectors for not only bringing us characters from mutliple Transformers universes/timelines, but new characters as well.  And Legacy United is no different, not only giving us a new character but one from a (sorta) brand new universe!  So lets take a look at Legacy United Infernac Universe Armorizer Magneous

…. wait wait wait wait, that name is way too much to be left unpacked before we continue.  So for the unitiated:

*Legacy: Evolution is the 3rd istallment of the Legacy toyline, itself part of the Generations toyline, of the Transformers franchise.

*Infernac Universe is the reality this particular character is from.  It’s a new reality, with it’s name rooted in the cartoon Inhumanoids, but the universe being a pastiche of Inhumanoids, Rock Lords and even the JP G1 continuity (confused yet?).  Hence they look like robots made out of stone.

*Armorizers are Transformers that can break their bodies to bits to become armour for other Transformers.

*And Magneous is this particular toys name.

Phew!  Anyway, on with the review!


Robot Mode

Very nicely proportioned and with a decent amount of poseability.  The rocky details on the head and chest are particularly well done and I like how the wheels go behind the rocky pectorals.  He has good articulation everywhere but the head.  The weapons are very appropriate – being a pick axe and shield – as somehow laser blasters would seem out of place on this prehistoric bot.


Vehicle Mode

Reminicent of some of the other Armorizers we’ve had over the past year, with the grilled windows and armoured wheel covers.  The stone motif is once again in full effect – you get the impression this is what would happen if The Flintstones ever met Mad Max.

Part of the back of the vehicle can be removed, giving Magneous a pick-up truck mode.  What I found a shame is that his pick-axe could not be attached to become a tow hook.  A missed opportunity one feels.


Amorizer Mode

Unlike most Armorizers, this figure is not fully dissectable.  There are plenty of removeable parts, but the main body stays intact.  Whilst this may make Magneous inferior to other Amorizer figures, I found that it allowed for a much less fiddly transformation as he wasn’t a complete partsformer.  Personally I use the main vehicle body as a kind of battle sled.


Autobot or Decepticon?

He kinda looks like he would fit in with the Decepticons, but his weapons come in an Autobot wrapper.  Whether this means he is an Autobot, or is coinicidental or something unbiqutous to the entire United line, one can only specualte – it may be that the Cybertron factions don’t even exist in the Infernac universe.


Worth getting?

I’d say yes.  This is an interesting concept that we haven’t seen before in the main Transformers line, as well as being a new character which seems to occur less and less often.  Magneous looks great in both modes, has an intuitive transformation and has extra play value by coming apart and being attached to other toys.  Overall highly recommended.


Got any thoughts about this interesting new figure?  Pop it in the comments section below!

Matilda Poole live on The Big DJ Trev 3rd anniversary show!

Many’s the star who can attribute the moment their career really took flight to being a guest on The Big DJ Trev Show on Krr.fm.  Whether it be Bernie Pogston, Flannel Devine or the Splooten Triplets – all those household names you adore can attribute their success to being given the Big DJ Trev boost.  Even as recently as October this year, we were very happy to bring you an Aussie Radio first by playing the newest album by Cybertronic Spree.

Album Review – Respect The Prime 1986 Revisited

Also, as regular listeners would know, we always have some entertaining guests and do something a bit special for our anniversary shows. And never more than what we have planned for this year for The Big DJ Trev 3rd Anniversary Show!

This Thursday the 21st of December, we are very excited to be able to bring you an extremely talented young woman, an up-and-comer who has all the qualities to make it big – Ms Matilda Poole.

Photo’s provided by Matilda’s publicist Petrina

Here are a few words from the artist:

My name is Matilda Poole, I’m a local singer-songwriter and live music performer in the mid-west region, and I’ve just recently won the Mid-West Music Quest.

Most of my weekends consist of performing multiple gigs around Mudgee, Rylstone, Gulgong, and Dubbo, and sharing my love of music with everyone I can.

I’m 17 years old, and I have been singing since before I could talk, however my solo musical career performing and playing gigs began almost 5 years ago, when I auditioned for “Vocal Stars” and received the Gold Package.

Within the last six months, I’ve performed over 30 gigs, and to thousands of people, and I can’t wait to share my music with the KRR.fm listeners on The Big DJ Trev Show!

 Not only is Matilda a talented singer, she is also a talented actor & dancer and one of the nicest young people I have had the pleasure of directing upon the stage.  Tilda recently played a starring role in the latest Kandos production of ABBA: The Musical, acquitting herself superbly to the delight of the enraptured audience.

Did I teach her everything she knows? Probably. Did I teach her everything I know? Of course not – that would make her too dangerous to live!

So tune in from 6pm this Thursday to hear Matilda Poole singing live on The Big DJ Trev 3rd Anniversary show on KRR.fm.

Ask Trev – What’s it like being a Radio Star?


Video: EVERY War For Cybertron Trilogy Figure

In what can be only be described as an impressive feat of electronic labour, Australian Transformer fan and prolific youtuber DrLockdown has created a video showcasing every single figure from the War for Cybertron Trilogy.  That’s right – every single toy from Siege, Earthrise and Kingdom is discussed in one video with an impressive runtime of over 4 hours – bring some popcorn kiddies!

But not only has DrLockdown completed this impressive task, he did so while including many of your favourite Transformer youtubers!  Yes, literally dozens of Transformer reviewers contributed, discussing specific figures that they enjoyed from the War for Cybertron trilogy.  And while many of these youtubers are from abroad, there is some home-grown Aussie talent in there as well, including Toy Reel and yours truly.

Video: Interviews at Transformers Rise of the Beasts Preview Screening

So get in your favourite comfy seat, crack an energon cube, sit back and enjoy DrLockdown’s impressive video: EVERY War For Cybertron Trilogy Figure.

Oh, and if you want to be a bit naughty and find my particular contribution, keep an eye out for review #23 near the end of the vid where I discuss a certain fiery fellow and his little friend 😉

If you would like to see more of DrLockdown’s reviews, you can check out all the other great videos on his youtube channel here.


Video: Kingdom Galvatron Review

Video: Comparison of LG43 Trypticon and Titans Return Trypticon



Burger Review #9 – Double Royal

Nothing like an upscale Burger Bar.  You know the type, they are going to give you a hefty feed but it’s not going to be made out of ingredients that they nipped out and bought from the discount isle at the supermarket, then stuck in the deep freeze until needed.

Such a Burger Bar is The Oxford in Bathurst, which we headed to after watching my kids go hard in their Brazillian Jujitsu tournament.  Being a Tarantino fan I immediately noticed they had a burger named Royale with Cheese.  But then I noticed something bigger – the Double Royal.

Burger Name: Double Royal (with fries)

Price: $28.50

Description: 2 x100% Wagyu Beef Patties, Pickles, Onions, Mustard, Double the Cheese, BTS Sauce, Cos Lettuce, Tomato & Texas BBQ Sauce.

Burger Review #6: The E-I-E-I-O Burger

Whilst not the biggest burger ever made, nor the most flavourful ever made, this burger is a far step above what you will get at any fast food restaurant.  The quality of the ingredients, the way the different flavours complimented each other – even the size itself – should make a Big Mac’s buns turn red with embarrassment for daring to also call itself a burger.

Not to say this was the greatest burger I’ve ever had, but it was a damn solid feed and tasted mighty fine!  The only downside was that with three condiments – the mustard, BTS Sauce and Texas BBQ Sauce, the burger only lasted so long before the buns became too saturated to hold it together. The melted cheese added to this problem too, rather than acting as a dairy-based adhesive.

Making the transition from Burger to Sloppy Joe – don’t judge it’s lifestyle choices

Also, given it was $28.50, a bigger serving of chips I feel was warranted.

Fill the tray mate!

But overall this was a very good burger and I would recommend it if visiting The Oxford in Bathurst.  I look forward to returning there in the future as their menu had many options containing huge sums of meat so, much like Bootleggers in Katoomba, seems to be very Big Angry Trev oriented.

Burger Review #4: Pulled BBQ Wagyu

Toy Review – Studio Series Ultra Magnus

Every year we get a new Commander Class Transformers figure and these are usually highly anticipated by the fans.  Likewise, as the rate of live-action movie releases has slowed and the 40th anniversary of the franchise grows ever closer, we have been getting more SS86 toys, giving us screen accurate tfigures of characters from the 1986 The Transformers: The Movie.

Transformers Movies: All 8 ranked from Worst to Best!

Well the Commander Class and the Studio Series have finally met, and how appropriate with everyones favorite City Commander!  Thus we have Commander Class Studio Series 86 Ultra Magnus – lets take a look!


Robot Mode

Hiya! Remember me? I got to be the leader for all of 80 minutes!

What struck me first about this figure is the size.  Depending on what you need him for he is either too big or too small.  For instance for a Commander-Class figure he is much smaller than the likes of Jetfire, making you feel somewhat ripped off, given the significant price tagged attached.

Magnus doesnt want to apper racist, but deep down he’s nervous about the much larger black guy standing next to him

Likewise for a SS86 figure he is too big, the likes of SS Blurr and Kup should come up to his chest, not his waist.

Kup doesn’t want to apper racist, but deep down he’s worried about the much larger guy dressed like Uncle Sam next to him

Size aside this is a pretty impressive figure.  The articulation is excellent, having ankle-tilts, head tilt, knee and waist movement – perhaps the only letdown is the arm movement is somewhat hampered by his massive chest.   Overall he is a very bulky figure, with his upper body so broad it does not reflect full screen accuracy, but I still quite like the look of him.

‘And you’ll die trying, just like Megatron’

A neat feature is that you can make the chest spring open in order to recreate the scene where he inserts the Matrix of Leadership.

Don’t get too comfy Matrix, you wont be staying long


Vehicle Mode

A very faithful representation of the characters altmode, extremely reminiscent of both the original toy and the cartoon.  He is large enough you can fit four of the smaller Deluxe vehicles on his trailer and the ramps at the back lower down to permit loading.

Insert obligatory ‘enter me from the rear’ joke
I can take four at once

Once again, you may feel a little cheated by the size.  Commander class Motormaster is not much shorter than him in vehicle mode, yet is an incredibly solid figure whereas Ultra Magnus is mostly space.

However Magnus on the whole scales quite well, not only with Deluxes but with Kingdom Rodimus, so you are able to recreate those few scenes from S3 of the G1 cartoon where they drive side by side.

Toy Review: Kingdom Rodimus Prime



Unless you rip my ears off, this is the only detachment you will get.

Unlike many Ultra Magnus figures in recent years, this figure is not a partsformer.  This has its pros and cons.  Some of the Cons are that you cannot easily recreate the scene where he gets blown to bits on Junkion, and there is no inner white robot to replicate the original toy.  Yes, the cab can detach, but does not create an albino Optimus.

The major pro for me is though this has lead to a far more detailed toy with a very good level of transformation – not too easy yet not that hard you get frustrated.  Plus the bonus of there being minimal parts to loose.


Worth Getting?

One of these Magnus’ is not like the other one…. oh wait

The majority of Commander Class figures I have picked up in sales so have been discounted.  Given how much smaller Magnus is than most of them I wish I had done the same here so I could feel like I was getting my full moneys worth.  As well as the size I was disappointed with the lack of a ‘blow-up’ feature, and though it did not worry me personally, other fans may be put off by there being no inner robot.  However these detractors aside this is an extremely well made and fun figure who looks great in both modes and has an enjoyable transformation sequence.  Recommended if you can find him a bit cheaper than the current price.


Did you pick up SS86 Ultra Magnus?  What did you think of him?  Pop it in the comments section below!

Toys Review – Studio Series Hot Rod & Scourge

Video: Kingdom Galvatron Review

Toy Review – HasLab Unicron


Transformers Collection – Energon

And the great journey of cataloging my collection continues!

In the 2nd installment of the Unicron Trilogy we got the Energon series.  This saw a rise of 2-bot combination and the return of some classic characters such as Scorponok and Omega Supreme.  Best of all, we got our first official Quintesson figure!


Transformer Energon Autobot Figures


*Item #ENA001: Transformers Energon Autobot Optimus Prime

(Reference: Photo #P00188)


*Item #ENA002: Transformers Energon Autobot Optimus Prime (Costco Exclusive)

(Reference: Photo #P00189)


*Item #ENA003: Transformers Energon Autobot Hot Shot

*Item #ENA004: Transformers Energon Autobot Rodimus

*Item #ENA005: Transformers Energon Autobot Downshift

*Item #ENA006: Transformers Energon Autobot Prowl

(Reference: Photo #P00190)


*Item #ENA007: Transformers Energon Autobot Tow-Line

(Reference: Photo #P00191)


*Item #ENA008: Transformers Energon Autobot Roadblock

*Item #ENA009: Transformers Energon Autobot Inferno

(Reference: Photo #P00192)


*Item #ENA010: Transformers Energon Autobot Ironhide

*Item #ENA011: Transformers Energon Autobot Jetfire

(Reference: Photo #P00193)


*Item #ENA012: Transformers Energon Autobot Landmine

*Item #ENA013: Transformers Energon Autobot Bulkhead

(Reference: Photo #P00194)


*Item #ENA014: Transformers Energon Dinobot Grimlock

*Item #ENA015: Transformers Energon Dinobot Swoop

(Reference: Photo #P00195)


*Item #ENA0016: Transformers Energon Autobot Omega Supreme

(Reference: Photo #P00196)


*Item #ENA017: Transformers Energon Omnicon Strongarm

*Item #ENA018: Transformers Energon Omnicon Signal Flare

*Item #ENA019: Transformers Energon Omnicon Arcee

(Reference: Photo #P00197)


*Item #ENA020: Transformers Energon Autobot Air Team Sky Shadow

*Item #ENA021: Transformers Energon Autobot Air Team Storm Jet

*Item #ENA022: Transformers Energon Autobot Air Team Treadshot

(Reference: Photo #P00198)


*Item #ENA023: Transformers Energon McDonald’s Autobot Ironhide (MIS-Bag)

*Item #ENA024: Transformers Energon McDonald’s Autobot Ironhide

(Reference: Photo #P00199)


*Item #ENA025: Transformers Energon Mini-Con Sureshock

*Item #ENA026: Transformers Energon Mini-Con High Wire

*Item #ENA027: Transformers Energon Mini-Con Grindor

(Reference: Photo #P00200)


Transformer Energon Decepticon Figures


*Item #END001: Transformers Energon Decepticon Megatron

(Reference: Photo #P00201)


*Item #END002: Transformers Energon Alpha Quintesson

(Reference: Photo #P00202)


*Item #END003: Transformers Energon Terrorcon Scorponok

*Item #END004: Transformers Energon Terrorcon Battle Ravage

*Item #END005: Transformers Energon Terrorcon Cruellock

*Item #END006: Transformers Energon Terrorcon Divebomb

*Item #END007: Transformers Energon Terrorcon Insecticon

(Reference: Photo #P00203)


*Item #END008: Transformers Energon Decepticon Shockblast

(Reference: Photo #P00204)


*Item #END009: Transformers Energon Decepticon Mirage

(Reference: Photo #P00205)


*Item #END010: Transformers Energon Decepticon Snowcat

*Item #END011: Transformers Energon Decepticon Starscream

*Item #END012: Transformers Energon Decepticon Demolisher

*Item #END013: Transformers Energon Decepticon Sharkticon

*Item #END014: Transformers Energon Decepticon Slugslinger

(Reference: Photo #P00206)


*Item #END015: Transformers Energon Decepticon Construction Team Sledge

*Item #END016: Transformers Energon Decepticon Construction Team Steamhammer

*Item #END017: Transformers Energon Decepticon Construction Team Duststorm

(Reference: Photo #P00207)


*Item #END018: Transformers Energon McDonald’s Decepticon Galvatron

(Reference: Photo #P00208)


*Item #END019: Transformers Energon McDonald’s Unicron

(Reference: Photo #P00209)


*Item #END020: Transformers Energon Decepticon Destruction Team Kickback

*Item #END021: Transformers Energon Decepticon Destruction Team Barricade

*Item #END022: Transformers Energon Decepticon Destruction Team Stormcloud

(Reference: Photo #P00210)


(5 Separate figures pictured in their combined form of Bruticus Maximus)

*Item #END023: Transformers United Decepticon Onslaught


*Item #END024: Transformers United Decepticon Brawl


*Item #END025: Transformers United Decepticon Vortex


*Item #END026: TFX Crossfires Explorer (3rd party)


*Item #END027: TFX Crossfires  Munitioner (3rd party)


(Reference: Photo #P00211)

Transformers Collection – Armada

Big Angry Trev and his Armada (toys)

And so the great undertaking of cataloging my massive collection continues!

Armada was a really fun Transformers toyline.  It introduced a whole new race of Transformers – Mini-Cons, who could attach to larger Transformers to unlock new abilities.  It also gave fans what we had been waiting for for nearly 20 years – a Unicron toy!


Transformer Armada Autobot Figures

*Item #ARA001: Transformers Armada Autobot Optimus Prime

*Item #ARA002: Transformers Armada Mini-Con Sparkplug

(Reference: Photo #P00163)


*Item #ARA003: Transformers Armada Autobot Jetfire

*Item #ARA004: Transformers Armada Mini-Con Comettor

(Reference: Photo #P00164)


*Item #ARA005: Transformers Armada Autobot Red Alert

*Item #ARA006: Transformers Armada Autobot Red Alert (2nd unit)

*Item #ARA007: Transformers Armada Mini-Con Longarm

(Reference: Photo #P00165)


*Item #ARA008: Transformers Armada Autobot Scavenger

*Item #ARA009: Transformers Armada Mini-Con Rollbar

(Reference: Photo #P00166)


*Item #ARA010: Transformers Armada Autobot Overload

*Item #ARA011: Transformers Armada Mini-Con Headmaster Rollout (combined with Overload)

(Reference: Photo #P00167)


*Item #ARA012: Transformers Armada Autobot Hot Shot

*Item #ARA013: Transformers Armada Mini-Con Jolt

(Reference: Photo #P00168)


*Item #ARA014: Transformers Armada Autobot Smokescreen

*Item #ARA015: Transformers Armada Mini-Con Liftor

(Reference: Photo #P00169)


*Item #ARA016: Transformers Armada Autobot Blurr

*Item #ARA017: Transformers Armada Mini-Con Incinerator

(Reference: Photo #P00170)


*Item #ARA018: Transformers Armada Autobot Sideswipe

*Item #ARA019: Transformers Armada Mini-Con Nightbeat

(Reference: Photo #P00171)


*Item #ARA020: Transformers Armada Autobot Laserbeak

*Item #ARA021: Transformers Armada Autobot Laserbeak (2nd unit)

(Reference: Photo #P00172)


*Item #ARA022: Transformers Armada McDonald’s Autobot Hot Shot

*Item #ARA023: Transformers Armada McDonald’s Autobot Hot Shot (2nd unit)

*Item #ARA024: Transformers Armada McDonald’s Autobot Hot Shot (3rd unit)

*Item #ARA025: Transformers Armada McDonald’s Autobot Hot Shot Smokescreen

(Reference: Photo #P00173)


*Item #ARA026: Transformers Armada Optimus Prime (keychain)

(Reference: Photo #P00174)



Transformer Armada Decepticon Figures

*Item ARD001#: Transformers Armada Decepticon Megatron

*Item ARD002#: Transformers Armada Mini-Con Leader-1

(Reference: Photo #P00175)


*Item #ARD003: Transformers Armada Decepticon Thundercracker

*Item #ARD004: 9ransformers Armada Mini-Con Zapmaster

*Item #ARD005: Transformers Armada Decepticon Starscream

*Item #ARD006: Transformers Armada Mini-Con Swindle

*Item #ARD007: Transformers Armada Decepticon Skywarp

*Item #ARD008: Transformers Armada Mini-Con Thunderclash

(Reference: Photo #P00176)


*Item #ARD009: Transformers Armada Decepticon Tidal Wave

*Item #ARD010: Transformers Armada Mini-Con Ramjet

(Reference: Photo #P00177)


*Item #ARD011: Transformers Armada Decepticon Demolishor

*Item #ARD012: Transformers Armada Mini-Con Blackout

(Reference: Photo #P00178)


*Item #ARD013: Transformers Armada Decepticon Cyclonus

*Item #ARD014: Transformers Armada Mini-Con Crumplezone

(Reference: Photo #P00179)


*Item #ARD015: Transformers Armada Decepticon Thrust

*Item #ARD016: Transformers Armada Mini-Con Inferno

(Reference: Photo #P00180)


*Item #ARD017: Transformers Armada Decepticon Predacon

*Item #ARD018: Transformers Armada Mini-Con Side Burn

*Item #ARD019: Transformers Armada Mini-Con Skid-Z

(Reference: Photo #P00181)



Transformer Armada Unicron Figures

*Item #ARU001: Transformers Armada Unicron

*Item #ARU002: Transformers Armada Mini-Con Dead End

(Reference: Photo #P00182)


*Item #ARU003: Transformers Armada Sideways

*Item #ARU004: Transformers Armada Mini-Con Rook

*Item #ARU005: Transformers Armada Mini-Con Crosswise

(Reference: Photo #P00183)



Transformer Armada Mini-Con Team Figures

*Item #ARM001: Transformers Armada Mini-Con Destruction Team Dualor

*Item #ARM002: Transformers Armada Mini-Con Destruction Team Drill Bit

*Item #ARM003: Transformers Armada Mini-Con Destruction Team Buzzsaw

(Reference: Photo #P00184)


*Item #ARM004: Transformers Armada Mini-Con Road Wrecker Team Dualor

*Item #ARM005: Transformers Armada Mini-Con Road Wrecker Team Drill Bit

*Item #ARM006: Transformers Armada Mini-Con Road Wrecker Team Buzzsaw

(Reference: Photo #P00185)


*Item #ARM007: Transformers Armada Mini-Con Sea Team Waterlog

*Item #ARM008: Transformers Armada Mini-Con Sea Team Oceanglide

*Item #ARM009: Transformers Armada Mini-Con Sea Team Stormcloud

(Reference: Photo #P00186)


*Item #ARM010: Transformers Armada Mini-Con Air Military Team Gunbarrel

*Item #ARM011: Transformers Armada Mini-Con Air Military Team Terradive

*Item #ARM012: Transformers Armada Mini-Con Air Military Team Thunderwing

(Reference: Photo #P00187)


Australian Radio First – Ravage by Cybertronic Spree

In an exclusive to The Big DJ Trev Show on KRR.fm, for the first time on Australian Radio, we are proud to present Ravage – the newest album from Cybertronic Spree.

For anyone unfamiliar with the band, Cybertronic Spree released their first album in 2019; Transformers 1986, containing covers from soundtrack of that cult-classic The Transformers: The Movie.  Known to perform live in excellently crafted costumes of beloved Transformers characters such as Hot Rod, Unicron, Shockwave and Soundwave, the band had found a successful niche within the pop-culture world.

Album Review – Cybertronic Spree: Transformers 1986

Ravage is a collection of new original music by the band, with heavy 80’s influences.  However don’t let me spoil it for you – why not take the opportunity to listen for yourself!

Tune in to The Big DJ Trev Show from 6 to 9pm AEST on Thursday October 5th to hear the album played for the first time on Australian Radio!

For those in Central West NSW, tune into to 98.7fm.  For everyone else around the world go online to KRRfm.org.auTo celebrate the new album Ravage, not only we will be playing tracks from this new album, but having a Transformers themed night, complete with music from Cybertronic Spree’s first album, as well as music from the live-action movie soundtracks and other Transformer musical releases!

So tune in, rock on and roll out!


Album Review – ‘Transformers: Roll Out’

Album Review – Respect The Prime 1986 Revisited

Figure Review – Bishōujo Bumblebee

Less than 6 months ago we saw the first two Transformers, Optimus and Megatron, of the Bishōjo line (Japanese term for cute girl).  These are a series of statues based off of Shunya Yamashita’s illustrations of various movie, game, and comic characters in the Japanese Bishōjo style.

Review: Bishoujo Transformers

Well now we have the third offering – Bumblebee.  And lets face it, who didn’t see this coming eh?  Bumblebee is in everything.  I mean, who did you think it was going to be – Blot?  Bumblebee continues to bathe in the spotlight in everything Transformers, even if he did take a back seat in Rise of the Beasts.  So how does Bumblebee stack up against his predecessors?  Lets take a look!

Whereas Prime and Megatron were portrayed as young women, Bumblebee is very much portrayed as a teenage girl, befitting his stature as a younger Autobot as well as  being physically smaller than most of his brethren (in G1 anyway).

In ROTB Prime was the worried older brother. Here he is the cool older sister

The colour scheme too is very much a shout out to his G1 incarnation.  Yellow dominates the clothing, along with black straps and touches of pale blue (for the windows).

The more you look at this figure, the more nods to Bumblebee’s robot and vehicle modes you notice.  These include headlights on the boots, a spare tyre backpack, a V for Volkswagen on the belt and a hoodie which is very indicative of Bumblebee’s robot head.

Headlights on shoes
Bumblebee Helmet-hoodie
V. V is for Volkswagen
Spare Tyre backpack (wish mine was in a backpack rather than my gut)

A sticking point for me is the price of this figure.  These are static figures with no articulation,  but at least Prime and Megatron came with a couple of removable accessories such as face masks and shoulder cannon.  Bumblebee comes with no accessories whatsoever.  Also Bumblebee is a significantly smaller figure in comparison to the other two.  I was therefore disappointed to see that the vast majority of online stores priced this figure the same as its two predecessors.  Even $10 or $15 cheaper would have been appreciated.

Smaller, yet just as expensive

Overall, price aside, this is a cute kitschy figure which will look good amongst similar figures on your display shelves.  Bishōjo Bumblebeeonce again proves that Transformers can turn into anything, and is much more family friendly than the last time Bumblebee got a human form.

Moonracer & Cyber Bee Mouse Pads

What do you think of these statuettes?  Cool or just weird?  Pop you thoughts in the comments section below!