Category Archives: My Transformer Collection Showcase

This is a visual archive of my personal Transformers Collection. Everything from G1 Action Figures through to the latest toys and all Transformers related merchandise

Transformers Collection – Movieverse Cards

To take a little break from cataloging action figures, I decided to catalog my Transformers Trading Cards.

However its been a much bigger task than I thought  Where I thought I had a few hundred, it turns out I have over a thousand!

So I’ve broken my card collection into catagories, and lets start with the first catagory – Movieverse Cards.


Transformers (the live action Movie)

*Item #TTC0001: Embossed Foil Card 8 of 10 Optimus Prime

*Item #TTC0002: 3 Bumblebee Autobot


*Item #TTC0003: 19 Sam Witwicky

*Item #TTC0004: 21 John Keller

*Item #TTC0005: 25 Satt Sgt. Epps


*Item #TTC0006: 35 Desert Trek

*Item #TTC0008: 37 Assault on Qatar

*Item #TTC0009: 41 A boy, a girl and a robot

*Item #TTC0010: 49 A conference with Keller

*Item #TTC0011: 51 Inside Hoover Dam

*Item #TTC0012: 56 Airborne Menace

*Item #TTC0013: 66 Hero with a heart

*Item #TTC0014: 68 Behemoth on Ice

*Item #TTC0015: 76 Programmed to kill


Transformers 3D Battle Card Game

*Item #BCGC001: Mirage (robot)

*Item #BCGC002: 60 Mirage Battle Card

*Item #BCGC003: Jetfire (robot)

*Item #BCGC004: Blackout (robot)

*Item #BCGC005: 90 Blackout Battle Card


Dark of the Moon Official Trading Cards

*Item #OTC0001: CR-02 Bumblebee

*Item #OTC0002: CR-05 Bumblee & Camero

*Item #OTC0003: CR-06 Autobot Shield


*Item #OTC0004: CL-02 Card List 02

*Item #OTC0005: CL-02 Card List 02 (2nd card)

*Item #OTC0006: CL-03 Card List 03

*Item #OTC0007: CL-04 Card List 04

*Item #OTC0008: CL-05 Card List 05

*Item #OTC0009: CL-06 Card List 06

*Item #OTC0010: CL-06 Card List 06 (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0011: CL-07 Card List 07

*Item #OTC0012: CL-08 Card List 08

*Item #OTC0013: CL-08 Card List 08 (2ND unit)

*Item #OTC0014: CL-09 Card List 09


*Item #OTC0015: SP-03 Bumblebee

*Item #OTC0016: SP-04 Sentinel Prime

*Item #OTC0017: SP-09 Optimus Color

*Item #OTC0236: SP-09 Optimus Color


*Item #OTC0018: GC-02 Bumblebee

*Item #OTC0019: GC-04 Megatron

*Item #OTC0020: GC-07 Ironhide

*Item #OTC0021: GC-09 Dark of the Moon

*Item #OTC0022: SC-03 Sentinel Prime

*Item #OTC0237: SC-03 Sentinel Prime (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0023: SC-06 Starscream

*Item #OTC0024: SC-07 Ironhide


*Item #OTC0025: MC-04 Ironhide

*Item #OTC0026: MC-05 Sideswipe

*Item #OTC0027: MC-07 Sentinel Prime

*Item #OTC0028: MC-13 Bumblebee Camero

*Item #OTC0029: MC-19 Barricade

*Item #OTC0030: MC-24 Blackout

*Item #OTC0031: MC-25 Frenzy


*Item #OTC0032: OP-01 Optimus Prime 1

*Item #OTC0033: OP-01 Optimus Prime 1 (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0034: OP-02 Optimus Prime 2

*Item #OTC0035: OP-03 Optimus Prime 3

*Item #OTC0036: OP-03 Optimus Prime 3 (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0037: OP-04 Optimus Prime 4

*Item #OTC0038: OP-04 Optimus Prime 4 (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0039: OP-05 Optimus Prime 5

*Item #OTC0040: OP-05 Optimus Prime 5 (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0041: OP-06 Optimus Prime 6

*Item #OTC0042: OP-06 Optimus Prime 6 (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0043: OP-07 Optimus Prime 7

*Item #OTC0044: OP-07 Optimus Prime 7 (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0045: OP-08 Optimus Prime 8

*Item #OTC0046: OP-08 Optimus Prime 8 (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0047: OP-09 Optimus Prime 9

*Item #OTC0048: OP-09 Optimus Prime 9 (2nd unit)


*Item #OTC0049: ST-01 Sentinel Prime 1

*Item #OTC0050: ST-03 Sentinel Prime 3

*Item #OTC0051: ST-03 Sentinel Prime 3 (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0052: ST-04 Sentinel Prime 4

*Item #OTC0053: ST-06 Sentinel Prime 6

*Item #OTC0054: ST-06 Sentinel Prime 6 (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0055: ST-07 Sentinel Prime 7

*Item #OTC0056: ST-09 Sentinel Prime 9

*Item #OTC0057: ST-09 Sentinel Prime 9 (2nd unit)


*Item #OTC0058: BB-01 Bumblebee 1

*Item #OTC0059: BB-01 Bumblebee 1 (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0060: BB-02 Bumblebee 2

*Item #OTC0061: BB-02 Bumblebee 2 (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0062: BB-04 Bumblebee 4

*Item #OTC0063: BB-04 Bumblebee 4 (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0064: BB-05 Bumblebee 5

*Item #OTC0065: BB-07 Bumblebee 7

*Item #OTC0066: BB-07 Bumblebee 7 (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0067: BB-08 Bumblebee 8

*Item #OTC0068: BB-09 Bumblebee 9


*Item #OTC0069: MG-01 Megatron 1

*Item #OTC0070: MG-01 Megatron 1 (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0071: MG-02 Megatron 2

*Item #OTC0072: MG-04 Megatron 4

*Item #OTC0073: MG-04 Megatron 4 (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0074: MG-07 Megatron 7

*Item #OTC0075: MG-07 Megatron 7 (2nd unit)


*Item #OTC0076: SW-01 Shockwave 1

*Item #OTC0077: SW-01 Shockwave 1(2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0078: SW-02 Shockwave 2

*Item #OTC0079: SW-02 Shockwave 2 (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0080: SW-03 Shockwave 3

*Item #OTC0081: SW-04 Shockwave 4

*Item #OTC0082: SW-04 Shockwave 4 (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0083: SW-01 Shockwave 5

*Item #OTC0084: SW-01 Shockwave 5 (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0085: SW-01 Shockwave 7

*Item #OTC0086: SW-01 Shockwave 7 (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0087: SW-01 Shockwave 8

*Item #OTC0088: SW-01 Shockwave 8 (2nd unit)


*Item #OTC0089: AC-01 Optimus Prime

*Item #OTC0090: AC-01 Optimus Prime (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0091: AC-02 Bumblebee

*Item #OTC0092: AC-04 Ironhide

*Item #OTC0093: AC-05 Sideswipe

*Item #OTC0094: AC-08 Arcee

*Item #OTC0095: AC-08 Arcee (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0096: AC-09 Sentinel Prime

*Item #OTC0097: AC-09 Sentinel Prime (2nd unit)


*Item #OTC0098: DC-02 Shockwave

*Item #OTC0099: DC-02 Shockwave (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0100: DC-03 Starscream

*Item #OTC0101: DC-03 Starscream (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0102: DC-04 Demolisher

*Item #OTC0103: DC-04 Demolisher (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0104: DC-05 Rampage

*Item #OTC0105: DC-05 Rampage (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0106: DC-08 Ravage

*Item #OTC0107: DC-09 The Fallen

*Item #OTC0108: DC-09 The Fallen (2nd uit)


*Item #OTC0109: MS1-01 Scorponok strikes in Quatar

*Item #OTC0110: MS1-04 The location of the Allspark

*Item #OTC0111: MS1-06 “Autobots Roll Out

*Item #OTC0112: MS1-06 “Autobots Roll Out” (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0113: MS1-07 Bonecrusher bashes bus

*Item #OTC0114: MS1-11 “I smell you… boy”

*Item #OTC0115: MS1-11 “I smell you… boy” (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0116: MS1-12 “These things just don’t die”

*Item #OTC0117: MS1-12 “These things just don’t die” (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0118: MS1-15 “Give me the cube… boy”


*Item #OTC0119: MS2-01 The destruction of Demolisher

*Item #OTC0120: MS2-02 Soundwave launches Ravage

*Item #OTC0121: MS2-02 Soundwave launches Ravage (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0122: MS2-03 Starscream taunts at Sam

*Item #OTC0123: MS2-04 Optimus visits Sam

*Item #OTC0124: MS2-04 Optimus visits Sam (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0125: MS2-05 Ironhide

*Item #OTC0126: MS2-05 Ironhide (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0127: MS2-06 Optimus fires at Megatron

*Item #OTC0128: MS2-07 Megatron confronts Starscream

*Item #OTC0129: MS2-07 Megatron confronts Starscream (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0130: MS2-08 Battle in the Forest

*Item #OTC0131: MS2-08 Battle in the Forest (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0132: MS2-09 Jetfire speaks of the Primes


*Item #OTC0133: MS2-10 Bumblebee

*Item #OTC0134: MS2-10 Bumblebee (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0135: MS2-12 Jetfire Teleports

*Item #OTC0136: MS2-13 Sam & Mikaela dashes to cover

*Item #OTC0137: MS2-13 Sam & Mikaela dashes to cover (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0138: MS2-15 Megatron attacks top of the Pyramid

*Item #OTC0139: MS2-16 “Optimus, take my parts”

*Item #OTC0140: MS2-16 “Optimus, take my parts” (2nd unit

*Item #OTC0141: MS2-17 Victory over The Fallen

*Item #OTC0142: MS2-18 “I am Optimus Prime”

*Item #OTC0143: MS2-18 “I am Optimus Prime” (2nd unit)


*Item #OTC0144: PA-02 Bumblebee

*Item #OTC0145: PA-03 Shockwave

*Item #OTC0146: PA-03 Shockwave (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0147: PA-04 Shockwave

*Item #OTC0148: PA-04 Shockwave (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0149: PA-05 Shockwave

*Item #OTC0150: PA-05 Shockwave (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0151: PA-06 Megatron

*Item #OTC0152: PA-06 Megatron (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0153: PA-07 Megatron

*Item #OTC0154: PA-07 Megatron (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0155: PA-08 Megatron

*Item #OTC0156: PA-08 Megatron (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0157: PA-09 Sentinel Prime

*Item #OTC0158: PA-10 Optimus Prime

*Item #OTC0159: PA-10 Optimus Prime (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0160: PA-11 Bumblebee

*Item #OTC0161: PA-12 Sentinel Prime


*Item #OTC0162: LA-02 Bumblebee

*Item #OTC0163: LA-03 Sentinel Prime

*Item #OTC0164: LA-03 Sentinel Prime (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0165: LA-05 Shockwave

*Item #OTC0166: LA-06 Starscream

*Item #OTC0167: LA-06 Starscream (2nd unit)


*Item #OTC0168: RV-01 Bumblebee 1

*Item #OTC0169: RV-02 Ratchet 1

*Item #OTC0170: RV-02 Ratchet 1 (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0171: RV-03 Ironhide 1

*Item #OTC0172: RV-03 Ironhide 1 (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0173: RV-04 Bumblebee 2

*Item #OTC0174: RV-05 Ratchet 2

*Item #OTC0175: RV-05 Ratchet 2 (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0176: RV-06 Ironhide 2

*Item #OTC0177: RV-08 Sideswipe 2

*Item #OTC0178: RV-08 Sideswipe 2 (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0179: RV-09 Sideswipe 3

*Item #OTC0180: RV-01 Sideswipe 3 (2nd unit)


*Item #OTC0181: CC1-01 Power Up Optimus Prime 1

*Item #OTC0182: CC1-01 Power Up Optimus Prime 1 (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0183: CC1-03 Power Up Optimus Prime 3

*Item #OTC0184: CC1-04 Power Up Optimus Prime 4

*Item #OTC0185: CC1-04 Power Up Optimus Prime 4 (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0186: CC1-06 Power Up Optimus Prime 6

*Item #OTC0187: CC1-07 Power Up Optimus Prime 7

*Item #OTC0188: CC1-07 Power Up Optimus Prime 7 (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0189: CC1-09 Power Up Optimus Prime 9


*Item #OTC0190: CC2-02 Demolisher & Devestator 2

*Item #OTC0191: CC2-02 Demolisher & Devestator 2 (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0192: CC2-03 Demolisher & Devestator 3

*Item #OTC0193: CC2-05 Demolisher & Devestator 5

*Item #OTC0194: CC2-05 Demolisher & Devestator 5 (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0195: CC2-06 Demolisher & Devestator 6

*Item #OTC0196: CC2-08 Demolisher & Devestator 8

*Item #OTC0197: CC2-08 Demolisher & Devestator 8 (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0198: CC2-09 Demolisher & Devestator 9


*Item #OTC0199: CC3-01 Arcee & Sideswipe 1

*Item #OTC0200: CC3-04 Arcee & Sideswipe 4


*Item #OTC0201: CC4-01 Decepticons 1

*Item #OTC0202: CC4-01 Decepticons 1 (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0203: CC4-02 Decepticons 2

*Item #OTC0204: CC4-03 Decepticons 3

*Item #OTC0205: CC4-03 Decepticons 3 (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0206: CC4-04 Decepticons 4

*Item #OTC0207: CC4-04 Decepticons 4 (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0208: CC4-05 Decepticons 5

*Item #OTC0209: CC4-06 Decepticons 6 (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0210: CC4-06 Decepticons 6 (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0211: CC4-07 Decepticons 7

*Item #OTC0212: CC4-07 Decepticons 7 (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0213: CC4-08 Decepticons 8

*Item #OTC0214: CC4-09 Decepticons 9

*Item #OTC0215: CC4-09 Decepticons 9 (2nd unit)


*Item #OTC0216: CC5-01 Optimus & Sentinel 1

*Item #OTC0217: CC5-03 Optimus & Sentinel 3

*Item #OTC0218: CC5-03 Optimus & Sentinel 3 (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0219: CC5-04 Optimus & Sentinel 4

*Item #OTC0220: CC5-05 Optimus & Sentinel 5

*Item #OTC0221: CC5-06 Optimus & Sentinel 6

*Item #OTC0222: CC5-06 Optimus & Sentinel 6 (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0223: CC5-07 Optimus & Sentinel 7

*Item #OTC0224: CC5-08 Optimus & Sentinel 8

*Item #OTC0225: CC5-09 Optimus & Sentinel 9

*Item #OTC0226: CC5-09 Optimus & Sentinel 9 (2nd unit)


*Item #OTC0227: CC6-02 Autobots 2

*Item #OTC0228: CC6-02 Autobots 2 (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0229: CC6-03 Autobots 3

*Item #OTC0230: CC6-05 Autobots 5

*Item #OTC0231: CC6-06 Autobots 6

*Item #OTC0232: CC6-08 Autobots 8

*Item #OTC0233: CC6-08 Autobots 8 (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0234: CC6-09 Autobots 9

*Item #OTC0235: CC6-09 Autobots 9 (2nd unit)


TF3 Unlock the Secrets Cards

*Item #UTSC001: Megatron

*Item #UTSC002: Autobot Symbol

*Item #UTSC003: Bumblebee

*Item #UTSC004: Bumblebee 2

*Item #UTSC007: Bumblebee 2 (2nd unit)

*Item #UTSC008: Sentinel Prime

*Item #UTSC009: Sentinel Prime (2nd unit)


TF4 Topps Cards

*Item #TF4C001: 1 Autobots

*Item #TF4C002: 38 Bumblebee

*Item #TF4C003: 72 Sideswipe

*Item #TF4C004: 88 Mikaela Barnes

*Item #TF4C005: 91 Carly Spenser


Total Count: 271 Cards


Transformers Collection – Toyline Cards

Transformers Collection – Prime

And thus the great cataloging of my personal collection continues.

The Transformers Prime cartoon came out while the live-action movies were at their peak in popularity,  and so took on much of their asthetic.  Prime as a long-nosed cab, Arcee as a motorcycle, Bumblebee having a damaged voicebox – all lifted from the Movieverse.  This meant that poor old Ironhide lost his spot on Team Prime as in the Movieverse, Sentinel had just killed him.

Prime has proven to be one of the most popular Transformer cartoons of all time, and it had a pretty good toyline to go with it, although all the sublines contained within became very confusing, including: First Edition, Robots in Disguise, Cyberverse, Arms Micron, Go!, Adventure, Thrilling 30, Beast Hunters, Beast Hunters: Preadacons Rising and even more!


Transformers Prime Autobot Figures

Transformers Prime Autobots


*Item #PRA001: Transformers Prime Beast Hunters Autobot Ultimate Optimus Prime

Reference Photo: #P00260


*Item #PRA002: Transformers Prime  Autobot  Optimus Prime

*Item #PRA003: Transformers Prime Beast Hunters Autobot  Optimus Prime

Reference Photo: #P00261


*Item #PRA004: Transformers Prime  Autobot Weaponizer Bumblebee

*Item #PRA005: Platinum Edition Transformers Prime  Autobot Weaponizer Ultra Magnus (MISB)

*Item #PRA006: Transformers Prime  Autobot Weaponizer Optimus Prime

Reference Photo: #P00262


*Item #PRA007: Transformers Prime  Autobot Ultra Magnus

*Item #PRA008: Transformers Adventure  Autobot TAV14 Ultra Magnus

Reference Photo: #P00263


*Item #PRA009: Transformers Prime  Autobot Cliffjumper

*Item #PRA010: Transformers GO! Prime  Autobot G06 Smokescreen

*Item #PRA011: Transformers Prime  Autobot Kup

*Item #PRA012: Transformers Prime  Autobot Hot Shot

*Item #PRA013: Transformers Prime  Autobot Wheeljack

*Item #PRA014: Transformers Prime  Autobot Bumblebee

*Item #PRA015: Transformers Prime  Autobot Arcee

*Item #PRA016: Transformers Prime  Autobot Ratchet

Reference Photo: #P00264


*Item #PRA017: Transformers Prime  Autobot Bulkhead

Reference Photo: #P00265


*Item #PRA018: Transformers Prime  Beast Hunters Autobot Smokescreen

*Item #PRA019:  Transformers Prime  Beast Hunters: Predacons Rising Autobot Smokescreen

Reference Photo: #P00266


*Item #PRA020: Transformers Prime  Autobot Fallback

*Item #PRA021:  Transformers Prime  Autobot Tailgate

Reference Photo: #P00267


*Item #PRA022: Transformers Prime  Autobot Ironhide

*Item #PRA023: Transformers Prime  Beast Hunters Autobot Huffer

*Item #PRA024: Transformers Prime  Beast Hunters Autobot Trailcutter

Reference Photo: #P00268


*Item #PRA025: Transformers Prime  Beast Hunters Autobot Arcee (MOSC)

*Item #PRA026: Transformers Prime  Beast Hunters Autobot Arcee

Reference Photo: #P00269


*Item #PRA027: Transformers Arms Micron Orion Pax  (MISB)

*Item #PRA028: Transformers Arms Micron Gold Metal R.A (MISB)

Reference Photo: #P00270


*Item #PRA029: Transformers Prime  First Edition Terrorcon Cliffjumper (MOSC)

Reference Photo: #P00271


*Item #PRA030: Transformers Prime  Cyberverse Autobot Quickblade Bumblebee (MOSC)

*Item #PRA031: Transformers Prime  Cyberverse Autobot Arcee (MOSC)

*Item #PRA032: Transformers Prime  Beast Hunters Autobot Prowl (MOSC)

Reference Photo: #P00272


*Item #PRA034: Transformers Prime  Cyberverse Autobot Wheeljack (MISB)

*Item #PRA035: Transformers Prime  Cyberverse Star Hammer (vehicle) (MISB)

Reference Photo: #P00273


*Item #PRA036: Transformers Arms Micron  Shadow C.L

*Item #PRA037: Transformers Arms Micron  Shining B.B

Reference Photo: #P00274


*Item #PRA038: Thrilling 30 CollectibleTransformers Prime  Autobot Wheeljack

Reference Photo: #P00275


*Item #PRA039: Mashems Transformers Prime  Autobot Optimus Prime

*Item #PRA040: Mashems Transformers Prime  Autobot Optimus Prime (2nd unit)

*Item #PRA041: Mashems Transformers Prime   Autobot Bulkhead

*Item #PRA042: Mashems Transformers Prime  Autobot Bumblebee

Reference Photo: #P00276


*Item #PRA043: McDonald’s Transformers Prime  Autobot Bumblebee

*Item #PRA044: McDonald’s Transformers Prime  Autobot Optimus Prime

*Item #PRA045: McDonald’s Transformers Prime  Autobot Bumblebee (vehicle mode)

*Item #PRA046: McDonald’s Transformers Prime  Autobot Optimus Prime (vehicle mode)

Reference Photo: #P00277


*Item #PRA047: Kinder Surprise Transformers Prime  Autobot Ratchet

*Item #PRA048: Kinder Surprise Transformers Prime  Autobot Arcee

*Item #PRA049: Kinder Surprise Transformers Prime  Autobot Bumblebee

*Item #PRA050: Kinder Surprise Transformers Prime  Autobot Optimus Prime

*Item #PRA051: Kinder Surprise Transformers Prime  Autobot Bulkhead

*Item #PRA052: Kinder Surprise Transformers Prime  Autobot Bulkhead (2nd unit)

Reference Photo: #P00278


Transformers Prime Decepticon Figures

Transformers Prime Decepticons


*Item #PRD001: Transformers Prime  Decepticon Megatron

Reference Photo: #P00279


*Item #PRD002: Transformers Prime  Decepticon Starscream

Reference Photo: #P00280


*Item #PRD003: Transformers Prime  Decepticon Soundwave

*Item #PRD004: Transformers Prime  Decepticon Laserbeak

Reference Photo: #P00281


*Item #PRD005: Transformers Go! Prime Decepticon G13 Shockwave

Reference Photo: #P00282


*Item #PRD006: Transformers Prime  Decepticon Skyquake

Reference Photo: #P00283


*Item #PRD007: Transformers Prime  Decepticon Knock Out

Reference Photo: #P00284


*Item #PRD008: Transformers Prime  Decepticon Arachnid

Reference Photo: #P00285


*Item #PRD009: Transformers Prime  Decepticon Dead End

Reference Photo: #P00286


*Item #PRD010: Transformers Prime  Arms Micron Stunticon Wildrider

*Item #PRD011: Transformers Prime  Arms Micron Ozu

Reference Photo: #P00287


*Item #PRD012: Transformers Adventure TAV-12 Decepticon Dreadwing

Reference Photo: #P00288


*Item #PRD013: Transformers Arms Micron  Decepticon AM-30 Rumble

*Item #PRD014: Transformers Arms Micron  Decepticon AM-31 Frenzy

*Item #PRD015: Transformers Prime  Arms Micron Dago-R

*Item #PRD016: Transformers Prime  Arms Micron Dago-F

Reference Photo: #P00289


*Item #PRD017: Transformers Arms Micron  AM-34 Jet Vehicon General

*Item #PRD018: Transformers Prime  Arms Micron Igu S

Reference Photo: #P00290


*Item #PRD019: Transformers Prime  Cyberverse Vehicon

*Item #PRD020: Transformers Prime  Beast Hunters Cyberverse Jet Vehicon

Reference Photo: #P00291


*Item #PRD021: Transformers Prime  Insecticon

Reference Photo: #P00292


*Item #PRD022: Transformers Prime  Cyberverse Decepticon Knock Out

Reference Photo: #P00293


*Item #PRD023: Transformers Thrilling 30 Collecible Prime  Decepticon Shockwave

*Item #PRD024: Transformers Thrilling 30 Collectible Prime  Insecticon

Reference Photo: #P00294


*Item #PRD025: Transformers Prime  Robots in Disguise Vehicon (MOSC)

*Item #PRD026: Transformers Prime  First Edition Vehicon (MOSC)

Reference Photo: #P00295


*Item #PRD027: Transformers Prime  Beast Hunters Decepticon Soundwave (MOSC)

*Item #PRD028: Transformers Prime  Beast Hunters Decepticon Ravage (MOSC)

Reference Photo: #P00296


*Item #PRD029: Transformers Prime  Cyberverse Decepticon Flamewar (MOSC)

Reference Photo: #P00297


*Item #PRD030: Transformers Prime  Decepticon EZ-SP2 Breakdown (MOSC)

*Item #PRD031: Transformers Prime Cyberverse  Decepticon Breakdown (MOSC)

Reference Photo: #P00298


*Item #PRD032: Transformers Arms Micron  Decepticon AM-22 Dreadwing (MISB)

*Item #PRD033: Transformers Arms Micron  Jigu (MISB)

Reference Photo: #P00299


*Item #PRD034: Transformers Prime Cyberverse Decepticon Knock Out

*Item #PRD035: Transformers Prime Cyberverse Energon Driller (vehicle)

Reference Photo: #P00300


*Item #PRD036: Transformers Prime Star Seeker Thundertron

Reference Photo: #P00301


*Item #PRD037: Transformers Arms Micron  Shadow Gora

*Item #PRD038: Transformers Arms Micron  Shadow Balo

Reference Photo: #P00302


*Item #PRD039: McDonald’s Transfomers Prime Breakdown

Reference Photo: #P00303


*Item #PRD040: McDonald’s Transfomers Prime Decepticon Megatron

*Item #PRD041: McDonald’s Transfomers Prime Decepticon Starscream

*Item #PRD042: McDonald’s Transfomers Prime Decepticon Megatron (vehicle)

*Item #PRD043: McDonald’s Transfomers Prime Decepticon Starscream (vehicle)

Reference Photo: #P00304


*Item #PRD044: Kinder Surprise Transfomers Prime Decepticon Megatron

*Item #PRD045: Kinder Surprise Transfomers Prime Decepticon Starscream

*Item #PRD046: Kinder Surprise Transfomers Prime Decepticon Starscream (2nd unit)

*Item #PRD047: Kinder Surprise Transfomers Prime Decepticon Soundwave

*Item #PRD048: Kinder Surprise Transfomers Prime Decepticon Soundwave (2nd unit)

Reference Photo: #P00305


Transformers Prime Predacon Figures

Transformers Prime Predacons


*Item #PRP001: Transfomers Prime Predacon Predaking

Reference Photo: #P00306


*Item #PRP002: Transfomers Prime Predacon Skylynx

*Item #PRP003: Transfomers Prime Predacon Vertebreak

Reference Photo: #P00307


*Item #PRP004: Transfomers Prime Predacon Cindersaur

*Item #PRP005: Transfomers Prime Predacon Rot Gut

Reference Photo: #P00308


*Item #PRP006: Transfomers Prime Predacon Blight

*Item #PRP007: Transfomers Prime Predacon Windrazor

*Item #PRP008: Transfomers Prime Predacon Hun-Grrr

*Item #PRP009: Transfomers Prime Predacon Rippersnapper

*Item #PRP010: Transfomers Prime Predacon Twinstrike

Reference Photo: #P00309


Transformers Prime Gods Figures

*Item #PRG001: Transfomers Arms Micron Unicron

*Item #PRG002: Transfomers Arms Micron Bogu

Reference Photo: #P00310


Transformers Prime VS

*Item #PRV001: Transfomers Prime Robots in Disguise Autobot  Bumblebee (MISB)

*Item #PRV002: Transfomers Prime Human MECH Soldier (MISB)

*Item #PRV003: Transfomers Prime Human Silas (MISB)

*Item #PRV004: Transfomers Prime Robots in Disguise  Starscream (MISB)

Reference Photo: #P00311

Transformers Collection – Animated

And so the great cataloging of my personal Transformers Collection continues.

Animated still proves to be a much beloved and popular part of the Transformers cartoon franchise.  It saw a return to character-driven storylines with each Bot and Con portrayed as having special and unique powers.  With a touch of humour and new takes on classic characters, both the show and toyline proved incredibly popular with fans, especially with their unique visual asthetic.

Transformers Animated Collection


Transformers Animated Autobot Figures

Transformers Animated Autobots


*Item #ANA001: Transformers Animated Autobot Optimus Prime

*Item #ANA002: Transformers Animated Autobot Optimus Prime Cybertron Mode

(Reference: Photo #P00233)


Item #ANA003: Transformers Animated Autobot Ultra Magnus

(Reference: Photo #P00234)


Item #ANA004: Transformers Animated Autobot Blurr

Item #ANA005: Transformers Animated Autobot Sentinel Prime

Item #ANA006: Transformers Animated Autobot Jazz

(Reference: Photo #P00235)


Item #ANA007: Transformers Animated Autobot Ratchet

Item #ANA008: Transformers Animated Autobot Ratchet Cybertron Mode

(Reference: Photo #P00236)


Item #ANA009: Transformers Animated Autobot Prowl

Item #ANA010: Transformers Animated Autobot Bumblebee

(Reference: Photo #P00237)


Item #ANA011: Transformers Animated Autobot Bulkhead

(Reference: Photo #P00238)


Item #ANA012: Transformers Animated Autobot Rodimus Minor

Item #ANA013: Transformers Animated Autobot Ironhide

Item #ANA014: Transformers Animated Autobot Arcee

(Reference: Photo #P00239)


Item #ANA015: Transformers Animated Autobot Wreck Gar

(Reference: Photo #P00240)


Item #ANA016: Transformers Animated Autobot Bumblebee (Activators)

Item #ANA017: Transformers Animated Autobot Cliffjumper

(Reference: Photo #P00241)


Item #ANA018: Transformers Animated Autobot Jetstorm

Item #ANA019: Transformers Animated Autobot Jetfire

(Reference: Photo #P00242)


Item #ANA020: Transformers Animated Dinobot Snarl

Item #ANA021: Transformers Animated Dinobot Grimlock

Item #ANA022: Transformers Animated Dinobot Swoop

(Reference: Photo #P00243)


Item #ANA023: Transformers Timelines Animated Autobot Jackpot

(Reference: Photo #P00244)


Item #ANA024: Transformers Animated McDonalds Autobot Bumblebee

Item #ANA025: Transformers Animated McDonalds Autobot Optimus Prime

Item #ANA026: Transformers Animated McDonalds Autobot Ratchet

(Reference: Photo #P00245)


Transformers Animated Decepticon Figures

Transformers Animated Decepticons


Item #AND001: Transformers Animated Decepticon Megatron

Item #AND002: Transformers Animated Decepticon Megatron Cybertron Mode

(Reference: Photo #P00246)


Item #AND003: Transformers Animated Decepticon Shockwave

(Reference: Photo #P00247)


Item #AND004: Transformers Animated Decepticon Blitzwing

(Reference: Photo #P00248)


Item #AND005: Transformers Animated Decepticon Soundwave

Item #AND006: Transformers Animated Decepticon Laserbeak

(Reference: Photo #P00249)


Item #AND007: Transformers Animated Decepticon TA-35 Sunstorm (MISB)

Item #AND008: Transformers Animated Decepticon Starscream

Item #AND009: Transformers Animated Decepticon Skywarp

(Reference: Photo #P00250)


Item #AND010: Transformers Animated Decepticon Dirge

Item #AND011: Transformers Animated Decepticon Thundercracker

(Reference: Photo #P00251)


Item #AND012: Transformers Animated Decepticon  TA-20 Blackout

(Reference: Photo #P00252)


Item #AND013: Transformers Animated Decepticon Lockdown

(Reference: Photo #P00253)


Item #AND014: Transformers Animated Lugnut

(Reference: Photo #P00254)


Item #AND015: Transformers Animated Decepticon Swindle

(Reference: Photo #P00255)


Item #AND016: Transformers Animated Decepticon Wapinator

Item #AND017: Transformers Animated Decepticon Black Arachnia

(Reference: Photo #P00256)


Item #AND018: Transformers Animated Decepticon Oilslick

(Reference: Photo #P00257)


Item #AND019: Transformers Timelines Animated Stunticon Motormaster

Item #AND020: Transformers Timelines Animated Stunticon Dead End

Item #AND021: Transformers Timelines Animated Stunticon Dragstrip

Item #AND022: Transformers Timelines Animated Stunticon Breakdown

Item #AND023: Transformers Timelines Animated Stunticon Wildrider

(Reference: Photo #P00258)


Item #AND024: Transformers TMcDonalds Animated Decepticon Megatron

(Reference: Photo #P00259)

Transformers Collection – Cybertron

And the great journey of cataloging my collection continues!

In the 3nd installment of the Unicron Trilogy we got the Cybertron series.  The main gimmick with this series was the Cyber Planet Keys, which could unlock spring-activated weapons in both bots and vehicles.  It also saw the introduction of themed colony planets, which has now become a staple of Transformers lore.

Transformers Cybertron Action Figures
Transformers Cybertron Action Figures


Transformers Cybertron Autobot Figures

Transformers Cybertron Autobots
Transformers Cybertron Autobots


*Item #CYBA001: Transformers Cybertron Autobot Optimus Prime

(Reference: Photo #P00212)


*Item #CYBA002: Transformers Cybertron Autobot Metroplex

*Item #CYBA003: Transformers Cybertron Mini-Con Drill Bit

(Reference: Photo #P00213)


*Item #CYBA004: Transformers Cybertron Autobot Wing Sabre

*Item #CYBA005: Transformers Cybertron Autobot Jetfire

(Reference: Photo #P00214)


*Item #CYBA006: Transformers Cybertron Autobot Quickmix

*Item #CYBA007: Transformers Cybertron Autobot Vector Prime

*Item #CYBA008: Transformers Cybertron Autobot Evac

*Item #CYBA009: Transformers Cybertron Mini-Con Stripmine

*Item #CYBA010: Transformers Cybertron Mini-Con Safeguard

(Reference: Photo #P00215)


*Item #CYBA011: Transformers Cybertron Autobot Cybertron Defence Scattorshot

*Item #CYBA012: Transformers Cybertron Autobot Cybertron Defence Red Alert

*Item #CYBA013: Transformers Cybertron Autobot Cybertron Defence Hot Shot

(Reference: Photo #P00216)


*Item #CYBA014: Transformers Cybertron Autobot Longrack

*Item #CYBA015: Transformers Cybertron Autobot Override

*Item #CYBA016: Transformers Cybertron Autobot Hot Shot

*Item #CYBA017: Transformers Cybertron Autobot Downshift

*Item #CYBA018: Transformers Cybertron Autobot Landmine

*Item #CYBA019: Transformers Cybertron Autobot Smokescreen

(Reference: Photo #P00217)


*Item #CYBA020: Transformers Cybertron Autobot Scattorshot

*Item #CYBA021: Transformers Cybertron Autobot Clocker

*Item #CYBA022: Transformers Cybertron Autobot Swerve

*Item #CYBA023: Transformers Cybertron Autobot Repugnus

*Item #CYBA024: Transformers Cybertron Autobot Armorhide

*Item #CYBA025: Transformers Cybertron Autobot Overhaul

*Item #CYBA026: Transformers Cybertron Autobot Backstop

*Item #CYBA027: Transformers Cybertron Autobot Breakdown GTS

(Reference: Photo #P00218)


*Item #CYBA028: Transformers Cybertron Autobot Leo Breaker

(Reference: Photo #P00219)


Transformers Cybertron Decepticon Figures

Transformers Cybertron Decepticons
Transformers Cybertron Decepticons


*Item #CYBD001: Transformers Cybertron Decepticon Megatron

*Item #CYBD002: Transformers Cybertron Decepticon Scourge

(Reference: Photo #P00220)


*Item #CYBD003: Transformers Cybertron Decepticon Starscream

(Reference: Photo #P00221)


*Item #CYBD001: Transformers Cybertron Decepticon Crumplezone

*Item #CYBD002: Transformers Cybertron Decepticon Mudflap

(Reference: Photo #P00222)


*Item #CYBD001: Transformers Cybertron Decepticon Soundwave

*Item #CYBD002: Transformers Cybertron Decepticon Laserbeak

(Reference: Photo #P00223)


*Item #CYBD001: Transformers Cybertron Decepticon Dirt Boss

*Item #CYBD002: Transformers Cybertron Decepticon Thundercracker

*Item #CYBD001: Transformers Cybertron Decepticon Thunderblast

*Item #CYBD002: Transformers Cybertron Decepticon Cannonball

*Item #CYBD001: Transformers Cybertron Decepticon Runamuck

(Reference: Photo #P00224)


*Item #CYBD001: Transformers Cybertron Decepticon Shortround

*Item #CYBD002: Transformers Cybertron Decepticon Scrapmetal Thundercracker

*Item #CYBD001: Transformers Cybertron Decepticon Ransack

*Item #CYBD002: Transformers Cybertron Decepticon Hardtop

*Item #CYBD001: Transformers Cybertron Decepticon Lugnutz

(Reference: Photo #P00225)


*Item #CYBD001: Transformers Cybertron Decepticon Sunstorm

*Item #CYBD002: Transformers Cybertron Decepticon Sunstorm (MOSC)

(Reference: Photo #P00226)


*Item #CYBD002: Transformers Cybertron Decepticon Swindle (MOSC)

(Reference: Photo #P00227)


Transformers Cybertron Mini-Con Figures

*Item #CYMC001: Transformers Cybertron Giant Planet Team Mini-Con Longarm

*Item #CYMC002: Transformers Cybertron Giant Planet Team Mini-Con Overcast

*Item #CYBMC003: Transformers Cybertron Giant Planet Team Mini-Con Deepdive

(Reference: Photo #P00228)


*Item #CYBMC004: Transformers Cybertron Recon Team Mini-Con Reverb

*Item #CYBMC005: Transformers Cybertron Recon Team Mini-Con Jolt

*Item #CYBMC006: Transformers Cybertron Recon Team Mini-Con Six-Speed

(Reference: Photo #P00229)


*Item #CYBMC007: Transformers Cybertron Lunar Assault Team Decepticon Mini-Con Kobushi (MOSC)

*Item #CYBMC008: Transformers Cybertron Exploration Team Autobot Mini-Con Landslide (MOSC)

(Reference: Photo #P00230)


Transformers Cybertron Gods Figures

*Item #CYBG001: Transformers Cybertron Primus

(Reference: Photo #P00231)


*Item #CYBG002: Transformers Cybertron Unicron (disembodied head)

*Item #CYBG003: Transformers Cybertron Unicron

(Reference: Photo #P00232)


Transformers Collection – Armada

Transformers Collection – Energon

Transformers Collection – Energon

And the great journey of cataloging my collection continues!

In the 2nd installment of the Unicron Trilogy we got the Energon series.  This saw a rise of 2-bot combination and the return of some classic characters such as Scorponok and Omega Supreme.  Best of all, we got our first official Quintesson figure!


Transformer Energon Autobot Figures


*Item #ENA001: Transformers Energon Autobot Optimus Prime

(Reference: Photo #P00188)


*Item #ENA002: Transformers Energon Autobot Optimus Prime (Costco Exclusive)

(Reference: Photo #P00189)


*Item #ENA003: Transformers Energon Autobot Hot Shot

*Item #ENA004: Transformers Energon Autobot Rodimus

*Item #ENA005: Transformers Energon Autobot Downshift

*Item #ENA006: Transformers Energon Autobot Prowl

(Reference: Photo #P00190)


*Item #ENA007: Transformers Energon Autobot Tow-Line

(Reference: Photo #P00191)


*Item #ENA008: Transformers Energon Autobot Roadblock

*Item #ENA009: Transformers Energon Autobot Inferno

(Reference: Photo #P00192)


*Item #ENA010: Transformers Energon Autobot Ironhide

*Item #ENA011: Transformers Energon Autobot Jetfire

(Reference: Photo #P00193)


*Item #ENA012: Transformers Energon Autobot Landmine

*Item #ENA013: Transformers Energon Autobot Bulkhead

(Reference: Photo #P00194)


*Item #ENA014: Transformers Energon Dinobot Grimlock

*Item #ENA015: Transformers Energon Dinobot Swoop

(Reference: Photo #P00195)


*Item #ENA0016: Transformers Energon Autobot Omega Supreme

(Reference: Photo #P00196)


*Item #ENA017: Transformers Energon Omnicon Strongarm

*Item #ENA018: Transformers Energon Omnicon Signal Flare

*Item #ENA019: Transformers Energon Omnicon Arcee

(Reference: Photo #P00197)


*Item #ENA020: Transformers Energon Autobot Air Team Sky Shadow

*Item #ENA021: Transformers Energon Autobot Air Team Storm Jet

*Item #ENA022: Transformers Energon Autobot Air Team Treadshot

(Reference: Photo #P00198)


*Item #ENA023: Transformers Energon McDonald’s Autobot Ironhide (MIS-Bag)

*Item #ENA024: Transformers Energon McDonald’s Autobot Ironhide

(Reference: Photo #P00199)


*Item #ENA025: Transformers Energon Mini-Con Sureshock

*Item #ENA026: Transformers Energon Mini-Con High Wire

*Item #ENA027: Transformers Energon Mini-Con Grindor

(Reference: Photo #P00200)


Transformer Energon Decepticon Figures


*Item #END001: Transformers Energon Decepticon Megatron

(Reference: Photo #P00201)


*Item #END002: Transformers Energon Alpha Quintesson

(Reference: Photo #P00202)


*Item #END003: Transformers Energon Terrorcon Scorponok

*Item #END004: Transformers Energon Terrorcon Battle Ravage

*Item #END005: Transformers Energon Terrorcon Cruellock

*Item #END006: Transformers Energon Terrorcon Divebomb

*Item #END007: Transformers Energon Terrorcon Insecticon

(Reference: Photo #P00203)


*Item #END008: Transformers Energon Decepticon Shockblast

(Reference: Photo #P00204)


*Item #END009: Transformers Energon Decepticon Mirage

(Reference: Photo #P00205)


*Item #END010: Transformers Energon Decepticon Snowcat

*Item #END011: Transformers Energon Decepticon Starscream

*Item #END012: Transformers Energon Decepticon Demolisher

*Item #END013: Transformers Energon Decepticon Sharkticon

*Item #END014: Transformers Energon Decepticon Slugslinger

(Reference: Photo #P00206)


*Item #END015: Transformers Energon Decepticon Construction Team Sledge

*Item #END016: Transformers Energon Decepticon Construction Team Steamhammer

*Item #END017: Transformers Energon Decepticon Construction Team Duststorm

(Reference: Photo #P00207)


*Item #END018: Transformers Energon McDonald’s Decepticon Galvatron

(Reference: Photo #P00208)


*Item #END019: Transformers Energon McDonald’s Unicron

(Reference: Photo #P00209)


*Item #END020: Transformers Energon Decepticon Destruction Team Kickback

*Item #END021: Transformers Energon Decepticon Destruction Team Barricade

*Item #END022: Transformers Energon Decepticon Destruction Team Stormcloud

(Reference: Photo #P00210)


(5 Separate figures pictured in their combined form of Bruticus Maximus)

*Item #END023: Transformers United Decepticon Onslaught


*Item #END024: Transformers United Decepticon Brawl


*Item #END025: Transformers United Decepticon Vortex


*Item #END026: TFX Crossfires Explorer (3rd party)


*Item #END027: TFX Crossfires  Munitioner (3rd party)


(Reference: Photo #P00211)

Transformers Collection – Armada

Big Angry Trev and his Armada (toys)

And so the great undertaking of cataloging my massive collection continues!

Armada was a really fun Transformers toyline.  It introduced a whole new race of Transformers – Mini-Cons, who could attach to larger Transformers to unlock new abilities.  It also gave fans what we had been waiting for for nearly 20 years – a Unicron toy!


Transformer Armada Autobot Figures

*Item #ARA001: Transformers Armada Autobot Optimus Prime

*Item #ARA002: Transformers Armada Mini-Con Sparkplug

(Reference: Photo #P00163)


*Item #ARA003: Transformers Armada Autobot Jetfire

*Item #ARA004: Transformers Armada Mini-Con Comettor

(Reference: Photo #P00164)


*Item #ARA005: Transformers Armada Autobot Red Alert

*Item #ARA006: Transformers Armada Autobot Red Alert (2nd unit)

*Item #ARA007: Transformers Armada Mini-Con Longarm

(Reference: Photo #P00165)


*Item #ARA008: Transformers Armada Autobot Scavenger

*Item #ARA009: Transformers Armada Mini-Con Rollbar

(Reference: Photo #P00166)


*Item #ARA010: Transformers Armada Autobot Overload

*Item #ARA011: Transformers Armada Mini-Con Headmaster Rollout (combined with Overload)

(Reference: Photo #P00167)


*Item #ARA012: Transformers Armada Autobot Hot Shot

*Item #ARA013: Transformers Armada Mini-Con Jolt

(Reference: Photo #P00168)


*Item #ARA014: Transformers Armada Autobot Smokescreen

*Item #ARA015: Transformers Armada Mini-Con Liftor

(Reference: Photo #P00169)


*Item #ARA016: Transformers Armada Autobot Blurr

*Item #ARA017: Transformers Armada Mini-Con Incinerator

(Reference: Photo #P00170)


*Item #ARA018: Transformers Armada Autobot Sideswipe

*Item #ARA019: Transformers Armada Mini-Con Nightbeat

(Reference: Photo #P00171)


*Item #ARA020: Transformers Armada Autobot Laserbeak

*Item #ARA021: Transformers Armada Autobot Laserbeak (2nd unit)

(Reference: Photo #P00172)


*Item #ARA022: Transformers Armada McDonald’s Autobot Hot Shot

*Item #ARA023: Transformers Armada McDonald’s Autobot Hot Shot (2nd unit)

*Item #ARA024: Transformers Armada McDonald’s Autobot Hot Shot (3rd unit)

*Item #ARA025: Transformers Armada McDonald’s Autobot Hot Shot Smokescreen

(Reference: Photo #P00173)


*Item #ARA026: Transformers Armada Optimus Prime (keychain)

(Reference: Photo #P00174)



Transformer Armada Decepticon Figures

*Item ARD001#: Transformers Armada Decepticon Megatron

*Item ARD002#: Transformers Armada Mini-Con Leader-1

(Reference: Photo #P00175)


*Item #ARD003: Transformers Armada Decepticon Thundercracker

*Item #ARD004: 9ransformers Armada Mini-Con Zapmaster

*Item #ARD005: Transformers Armada Decepticon Starscream

*Item #ARD006: Transformers Armada Mini-Con Swindle

*Item #ARD007: Transformers Armada Decepticon Skywarp

*Item #ARD008: Transformers Armada Mini-Con Thunderclash

(Reference: Photo #P00176)


*Item #ARD009: Transformers Armada Decepticon Tidal Wave

*Item #ARD010: Transformers Armada Mini-Con Ramjet

(Reference: Photo #P00177)


*Item #ARD011: Transformers Armada Decepticon Demolishor

*Item #ARD012: Transformers Armada Mini-Con Blackout

(Reference: Photo #P00178)


*Item #ARD013: Transformers Armada Decepticon Cyclonus

*Item #ARD014: Transformers Armada Mini-Con Crumplezone

(Reference: Photo #P00179)


*Item #ARD015: Transformers Armada Decepticon Thrust

*Item #ARD016: Transformers Armada Mini-Con Inferno

(Reference: Photo #P00180)


*Item #ARD017: Transformers Armada Decepticon Predacon

*Item #ARD018: Transformers Armada Mini-Con Side Burn

*Item #ARD019: Transformers Armada Mini-Con Skid-Z

(Reference: Photo #P00181)



Transformer Armada Unicron Figures

*Item #ARU001: Transformers Armada Unicron

*Item #ARU002: Transformers Armada Mini-Con Dead End

(Reference: Photo #P00182)


*Item #ARU003: Transformers Armada Sideways

*Item #ARU004: Transformers Armada Mini-Con Rook

*Item #ARU005: Transformers Armada Mini-Con Crosswise

(Reference: Photo #P00183)



Transformer Armada Mini-Con Team Figures

*Item #ARM001: Transformers Armada Mini-Con Destruction Team Dualor

*Item #ARM002: Transformers Armada Mini-Con Destruction Team Drill Bit

*Item #ARM003: Transformers Armada Mini-Con Destruction Team Buzzsaw

(Reference: Photo #P00184)


*Item #ARM004: Transformers Armada Mini-Con Road Wrecker Team Dualor

*Item #ARM005: Transformers Armada Mini-Con Road Wrecker Team Drill Bit

*Item #ARM006: Transformers Armada Mini-Con Road Wrecker Team Buzzsaw

(Reference: Photo #P00185)


*Item #ARM007: Transformers Armada Mini-Con Sea Team Waterlog

*Item #ARM008: Transformers Armada Mini-Con Sea Team Oceanglide

*Item #ARM009: Transformers Armada Mini-Con Sea Team Stormcloud

(Reference: Photo #P00186)


*Item #ARM010: Transformers Armada Mini-Con Air Military Team Gunbarrel

*Item #ARM011: Transformers Armada Mini-Con Air Military Team Terradive

*Item #ARM012: Transformers Armada Mini-Con Air Military Team Thunderwing

(Reference: Photo #P00187)


Transformers Collection – Robots in Disguise (2001)

And so the great cataloging for my personal and ever expanding Transformers Collection continues!

Robots in Disguise (2001) came out just as my interest in collecting renewed itself after taking most of the 90’s off.  The return of the Autobot and Decepticon factions, along with all the vehicle modes and combiners helped bring me back into the fold.


(Note: All figures in photographs listed from Top Left to Bottom Right)


Transformers RID(01) Autobot Collection

*Item #RID01A01: Transformers RID(01) Autobot Optimus Prime

(Reference: Photo #P00151)


*Item #RID01A02: Transformers RID(01) Autobot Ultra Magnus

*Item #RID01A03: Transformers RID(01) (Basic Class) Autobot Ultra Magnus

(Reference: Photo #P00152)


*Item #RID01A04: Transformers RID(01) Autobot Storm Jet

(Reference: Photo #P00153)


*Item #RID01A05: Transformers RID(01) Dinobot Snarl

(Reference: Photo #P00154)


*Item #RID01A06: Transformers RID(01) Autobot Skid-Z

*Item #RID01A07: Transformers RID(01) Autobot Tow-Line

(Reference: Photo #P00155)


*Item #RID01A08: Transformers RID(01) Autobot Supercharge Mode Prowl

*Item #RID01A09: Transformers RID(01) Autobot Side Burn

*Item #RID01A10: Transformers RID(01) Autobot X-Brawn

(Reference: Photo #P00156)


*Item #RID01A11: Transformers RID(01) Autobot  Spychanger Ironhide

*Item #RID01A12: Transformers RID(01) Autobot Spychanger Daytonus

*Item #RID01A13: Transformers RID(01) Autobot Spychanger Hot Shot

*Item #RID01A14: Transformers RID(01) Autobot Spychanger Side Swipe

*Item #RID01A15: Transformers RID(01) Autobot Spychanger W.A.R.S

*Item #RID01A16: Transformers RID(01) Autobot Spychanger Crosswise

*Item #RID01A17: Transformers RID(01) Autobot Spychanger Prowl 2

*Item #RID01A18: Transformers RID(01) Autobot Spychanger Mirage

*Item #RID01A19: Transformers RID(01) Autobot Spychanger R.E.V

*Item #RID01A20: Transformers RID(01) Autobot Spychanger Side Burn

*Item #RID01A21: Transformers RID(01) Autobot Spychanger Mirage (2nd Unit)

(Reference: Photo #P00157)


*Item #RID01A22: Transformers RID(01) Autobot Build Team Grimlock

*Item #RID01A23: Transformers RID(01) Autobot Build Team Hightower

*Item #RID01A24: Transformers RID(01) Autobot Build Team Heavy Load

*Item #RID01A25: Transformers RID(01) Autobot Build Team Wedge

(Reference: Photo #P00158)


*Item #RID01A26: Transformers RID(01) Autobot Team Bullet Train Midnight Express

*Item #RID01A27: Transformers RID(01) Autobot Build Team Railspike

*Item #RID01A28: Transformers RID(01) Autobot Build Team Rapid Run

(Reference: Photo #P00159)


Transformers Robots in Disguise (2001) Decepticons

*Item #RID01D29: Transformers RID(01) Predacon Megatron


*Item #RID01D30: Transformers RID(01) Decepticon Skyfire

*Item #RID01D31: Transformers RID(01) Decepticon Wind Sheer

(Reference: Photo #P00160)


*Item #RID01D32: Transformers RID(01) Decepticon Dreadwind

*Item #RID01D33: Transformers RID(01) Decepticon Smokejumper

(Reference: Photo #P00161)


*Item #RID01D34: Transformers RID(01) Destructicon Scourge

*Item #RID01D35: Transformers RID(01) Destructicon Bludgeon

(Reference: Photo #P00162)


Video: The Transformatorium: EXTENDED CUT

I’m a Transformers collector.  For quite a while now, people have been asking to see more than just photo’s of The Transformatorium, my specially built shed housing over 4000 Transformer figures!  But doing a quick few vids with a camera phone to post online didn’t seem like it would really do the scope of the shed justice.

So in conjunction with Able Media Productions, for the first time we have proper footage of The Transformatorium in all its glory, as well as questions about the shed answered by yours truly.

The following video is the extended cut with 12 extra minutes of footage, showing through my personal collection a history of Transformers toys going back nearly 40 years!

If that sounds like a little too much looking at toys for you, the shorter 7.30 minute version can be found here.

Did you like this behind the scenes look at my lifes work?  Then say something nice in the comments section below 🙂 

The Transformatorium – most popular FAQ’s






I’ve been collecting Transformers for nearly 40 years.  For quite a while now, people have been asking to see more than just photo’s of The Transformatorium, my specially built shed housing over 4000 Transformer figures!  But doing a quick few vids with a camera phone to post online didn’t seem like it would really do the scope of the shed justice.

A film 39 years in the making

So in conjunction with Able Media Productions, for the first time we have proper footage of The Transformatorium in all its glory, as well as questions about the shed answered by yours truly.

So strap in and enjoy!  And if you like this video and are a rabid Transformers fan, then you might also enjoy the extended cut with 12 extra minutes of toy shelf footage, showing figures spanning the last 39 years!

Did you like this behind the scenes look at my lifes work?  Then say something nice in the comments section below 🙂 

The Transformatorium – most popular FAQ’s

Video: The Transformatorium: EXTENDED CUT


Transformers Collection – Beast Wars/Beast Machines/Machine Wars

And so the great cataloging for my personal and ever expanding Transformers Collection continues!

I pretty much took the 90’s off Transformer collecting, so my collection of original Beast Wars, Beast Machines and Machine Wars is so tiny I can pop them all in the one post!

(Note: All figures in photographs listed from Left to Right)


Transformers Beast Wars Collection

MOSC Reissues

*Item #BW0001: Transformers Beast Wars Maximal Rattrap (reissue) (MOSC)

*Item #BW0002: Transformers Beast Wars Maximal Cheetor (reissue) (MOSC)

(Reference: Photo #P00145)


Optimus Primal

*Item #BW0003: Transformers Beast Wars Maximal Optimus Primal (reissue) (MISB)

(Reference: Photo #P00146)


*Item #BW0004: Transformers Beast Wars Maximal Depth Charge

(Reference: Photo #P00147)



*Item #BW0005: Transformers Beast Wars  Predacon Waspinator (10th Anniversary reissue)

(Reference: Photo #P00148)


Transformers Beast Machines Collection

Vehicon Generals

*Item #BM0006: Transformers Beast Machines Vehicon General Jetstorm

*Item #BM0007: Transformers Beast Wars Vehicle General Tankor

(Reference: Photo #P00149)


Transformers Machine Wars Collection


*Item #MW0008: Transformers Machine Wars Soundwave

(Reference: Photo #P00150)