Ask Trev: Which is the most evil of animals?

Ask Trev! The section where I answer the problems that perplex the people.  This question comes to me from Maureen in Murrawee:

Maureen writes “Dear Big Angry Trev, can you tell me which is the most evil animal in the world?“

Well Maureen, the cliché answer to that is man. However this answer is wrong, dead wrong.  Animals in themselves aren’t inherently good’ or ‘inherently evil’ in the way humans understand these abstract concepts, they just ‘are’.  That is, bar one…

No ladies and gentlemen I am not talking about man-eating sharks, I am not talking about man-eating lions.  I’m not even talking about mosquitoes (even though they would win for being both the most deadly and the most annoying).  The most evil animal on the planet is…. the OCTOPUS!



That’s right!  Evil, slimy, 8-legged a-holes spawned from the fiery pits of Satan’s backside!  Gross, disgusting, big eyed bastards with a bag of guts for a head and a penchant for ripping the masks off divers so they can use their beak-like jaws to gnaw on the flesh beneath! I’m surprised The Wiggles let one hang out with them – sends a really bad message to children about who to trust.


Here are a few facts about your Octopus:

*Those aren’t suction cups!  Each one of those little round protuberances that looks like the bottom of an albino plunger actually sticks to you because it is full of hundreds to curved barbs!  The barbs don’t go straight in no, they go into the flesh then curve off so if you manage to pull one off your arm it’s gonna take a hunk of flesh with it!

*They change colour!  That’s a creature waiting to ambush you if ever I’ve heard of one!  Not content to engage in open and honorable fisticuffs (which you think it would do considering it’s multiple arms) it will blend into the background or even worse, the ocean floor and then when you stand near it WHAM!  You are dealing with a near invisible assassin taking your foot off at the ankle!

*They are venomous – every single type – and at least one breed is capable of killing a human!  And those beak-jaws I mentioned?  Full of venomous saliva!  Let me repeat that – VENOMOUS SALIVA!  I don’t care what definition you go by – that’s freakin evil!

*They squirt black ink into your face that not only obscures your vision but dulls your sense of smell, so you can’t see or smell them as they come in for the kill.

*3 hearts.  Not one like a law-abiding creature, not two like a Time Lord, but three!  That means if you meet a vampire octopus you better have at least 3 stakes handy and be adept at fighting undead cephalopods in an underwater battle scenario.


If that isn’t enough evidence for you Marueen, let me share a story with you that is both true and well documented.


In a science lab there were two big aquariums, one on either side of the room.  One was full of crabs, the other contained an octopus.  The crabs were being bred in the tank as a source of food for the scientists to feed the octopus and such were their numbers and environment that they could do so quite happily and readily.

Now it got to the point that each morning the scientists were coming in and finding that there were always several less crabs then there should have been and scraps of crab carapace were in the tank.  They could not figure out what was happening as this was a daily occurrence.  So they set up a night vision camera before they closed up the lab that evening and left.

What they saw captured on film will fill you horror and dismay!

The octopus, not content with the sacrifices being fed to it each day had hatched a plan.  Every day it sat there, eyeing its prey across the room with evil and malicious intent.  As soon as the lights went out of an evening the octopus would use its four pairs of arms to pull itself up out of its tank, slither across the floor, climb the table, get into the crabs tank and then kill and devour many of their number, not even the children were safe!

The ultra sneaky bit was it didn’t stay there!  After sating its voracious appetite it would then climb back out, slither back across the room and back into its own tank.  That way in the morning when the scientists came in it could just sit there, shrug it’s 8 shoulders and put on a ‘Nothing to do with me’ expression.


Imagine the life of these poor crabs!  Sitting there in their tank while this bastard eyed them off all day, knowing that when night fell it would be upon them to kill and maim and devour!  You think you have stress ulcers?  You have nothing on what these poor crabs were going through!

And that Marueen, is why Octopus are the most evil of animals.  Thank you for your question.

Toy Review – Gigantic Action Scorponok

People say to me “Trev”.  And I say “Yes?  What?”  And they say “Why for the first review of a Transformer on your fantastic new Website that looks like it will eclipse Google within the week, would you choose to review a Transformer that doesn’t transform?”


Well, the answer to this is quite simple, we are now in the age of Titans!  We have the giant Fortress Maximus from 1987 with a new one due this very year.  In 2017 we are due to get a Titans-sized Trypticon.  So to round out the gigantic foursome from the old G1 cartoon we need to look to a 3rd party product, albiet one that is actually sanctioned by Hasbro and Takara, and that is ‘Gigantic Action Scorponok’!


Size/class – Gigantic!
New/remould/redeco – New
Released here – No
Approximate Price – AU $500+
Approximate Size – 22 inches
Allegiance – Decepticon
Alt-mode – N/A
Main Features/Gimmicks – Um… he’s massive?
Main Colours – Green, Purple
Main Accessory/s – Shield, Gun, Shoulder Cannons, Face Visor

Scorp 2


He is freakin HUGE, roughly the size of Fort Max and Generations Metroplex, though his weight is somewhere between the two.  Despite having no alt-modes with of course is the primary flaw with this figure, his robot mode is a fantastic representation of how he looked in Season 4 of the G1 cartoon.  If you wanna recreate the fight between Fort Max and Scorponok from the final ever episode of the the (US) G1 cartoon, then this is the guy you need!


Just a few minor annoyances: the nubs on the end of his shoulder cannons are a bit too big for the holes so often pop back out. The nub on the gun is WAY too big for the hole in his claw and even with as much pressure as you dare exert you can’t get it in there so you have to kinda just balance it loosely in his grip. His articulation is not too bad but he suffers from the elbows only going inwards and not up at all.

He’s a big bad bugger of a Con and I’m happy to have him. Even happier I got him when HLJ had him at half price in their pre-Xmas sale and the Yen was weak – those factors combined meant I got him for a 3rd the price that BBTS was selling him for (I paid under AU$200 before shipping).  I know of others that got him even cheaper! Now, a couple of years after his release, you will either find him much more expensive than the original price on places like eBay, or extremely cheap from online stores who never managed to get rid of all their stock, so do some shopping around.  This figure will serve you well until that hoped-for day when we get a Titan-sized transforming Scorponok, but I wouldn’t lay money on that happening for several years at least yet.


Scorp Group


For a review with extra pictures, you can view my review of this figure on Ozformers here:

Here it is folks – we are live and online!

hairyFor many years you, the general public, the grease that keeps the wheels of our great society turning, have said “Trev, your wisdom, knowledge and musky aroma have been an inspiration to all that know you. Yet we can’t have access to you 24/7 – can’t you please fix this for us?!”

Well who am I to deny the public that which they desire most? What an absolute bastard I would be to keep all my profound knowledge to myself! In fact, if I were to continue to do so one might arguably call the police!

So here it is the BIG ANGRY TREV official blog and website! Here you will be able to come to find out the information that is the most important to you. Whether it is what veggies to plant come winter, the quality of the latest Transformer toys to hit the shelves, or how to turn that growth on the back of your calf from an eyesore to a conversation starter you will be able to find your answers here. If you can’t find what you need, just ask! I am here to serve you, the public. I shall impart wisdom hither and yon as is my magnanimous nature.

I look forward to entertaining and informing you all as this site slowly builds up over the coming months until it truly becomes the only website you shall ever need.

Love from your inspiration, role model, and dare I say it… friend, Big Angry Trev.

Hobby Farming

FarmerA (semi) permacultre professional, Big Farmer Trev has been growing his own organic produce for the past 5 years.  From Asparagus to Zucchini, if it comes out of the ground then Trev can grow it (even pumpkins – the most disgusting of vegetables, seriously – why the hell do people eat those friggin things!).  So from the best time to plant a radish to the best livestock to keep your farm a’runnin, Big Farmer Trev has the 411 on farmin!

Ask Trev!

Need the answer to that question that perplexes you so? Whether it be life, love, metaphysical, spiritual, sexual or fanciful Trev can shed light on that mystery for you.  The more interesting a question, the more likely it will get an entire blog post dedicated to it!serious

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