Tag Archives: anniversary

Happy 5th Birthday to the Big Angry Trev Blog!

Rejoice lovers of free speech and insane rambling everywhere, for here we are – the 5th anniversary of the Big Angry Trev blog!

Lets Party Yo!

Who would have thought bigangrytrev.com would still be running strong after half a decade eh!  Does it mean I am a talented writer whose turn of phrase brings literary delight to you all, or simply that you all are gluttons for punishment – the jury is still out on that one.


It’s been a fun 5 years and a great creative outlet for yours truly.  There have been times where I couldn’t stop blogging and other times I would struggle to come up with one post a month. Likewise there have been times where the site has had thousands of hits in a day, yet other times the traffic has been so slow it might as well have been Rylstone on a Tuesday afternoon.  However the site has continued to grow and expand from a few different topics to a dozen categories – be it Hobby FarmingMeat Consumption or Transformer Talkwith there now being hundreds upon hundreds of posts for your reading and viewing pleasure.

The ultimate reviewer of meats in action!

The blog has had some great successes.  The story about a Redback Spider killing a Blind Snake (which turned out to be a legless lizard) was picked up by local Victorian newspapers and even the television news!  Some of my Transformer reviews have been picked up and shared by the major TF sites overseas such as TFW2005 and Seibertron.  For a while there I was receiving free merchandise from Hasbro to review regarding the Transformers Trading Card Game and even given a few world exclusive card reveals! Ah, free Transformer merchandise – if only that had extended to toys we would have probably paid off our mortgage by now.

One of several reveals exclusive to BigAngryTrev.com courtesy of Hasbro and WOTC

Of course it’s not been all high’s.  I’ve had people vehemently disagree with my blog, despite it’s relatively non-offensive content.  I’ve had people completely misconstrue my meaning so they think I’m supporting what I am actually mocking (satire is a foreign concept to some).  There have been several cyber-attacks which necessitated the purchase of some high-level malware and spam protection. For a while I couldn’t share links to the blog on Social Media due to Mr. Zuckerberg and Mr. Morrison having a spat.  I’ve even had one threat of litigation; despite my lawyer saying I was legally safe he also said it probably wasn’t worth the headache to fight.  As Ricky Gervais says: ‘no matter what you say, it’s going to offend somebody somewhere’.

The average reaction of your modern day internet user when reading something that doesn’t 100% gel with their world view

So I’d like to thank all the thousands of people who have read my blog over the past 5 years.  Whether you’ve been reading about the idiocy of my youth in Tales of the Trev, checking out my latest Transformer Toy Reviews and Fan Interviews or simply enjoyed one of my infrequent videos, its been wonderful to have an international audience to share the bubbling mess that is my inner thought processes with.  But there are also some specific people I need to thank:

*Thanks to my in-laws Matt & Jo for suggesting starting a blog in the first place.

*Thanks to Ozformers and its founder Griffin for letting me continue to post links on his site

*Thanks to fellow blogs TetsToys as well as the wonderful Lisamaree and her blog Life… With Sprogs! for the cross-promotion.

Thanks to Hasbro for the freebies to review (I’d like some more please!).

*Thanks most of all to my wife who has been kind enough to keep the kids out of my hair long enough in order to put finger to keyboard on occasion.  She also kindly overlooks the fact that in order to keep advertising off my site the blog is a sinkhole for money rather than a cash cow.  Who knows, maybe if I increase my readership by 500% it might be worth putting up an ad or two – get your friends to start reading so I can quit my job and do this full time!  Who knows – might even get around to writing that novel the missus has been telling me to for years.

‘I could totally stay home and be an author – I’ve already got the self-satisfied pretension down to a fine art!

So many thanks everyone and to you dear readers – here’s to the next 5 years!  If ever there is something new you would like featured on this site don’t hesitate to post a comment about it – I’m always looking for something new to talk about.  If you’ve got an Ask Trev question on any topic or just an issue you’d like to hear a Random Rant about don’t be shy.  Keep up to date with when new posts are put up by joining the Facebook sites Big Angry Trev! & Big Angry Trev’s Transformatorium, or simply create an account here to keep you update!.  And don’t forget during those times I have writers block you can still catch me on the Big DJ Trev Show on Krrfm.org.au to get your weekly dose of warped Trev logic, insane rants and good tunes!


Love to you all

Big Angry Trev


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The Blog Turns 1 Year Old!

How 20 Years of being an Adult Collector began

This month – January 2021 – marks 20 years of me being an adult collector of Transformers.

It also marks the 20 year anniversary of my first (very short lived) marriage.  And the two are not unconnected.


As a kid we didn’t have a great deal of money, though I never went without a roof over my head or food in my belly so we did OK.  I’d get a few transformers each year with my bit of pocket money I earned mowing the lawns at home or turning in rabbit skins when visiting my dad.  And I sometimes got a Transformer for a birthday or Christmas as well.

My collection circa 1987

In my teens G1 was coming to an end.  However this was also the time that my mother began running a small Toys & Gifts shop.  This meant that I could get my Transformers wholesale!  It was also the time of reissues so as well as being able to purchase Micromasters and Action Masters at cost, I was also able to grab the Combaticons, Arielbots, Protectobots and even a few bigger figures like some Dinobots & Autobot Cars.  Yes sir, it was a golden time.

Primus bless reissues!

Sadly I strayed in my late teens as so many young men do.  G2 didn’t hold much appeal for me and suddenly beer and girls were very interesting.  So my collection, which at the time equalled 1 gross – 144 figures (if you counted individual bots such as Micromasters and Target Masters) – was put away in a box and did not see the light of day for many years.

I never stopped loving Transformers, even when I moved to Melbourne to go to Uni.  But once again partying, friends and girls seemed somehow more important.  I hated Beast Wars (I appreciate it now but back then thought it was an abomination) and sometimes my mates used to get me liquored up and goad me into a ‘trukk not munkey’ rant.  To be honest to this day organic alt-modes still do little for me.  So Transformers stayed waaaaay in the background of my existence.


Now comes January 2001


I got married.  Stupidly.  It was partly as I’d always been too lazy and cowardly to break up with the girl and partly because she had a balcony you could do Shakespeare from (I was young, shallow and dumb OK – a large chest seemed more important than a pleasant personality!).  A couple of dear friends of mine were filming the wedding for us and asked what present we would like.  I replied filming was more than gift enough.  When they persisted I said jokingly ‘Get me a G1 Optimus Prime’.

Well the night of the wedding we are unwrapping gifts.  I’m trying to stifle my boredom as they are mainly ‘grown-ups’ gifts like linen and breakfast trays (once again – I was 23 and immature).  Then I unwrapped the gifts from Tammy & Michael.

And there… lo…. was a loose GENERATION ONE OPTIMUS PRIME!!!

Me on honeymoon with Optimus Prime. I swear he got more action than I did

There was also a Wreck-Gar (whom I already had but now they could ride each other!) and a Chop Shop.  I squealed like an excited schoolgirl! For me it was the highlight of the night!


And thus after nearly a decade away, I came back to Transformer collecting.  I discovered eBay and found so many G1 toys that my ranks quickly swelled.  With a new career I had more money, and from big toys like Omega Supreme, Metroplex, Sky Lynx & Trypticon, to smaller figures like the Throttlebots, those G1 gaps were filling fast!

7 months into the marriage it ended.  Shan’t go into details but let’s just say my ex worked in education and I discovered she was doing some very ‘private tuition’ with one of her teen students and leave it at that.  So the marriage died which in the long run was one of the best things that could have ever happened to me; I ended up moving in coincidentally with the friends who had given me Optimus.  But though my marriage was dead, my love for Transformers was thriving!  I continued to buy G1 stuff online, and the new Robots in Disguise toys hit the shelves in Australia, bringing back all the concepts I loved like vehicular transformers and combiners.

My G1-cartoon cast in the early 2000’s

My collecting has continued ever since. By the end of 2001 my collection, which had stagnated at a count of 144, was over two hundred and I had no inclination to just how far it would end up going!  I’ve continued amassing Transformers right through all the cartoons from Armada to Cyberverse, throughout all the live-action movies and especially the G1-inspired toylines such as Generations, right up to the latest Earthrise figures.  I’ve travelled many parts of the globe and brought back figures you couldn’t find in Australia.   I got married again 12 years ago but this time it was for all the right reasons and I couldn’t imagine loving my wife more. If I’m 100% honest the fact that she is so tolerant of my hobby makes up a small part of that (only a small part, there are a plethora of wonderful things about her to love!).  And my kids love to play Transformers with their Dad!

They even have their own playtables set up – bless their hearts

Now 20 years on I’m sitting at around the 3500 figures mark along with about another thousand pieces of TF merchandise, have my own Transformatorium shed and indeed this blog where I often share my love of the hobby.  So I’m a pretty damn lucky guy!

“Who says I have an obsession?!”


I can’t even remember the exact day in January 2001 I got married on, but I damn sure remember getting that G1 Optimus Prime.


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