Category Archives: Transformatorium

Big Angry Trev discusses the beautiful wonderful world of Transformers!

Toy Review – WFC Earthrise Quintesson Judge

How long have we been waiting for an official G1 Quintesson toy?  The time seems immeasurable…

… well, not really.  Thirty four years.  34 damn years since Transformer fans first saw those 5-faced tentacles monstrosities passing judgement on Lithone and Cybertronian alike, having their victims thrown into the Sharkticon tank.  And we’ve wanted a toy ever since!

The Quintessons have had a varied history in Transformers lore depending on the source.  In the G1 cartoon they were the creators of the Transformer race, having been rousted from Cybertron when their creations rebelled.  In the Aligned continuity they were cousins of the Transformers – the children of Quintus, one of the first 13 Primes.  Most fans these days tend to lean towards the latter.

We’ve had a few Quintesson toys in other Transformers continuities.  In the Energon cartoon we got an Alpha Quintesson figure and in the Movieverse we got a tiny Quintessa toy that came with her combiner bodyguard Infernocus.  Earlier year in Cyberverse we finally got a non-transforming Quintesson Judge, albeit based on the Cyberverse design rather than G1.

But now we finally have what we have been waiting for – and it even transforms!  Geewunners put your drool-bibs on as we look at the Earthrise Quintesson Judge.


Judge Mode

A thing of friggin beauty!  Beautifully proportioned and G1 through and through.  They simply got everything right, from the tentacles to the light beam to the five faces of darkness.  You can see each face by pushing a small handle on the side of the figure which makes it spin – so cool!


He has slight articulation via being able to position the tentacles and open and close some of the mouths.  And admittedly there isn’t much else you can do with it after that besides make it spin.  He can sit in a chair to pass judgement…

Everyone likes a sit down, even those without arses
From my cold dead mechanical tentacles!

… and he can hold his pistol.

But overall the Judge looks great and it would be difficult to pass for any rabid fan of the 1986 movie.


Prison Mode

Well you get those that complain when a ‘Transformer branded toy doesn’t transform’ so I guess they had to put a transformation in.  Admittedly the chosen altmode is not a bad idea given the history of the characters.  The Quintesson’s main body turns into a guard town and the chair and inner core of the robot turn into a prison cell.

The prison cell is proportioned so you can just fit a Micromaster or Battle Master character into it.

So I’m going to give the creators of the figure points for effort here.  But to be honest it doesn’t look fab and I can’t see many people having this toy displayed in Prison mode rather than Judge mode.



I’m not sure you could even really call it a transformation – it’s a cross between partsforming and folding stuff either up or down really.



As a Geewun fan I would have been happy for them to leave the transformation gimmick out and simply have this toy as a Quintesson Judge at a lower price point so that I could get several.  But that’s just me.  For kids and casual fans of the franchise this figure may be easy to pass up, but for your G1 enthusiast it is simply a must have that we have waited oh so many years to finally receive!

Got something to say about this figure?  Pop it in the comments section below!


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Toy Review – WFC-GS11 Exhaust

It’s become an accepted fact now that the Generations Selects line is going to be part of the Transformers toyline for the foreseeable future.  Whilst annoying that one can never simply walk into a store and purchase one of these figures, at least they are still easier to obtain than store-exclusive figures (most often only obtainable in the US).

Most Generations Selects figures are either simple recolours or slight retools of toys from the main line.  And today figure is no different.  So without further ado lets take a look at WFC-GS11 Decepticon Exhaust

Sporting some serious fricken shades!

The character Exhaust has a kinda cool history.  A Diaclone figure that shared a mold with Wheeljack and whose paintjob was closely associated with a brand of cigarettes, in the new area finally got a Transformers toy (Masterpiece no less!) based on him as well as an actual name – Exhaust. And yes the smoking jokes have never stopped since then.


Robot Mode

‘I can do the arm cannon thing too!’

As you can see here, Exhaust being a retool of Wheeljack continues, with a new visor and paintjob being the only real difference between this figure and Earthrise Wheeljack.  Like the Autobot mad scientists toy, I find this Exahust to be a tad stocky.  I also would have liked to see some greater detail in the paintjob such as some blue on the wings and patches of green on the body.  Still, for his first Generations outing Exhaust got a fairly good toy.  What is interesting to note is that he is sporting a ‘Mercenary’ badge rather than a Decepticon one.

New Mercenary Badge

Like most toys in the War for Cybertron trilogy toyline, Exhaust comes with extra ports to attach Weaponizer components, such as those from Greasepit.

Protected from both Autobots and rain


Vehicle Mode

This is where he comes into his own.  He retains his old number but otherwise the paintjob is different from his MP outing, with Decepticon even being spelled out in Japanese on the side.  It’s a really nice looking sportscar and the little missile launcher on the roof I feel suits the likes of Exhaust better than Wheeljack.

For us older fans, we have to wonder: Is Exaust deep down a Burt Reynolds fan?  And with a new paintjob could he be the source of the next movie crossover figure?



Pretty simple, you aren’t going to break your brain changing this guy.



If you are a Generations completionist then Exhaust is worth grabbing.  Unlike Prime and Soundwave and so many other big names he doesn’t already have hundreds of toys out there of him.  If looking for a solid figure with an interesting history then this is also a good reason to pick him up.  However if simply looking for a new toy, there are plenty easier (and cheaper) to obtain than this smoky bandit.


Related Articles:

Selects Nightbird, Cromar & Zetar

Earthrise Sky Lynx

Pictorial Toys Review – My Little Prime & Plasmane

What a wonderful time to be a toy collector eh?  Figures we only used to dream of in our geekiest fantasies are being trotted out right left and center!  A lot of that can be put down to people who loved things in their youth during the 80’s now being (supposedly) grown-ups with disposable income on their hands.


Well My Little Pony is happy to jump on that cash-in bandwagon with a new line of Crossover collectible figures.  These range from Dungeons and Dragons to even Power Rangers.  But today we are going to look at by far the two best of the crossover figures, because they cross over with two of the best franchises in history – Ghostbusters and Transformers.

As the only feature of these toys, besides their cool looks and packaging (I love the fact that on the boxes it says ‘approved by Optimus Prime and Peter Venkman respectively), is the fact you can move their tails, there is not really much to review here.  So enjoy the photo’s and hopefully they will help you decide if you would like these awesome figures for your collection.


My Little Prime






Friendship is Magic!


So do you think you will pick up these figures?  Do you love the nostalgia or would prefer the takes be more modern?  Let us know in the comments below.


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Toy Review – Studio Series Scrapper

The slow release of the Studio Series Constructicons continues.  Some see it as a good thing, not overloading their budgets.  Others see it as an irritation, their frustration to build Devastator from Revenge of the Fallen growing week by week.

For me personally it has been neither.  As someone who is happy enough with the ROFT Devastator I already own, this Studio Series has simply been a chance to fill out my collection with those onscreen Cons who never received an actually decent toy before such as Scrapmetal.

Today we are looking at one such character.  The leader of the Constructicons in G1, who like Long Haul and Mixmaster got to actually keep their proper name and traditional alt-mode for the movieverse, we are looking at Scrapper.


Robot Mode

This looks pretty good for a movieverse toy.  He actually looks like a robot rather than just a mess and is pretty faithful to how he appeared on the big screen.  He has retained the flail attachment on his arm, however sadly is unable to swing it.  He has decent articulation for a fairly stocky bot, with elbows, neck, knees and hip movement.

‘Am I busting a kung-fu move or just getting down with my bad self? Let your imagination run wild kids!’

The colour scheme is not only faithful to how he appeared in ROTF, but also has some G1 roots too, almost an homage to the European/Australasian rerelease of the G1 Constucticons from 1992.

“The studio insisted I bulk up for the movie”


Vehicle Mode

Really pretty damn good!  A superb amount of detail throughout the entire vehicle form, this looks like a proper model of a real construction vehicle.  Some have argued that the alt-mode is too kibble-laden, but as someone who has seen a lot of very large construction vehicles up close, some Front Shovel Loaders do indeed look similar with parts everywhere.

The vehicle form feels very solid overall and a nice touch is that you can actually raise the shovel!

Super-Sweet-Shovel-Slap Bro!



This figure has a really interesting transformation.  With 36 steps its going to take you a few minutes to do the first time out, but there is no part that is overly frustrating or a head-scratcher.  It feels very satisfying to work through, and that is always a massive plus when dealing with actual transformer toys.



If you have no interest in the Movieverse (in which case why are you reading this review? Go outside and play!) then it’s an easy pass.  But if you like the Movieverse, are a Constructicon fan or a completionist then you will want to pick this guy up.  Of course if you intend to build Devastator then you have no choice but to pick him up!  But you wont regret doing so, it’s a solid figure in both modes with a good transformation and for once you feel like you are getting a proper Voyager-class sized figure when buying a toy of that classification.  So yeah, a good value toy that reminds you just how fun transforming transformers can be.


Related Articles:

Toy Review: Studio Series Scrapmetal

Devastator Pack Review – Transformers TCG

Movie Review – Transformers 5





Toy Review – Earthrise Sky Lynx

Last year we saw the introduction of the Commander Class in the Generations toyline of the Transformers franchise.  This new classification of toy size was for those characters that were much bigger than even the likes of Optimus and Megatron in the G1 cartoon and the fans wanted a toy to match.

So far we had only had Jetfire, and what a damn cool toy he turned out to be!  This year we have gotten our second Commander Class toy.  The Space Dragon with an ego almost as big as his hull, we get Sky Lynx.


A bit of history about Sky Lynx

More photos of G1 Sky Lynx HERE

The original Sky Lynx was a very unique toy and a very unique character in the G1 franchise.  The toy was made up of two distinct pieces; a motorized troop carrier box that could turn into a giant, twin-tailed Lynx beast, and a space shuttle that could turn into a sorta Dinobird monster.  These could operate independently of each other in the cartoon and were controlled by the one consciousness that was Sky Lynx, effectively making him the brands second DuoCon, after Omega Supreme.  More often than not in the cartoon however, the space shuttle usually carried the troop carrier on the bottom of its hull in order to transport Autobots through space.  In robot mode the Lynx and Dinobird portions combined into Sky Lynx’s complete robot form, with size and strength enough to take on the likes of Predaking independently, and even take a pot shot at Trypticon.  In this complete form, the toy could walk, once again making it fairly unique in the toyline.

We didn’t see a Sky Lynx toy for many years, until the Predacons Rising subset of the Prime cartoon and toyline.  While he still had his Space Dragon mode and was big, he wasn’t huge and had a robot mode instead of a space shuttle mode.  That combined with being a Predacon meant that fans were underwhelmed by the characters return to screen.

Review of Beast Hunters Sky Lynx HERE

A few years later we got another Sky Lynx figure.  This time a Voyager class toy in the Combiner Wars line which was much more an homage to G1.  He had his space shuttle and Space Dragon modes, by could not separate.  Instead he became the torso of a combiner Sky Reign – with the head of a Lynx.  This toy was more warmly received, but being only Voyager class and not having all the modes of the G1 toy, fans still did not get their proper Sky Lynx fix.

Review of team Sky Reign HERE


Well, now in 2020 weve finally got what we were waiting for, a proper reimagining of the Sky Lynx figure, and boy was it worth the wait!  So with our history lesson done, lets move onto looking at this fantastic new toy!


Space Shuttle Mode

A really nice, really big looking space shuttle.  Sky Lynx is trying to finally have an Earth disguise with NASA printed on the side.  You will note that the name on the side of the shuttle is ‘Magnificence’, both a reference to a large story arc from the Transformers IDW comics, as well as to Sky Lynx’s opinion of himself.

The top of the shuttle opens up, just as the G1 toy did, to reveal what could either be considered escape pods or cargo pods.  I’m inclined to think of them as the latter.  Besides this there are not many play features to the space shuttle, but its still a damn nice looking toy.

Dinobird Mode

Very faithful to the G1 concept, with instead of two eyes it having a row of the space shuttle windows for viewing.  The wings are a great improvement, both with the detail on the blue sections to make them look more like robotic feathers, but also the fact the wings can now be angles up and down instead of going out from the body on a straight angle. Speaking of posing, the Dinobird has in his legs hip joint swivel, ankle tilts and knees, making it much easier to pose.

The head is a bit big for my liking in Dinobird mode, but one thing I do like is that instead of just having a blaster for a tongue, he now has a tongue and blaster and both can be moved about on a separate hinge in his mouth.  Combine this with the fire effects that come with the toy it can give him a nice offensive posture.


Troop Carrier Mode

It was pretty boring on the G1 toy, just being a blue box.  This is a bit better, though not that much.  At least it comes with big tank tracks on the side to make it look like it is supposed to move around under its own power.  Unfortunately, unlike the G1 toy it doesn’t move around under its own power, though it does have wheels so it will roll.   The lack of batteries has opened up the inside so that other small Transformer figures such as Micromasters can ride inside it.

Please, no ‘enter me from the rear’ jokes, as tempting as they are

Add a couple of lasers to the front and it looks like something industrial designed to navigate a rough planet or asteroid, something out of a sci-fi like the new Thunderbirds or perhaps Starship Troopers.

Lynx Mode

At least the head can actually stick up more this time, rather than constantly looking at his own feet.  Once again very faithful to the G1 concept, even down to the twin tails.

A cool new addition is that like the Dinobird it can now shoot fire from its mouth.  The figure also has some (but limited) leg articulation.


Space Shuttle Transport Mode

A thing of friggin beauty!  Having the two halves of the toy combined really gives it a physical presence the character deserved, and feels strong and bulky in the hand to boot!  Besides holding it in the air and yelling ‘zoom!’ the only real play features are that you can open up the back and unfold a ramp to load Micromaster vehicles, and you can put flame effects in the shuttle exhausts.  But all said, it’s a great looking toy – just make sure you get the two halves of the toy tabbed together correctly.


Combined Robot Form

And here he is!  Truly magnificent!  Here the head now seems perfectly in proportion as does everything really.  With the fact you can move the prehensile neck, adjust the knees and ankles and wings you can pose him quite well for a character that lacks traditional hips and has no arms.

And the size of him is fantastic, I honestly expected him to be around the same size as the G1 toy but he dwarfs his predecessor.


Space Shuttle Launch Base Mode

If all of the above weren’t good enough, we even get a new mode!  The troop carrier/lynx portion of the toy can fold out and become a base for the space shuttle with built in launch pad.  While this was pretty cool with the latest Astrotrain figure to come out, its even cooler looking here due to the size.  A particularly nice touch I thought was the extendable ramps that lead from the ground all the way up to the shuttles storage pods, making it look like it is taking on supplies before heading into space.


Worth Getting?

Australia is one of the first places in the world to get it and right now is fairly easy to find at the Big W toy sale for $119(au).  Sky Lynx is definitely worth the price tag.  With so many modes there is an absolute ton of play value to be had here.  The transformations are quite easy and very indicative of the G1 toy.  Whilst some collectors may be annoyed at the simplicity, I’m not as it means that you can change Sky Lynx into whichever of his multitude of modes suits your play without having to spend 10 minutes doing so.  So not only is this figure great for G1 enthusiasts as well as Transformer Collectors in general, but means it is also great for younger fans too with the easy accessibility it provides.  I cannot recommend this toy heartily enough – as loathe as I am to coddle an ego that is already so big, this Sky Lynx is worthy of the name Magnificence.


Got a Sky Lynx too, or thinking of picking one up?  Tell us in the comments section below!


Related Articles:

*Multiverse Sky Lynx Gallery

*Toys Review – Team Sky Reign

*Classic Toy Reviews – Beast Hunters & Combiner Wars Sky Lynx

Toy Review – Titan Changer Grimlock

The Authentics line is not the most beloved of Transformer toylines.  People don’t rant online about their local store being out of stock or discuss on message boards how excited they are about a new figure coming up.

What the Authentics line is known for is being relatively cheap, usually G1 inspired and relatively easy to find.  Most supermarkets will have a few Authentics toys in their tiny toy sections so if you live near a Coles or Woolworths chances are you can find one.


There have already been two Grimlocks in the Authentics line.  If one were to use classifications from the Generations line you would say a ‘Scout’ class and a ‘Deluxe’ class.  Both were OK looking, but of course not brilliant and made of extremely cheap materials.  Hasbro has decided to continue with this theme but upscale it, so let’s have a look at the new Titan Changer class of Authentics toy with an all new Grimlock figure.


Robot Mode


Undoubtedly G1 inspired and with the simplicity of his look you could almost classify him as a representation of how he looked in the old G1 Marvel comics.  Interestingly he has some shoulder mounted multi-missile launchers which are far more indicative of Cyberverse Grimlock toys.  Perhaps this is to make up for the fact he has no other weapons and no accessories.

This figure has limited articulation, having some swivel at the hips and shoulders as well as being able to bend at the knees.  No elbows however and no neck swivel.

“Me Grimlock frolick!”

The toy is extremely lanky, his overly long legs putting him on a height scale with many Generations Leader-Class figures.  He is also extremely thin, and if you turn him around you will see there is almost literally nothing behind him.



Space Tyrannosaurus Mode

It’s… actually not that bad

It’s…. OK.  The back of the dinosaur mode is very boxy, almost the opposite of the overly elongated POTP Grimlock figure.  The head is a lot flatter than your usual Grimlock toy.  He has a small lever on the back of his head which allows you to open and shut the dinosaur jaws and is his only real gimmick.  As the robots arms become the dinosaurs legs, the figure has no knee movement and his upper arms are locked in position.

Look, its not great OK.  But we’ve had some pretty average looking dinosaur mode toys for Grimlock over the years so it’s not like this one is significantly worse than a lot of the others.

The Space T-Rex sniffs the air, trying to locate the scent of its next meal



I think my kids put it best when they were fiddling with this figure this morning: ‘This is a kids toy isn’t it Dad, cause’ it’s so light’.  Firstly I love the fact they think most of my Transformers are intended for adults since its dad that gets them – bless their hearts!  But it was a good analysis from them – this toy being such a big figure made out of such cheap plastic means that it is best suited for younger fans who want their own Grimlock toy to play with.  Combine this with a simplistic transformation and relatively low price tag (mine cost $30[AU] from Aldi) and it means that while this is a Grimlock most collectors will happily skip, it may be a great gift for their offspring.


Got something to say about this figure?  Pop it in the comments section below!


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POTP Dinobots: Wave 1

Cyberverse Grimlock and Shockwave


Toys Review – Cyberverse Deluxe Class, Wave 1

The Warrior Class toys from the Cyberverse line had gotten a reputation for being pretty poor, and for the most part that rep was deserved.  The simplistic paint jobs, transformations and lacklustre modes have made many of these figures an easy pass for most collectors.

However thankfully, like the cartoon which got pretty damn good in seasons 2 and 3, the powers that be decided to improve the Cyberverse toyline too.  And they have done so by introducing the Deluxe Class.  This class is used by the Generations line and usually involves a higher degree of sophistication in all facets when compared to the Warrior Class, and of late has included blast effects that can be attached to characters weapons.

So lets have a look at the first wave of the Cyberverse Deluxe Class figures – Bumblebee, Optimus, Megatron and Shockwave.




Sigh, it wouldn’t be a Transformers toyline without about a 150 different versions of Bumblebee would it.  Thankfully this Bumblebee is quite good.  He looks very screen accurate, comes with a lot more detail than the preceding Warrior Class figure, and comes with his stinger as well as a gun.  Very nice!

The vehicle mode is ok.  Quite compact with a decent amount of detail.  However this is one case where I would say the Warrior Class looks that bit more impressive.


Optimus Prime


Once again, a vast improvement on the Warrior Class toy that came before.  Optimus has good articulation, good proportions and it’s always appreciated when you can open an Optimus toys chest to find a Matrix inside.  And you can use this one to (simulate) blast the big baddies, just like in the cartoon!

The vehicle mode is ok, not bad but nothing special to write home about.  Perhaps a bit better than the Warrior Class due to the better paintjob (always irritates me when Optimus has red smokestacks).




My son doesn’t own the Warrior Class Megatron so we had to compare him to another from the Cyberverse line which equated to no comparison at all.  Megatron looks very good here – very cartoon faithful and well articulated.  I particularly like the head sculpt.  Would have been nice for him to have an Energon Morningstar but I guess you can’t have anything.

A pretty decent looking Cybertronian Tank, full of nice angles and Megatron’s arm cannon taking centre stage as the tank turret.  Small but feisty and very cartoon accurate.

Fusion Mega Shot




Shockwave has gotten nearly as many Cyberverse toys as Bumblebee, having a figure in nearly every size.  And unlike many the Shockwave toys haven’t been half bad.  This Shockwave is good but doesn’t particularly stand out from any of the others, though its nice to see him get his arm cord back.

The beauty of having multiple Shockwave’s is that you can convert your other ones into the crab-tank modes to represent the army of drones he has in the cartoon.  Once again, this toy doesn’t particularly stand out from any that have come before, though there are multiple ports on the tank mode to put his extra blaster in, giving you more options.

‘My babies. My ugly, ugly babies’


Maccadams/Alchemist Prime Parts

Part of the lure to get these figure is that each character comes with a body part that, when combined, form Maccadams.  It’s very tempting as there has never been a toy of the famous bartender before.  If you end up with multiple Shockwaves you can always use both legs, which looks a bit odd but saves you buying other figures down the line if you don’t want them.


Cyberverse Deluxe Class – worth getting?

Well they are for the most part the best Cyberverse toys we have gotten so if you are a big fan of the show then you may want to pick them up.  If not then you can always bypass them.  I found these figures for a staggeringly cheap $12(AU) each on sale so I was more than happy to pick them up at that price.  And of course, the temptation is now there to get the next four in order to make Maccadams.


Related Articles:

Cyberverse Warrior Class Prowl

Cyberverse Warrior Class Acid Storm

Cyberverse Warrior Class Soundwave

Cyberverse Warrior Class Gnaw

Video: Generation One vs Beast Wars – the DEFINITIVE answer!

Transformer fans sometimes fight over the silliest things – then I guess that’s what the Internet is for.  One of the most enduring arguments over the decades has been ‘which was a better series: Generation One or Beast Wars’.

Personally I’ve never really weighed in on the debate as I enjoy them both.  Both had some great cartoon episodes, both produced some fantastic toys, both have contributed a huge amount to the enduring Transformers mythos.  So why the debate even exists is beyond me.

But exist it does.

In an effort to bring decades of arguing to an end I have examined the issue and, through scientific experimentation and logical deduction, found an answer to this long pondered question.

So sit back and enjoy the following video which will prove beyond a shadow of a doubt which was better – Beast Wars or Generation One.

I hope this video has answered all the questions you ever had about the relative quality of both franchises in relation to each other.

Transformer Fans everywhere – you are welcome!


Related Videos:

Trev wins $500 answering Transformers Questions

Moonracer & Cyber Bee Mouse Pads

Well the Transformer Wrist-Rest Mouse Pads continue unabated. Having done the most popular and well known female Transformer characters such as Arcee, Black Arachnia, Elita-1 and Windblade, the makers are now moving on to the B-Listers of the femmebot world. And B is correct as while one of these characters is a Femmebot that has been around in the background for 35 years, another isn’t a Femmebot at all!

Moonracer and….. WTF?!

 So lets have a look at Moonracer and, quite strangely the Cyber Bee Cosplayer.



A very feminine face and a head that is very indicative of both the original 1985 G1 character and the Generations Toy that came out in recent years. A good enough mouse pad, though the shadowing/lighting they have used for the art causes a faded line to cross the Autobot Symbol on her chest, detracting from the artwork somewhat.

‘I thought my chest plate was more pointy than round. But hey, at least I’m finally getting more merchandise!’


Cyber Bee

Human, Cyborg, Pretender, really good Cosplayer…. what is she?!

I mean, what is this supposed to be? The armour and colour scheme is obviously in homage to the Movieverse Bumblebee. But the face and chest are most definitely flesh. But then she has eyes that are either robotic or supernatural as they are a solid blue. So is this Bumblebee in semi-human form doing a gender swap? Is he donning a Pretender disguise like Alice in ROTF?  Is it either a Cyborg or a Supernatural Girl dressed up as Bumblebee for Cosplay? I just don’t know! So I’ve gone with the rationale that she is a Cyborg (part robot part human) that is cosplaying as Bumblebee as, though that makes little sense, it seems to make more sense than any other explanation.

“I hate this weird depiction of me. Whaddya mean ‘thats not what my missile says’?”


So there we go, the latest in Transformers Wrist-Wrest Mouse Pads. Moonracer who is not too big of a surprise, and Cyber Bee, who is very surprising. It will be interesting to see who we get next.

Competition Update

For those of you that entered into the competition to win a Free Mouse Pad, take heart. Not a single person had either Moonracer or, unsurprisingly, Cyber Bee in their top 5 list. So all those who entered are still in the running!


Related Articles:

Black Arachnia Mouse Pad

Elita-1 Mouse Pad

Arcee & WIndblade Mouse Pads

Exclusive Card Reveal: Electro-Optical Visor. Transformers: TCG

Thanks to Hasbro and Wizards of the Coast, has once again been given an exclusive reveal for the Transformers: Trading Card Game to share with the world! Rather than a new character, this card is an Upgrade – Armour card from the new Titan Master packs that will be available later in the year.

Note: Neither Hasbro nor WOTC have paid for this reveal and have in no way tried to dictate the content of this review. BigAngryTrev would like to thank both companies for the continuing opportunities to share facets of this card game with the public.


So let’s have a look at the Action Card Electro-Optical Visor


Using the card in game

The usefulness of the card will rely heavily on what cards you and your opponent are sporting. If you are sporting a team of all Autobots, when you place this on a character and it adds 1 Defence point via an Armour Upgrade to its stats and the cards usefulness stops there.

However, if you have any Decepticons in your team, putting this card on one of them will not only add 1 Armor Upgrade point, but also:

*Makes your opponent reveal their hand

*Your opponent must scrap an Autobot card of their choosing from their hand

Of course, your opponent could quite easily have no Autobot cards in their hand, which means they don’t have to scrap any card at all. But even if this is the case, it still means that you get to have a good look at their hand, see what cards they are sporting and prepare yourself accordingly.


The Artwork

The artwork is lovely, showing Soundwave wearing what one assumes to be an Electro-Optical visor. Oddly I don’t recognise the origin of the artwork, so I am making the assumption it is from the IDW Transformers comics reboot, as I have not read all of them yet. If I am in error, or you know which exact comic, please pop it in the comments section below and I will be sure to credit you.

Note: According to reader ‘Flip Flip Bang Bang’ this is probably new artwork as WOTC no longer uses IDW comic art.


So all in all, depending on the cards you and your opponent have, this could prove to be either an average or a very useful card to pick up. I look forward to getting a physical copy in my hands and trying it out in gameplay.

The new Titan Master Packs for Transformers: TCG are slated for a release on the 17th of April, 2020.


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*Exclusive Card Reveal: Private Stakeout

*Exclusive Cards Reveal: Dirge and Defensive Driving