Today I was very happy, after many delays on my end, to be interviewed by Leeny for his youtube channel Frostbite’s GI Joe Repro. However instead of discussing GI Joe’s, we discussed Transformers – evrything from how my hobby began to my most beloved figures to how I now share the hobby with my son.
So tune in and enjoy Big Angry Trev interviewed on Frostbite.
And dont forget to subscribe and check out some of the other great interviews on the Frostbite’s GI Joe Repro channel!
The fun of living on a farm, surrounded by bushland.
Birds singing, kangaroo’s hopping through the paddock….
…galah’s & cockatoo’s stealing all the ducks tucker, wombats digging holes under the fences and letting foxes through to get your chooks, monitors stealing eggs and eviscerating your waterfowl, feral goats breaking down fences to get at your nanny’s. Oh it’s heavenly.
And then, a possum decided the ceiling of the farmhouse is a great place to settle down to raise some babies.
Bloody possums! For the most part I don’t mind them, they do the occasional screeching at night or steal some of the poultries wheat, but they are tolerable. Until they decide your bloody home should be their bloody home!
We had one recently, it found a gap between the roof tiles and the guttering and decided to move in. Not just move in, but in the ceiling space right above our bed! We could hear it skittering and growling and scratching and gnawing and generally being a pain in the arse during the nighttime hours. Not only was it causing damage, but keeping us awake. I was tempted to go up there with my shotgun but I didn’t want to blow a hole in our damn roof.
So I found out the best ways to get rid of them, and it worked a treat! So here’s Big Farmer Trev’s top tips for getting rid of possums out of your ceiling.
Tip #1 Lights
Possums are nocturnal creatures, so the perpetually dark ceiling cavity of your home is the perfect place for them to take up residence. You can spoil this for them by sticking up some lights. Make sure they are safe lantern’s that produce no head, the last thing you want is the possum to knock one over and start a damn fire.
Leaving these lamps up there for two to three days constantly lit will drive the possum barmy. Instead of it being constantly dark it will be constantly light and it will want to find a new home.
Tip #2 Smells
Possums have got a very sensitive sense of smell, and do not like to hang around where odours that smell awful to them perpetuate. Garlic is good, so are peeled onions. Cloves work well as you can spread them like buckshot. But what I found best was mothballs. Not only do these smell stronger that the garlic or onions, but the beauty is you can fling them around your ceiling cavity without having to worry about removing them later. You don’t want to have to go crawling through your ceiling cavity to remove peeled onions before they start to rot.
Tip #3 – Entrapment
Now in NSW where I am located, you need to get permission to catch a possum, but thankfully that’s not hard to get. And usually the powers that be will also hire to you a cage specific to the purpose. You can either place this in your ceiling cavity, or else place it outside near where the possum is getting in and out. If placing it in your ceiling cavity, make sure you aren’t putting it near your lanterns and mothballs, or the possum isn’t going to go near it, no matter what yummy treats you place inside.
Once you catch the possum, choose a tree that’s far from the house but still in its established territory, then release it. Hopefully it’s going to like the tree a lot more than your house and decide to live there instead.
There are lots of other tips I’ve read online, but I’ve found using the above makes all the others superfluous. Simply put some lanterns and mothballs in your ceiling, then bait a cage so you can catch it and move it to a tree further away from your house – problem solved! And don’t forget to plug up the hole it used to find its way in, just in case it doesn’t like it’s new tree and decides to giving living above your bed another go.
For several years we have been doing Transformer Fan interviews with different Aussie collectors.
Well as the Big Angry Trev Blog grows, the borders of our great brown land are no longer big enough to contain it! So it’s time to travel across the watery ditch to a country where my girlfriend convinced me to throw myself off a bridge (no not relationship problems, went bungy-jumping). So coming all the way from New Zealand, we have Transformer Collector James, giving us the low down on his favorite hobby.
Name and/or nicknames:
James Nomansson, James Anderson (current legal name, pending change to the former), PSPS, TheAlderbunny, NoGravitasHere
One sister and her family unit. The rest of my relations are total writeoffs.
Professional nerd-plastic shill! I sell Lego Bionicle parts and sets. I’m actually the biggest seller for the theme in the Southern Hemisphere!
How would you rate yourself on a C scale, C10 being MISB Mint perfection, to the lowest C1 ‘junker not worth it even for parts’?
I guess no lower than C7? I have a real stick up my ass about quality, but there’s a limit y’know?
Fan/Collector since (year)?
I was a 90s kid, so I grew up with Beast Wars, the Unicron trilogy, and Bayverse. The only one of those that really stuck with me was Bayverse of all things. I don’t count myself as a collector until like, 2020-2021 when I started actively seeking new figures. Blame Transformers: Prime and my friend Koda for that.
Transformers Allegiance, if you had one?
Ex-Decepticon turned Autobot, for sure. I uhh… Wasn’t a great person in the past.
Your Techspec motto if you had one?
What is better – to be born good, or to overcome your evil nature through great effort?
What existing, official Transformers character best describes you?
Probably Bayverse Jetfire. I’m only 30, but I feel like a cantankerous, eccentric old man.
Which special ability of any Transformers character would you want to have for yourself?
Teleportation, hands down. It’s just awesome, even if it’s limited to just line-of-sight.
What drew you to Transformers, making you become a fan/collector?
Transformers: Prime was my adult gateway drug. I was bored during the pandemic, and started watching TF:P on a whim. I fell in love with Soundwave’s design in particular, and my friend Koda was kind enough to help me navigate the fandom as a complete novice.
Do you think you will collect Transformers until you die?
As long as they keep making stuff I want, absolutely! My tastes are pretty niche, limited almost entirely to live action and TF:P.
Do people outside of the hobby know you collect TFs (like at work/school)?
Yep! Collection pics occasionally leak over into promo posts for PSPS, and my mates all know I’m a sucker for the big shiny robots.
Were your family/parents supportive of collecting toys or did you have to hide your passion from them and friends?
As a kid, yes.
What does your partner think of your hobby?
Well, it’s just me, along with my cat, Floof. He doesn’t seem to mind.
Have you attended any fan-meets, Fairs, Conventions, Special Events?
Nah, not really my shtick.
Any creative endeavours with Transformers (drawing, writing, customising, etc)?
I commission the odd bit of custom work (paint or printed parts), but aside from that, no.
Favourite series/era/year, and why?
It’s a tie between Bayverse and TF:P. Both have some pretty glaring flaws, but it’s easy to love something that’s perfect. Bot designs, and toy engineering, are where my enthusiasm for the hobby lies. The fact that some of these big, shiny Bayverse bots look so good, and are still able to transform, will never cease to amaze me. They just keep getting better too! I made the leap to unlicensed bots pretty early on, and never looked back.
Nope, not my shtick. Wouldn’t have anywhere to put them either, jeez… Space is at a premium here!
Favourite Comic issue/story, and why?
Unknown due to lack of exposure.
Favourite Cartoon episode/story, and why?
TF:P S01E05 – Darkness Rising. Purely for what might be the most savage burn in Transformers history.
Starscream – ‘Surely, Lord, Megatron, the Autobots are… Up to something.’
Megatron (with the most sarcasm ever) – ‘Reeeally, Starscream?’
Favourite Character, and why?
Optimus Prime. Either as space–dad, or grumpy war-crime machine. As an aside, the live action films are kind of a fun wee slide into Nemesis Prime if you squint a bit.
Unknown, not my thing. The concept baffles me a bit, to be honest.
Which Transformers character would you want to exist for real?
Probably TF:P Arcee? Not for sexy reasons haha, I just love 2 wheeled transport. I never enjoyed driving cars, and Arcee’s characterisation in Prime is surprisingly complex. The PTSD element, which she works through as the show progresses, really adds a more mature sorta vibe to her as a character. She’s not just like, the token female y’know?
Approx TFs toy collection count (or give a range like 200s, 300s, 2000s etc):
54, and a pile of Scraplets.
Sealed collector or out-of-packaging collector?
FREE THEM! Let them breathe! Out of packaging, for sure. Can’t transform them in a box!
How much do you think you’ve spent on your collecting habit?
Nope, not answering that. That’s the Forbidden Math question hahahaha. I know they’re insured for like $8000NZD though.
Any rare/expensive figures in your collection?
A couple, yeah! The most expensive would be MM01 v2 Bumblebee Movie Optimus Prime, and his upgrade kit. As for the most rare… Possibly the TF:P Vehicon Flyer General?
What interesting Licensed Merchandise items do you have?
None whatsoever!
First Transformers toy?
I think it was Beast Machines Obsidian?
One toy you most want?
Toy that exists? Go! Smokescreen, from TF:P. It’s got much more accurate paint than the other decos, but it’s a total fart to find.
Toy that doesn’t exist? A decent TF:P Knockout, or an MPM/MPM+ scale DOTM Jetwing Prime.
The centrepiece/favourite toy in your collection at the moment (and why)?
God I hate this question.
For the big live action stuff, it’d be MM01 BBM Optimus, or Black Apple Thunder Leader ‘07 Optimus.
For my smaller stuff, probably APC Attack Prime v2? The chrome just makes the figure pop, and he’s absolutely gorgeous in hand. Huge pain in the ass to find in the right paint though.
Favourite toy in your early years of collecting?
TF:P RID Soundwave. I love that weird lanky dude, so much.
Worst toy(s) ever in your opinion?
SS WW2 Hot Rod. That mould and figure are abysmal. It was a stain on my early SS collection. I gave it to a friend who ended up selling it. More power to him, I couldn’t justify asking money for that pile of crap.
Toy(s) that were most disappointing when you got them?
MPM Starscream’s mould. The lack of bicep rotation was a huge disappointment. Thankfully, one of my friends modified his arms.
Thoughts on gimmick and non-convertible Transformers toys?
Not for me personally, with the odd exception. I have some ‘accessory’ figures that don’t transform, like the Scraplets, or Lockdown’s Steeljaws, or Igor. My personal collection ‘rule’ is that if a Transformer doesn’t transform, it’s usually not for me. No hate to people who go in for the Threezero/YoloPark/whatever non-transforming stuff though, each to their own!
Which single TFs toy should every fan own?
TF:P RID Vehicon. Steve is just a funky little dude. Any version of that mould is just an absolute delight to handle.
Which Transformers toy/product would you give as a wedding present?
Probably none? I’d much rather give the happy couple something they can both enjoy at the same time. Transformers are a bit hard to co-op transform.
Do you collect other toys?
God yes. I have a disgustingly expensive collection of Bionicle masks, as well as a bunch of system sets I repurpose for D&D. And some pretty UCS/UCS equivalent space sets, mostly Star Wars. Again, my tastes are very niche, but if I see something I like, it’s coming home.
What is your favourite TF themed post on this website?
The time is almost upon us once again, that time that kids love and parents worry about the welfare of their wallets – The Rylstone-Kandos Show.
And as this is the 85th annual exhibition – an impressive milestone – as an extra special treat everyones favorite radio personality will be on hand and broadcasting LIVE!
The Big DJ Trev Show
That’s right, along with many other presenters, Big DJ Trev will be broadcasting live and on site from the Rylstone Show throughout the day playing some awesome tunes! So between 10 and 11am, come on down to the broadcast building where you will get to meet Big DJ Trev, take a selfie, have a chat and even get an autograph signed – you lukcy ducks you!
So don’t forget to get your tickets for the Rylstone-Kandos Show on the 24th of Feburary 2024
And thus the great cataloging of my personal collection continues.
The Transformers Prime cartoon came out while the live-action movies were at their peak in popularity, and so took on much of their asthetic. Prime as a long-nosed cab, Arcee as a motorcycle, Bumblebee having a damaged voicebox – all lifted from the Movieverse. This meant that poor old Ironhide lost his spot on Team Prime as in the Movieverse, Sentinel had just killed him.
Prime has proven to be one of the most popular Transformer cartoons of all time, and it had a pretty good toyline to go with it, although all the sublines contained within became very confusing, including: First Edition, Robots in Disguise, Cyberverse, Arms Micron, Go!, Adventure, Thrilling 30, Beast Hunters, Beast Hunters: Preadacons Rising and even more!
Transformers Prime Autobot Figures
Transformers Prime Autobots
*Item #PRA001: Transformers Prime Beast Hunters Autobot Ultimate Optimus Prime
Reference Photo: #P00260
*Item #PRA002: Transformers Prime Autobot Optimus Prime
*Item #PRA003: Transformers Prime Beast Hunters Autobot Optimus Prime
Reference Photo: #P00261
*Item #PRA004: Transformers Prime Autobot Weaponizer Bumblebee
*Item #PRA005: Platinum Edition Transformers Prime Autobot Weaponizer Ultra Magnus (MISB)
*Item #PRA006: Transformers Prime Autobot Weaponizer Optimus Prime
Reference Photo: #P00262
*Item #PRA007: Transformers Prime Autobot Ultra Magnus
*Item #PRA008: Transformers Adventure Autobot TAV14 Ultra Magnus
Reference Photo: #P00263
*Item #PRA009: Transformers Prime Autobot Cliffjumper
*Item #PRA010: Transformers GO! Prime Autobot G06 Smokescreen
*Item #PRA011: Transformers Prime Autobot Kup
*Item #PRA012: Transformers Prime Autobot Hot Shot
*Item #PRA013: Transformers Prime Autobot Wheeljack
*Item #PRA014: Transformers Prime Autobot Bumblebee
*Item #PRA015: Transformers Prime Autobot Arcee
*Item #PRA016: Transformers Prime Autobot Ratchet
Reference Photo: #P00264
*Item #PRA017: Transformers Prime Autobot Bulkhead
Reference Photo: #P00265
*Item #PRA018: Transformers Prime Beast Hunters Autobot Smokescreen
*Item #PRA019: Transformers Prime Beast Hunters: Predacons Rising Autobot Smokescreen
Reference Photo: #P00266
*Item #PRA020: Transformers Prime Autobot Fallback
*Item #PRA021: Transformers Prime Autobot Tailgate
Reference Photo: #P00267
*Item #PRA022: Transformers Prime Autobot Ironhide
*Item #PRA023: Transformers Prime Beast Hunters Autobot Huffer
*Item #PRA024: Transformers Prime Beast Hunters Autobot Trailcutter
Reference Photo: #P00268
*Item #PRA025: Transformers Prime Beast Hunters Autobot Arcee (MOSC)
*Item #PRA026: Transformers Prime Beast Hunters Autobot Arcee
And so the great cataloging of my personal Transformers Collection continues.
Animated still proves to be a much beloved and popular part of the Transformers cartoon franchise. It saw a return to character-driven storylines with each Bot and Con portrayed as having special and unique powers. With a touch of humour and new takes on classic characters, both the show and toyline proved incredibly popular with fans, especially with their unique visual asthetic.
Transformers Animated Collection
Transformers Animated Autobot Figures
Transformers Animated Autobots
*Item #ANA001: Transformers Animated Autobot Optimus Prime
*Item #ANA002: Transformers Animated Autobot Optimus Prime Cybertron Mode
(Reference: Photo #P00233)
Item #ANA003: Transformers Animated Autobot Ultra Magnus
(Reference: Photo #P00234)
Item #ANA004: Transformers Animated Autobot Blurr
Item #ANA005: Transformers Animated Autobot Sentinel Prime
This recipe was provided to me a while back by Brent Barlow, editor of Community Capers, MC of the annual Rylstone Street Feast and one of the head honcho’s of As someone who always has a few of our ducks to spare, as well as a ton of their eggs, I’m always on the lookout for new recipes to use up our mouth-watering waterfowls.
This following has become an absolute favourite in our household! Whilst a bit too spicy for our kids, my wife and I love it and the leftovers are great to heat up at work the next day. So without further ado, enjoy Brent’s Curried Duck.
*Season the duck with salt, put the pan with oil on a high heat and brown on both sides. Set aside.
*Pour oil from pan into sauspan. Put onion in the saucepan on medium heat. Add the garlic, ginger, whole coriander, turmeric, cayenne pepper, curry powder and cinnamon stick. Slowly stir until the onion becomes translucent.
*Add the tomato and stir. Add two cups of water and further stir for a few minutes.
*Add duck pieces, cover and simmer for 1 hour.
*Add coconut milk and garam masala, stir and simmer uncovered on a low heat for another 15 minutes.
*Add fresh coriander and lemon juice to taste. Serve with Jasmin rice.
And the great journey of cataloging my collection continues!
In the 3nd installment of the Unicron Trilogy we got the Cybertron series. The main gimmick with this series was the Cyber Planet Keys, which could unlock spring-activated weapons in both bots and vehicles. It also saw the introduction of themed colony planets, which has now become a staple of Transformers lore.
Transformers Cybertron Action Figures
Transformers Cybertron Autobot Figures
Transformers Cybertron Autobots
*Item #CYBA001: Transformers Cybertron Autobot Optimus Prime
A full 20 years ago my girlfriend (now wife) and I were backpacking Europe and living predominately in London. And like many young Aussie backpackers, we were grateful for the free TNT magazines you could pick up at tube stations (yes folks, these were the days before smartphones).
Issue #1058, Dec 2003
In TNT magazine they had a weekly forum competition; each week they would pose a question and encourage readers to write in with a 350 word answer. The two winning answers would be published and the winners would recieve a prize, usually tied in some fashion to either Australia, New Zealand or South Africa (those being the predominent populations of backpackers in London back then).
One week the prize was a crate full of packets of Tim Tam’s, a much beloved Aussie chocolate bikkie. When my girlfriend read what the prize was she pointed to the competition page and said very matter-of-factly ‘Win that for me’. I still remember her tone of voice when saying it – there was no ‘try and win it’ or ‘think you could win it?’. It was very factual, as though if I wrote in that the foregone conclusion would be those sought after chocolately delights would most certainly be hers – it was kinda touching she had that much faith in my writing ability so early in our relationship.
Well, I wrote in as instructed, answering the question “Are men becoming redundant?’ and yep, I won. So my girlfriend and a bunch of our Aussie female friends were in Tim Tam heavan for a week!
A fortnight ago, we were cleaning out our wardrobe and came across a box of keepsakes from our backpacking days. Opened it up and lo and behold – there was an copy of the TNT issue my answer was in!
So enjoy reading the work of Young Backpacker Trev, as he earns his girl some chokkies.
They changed ‘Them’ to ‘Fido’ – I nearly chucked a Russell Crowe – they messed with my art!
In a world of artificial insemination, single sex relationships and rather interestingly shaped marital aids, the prospect of men becoming redundant seems possible. But ask yourself – do you want this?
We men, proud hunters from the dawn of time, are not ready to be discounted just yet. Can a vibrator change a lightbulb? Not likely. Do all lesbians want to know how to change the oil in the lawn mower? Probably not. Can a test tube kill that big, hairy spider in the bath tub? Perhaps, but you’d have to be a really good shot, and I don’t facy cleaning up afterwards.
And what about the value of the father? Men are needed to teach their sons the skills that will get them through life – how to catch a football, how to shoot peas from your nose, how to impress a girl by burping all 26 letters of the alphabet. And, most importantly, fathers are needed to keep other males away from their daughters. We know what’s on their minds.
In short ladies, you need us. We unblock your drains, lift your heavy objects and check what the creepy nooise downstairs is. Women can do most everything a man can, but wouldn’t you rather have us do it? We may smell, shed hair and leave messes around the house, but so does a dog and everyone seems to like them.
Besides, we love you, and wouldn’t you rather hear that from us than from sperm in a cup?
With 2024 and the 40th anniversary of the Transformers franchise fast approaching, we find ourselves moving out of the Legacy: Evolution toyline and into Legacy: United.
Legacy has been generally well received by TF toy collectors for not only bringing us characters from mutliple Transformers universes/timelines, but new characters as well. And Legacy United is no different, not only giving us a new character but one from a (sorta) brand new universe! So lets take a look at Legacy United Infernac Universe Armorizer Magneous …
…. wait wait wait wait, that name is way too much to be left unpacked before we continue. So for the unitiated:
*Legacy: Evolution is the 3rd istallment of the Legacy toyline, itself part of the Generations toyline, of the Transformers franchise.
*Infernac Universe is the reality this particular character is from. It’s a new reality, with it’s name rooted in the cartoon Inhumanoids, but the universe being a pastiche of Inhumanoids, Rock Lords and even the JP G1 continuity(confused yet?). Hence they look like robots made out of stone.
*Armorizers are Transformers that can break their bodies to bits to become armour for other Transformers.
*And Magneous is this particular toys name.
Phew! Anyway, on with the review!
Robot Mode
Very nicely proportioned and with a decent amount of poseability. The rocky details on the head and chest are particularly well done and I like how the wheels go behind the rocky pectorals. He has good articulation everywhere but the head. The weapons are very appropriate – being a pick axe and shield – as somehow laser blasters would seem out of place on this prehistoric bot.
Vehicle Mode
Reminicent of some of the other Armorizers we’ve had over the past year, with the grilled windows and armoured wheel covers. The stone motif is once again in full effect – you get the impression this is what would happen if The Flintstones ever met Mad Max.
Part of the back of the vehicle can be removed, giving Magneous a pick-up truck mode. What I found a shame is that his pick-axe could not be attached to become a tow hook. A missed opportunity one feels.
Amorizer Mode
Unlike most Armorizers, this figure is not fully dissectable. There are plenty of removeable parts, but the main body stays intact. Whilst this may make Magneous inferior to other Amorizer figures, I found that it allowed for a much less fiddly transformation as he wasn’t a complete partsformer. Personally I use the main vehicle body as a kind of battle sled.
Autobot or Decepticon?
He kinda looks like he would fit in with the Decepticons, but his weapons come in an Autobot wrapper. Whether this means he is an Autobot, or is coinicidental or something unbiqutous to the entire United line, one can only specualte – it may be that the Cybertron factions don’t even exist in the Infernac universe.
Worth getting?
I’d say yes. This is an interesting concept that we haven’t seen before in the main Transformers line, as well as being a new character which seems to occur less and less often. Magneous looks great in both modes, has an intuitive transformation and has extra play value by coming apart and being attached to other toys. Overall highly recommended.
Got any thoughts about this interesting new figure? Pop it in the comments section below!