Category Archives: My Transformer Collection Showcase

This is a visual archive of my personal Transformers Collection. Everything from G1 Action Figures through to the latest toys and all Transformers related merchandise

Transformers Collection – Thrilling 30

And so the great cataloguing of my extensive collection continues,

Hasbro went all out when the Transformers reached it’s 30th anniversary of the franchise.  By this time Transformers popularity was at an all-time high, with successful movies, cartoons, toylines, video games and comics aplenty – enough to appease even the most die hard fan.

To celebrate this success, Hasbro launches the Thrilling 30 collection.  This consisted of a main toyline that, while primarily made up of new versions of G1 characters, also contained characters from other cartoons/toylines such as G2, Beast Wars & Beast Machines, RID01, Armada, TFPrime and even incorporated the Movieverse. Many of the Deluxe figures came with IDW comics, printed with special collectors edition covers of the characters.  It also brought out a line of tiny collectable figurines, and a line of special toys that were numbered from 1 to 30, incorporating convention exclusives, Masterpiece figures the fan-designed Windblade.

Thrilling 30 also saw the introduction of the Titan-class with Metroplex, the biggest figure since G1 Fortress Maximus.


Not included in this cataloging:

Thrilling 30 figures included elsewhere.

Figures from Transformers Prime and from the Masterpiece lines that are Thrilling 30 are cataloged elsewhere.  As are the associated comics.


My Transformers Thrilling 30 Collection

Transformers Thrilling 30 Autobots

Thrilling 30 Collectable Figurines

*Item #T30CFA001:Transformers Generation One Autobot Optimus Prime

*Item #T30CFSA002:Transformers Generation One Autobot Optimus Prime (2nd unit)

*Item #T30CFA003:Transformers Generation One Autobot Bumblebee

*Item #T30CFA004:Transformers Generation One Dinobot Grimlock

*Item #T30CFA005:Transformers Generation One Autobot Ratchet

*Item #T30CFA006:Transformers Generation One Autobot Rodimus

*Item #T30CFA007:Transformers Generation One Autobot Ultra Magnus


*Item #T30CFA008:Transformers Movieverse Ironhide (MOSC)

*Item #T30CFA009:Transformers Movieverse Bumblebee (MOSC)


30 Special Toys

– 17 of 30, Protectobots Emergency Response 3-Pack (MISB), including:

*Item #T30STA001: Transformers Protectobot First Aid (MISB)

*Item #T30STA002: Transformers Protectobot Streetsmart (MISB)

*Item #T30STA003: Transformers Protectobot Groove (MISB)


*Item #T30STA004: 21 of 30, Transformers Autobot Jetfire (MISB)


*Item #T30STA005: 29 of 30, Transformers Dinobot Grimlock

*Item #T30STA006: 29 of 30, Transformers Autobot Silver Knight Optimus Prime


*Item #T30STA007: 30 of 30, Transformers Autobot Windblade (MOSC)

*Item #T30STA008: 30 of 30, Transformers Autobot Windblade


Thrilling 30

*Item #T30A001: 006 Transformers Autobot Cosmos

*Item #T30A002: 001 Transformers Autobot Optimus Prime

*Item #T30A003: 008 Transformers Autobot Tailgate

*Item #T30A004: 006 Transformers Autobot Targetmaster Payload

*Item #T30A005: 001 Transformers Autobot Targetmaster Roller

*Item #T30A006: 008 Transformers Autobot Targetmaster Groundbuster


*Item #T30A007: 019 Transformers Autobot Cliffjumper

*Item #T30A008: 002 Transformers Autobot Bumblebee

*Item #T30A009: 019 Transformers Autobot Targetmaster Supressor

*Item #T30A010: 002 Transformers Autobot Targetmaster Blazemaster


*Item #T30A011: 010 Transformers Autobot Gears

*Item #T30A012: 005 Transformers Autobot Swerve

*Item #T30A013: 010 Transformers Autobot Targetmaster Eclipse

*Item #T30A014: 005 Transformers Autobot Targetmaster Flanker


*Item #T30A015: 005 Transformers Autobot Hoist

*Item #T30A016: 001 Transformers Autobot Trailcutter


*Item #T30A017: 002 Transformers Autobot Orion Pax


*Item #T30A018: 0010 Transformers Autobot Goldfire

*Item #T30A019: 004 Transformers Autobot Bumblebee

*Item #T30A020: 020 Transformers Autobot Nightbeat


*Item #T30A021: 009 Transformers Autobot Skids

*Item #T30A022: 016 Transformers Autobot Crosscut


*Item #T30A023: 014 Transformers Autobot Scoop

*Item #T30A024: 014 Transformers Autobot Holepunch

*Item #T30A025: 014 Transformers Autobot Caliburst


*Item #T30A026: 021 Transformers Autobot Arcee (MOSC)

*Item #T30A027: 022 Transformers Autobot Chromia (MOSC)

*Item #T30A028: 021 Transformers Autobot Arcee

*Item #T30A029: 022 Transformers Autobot Chromia


*Item #T30A030: 001 Transformers Autobot Springer

*Item #T30A031: 003 Transformers Autobot Sandstorm


*Item #T30A032: 006 Transformers Autobot Whirl

*Item #T30A033: 008 Transformers Autobot Roadbuster


*Item #T30A034: 009 Transformers Autobot Brainstorm


*Item #T30A035: 001 Transformers Scamper


*Item #T30A036: 001 Transformers Metroplex


Transformers Thrilling 30 Decepticons

Thrilling 30 Collectable Figurines

*Item #T30CFD001: Transformers Generation One Decepticon Starscream

*Item #T30CFD002: Transformers Generation One Decepticon Megatron

*Item #T30CFD003: Transformers Generation One Decepticon Megatron (2nd unit)

*Item #T30CFD004: Transformers Generation One Decepticon Soundwave

*Item #T30CFD005: Transformers Generation One Decepticon Shockwave


Thrilling 30

*Item #T30D001: 009 Transformers Decepticon Acid Storm

*Item #T30D002: 009 Transformers Insecticon Targetmaster Venin

*Item #T30D003: 003 Transformers Decepticon Starscream

*Item #T30D004: 003 Transformers Predacon Targetmaster Waspinator


*Item #T30D005: 004 Transformers Decepticon Megatron

*Item #T30D006: 018 Transformers Decepticon Nemesis Prime

*Item #T30D007: 004 Transformers Insecticon Targetmaster Chop Shop

*Item #T30D008: 018 Transformers Decepticon Targetmaster Spinister


*Item #T30D009: 007 Transformers Insecticon Skrapnel

*Item #T30D010: 007 Transformers Decepticon Targetmaster Reflector


*Item #T30D011: 003 Transformers Decepticon IDW Megatron

*Item #T30D012: 007 Transformers G2 Decepticon Dreadwing


*Item #T30D013: 012 Transformers WFC Decepticon Skywarp

*Item #T30D014: 006 Transformers WFC Decepticon Thundercracker


*Item #T30D015: 011 Transformers Armada Decepticon Starscream

*Item #T30D016: 018 Transformers Decepticon Jhiaxus


*Item #T30D017: 015 Transformers Beast Machines Vehicon Tankorr


*Item #T30D018: 008 Transformers Predacon Waspinator


*Item #T30D019: 004 Transformers Decepticon Doubledealer

*Item #T30D020: 002 Transformers Decepticon Blitzwing


*Item #T30D021: 007 Transformers RID(01) Predacon Sky-Byte


Thrilling 30 Mini-Con Figures

*Item #T3MC001: 013 Transformers Mini-Con Assault Team Heavytread

*Item #T30MC002: 013 Transformers Mini-Con Assault Team Windshear

*Item #T30MC003: 013 Transformers Mini-Con Assault Team Runway


Total Count: 74

Transformers Collection – Generations & Fall of Cybertron

And thus the great cataloguing of my collection continues.

Generations is now used as a general umberella term for the majority of Transformers toylines that aren’t specifically based on a movie or cartoon, despite those toylines having their own names such as Power of the Primes or Legacy.  However back in 2010 & 2011 the term first originated with its own Generations toyline. The toyline continued what many lines by this stage, such as Classics and Universe had done before, give fans new takes on classic characters, primarily from G1.    It’s international offshoot GDO, had more characters based on G1, however for some reused moulds from the Movieverse line.  Generations also introduced action figures based directly on the video game War for Cybertron.

In 2013 & 2014 it received it’s sequel toyline, Generations: Fall of Cybertron.  This line consisted exclusively of figures based around the Fall of Cybertron video game, including many characters who did not appear in game but were designed in a similar style.  FOC was supposed to fall into the ‘Aligned’ continuity, but given how G1 the characters were, most consider it much more of the G1 universe than that of Prime.


My Transformers Generations Collection

Transformers Generations Autobots

*Item #GENA001: Transformers Generations Autobot Red Alert

*Item #GENA002: Transformers Generations Autobot Blurr

*Item #GENA003: Transformers Generations Autobot Sergeant Kup

*Item #GENA004: Transformers Generations Autobot Wheeljack

*Item #GENA005: Transformers Generations Autobot Warpath

*Item #GENA006: Transformers Generations Junkion Junkheap

*Item #GENA007: Transformers Generations Autobot Drift


*Item #GENA008: Transformers GDO Protectobot Hot Spot


*Item #GENA009: Transformers GDO Autobot Swerve (MOSC)


*Item #GENA010: Transformers GDO Autobot Bluestreak

*Item #GENA011: Transformers GDO Autobot Hoist


*Item #GENA012: Transformers WFC Autobot Cliffjumper

*Item #GENA013: Transformers WFC Autobot Optimus Prime

*Item #GENA014: Transformers WFC Autobot Bumblebee


Transformers Generations Decepticons

*Item #GEND001: Transformers Generations Decepticon Skullgrin

*Item #GEND002: Transformers Generations Decepticon Darkmount

*Item #GEND003: Transformers Generations Decepticon Thunderwing

*Item #GEND004: Transformers Generations Decepticon Scourge

*Item #GEND005: Transformers Generations Decepticon Skyshadow


*Item #GEND006: Transformers Generations Decepticon Seeker Thundercracker

*Item #GEND007: Transformers Generations Decepticon Seeker Thrust


*Item #GEND008: Transformers Generations Decepticon Seeker Dirge

*Item #GEND009: Transformers Gentei! Gentei! Decepticon Seeker Dirge


*Item #GEND010: Transformers GDO Decepticon Powerdive


*Item #GEND011: Transformers GDO Stunticon Motorbreath

*Item #GEND012: Transformers GDO Decepticon Seeker Thundercracker


*Item #GEND013: Transformers WFC Decepticon Megatron

*Item #GEND014: Transformers WFC Decepticon Soundwave


My Transformers Generarations: Fall of Cybertron Figures

Fall of Cybertron Autobots

*Item #GFOCA001: Transformers FOC Autobot Ultra Magnus

*Item #GFOCA002: Transformers FOC Autobot Optimus Prime


*Item #GFOCA003: Transformers FOC Dinobot Grimlock


*Item #GFOCA004: Transformers FOC Autobot Blaster


*Item #GFOCA005: Transformers FOC Autobot Steeljaw

*Item #GFOCA006: Transformers FOC Autobot Eject

*Item #GFOCA007: Transformers FOC Autobot Rewind

*Item #GFOCA008: Transformers FOC Autobot Ramhorn

*Item #GFOCA009: Transformers FOC Autobot Sunder


*Item #GFOCA010: Transformers FOC Autobot Sideswipe

*Item #GFOCA011: Transformers FOC Autobot Jazz

*Item #GFOCA012: Transformers FOC Aerielbot Air Raid



*Item #GFOCA013: Transformers FOC Wrecker Impactor


Fall of Cybertron Decepticons

*Item #GFOCD001: Transformers FOC Decepticon Seeker Starscream


*Item #GFOCD002: Transformers FOC Insecticon Kickback

*Item #GFOCD003: Transformers FOC Decepticon Shockwave


*Item #GFOCD004: Transformers FOC Decepticon Soundwave

*Item #GFOCD005: Transformers FOC Decepticon Soundblaster


*Item #GFOCD006: Transformers FOC Decepticon Rumble

*Item #GFOCD007: Transformers FOC Decepticon Frenzy

*Item #GFOCD008: Transformers FOC Decepticon Ravage

*Item #GFOCD009: Transformers FOC Decepticon Ratbat

*Item #GFOCD010: Transformers FOC Decepticon Buzzsaw

*Item #GFOCD011: Transformers FOC Decepticon Laserbeak


*Item #GFOCD012: Transformers FOC Combaticon Onslaught

*Item #GFOCD013: Transformers FOC Combaticon Vortex

*Item #GFOCD014: Transformers FOC Combaticon Swindle

*Item #GFOCD015: Transformers FOC Combaticon Brawl


*Item #GFOCD016: Transformers Generations FOC Decepticon Combaticon Blast Off (MOSC)


Fall of Cybertron Exclusive G2 Bruticus Set (MISB)


*Item #GFOCD017: Transformers FOC G2 Combaticon Onslaught

*Item #GFOCD018: Transformers FOC G2 Combaticon Blast Off

*Item #GFOCD019: Transformers FOC G2 Combaticon Vortex

*Item #GFOCD020: Transformers FOC G2 Combaticon Swindle

*Item #GFOCD021: Transformers FOC G2 Combaticon Brawl


Total Count: 62

Transformers Collection – Transformers 2010

And thus the great cataloging of my collection continues.

The Transformers 2010 toyline is primarily made up of two sublines. The first of these was Hunt for the Decepticons, which was heavily infulenced by the Movieverse lines and indeed contained quite a few redeco’s of figures from the Revenge of the Fallen toyline.  Reveal the Shield was its successor, harking back to the Classics line with new versions of classic G1 characters – even bringing back the beloved rubsigns!

Neither of these two sublines of Transformers 2010 were ever specifically classified as belonging to either the Movieverse or the Generations line, so fans were free to decide whether the individual characters belonged in one universe or the other.  So if you think that HFTD Seaspray is a bitchin’ update to the G1 figure rather than an alternate Movieverse incarnation then you roll with it!


My Transformers 2010 Autobot Collection

Autobot Hunt for the Decepticons Figures


*Item #HFTDA001: Transformers HFTD Autobot Rescue Ratchet (MISB)


*Item #HFTDA002: Transformers HFTD Autobot Sea Spray

*Item #HFTDA003: Transformers HFTD Autobot Sea Spray (vehicle mode)


*Item #HFTDA004: Transformers HFTD Autobot Breacher


*Item #HFTDA005: Transformers HFTD Autobot Tomahawk


*Item #HFTDA006: Transformers HFTD Autobot Hubcap


*Item #HFTDA007: Transformers HFTD Autobot Sandstorm


Autobot Reveal the Shield Figures


*Item #RTSA001: Transformers RTS Autobot Solar Storm Grappel

*Item #RTSA002: Transformers RTS Autobot Strafe


*Item #RTSA003: Transformers RTS Autobot Rodimus

*Item #RTSA004: Transformers RTS G2 Autobot Laser Optimus Prime

*Item #RTSA005: Transformers RTS Junkion Wreck-Gar

*Item #RTSA006: Transformers RTS Autobot Perceptor

*Item #RTSA007: Transformers RTS Autobot Turbo Tracks

*Item #RTSA008: Transformers RTS Autobot Special Ops Jazz


*Item #RTSA009: Transformers RTS Autobot Windcharger


*Item #RTSA010: Transformers RTS Autobot Optimus Prime

*Item #RTSA011: Transformers RTS Autobot Trailcutter

*Item #RTSA012: Transformers RTS Autobot Prowl

*Item #RTSA013: Transformers RTS Autobot Gold Bumblebee


My Transformers 2010 Decepticon Collection

Decepticon Hunt for the Decepticons Figures


*Item #HFTDD001: Transformers HFTD Decepticon Axor

*Item #HFTDD002: Transformers HFTD Decepticon Banzaitron


*Item #HFTDD003: Transformers HFTD Decepticon Terradive

*Item #HFTDD004: Transformers HFTD Decepticon Jetblade

*Item #HFTDD005: Transformers HFTD Decepticon Hailstorm


*Item #HFTDD006: Transformers HFTD Decepticon Override


*Item #HFTDD007: Transformers HFTD ROTF Decepticon Insecticon


*Item #HFTDD008: Transformers HFTD Decepticon Brimstone

*Item #HFTDD009: Transformers HFTD Decepticon Brimstone (vehicle mode)


Decepticon Reveal the Shield Figures


*Item #RTSD001: Transformers RTS Decepticon Cyclonus

*Item #RTSD002: Transformers RTS Targetmaster Decepticon Nightstick


*Item #RTSD003: Transformers RTS Decepticon Megatron

*Item #RTSD004: Transformers RTS Decepticon Starscream


Count: 33


Transformers Collection – Universe

And thus the great cataloging of my collection continues.

Transformers Universe was… it was…. it was a bloody mess to be honest!

Starting out in 2003, it was intially a way to milk existing moulds.  It took figures from G2, Beast Wars, Beast Machines and the Unicron Trilogy and released them as their original characters with new colour schemes, or else repainted them into different characters completely.

Then it moved on to new characters and toys, such as making Micromaster combiners out of classic teams, and  limped along for several years, releasing a smattering of figures here and there, even pulling other toys under its umberella that really should be classified under different toylines such as figures from G1, Titanium, Robot Heroes and even Masterpiece.

Then in 2008 they revamped the line, with many new toys of existing G1 characters, picking up where the Classics line left off, making it quite popular until the line came to an end in 2010.  Some of the figures were also released under the Takara banner Henkei! Henkei!

Toys and characters from almost every continuity, Micromasters, Targetmasters, Combiners, Autobots, Decepticons, Predacons, Maximals, Mini-Cons, Spychangers, repaints, retools – the line had everything while at the same time specializing in nothing, and making it damn hard to keep track of for collectors.

So check out what I deemed worthy to grab with my personal Transformers Universe collection below!


My Transformers Universe Collection


Universe Autobot Figures


*Item #UNA001: Transformers Universe 25th Anniversary Autobot Optimus Prime (MISB)


*Item #UNA002: Transformers Universe Autobot Deluxe Prowl

*Item #UNA003: Transformers Universe Autobot Spychanger Prowl


*Item #UNA004: Transformers Universe Autobot Deluxe Hound

*Item #UNA005: Transformers Universe Autobot Scout Hound


*Item #UNA006: Transformers Universe Autobot Spychanger Silverstreak

*Item #UNA007: Transformers Universe Autobot Deluxe Silverstreak


*Item #UNA008: Transformers Universe Autobot Scout Jazz

*Item #UNA009: Transformers Universe Autobot Spychanger Jazz


*Item #UNA010: Transformers Universe Autobot Ironhide

*Item #UNA011: Transformers Universe Autobot Inferno

*Item #UNA012: Transformers Henkei! Henkei! Autobot Ratchet

*Item #UNA013: Transformers Universe Autobot Sunstreaker

*Item #UNA014: Transformers Universe Autobot Sideswipe

*Item #UNA015: Transformers Universe Autobot Smokescreen


*Item #UNA016: Transformers Universe Aerielbot Silverbolt

*Item #UNA017: Transformers Universe Autobot Hardhead

*Item #UNA018: Transformers Universe Autobot Powerglide


*Item #UNA019: Transformers Universe Autobot Blaster

*Item #UNA020: Transformers Universe Autobot Blackrock


*Item #UNA021: Transformers Universe Autobot Spychanger Wheeljack


*Item #UNA022: Transformers Universe Autobot Brawn

*Item #UNA023: Transformers Universe Autobot Beachcomber

*Item #UNA024: Transformers Universe Autobot Bumblebee


*Item #UNA025: Transformers Henkei! Henkei! C-19 Autobot Minibot Spy Team Wheelie

*Item #UNA026: Transformers Henkei! Henkei! C-19 Autobot Minibot Spy Team Cosmos

*Item #UNA027: Transformers Henkei! Henkei! C-19 Autobot Minibot Spy Team Warpath


*Item #UNA028: Transformers Universe Aerielbot Skydive

*Item #UNA029: Transformers Universe Aerielbot Air Raid


*Item #UNA030: Transformers Universe Protectobot Blades


*Item #UNA031: Transformers Universe Micromaster Protectobot First Aid

*Item #UNA032: Transformers Universe Micromaster Protectobot Groove


*Item #UNA033: Transformers Universe Micromaster Railbot Rapid Run

*Item #UNA034: Transformers Universe Micromaster Railbot Overload


Universe Decepticon Figures


*Item #UND001: Transformers Universe Decepticon Seeker Acid Storm (MOSC)


*Item #UND002: Transformers Universe Decepticon Tankor

*Item #UND003: Transformers Universe Decepticon Galvatron


*Item #UND004: Transformers Universe Ultra Combaticon  Onslaught

*Item #UND005: Transformers Universe Scount Combaticon  Onslaught


*Item #UND006: Transformers Universe Decepticon Cyclonus

*Item #UND007: Transformers Universe Decepticon Targetmaster Nightstick


*Item #UND008: Transformers Universe Decepticon Overkill

*Item #UND009: Transformers Universe Stunticon Drag Strip


*Item #UND010: Transformers Universe Decepticon Nemesis Strika


*Item #UND011: Transformers Universe Decepticon Seeker Thrust

*Item #UND012: Transformers Universe Decepticon Seeker Ramjet


*Item #UND013: Transformers Universe Decepticon Ravage


*Item #UND014: Transformers Universe Decepticon G2 Megatron


*Item #UND016: Transformers Universe Micromaster Constructicon Long Haul


*Item #UND017: Transformers Universe Decepticon Ramjet

*Item #UND018: Transformers Universe Decepticon Mini-Con Thunderclash


*Item #UND019: Transformers Universe Decepticon Mini-Con Gunbarrel

*Item #UND020: Transformers Universe Decepticon Mini-Con Thunderwing

*Item #UND021: Transformers Universe Decepticon Mini-Con Terradive


VS Packs

*Item #UNA036: Transformers Universe Autobot Wrecker Roadbuster (MISB)

*Item #UND022: Transformers Universe Decepticon Seeker Dirge (MISB)

*Item #UND037: Transformers Universe Autobot Wrecker Springer (MISB)

*Item #UND023: Transformers Universe Decepticon Ratbat (MISB)

Transformers Collection – Classics

And thus the great cataloging of my collection continues.

My Transformers Classics Collection

Classics was really the start of what would become an ongoing Generations line, though the term ‘Generations’ would not crop up for several more years.  With the first live action movie on the way, Hasbro wanted to revisit the original G1 characters and figures rather than do yet another alternate-universe cartoon spin-off of them like Robots in Disguise (2001) or Armada, something that we hadn’t seen since Generation 2.  So for the first time in over a decade we got characters designed to be updates of the G1 Bots and Cons many of us grew up with.  The concept proved so successful that it is still being used to this day!


My Classics Transformers Collection

Classics Autobot Figures


*Item #CGA001: Transformers Classics Autobot Optimus Prime

*Item #CGA002: Transformers Classics Autobot Optimus Prime (TUB set)


*Item #CGA003: Transformers Classics Voyager Autobot Jetfire

*Item #CGA004: Transformers Classics Scout Autobot Jetfire


*Item #CGA005: Transformers Classics Deluxe Autobot  Bumblebee

*Item #CGA006: Transformers Classics Scout Autobot Bumblebee


*Item #CGA007: Transformers Classics Autobot Ultra Magnus


*Item #CGA008: Transformers Classics Autobot Rodimus

*Item #CGA009: Transformers Classics Autobot Cliffjumper

*Item #CGA010: Transformers Classics Autobot  Mirage


*Item #CGA011: Transformers Classics Autobot Whirl


*Item #CGA012: Transformers Classics Autobot Mini-Con Night Rescue Team Divebomb

*Item #CGA013: Transformers Classics Autobot Mini-Con Night Rescue Team Strongarm

*Item #CGA014: Transformers Classics Autobot Mini-Con Night Rescue Team Firebot


*Item #CGA015: Transformers Classics Autobot Mini-Con Clear Skies Team Nightscream

*Item #CGA016: Transformers Classics Autobot Mini-Con Clear Skies Team Thunderwing

*Item #CGA017: Transformers Classics Autobot Mini-Con Clear Skies Team Steel Wind


*Item #CGA018: Transformers Classics Dinobot Grimlock


Classics Decepticon Figures


*Item #CGD001: Transformers Classics Decepticon Megatron

*Item #CGD002: Transformers Classics Decepticon Megatron (TUB set)


*Item #CGD003: Transformers Classics Decepticon Seeker Skywarp

*Item #CGD004: Transformers Classics Decepticon Seeker Starscream

*Item #CGD005: Transformers Classics Decepticon Seeker Ramjet


*Item #CGD006: Transformers Classics Decepticon Astrotrain


*Item #CGD007: Transformers Classics Decepticon Mini-Con Demolition Team Sledge

*Item #CGD008: Transformers Classics Decepticon Mini-Con Demolition Team Wideload

*Item #CGD009: Transformers Classics Decepticon Mini-Con Demolition Team Broadside

Transformers Collection – Cyberverse

And thus the great cataloging of my collection continues.

Transformers Cyberverse got off to a slow start.  Not a great amount of toys and most of those either Warrior-class or 1-step changers.  Also the cartoon was pretty lackluster, it seemed that, like the comics, it was the ‘Bumblebee & Windblade Show’ – two characters definetely overused in recent years.

Then in the second year Cyberverse really took off!  Better toys, way better cartoon and a much bigger range of characters in both.  Also Cyberverse brought back a something that had been missing from Transformers for a long time – humour!  Some of those cartoon episodes were genuinely funny, such as Wheeljack magnetizing an energon-infused Grimlock or Grimlock & Arcee standing on the prow of The Ark blasting asteroids with gattling guns while laughing their heads off!

Yes, like Robots in Disguise (15) Cyberverse is probably not the favorite iteration of Transformers for many fans, but seasons 2 to 4 were great fun and we got some cool figures – even our first official Scraplet!


Transformers Cyberverse Action Figure Collection

Cyberverse Autobot Figures


*Item #CV0001: Transformers Cyberverse Warrior Autobot Optimus Prime (MOSC)


*Item #CV0002: Transformers Cyberverse Deluxe Autobot  Optimus Prime

*Item #CV0003: Transformers Cyberverse Deluxe Autobot  Thunderhowl


*Item #CV0004: Transformers Cyberverse Deluxe Autobot  Bumblebee

*Item #CV0005: Transformers Cyberverse Roll & Combine Autobot  Bumblebee

*Item #CV0006: Transformers Cyberverse Warrior Autobot  Bumblebee


*Item #CV0007: Transformers Cyberverse Deluxe Autobot Hot Rod

*Item #CV0008: Transformers Cyberverse Warrior Autobot  Hot Rod


*Item #CV0009: Transformers  Cyberverse Ultra Dinobot Grimlock

*Item #CV0010: Transformers Cyberverse Warrior Dinobot Grimlock

Toys Review – Cyberverse: Grimlock & Shockwave


*Item #CV0011: Transformers Cyberverse Deluxe Dinobot Slug

*Item #CV0012: Transformers Cyberverse Ultra Dinobot Sludge

*Item #CV0013: Transformers Cyberverse Roll & Combine Dinobot Swoop

*Item #CV0014: Transformers Cyberverse Warrior Dinobot Snarl

Toys Review – Cyberverse Dinobots


*Item #CV0015: Transformers Cyberverse 1-step Autobot Repugnus

*Item #CV0016: Transformers Cyberverse 1-step Autobot Whirl

*Item #CV0017: Transformers Cyberverse 1-step Autobot Blurr


*Item #CV0018: Transformers Cyberverse Warrior Autobot Windblade

*Item #CV0019: Transformers Cyberverse Warrior Autobot Prowl

*Item #CV0020: Transformers Cyberverse Warrior Autobot Jetfire

*Item #CV0021: Transformers Cyberverse Warrior Autobot Arcee

Toy Review: Cyberverse Prowl


*Item #CV0022: Transformers Cyberverse Autobot Wheeljack (MOSC)

*Item #CV0023: Transformers Cyberverse Autobot Windblade (MOSC)


*Item #CV0024: Transformers Cyberverse Autobot Cosmic Patrol Prowl (MOSC)

*Item #CV0025: Transformers Cyberverse Autobot Blizzard Breaker Ratchet (MOSC)


*Item #CV0026: Transformers Cyberverse Autobot TCV-26 Jazz (MOSC)


*Item #CV0027: Transformers Cyberverse Ultra Autobot Rack’n’Ruin

*Item #CV0028: Transformers Cyberverse Ultra Autobot Alpha Trion

Toy Review – Cyberverse Alpha Trion


*Item #CV0029: Transformers Cyberverse Busy Books Autobot Bumblebee

*Item #CV0030: Transformers Cyberverse Busy Books Autobot Optimus Prime

*Item #CV0031: Transformers Cyberverse Busy Books Autobot Hot Rod

*Item #CV0032: Transformers Cyberverse Busy Books Autobot Bumblebee vehicle

*Item #CV0033: Transformers Cyberverse Busy Books Autobot Optimus Prime vehicle

*Item #CV0034: Transformers Cyberverse Busy Books Autobot Hot Rod vehicle


Cyberverse Decepticon Figures


*Item #CV0035: Transformers Cyberverse Elite Decepticon Megatron

*Item #CV0036: Transformers Cyberverse Deluxe Decepticon Megatron


*Item #CV0037: Transformers Cyberverse 1-Step Decepticon Megatron X


*Item #CV0038: Transformers Cyberverse Ultra Decepticon Shockwave

*Item #CV0039: Transformers Cyberverse Warrior Decepticon  Shockwave

*Item #CV0040: Transformers Cyberverse Deluxe Decepticon  Shockwave

Toys Review – Cyberverse Deluxe Class, Wave 1


*Item #CV0041: Transformers Cyberverse Decepticon Solar Shock Shockwave (MOSC)

*Item #CV0042: Transformers Cyberverse Decepticon Demolition Destryoyer Starscream (MOSC)


*Item #CV0043: Transformers Cyberverse Warrior Decepticon Deadlock

*Item #CV0044: Transformers Cyberverse Warrior Decepticon Acid Storm

*Item #CV0045: Transformers Cyberverse 1-Step Decepticon Bludgeon

*Item #CV0046: Transformers Cyberverse Warrior Deepticon Dead End

Toy Review – Cyberverse: Acid Storm


*Item #CV0047: Transformers Cyberverse Warrior Decepticon  Slipstream (MOSC)


*Item #CV0048: Transformers Cyberverse Ultra Decepticon  Slipstream

*Item #CV0049: Transformers Cyberverse Ultra Decepticon Starscream

Toy Review: Cyberverse Slipstream (Ultra)


*Item #CV0050: Transformers Cyberverse Ultra Decepticon Clobber

*Item #CV0051: Transformers Cyberverse Ultra Decepticon Ramjet

*Item #CV0052: Transformers Cyberverse Ultra Decepticon Wildwheel


*Item #CV0053: Transformers Cyberverse Scout Decepticon Ramjet (MOSC)

*Item #CV0054: Transformers Cyberverse Scout Decepticon Shadow Striker (MOSC)

*Item #CV0055: Transformers Cyberverse Scout Decepticon Dead End (MOSC)


*Item #CV0056: Transformers Cyberverse Deluxe Decepticon Soundwave

*Item #CV0057: Transformers Cyberverse Decepticon Laserbeak

*Item #CV0058: Transformers Cyberverse Warrior Decepticon Soundwave

Toy Review – Cyberverse Soundwave


*Item #CV0059: Transformers Cyberverse Ultra Decepticon Skullcruncher


*Item #CV0060: Transformers Cyberverse Busy Books Decepticon Soundwave

*Item #CV0061: Transformers Cyberverse Busy Books Decepticon Megatron

*Item #CV0062: Transformers Cyberverse Busy Books Decepticon Starscream

*Item #CV0063: Transformers Cyberverse Busy Books Decepticon Soundwave vehicle

*Item #CV0064: Transformers Cyberverse Busy Books Decepticon Megatron vehicle

*Item #CV0065: Transformers Cyberverse Busy Books Decepticon Starscream vehicle


Other Cyberverse Character Figures


*Item #CV0066: Transformers Cyberverse (Alchemist Prime)  MacAddams

*Item #CV0067: Transformers Cyberverse Titan Iaconus


*Item #CV0068: Transformers Cyberverse Scraplet


*Item #CV0069: Transformers Cyberverse Warrior Sharkticon Gnaw


-Quintesson Invasion Pack (MISB). Including:

*Item #CV0070: Transformers Cyberverse Prowl

*Item #CV0071: Transformers Cyberverse Quintesson Judge

*Item #CV0072: Transformers Cyberverse Decepticon Shockwave


-Sharkticons Attack Pack (MISB). Including

*Item #CV0073: Transformers Cyberverse Autobot Stealth Force Hot Rod

*Item #CV0074: Transformers Cyberverse Sharkticon 1

*Item #CV0075: Transformers Cyberverse Sharkticon 2

*Item #CV0076: Transformers Cyberverse Sharkticon 3


Transformers Collection – Animated


Transformers Collection – Robots in Disguise (2015)

And thus the great cataloging of my personal collection continues.

Transformers Robots in Disguise (15) was very much an “Eh – it was ok” entry into the Transformers multiverse.  Set in the Aligned Continuity, it was meant to be the sequel to Transformers Prime and run cocurrent to Transformers Rescue Bots.  However whilst Prime impressed fans with its ongoing mature storyline, impressive graphics and excellet figures, Robots in Disguise was far more simplistic and considered a downgrade.  The cartoon became a The Tick like show where the team battled a differently themed bad guy each week, and the toyline introduced Warrior-class and 1-step changer toys – simplistic toys with simplistic transformations.

Whilst never hated like Kiss Players, Robots in Disguise (15) failed to impress anyone, and will remain a cartoon and toyline that the majority of fans feel ambivelent about.   At least we got some better figures from other toylines RID crossed over with such as Adventure and Go! 


Transformers Robots In Disguise (15)/Adventure Action Figure List

Autobot Figures


*Item #RID150001: Transformers Robots in Disguise Autobot Mega Optimus Prime

*Item #RID150002: Transformers Robots in Disguise Autobot Optimus Prime


*Item #RID150003: Transformers Robots in Disguise Autobot Drift

*Item #RID150004: Transformers Robots in Disguise Mini-Con Jetstorm

*Item #RID150005: Transformers Robots in Disguise Mini-Con Slipstream


*Item #RID150006: Transformers Robots in Disguise Strongarm

*Item #RID150007: Transformers Robots in Disguise 9 (1-step) Strongarm


*Item #RID150008: Transformers Robots in Disguise Sideswipe

*Item #RID150009: Transformers Robots in Disguise Activator Sideswipe

*Item #RID150010: Transformers Robots in Disguise Mini-Con Great Byte


*Item #RID150011: Transformers Robots in Disguise Twinferno

*Item #RID150012: Transformers Robots in Disguise Bumblebee

*Item #RID150013: Transformers Robots in Disguise Blurr

*Item #RID150014: Transformers Adventure TAV23 Jazz

*Item #RID150015: Transformers Robots in Disguise Stormshot

*Item #RID150016: Transformers Robots in Disguise Windblade

*Item #RID150017: Transformers Adventure TAV59 Ratchet


*Item #RID150018: Transformers Robots in Disguise Dinobot Grimlock

*Item #RID150019: Transformers Robots in Disguise (1-step) Gold Armour Grimlock


*Item #RID150020: Transformers Robots in Disguise Mini-Con Sawback

*Item #RID150021: Transformers Robots in Disguise Mini-Con Windstrike

*Item #RID150022: Transformers Robots in Disguise Mini-Con Velocirazor

*Item #RID150023: Transformers Robots in Disguise Mini-Con Sawtooth

*Item #RID150024: Transformers Robots in Disguise Mini-Con Beastbox

*Item #RID150025: Transformers Robots in Disguise Mini-Con Tricerashot


*Item #RID150026: Transformers Robots in Disguise Mini-Con Bashbreaker


*Item #RID150027: Transformers Robots in Disguise Mini-Con Fixit


*Item #RID15MD0028: Transformers Robots in Disguise Autobot Optimus Prime

*Item #RID15MD0029: Transformers Robots in Disguise Autobot Optimus Prime(V2)


*Item #RID15MD0030: Transformers Robots in Disguise Dinobot Grimlock

*Item #RID15MD0031: Transformers Robots in Disguise Dinobot Grimlock (V2)

*Item #RID15MD0032: Transformers Robots in Disguise Dinobot Grimlock (V2) (MISB)


*Item #RID15MD0033: Transformers Robots in Disguise Autobot Bumblebee

*Item #RID15MD0034: Transformers Robots in Disguise Autobot Bumblebee (V2)

*Item #RID15MD0035: Transformers Robots in Disguise Autobot Bumblebee (MISB)

*Item #RID15MD0036: Transformers Robots in Disguise Autobot Bumblebee (MISB)


*Item #RID15MD0037: Transformers Robots in Disguise Autobot Strongarm

*Item #RID15MD0038: Transformers Robots in Disguise Autobot Drift

*Item #RID15MD0039: Transformers Robots in Disguise Autobot Sideswipe


*Item #RID150040: Transformers Robots in Disguise TAV10 Dinobot Slug


**Item #RID150041: Transformers Robots in Disguise Optimus Prime vehicle (MOSC)


*Item #RIDTT0042: Transformers Robots in Disguise Tiny Titans Autobot Optimus Prime


*Item #RIDGO0043: Transformers Go! Kenzan

*Item #RIDGO0044: Transformers Go! Ganoh


Decepticon Figures


*Item #RID150001: Transformers Robots in Disguise Megatronus

*Item #RID150002: Transformers Adventure TAV37 Megatronus


*Item #RID150003: Transformers Robots in Disguise Decepticon Starscream

*Item #RID150004: Transformers Robots in Disguise Mini-Con Lancelon


*Item #RID150005: Transformers Robots in Disguise Decepticon Chompazoid Underbite

*Item #RID150006: Transformers Robots in Disguise Decepticon Quillfire

*Item #RID150007: Transformers Robots in Disguise Decepticon Amphiboid Springload


*Item #RID150008: Transformers Robots in Disguise Decepticon Fracture

*Item #RID150009: Transformers Robots in Disguise Mini-Con Airazor

*Item #RID150010: Transformers Robots in Disguise Mini-Con Divebomb


*Item #RID150011: Transformers Robots in Disguise Decepticon Overload

*Item #RID150012: Transformers Robots in Disguise Mini-Con Backtrack


*Item #RID150013: Transformers Robots in Disguise Decepticon Crazybolt

*Item #RID150014: Transformers Robots in Disguise Decepticon Crazybolt (vehicle)

*Item #RID150015: Transformers Robots in Disguise Mini-Con Hammer


*Item #RID150016: Transformers Robots in Disguise Decepticon (Warrior) Soundwave

*Item #RID150017: Transformers Robots in Disguise Decepticon (Activator) Soundwave

*Item #RID150018: Transformers Robots in Disguise Decepticon Mini-Con Laserbeak

*Item #RID150019: Transformers Robots in Disguise Decepticon Mini-Con Ratbat


*Item #RID150020: Transformers Robots in Disguise Decepticon Thermoidor

*Item #RID150021: Transformers Adventure TAV38 Decepticon Thunderhoof

*Item #RID150022: Transformers Robots in Disguise Decepticon Skywarp

*Item #RID150023: Transformers Robots in Disguise Decepticon Bludgeon

*Item #RID150024: Transformers Robots in Disguise Decepticon Steeljaw


*Item #RID150025: Transformers Robots in Disguise Decepticon Clampdown

*Item #RID150026: Transformers Robots in Disguise Decepticon Cyclonus

*Item #RID150027: Transformers Robots in Disguise Decepticon Groundbuster


*Item #RID150028: Transformers Robots in Disguise Combiner Force Decepticon Bisk (MOSC)


-Combiner Menasor, consisting of:

*Item #RID150029: Transformers Robots in Disguise Stunticon Motormaster


*Item #RID150030: Transformers Robots in Disguise Stunticon Drag Strip

(right arm)

*Item #RID150031: Transformers Robots in Disguise Stunticon Wildbreak

(left arm)

*Item #RID150032: Transformers Robots in Disguise Stunticon Heatseeker

(right leg)

*Item #RID150033: Transformers Robots in Disguise Stunticon Slashmark

Left (leg)

*Item #RID150034: Transformers Robots in Disguise Stunticon Crash Combiner Drag Strip

*Item #RID150035: Transformers Robots in Disguise Stunticon Crash Combiner Wildbreak


*Item #RID150036: Transformers Robots in Disguise Decepticon Crash Combiner Warnado

*Item #RID150037: Transformers Robots in Disguise Decepticon Crash Combiner Shockdrive


*Item #RID150038: Transformers Robots in Disguise Mini-Con Swelter

*Item #RID150039: Transformers Robots in Disguise Mini-Con Doomitron

*Item #RID150040: Transformers Robots in Disguise Mini-Con Lord Back

*Item #RID150041: Transformers Robots in Disguise Mini-Con Sandsting

*Item #RID150042: Transformers Robots in Disguise Mini-Con Dragonus


*Item #RID150043: Transformers Adventure TAV08 Decepticon Gregevor (MOSC)


*Item #RID150044: Transformers Adventure TED-05 Decepticon Junkion


*Item #RID15MD0045: Transformers Robots in Disguise Chompazoid Underbite


*Item #RID150046: Transformers Robots in Disguise Steeljaw (vehicle) (MOSC)


*Item #RIDTT0047: Transformers Robots in Disguise Tiny Titans Fracture

*Item #RIDTT0048: Transformers Robots in Disguise Tiny Titans Fracture ((2nd unit)

*Item #RIDTT0049: Transformers Robots in Disguise Tiny Titans Steeljaw

*Item #RIDTT0050: Transformers Robots in Disguise Tiny Titans Minimus Ambus

*Item #RIDTT0051: Transformers Robots in Disguise Tiny Titans Minimus Ambus (2nd unit)

*Item #RIDTT0052: Transformers Robots in Disguise Tiny Titans Thunderhoof

*Item #RIDTT0053: Transformers Robots in Disguise Tiny Titans Terrashock

*Item #RIDTT0054: Transformers Robots in Disguise Tiny Titans Nightstrike

*Item #RIDTT0055: Transformers Robots in Disguise Tiny Titans Filch


Transformers Collection – Prime

Transformers Collection – Rescue Bots

Transformers Collection – Toyline Cards

To take a little break from cataloging action figures, I decided to catalog my Transformers Trading Cards.

However its been a much bigger task than I thought  Where I thought I had a few hundred, it turns out I have over a thousand!

So I’ve broken my card collection into catagories such as Movieverse cards and TCG cards, and here we are with the 3rd category – Toyline Cards.


Transformer Toyline Trading Cards


G1 Reissues

*Item #GRTC001:  Decepticon Nautilator

*Item #GRTC002: Overbite

*Item #GRTC003: Decepticon Seawing

*Item #GRTC004: Skalor

*Item #GRTC005: Decepticon Tentakil

*Item #GRTC006: Decepticon Snap Trap

*Item #GRTC007: Decepticon Piranacon


Encore/JP Reissues

*Item #ETC001: 16 Special

*Item #ETC002: D-62-S

*Item #ETC003: E-Hobby 68

*Item #ETC004: D-73

*Item #ETC005: D-74

*Item #ETC006: D-75

*Item #ETC007: D-76

*Item #ETC008: D-77

*Item #ETC009: D-78


*Item #ETC010: Encore 05

*Item #ETC011: Encore 06

*Item #ETC012: Encore 13

*Item #ETC013: 46


Robots in Disguise (2001)

*Item #RIDTC001: Dreadwing

*Item #RIDTC002: Smokejumper



*Item #ATC001: Optimus Prime

*Item #ATC002: Jetfire

*Item #ATC003: Sideswipe

*Item #ATC004: Blurr

*Item #ATC005: Smokescreen

*Item #ATC006: Scavenger

*Item #ATC007: Overload

*Item #ATC008: Red Alert

*Item #ATC009: Hot Shot

*Item #ATC010: Megatron

*Item #ATC011: Tidal Wave

*Item #ATC012: Demolishor

*Item #ATC013: Starscream

*Item #ATC014: Skywarp

*Item #ATC015: Thundercracker

*Item #ATC016: Cyclonus

*Item #ATC017: Predacon

*Item #ATC018: Thrust

*Item #ATC019: Sideways

*Item #ATC020: Unicron

*Item #ATC021: Laserbeak

*Item #ATC022: Laserbeak (2nd unit)



*Item #ETC001: Optimus Prime

*Item #ETC002: Rodimus

*Item #ETC003: Jetfire

*Item #ETC004: Omega Supreme

*Item #ETC005: Prowl

*Item #ETC006: Inferno

*Item #ETC007: Hot Shot

*Item #ETC008: Roadblock

*Item #ETC009: Downshit

*Item #ETC010: Ironhide

*Item #ETC011: Tow-Line

*Item #ETC012: Landmine

*Item #ETC013: Bulkhead

*Item #ETC014: Storm Jet

*Item #ETC015: Grimlock & Swoop


*Item #ETC016: Megatron

*Item #ETC017: Scorponok

*Item #ETC018: Starscream

*Item #ETC019: Shockblast

*Item #ETC020: Slugslinger

*Item #ETC021: Barricade

*Item #ETC022: Snow Cat

*Item #ETC023: Demolishor

*Item #ETC024: Steamhammer

*Item #ETC025: Sharkticon

*Item #ETC026: Alpha Quintesson

*Item #ETC027: Mirage


Transformers Go!

*Item #GOTC001: Junbu (robot)

*Item #GOTC002: Jinbu (vehicle)

*Item #GOTC003: Jinbu (combined)

*Item #GOTC004: Ganoh (robot)

*Item #GOTC005: Ganoh (vehicle)

*Item #GOTC006: Ganoh (combined)

*Item #GOTC007: Kenzan (robot)

*Item #GOTC008: Kenzan (vehicle)

*Item #GOTC009: Kenzan (combined)


Henkei! Henkei!

*Item #HHTC001: C-19 Cosmos

*Item #HHTC002: C-19 Warpath

*Item #HHTC003: C-19 Wheelie


Transformers Music Label

*Item #MLTC001: Soundwave


Thrilling 30 Collectibles

*Item #T30TC001: 1/30 Optimus Prime

*Item #T30TC002: 2/30 Megatron

*Item #T30TC003: 3/30 Ratchet

*Item #T30TC004: 4/30 Starscream

*Item #T30TC005: 5/30 Soundwave

*Item #T30TC006: 18/30 Ultra Magnus

*Item #T30TC007: 19/30 Grimlock

*Item #T30TC008: 20/30 Rodimus

*Item #T30TC009: 22/30 Prime Shockwave

*Item #T30TC010: 23/30 Prime Wheeljack

*Item #T30TC011: 25/30 Prime Insecticon


Combiner Wars

*Item #CWTC001: Optimus Prime

*Item #CWTC002: Rodimus

*Item #CWTC003: Wreck-Gar

*Item #CWTC004: Silverbolt

*Item #CWTC005: Alpha Bravo

*Item #CWTC006: Skydive

*Item #CWTC007: Firefly

*Item #CWTC008: Powerglide

*Item #CWTC009: Victorion

*Item #CWTC010: Computron

*Item #CWTC011: Scattershot

*Item #CWTC012: Sky Lynx

*Item #CWTC013: Hot Spot

*Item #CWTC014: Groove

*Item #CWTC015: Windcharger

*Item #CWTC016: Huffer

*Item #CWTC017: Pipes

*Item #CWTC018: Warpath


*Item #CWTC019: Megatron

*Item #CWTC020: Armada Megatron

*Item #CWTC021: Shockwave

*Item #CWTC022: Starscream

*Item #CWTC023: Thundercracker

*Item #CWTC024: Thundercracker 2

*Item #CWTC025: Cyclonus

*Item #CWTC026: Skywarp

*Item #CWTC027: Skywarp 2

*Item #CWTC028: Devestator

*Item #CWTC029: Liokaiser

*Item #CWTC030: Onslaught

*Item #CWTC031: Motormaster

*Item #CWTC032: Drag Strip

*Item #CWTC033: Blackjack

*Item #CWTC034: Blackjack (2nd unit)

*Item #CWTC035: Bombshell

*Item #CWTC036: Chop Shop

*Item #CWTC037: Buzzsaw

*Item #CWTC038: Viper


Titans Return

*Item #TRTC001: Powermaster Optimus Prime

*Item #TRTC002: Sentinel Prime

*Item #TRTC003: Alpha Trion

*Item #TRTC004: Blaster

*Item #TRTC005: Rewind

*Item #TRTC006: Stripes

*Item #TRTC007: Bumblebee

*Item #TRTC008: Cosmos

*Item #TRTC009: Seaspray

*Item #TRTC010: Perceptor

*Item #TRTC011: Road Burn

*Item #TRTC012: Wheelie

*Item #TRTC013: Chromedome

*Item #TRTC014: Hardhead

*Item #TRTC015: Highbrow

*Item #TRTC016: Hot Rod

*Item #TRTC017: Seargeant Kup

*Item #TRTC018: Blurr

*Item #TRTC019: Broadside

*Item #TRTC020: Topspin

*Item #TRTC021: Twin Twist

*Item #TRTC022: Breakaway

*Item #TRTC023: Windblade

*Item #TRTC024: Twinferno

*Item #TRTC025: Fortress Maximus


*Item #TRTC026: Brawn


*Item #TRTC027: Galvatron

*Item #TRTC028: Scourge

*Item #TRTC029: Soundwave

*Item #TRTC030: Rumble

*Item #TRTC031: Laserbeak

*Item #TRTC032: Ravage

*Item #TRTC033: Wolfwire

*Item #TRTC034: Skullsmasher

*Item #TRTC035: Mindwipe

*Item #TRTC036: Six Shot

*Item #TRTC037: Blitzwing

*Item #TRTC038: Octone

*Item #TRTC039: Sky Shadow

*Item #TRTC040: Triggerhappy

*Item #TRTC041: Misfire

*Item #TRTC042: Quake

*Item #TRTC043: Krok

*Item #TRTC044: Kickback

*Item #TRTC045: Trypticon

*Item #TRTC046: Gnaw

*Item #TRTC047: Gnaw (2nd unit)


Power of the Primes

*Item #POTPTC001: Optimus Prime

*Item #POTPTC002: Rodimus Prime

*Item #POTPTC003: Wreck-Gar

*Item #POTPTC004: Optimal Optimus

*Item #POTPTC005: Elita-1

*Item #POTPTC006: Novastar

*Item #POTPTC007: Moonracer

*Item #POTPTC008: Beachcomber

*Item #POTPTC009: Tailgate

*Item #POTPTC010: Outback

*Item #POTPTC011: Grimlock

*Item #POTPTC012: Slug

*Item #POTPTC013: Sludge

*Item #POTPTC014: Swoop

*Item #POTPTC015: Snarl

*Item #POTPTC016: Slash

*Item #POTPTC017: Windcharger

*Item #POTPTC018: Jazz

*Item #POTPTC019: Inferno


*Item #POTPTC020: Starscream

*Item #POTPTC021: Blackwing

*Item #POTPTC022: Dreadwind

*Item #POTPTC023: Rodimus Unicronus

*Item #POTPTC024: Hun-Grrr

*Item #POTPTC025: Blot

*Item #POTPTC026: Rippersnapper

*Item #POTPTC027: Cutthroat

*Item #POTPTC028: Sinnertwin

*Item #POTPTC029: Roadtrap

*Item #POTPTC030: Battleslash

*Item #POTPTC031: Cindersaur


Kingdom Cards

*Item #KTC001: Optimus Prime

*Item #KTC002: Nemesis Prime

*Item #KTC003: Blackarachnia

*Item #KTC004: Blackarachnia (2nd unit)

*Item #KTC005: Blackarachnia (scanning)

*Item #KTC006: Blackarachnia (Predacon)

*Item #KTC007: Blackarachnia (Maximal)

*Item #KTC008: Blackarachnia (Maximal) (2nd unit)

*Item #KTC009: Ark

*Item #KTC010: Ark (Decepticon)

*Item #KTC011: Ark (Robot)

*Item #KTC012: Ark 1984

*Item #KTC013: Dinobot

*Item #KTC014: Dinobot (2nd unit)

*Item #KTC015: Dinobot (altmode)

*Item #KTC016: Dinobot (Maximal)

*Item #KTC017: Dinobot (Predacon)


Tiny Titans

*Item #TTTC001: 1/12 Ultra Magnus

*Item #TTTC002: 3/12 Terrashock

*Item #TTTC003: 12/12 Autobot Jazz

*Item #TTTC004: 10/12 Grimlock

*Item #TTTC005: 11/12 Crazybolt

*Item #TTTC006: 12/12 Barrage

*Item #TTTC007: 10/12 Perceptor

*Item #TTTC008: 2/12 Repugnus

*Item #TTTC009: 3/12 Wreck-Gar

*Item #TTTC010: 5/12 Filch

*Item #TTTC011: 6/12 Decepticon Fracture

*Item #TTTC012: 7/12 Shockwave

*Item #TTTC013: 9/12 Wheeljack

*Item #TTTC014: 12/12 Autobot Twinferno

*Item #TTTC015: 1/12 Bumblebee

*Item #TTTC016: 2/12 Sky-Byte

*Item #TTTC017: 4/12 Cheetor

*Item #TTTC018: 5/12 Minimus Ambus

*Item #TTTC019: 7/12 Nightstrike

*Item #TTTC020: 8/12 Optimus Prime

*Item #TTTC021: 8/12 Optimus Prime (2nd unit)

*Item #TTTC022: 9/12 Unicron

*Item #TTTC023: 9/12 Unicron (2nd unit)


*Item #TTTC024: 9/12 Thunderhoof



*Item #MPTC001: MP-3 Starscream

*Item #MPTC002:  MP-5 Megatron

*Item #MPTC003: MP-8 Grimlock

*Item #MPTC004: MP-10B Black Convoy

*Item #MPTC005: MP-11 Starscream

*Item #MPTC006: MP-11 Starscream (2nd unit)

*Item #MPTC007: MP-11T Thundercracker

*Item #MPTC008: MP-11ND Dirge

*Item #MPTC009: MP-11NR Ramjet


*Item #MPTC010: MP-11NT Thrust

*Item #MPTC011: MP-12 Lambor

*Item #MPTC012: MP-12G Lambor G-2 Ver.

*Item #MPTC013: MP-14 Alert

*Item #MPTC014: MP-15/16-E Cassettbot vs Cassettron

*Item #MPTC015: MP-17 Prowl

*Item #MPTC016: MP-18 Streak

*Item #MPTC017: MP-19 Smokescreen

*Item #MPTC018: MP-20 Wheeljack


*Item #MPTC019: MP-21 Bumble

*Item #MPTC020: MP-22 Ultra Magnus

*Item #MPTC021: MP-23 Exhaust

*Item #MPTC022: MP-24 Starsaber

*Item #MPTC023: MP-25 Tracks

*Item #MPTC024: MP-26 Road Rage

*Item #MPTC025: MP-27 Ironhide

*Item #MPTC026: MP-28 Hot Rodimus

*Item #MPTC027: MP-29 Destron Laserwave


*Item #MPTC028: MP-30 Ratchet

*Item #MPTC029: MP-33 Inferno

*Item #MPTC030: MP-35 Grapple

*Item #MPTC031: MP-36 Megatron

*Item #MPTC032: MP-39 Sunstreaker

*Item #MPTC033: MP-45 Bumble Ver 2.0

*Item #MPTC034: MP-46 Blackwidow (Beast Wars)

*Item #MPTC035: MP-47 Hound

*Item #MPTC036: MP-51 Arcee


*Item #MPTC037: MP-53 Skids

*Item #MPTC038: MP-53+ Senator Crosscut

*Item #MPTC039: MP-55 Nightbirdshadow

*Item #MPTC040: MP-56 Trailbreaker

*Item #MPTC041: MP-57 Skyfire

*Item #MPTC042: MP-58 Hoist


*Item #MPTC043: MPG-01 Trainbot Shouki

*Item #MPTC044: MPG-02 Trainbot Getsuei

*Item #MPTC045: MPG-02 Trainbot Yukikaze

*Item #MPTC046: MPG-04 Trainbot Suiken

*Item #MPTC047: MPG-05 Trainbot Seizan

*Item #MPTC047: MPG-05 Trainbot Kaen


Card Count: 299



Cards that don’t fit under any other catagory


Top Trump Mini

*Item #TTMTC001: Optimus Prime

*Item #TTMTC002: Cliffjumper

*Item #TTMTC003: Bumblebee

*Item #TTMTC004: Hound

*Item #TTMTC005: Jazz

*Item #TTMTC006: Bluestreak

*Item #TTMTC007: Ironhide

*Item #TTMTC008: Ratchet

*Item #TTMTC009: Grapple

*Item #TTMTC010: Megatron

*Item #TTMTC011: Shockwave

*Item #TTMTC012: Soundwave

*Item #TTMTC013: Frenzy

*Item #TTMTC014: Laserbeak

*Item #TTMTC015: Ravage

*Item #TTMTC016: Grimlock

*Item #TTMTC017: Starscream

*Item #TTMTC018: Cover Card


Transformers Collectors Club Australia

*Item #TCCATC01: 5 Ultra Magnus

*Item #TCCATC02: 6 Shockwave

*Item #TCCATC03: 15 Springer

*Item #TCCATC04: 16 Cyclonus

Card Count: 22


Transformers Collection – Movieverse Cards

Transformers Collection – TCG Cards

Transformers Collection – TCG Cards

A few years ago Wizards of the Coast, in conjunction with Hasbro, released the Transformers Trading Card Game.

Though the game has come to a close now, it was very popular for quite a while, and WOTC/Hasbro were even kind enough to send me a few different sets to review when the game was at its height.  Even if you no longer play the game, the artwork on the cards makes them well worth keeping.


Transformers Trading Card Game Cards


Decepticon Character Cards

*Item #TTCG0001: Megatron (Decepticon Leader)

*Item #TTCG0002: Megatron (Arrogant Ruler)

*Item #TTCG0003: Starscream (Decepticon King)

*Item #TTCG0004: Starscream (Air Commander)

*Item #TTCG0005: Flamewar

*Item #TTCG0006: Specialist Flamewar

*Item #TTCG0007: Major Soundwave

*Item #TTCG0008: Skywarp

*Item #TTCG0009: Dirge

*Item #TTCG0010: Raider Ion Storm

*Item #TTCG0011: Raider Flamefeather

*Item #TTCG0012: Seargent Sparkstalker

*Item #TTCG0013: Decepticon Venim

*Item #TTCG0014: Ruckus

*Item #TTCG0015: Raider Runabout

*Item #TTCG0016: Raider Runamuck

*Item #TTCG0017: Seargeant Skrapnel

Exclusive Cards Reveal: Dirge and Defensive Driving. Transformers: TCG


*Item #TTCG0018: Bonecrusher

*Item #TTCG0019: Hook

*Item #TTCG0020: Scrapper

*Item #TTCG0021: Longhaul

*Item #TTCG0022: Mixmaster

*Item #TTCG0023: Scavenger

*Item #TTCG0024: Divebomb

*Item #TTCG0025: Predacon Headstrong

*Item #TTCG0026: Torox

Devastator Pack Review: Part 1 – Transformers TCG


*Item #TTCG0027: Motormaster

*Item #TTCG0028: Breakdown

*Item #TTCG0029: Decepticon Drag Strip

*Item #TTCG0030: Offroad

*Item #TTCG0031: Dead End

*Item #TTCG0032: Dead End (2nd unit)

*Item #TTCG0033: Dreadwind

*Item #TTCG0034: Blackwing

*Item #TTCG0035: Raider Laserbeak

*Item #TTCG0036: Raider Ravage

*Item #TTCG0037: Raider Storm Cloud

*Item #TTCG0038: Raider Visper

*Item #TTCG0039: Raider Detour

*Item #TTCG0040: Raider Road Hugger


Autobot Character Cards

*Item #TTCG0041: Metroplex

*Item #TTCG0042: Optimus Prime

*Item #TTCG0043: Bumblebee (Courageous Scout)

*Item #TTCG0044: Bumblebee (Trusted Lieutenant)

*Item #TTCG0045: Bumblebee (Brave Warrior)

*Item #TTCG0046: Dinobot Swoop

*Item #TTCG0047: Six-Gun

*Item #TTCG0048: Scamper

*Item #TTCG0049: Slammer

*Item #TTCG0050: Red Alert

*Item #TTCG0051: Private Red Alert

*Item #TTCG0052: Grapple

*Item #TTCG0053: Ironhide

*Item #TTCG0054: Major Prowl

*Item #TTCG0055: Seargent Hound

*Item #TTCG0056: Private Trailbreaker

*Item #TTCG0057: Private Arcee

*Item #TTCG0058: Seargent Chromia

*Item #TTCG0059: Autobot Novastar

*Item #TTCG0060: Sergeant Kup

*Item #TTCG0061: Blurr

Review – Metroplex Pack: Transformers TCG


*Item #TTCG0062: Autobot Hot Rod

*Item #TTCG0063: Optimus Prime

*Item #TTCG0064: Prowl

*Item #TTCG0065: Autobot Mirage

*Item #TTCG0066: Autobot Mirage (2nd unit)

*Item #TTCG0067: Alpha Bravo

*Item #TTCG0068: Skydive

*Item #TTCG0069: Fireflight

*Item #TTCG0070: Air Raid

*Item #TTCG0071: Dinobot Snarl

*Item #TTCG0072: Dinobot Sludge

*Item #TTCG0073: Private Top Shot

*Item #TTCG0074: Private Flak

*Item #TTCG0075: Private Mudslinger

*Item #TTCG0076: Private Tote

*Item #TTCG0077: Private Stakeout

*Item #TTCG0078: Private Red Heat

Exclusive Card Reveal: Private Stakeout – Transformers TCG


Decepticon Cards

*Item #TTCG0079: Fusion Cannon of Megatron

*Item #TTCG0080: Tooth and Claw

*Item #TTCG0081: Stunticon Swagger

*Item #TTCG0082: HV Electron Breacher

*Item #TTCG0083: Decepticon Crown

*Item #TTCG0084-86: Builder’s Tools (x3)

*Item #TTCG0087-88: Scoundrel’s Blaster (x2)

*Item #TTCG0089-91: Heavy Loading (x3)

*Item #TTCG0092-93: Reclaim (x2)

*Item #TTCG0094: Tower

Exclusive Card Reveal: Electro-Optical Visor. Transformers: TCG


Autobot Cards

*Item #TTCG0095: Combat Commands

*Item #TTCG0096-97: Noble’s Blaster (x2)

*Item #TTCG0098: Electrified Spikes

*Item #TTCG0099-101: Protected by Metroplex (x3)

*Item #TTCG0102-104: Height Advantage (x3)

*Item #TTCG0105-107: Rally the City (x3)


Double Orange

*Item #TTCG0108-122: Improvised Shield (x15)

*Item #TTCG0123-124: Mounted Missiles (x2)


Double Blue

*Item #TTCG0125-137: Handheld Blaster (x13)

*Item #TTCG0138: Energized Field

*Item #TTCG0139: EMP Wave


Orange & Blue

*Item #TTCG0140: Recon System


White & Green

*Item #TTCG0141-147: Spare Parts (x7)

*Item #TTCG0148-149: Secret Dealings (x2)

*Item #TTCG0150-152: Attack Drone (x3)

*Item #TTCG0153-158: Escape Route (x 5)

*Item #TTCG0159: Espionage

*Item #TTCG0160: Personal Targeting Drone

*Item #TTCG0161: Inverted!


Orange & Green

*Item #TTCG0162-165: Enforcement Batons (x4)

*Item #TTCG0166-167: Reactive Armor (x2)

*Item #TTCG0168-169: Focus Fire (x2)

*Item #TTCG0170-174: Bashing Shield (x5)

*Item #TTCG0175-176: Sparring Gear (x2)

*Item #TTCG0177-178: Scrounge (x2)

*Item #TTCG0179: Press the Advantage


Blue & Green

*Item #TTCG0180-182: Backup Beam (x3)

*Item #TTCG0183: Extra Padding

*Item #TTCG0184: Sturdy Armor

*Item #TTCG0185: Reflex Circuits

*Item #TTCG0186: Dismantling Claw

*Item #TTCG0187: Master Plan

*Item #TTCG0188-191: Smelt (x4)

*Item #TTCG0192: Covert Armor



*Item #TTCG0193-200: Rest & Relaxation (x8)

*Item #TTCG0201-202: Sonic Scramble (x2)

*Item #TTCG0203-208: Tech Research (x6)

*Item #TTCG0209-211: Enemy Combat Analysis (x3)

*Item #TTCG0212: Metal Detector

*Item #TTCG0213-214: Cornered (x2)

*Item #TTCG0215: Battlefield Scan



*Item #TTCG0216: Hiding Spot

*Item #TTCG0217: Bad Attitude

*Item #TTCG0218-220: Ready For Action (x3)

*Item #TTCG022`: Dismantle

*Item #TTCG0222: Calculated Strike

*Item #TTCG0223: Crash Landing

*Item #TTCG0224: Smokethrower

*Item #TTCG0225: EM24 IR Laser Launcher

*Item #TTCG0226: Repurpose

*Item #TTCG0227: Steamroll

*Item #TTCG0228-234: Fling (x7)

*Item #TTCG0235: Medic!

*Item #TTCG0236-237: Plasma Burst (x2)

*Item #TTCG0238: Medic! (2nd type)

*Item #TTCG0239: Strafing Run

*Item #TTCG0240-241: Bolt of Lightning (x2)



*Item #TTCG0242-243: Piercing Blaster (x2)

*Item #TTCG0244-248: Data Pad (x5)

*Item #TTCG0249-250: Delibitating Crystal (x2)

*Item #TTCG0251: Force Field

*Item #TTCG0252-259: Force Field (2nd type) (x8)

*Item #TTCG0260-262: Superior Jetpack (x3)

*Item #TTCG0263: Intelligence Mission

*Item #TTCG0264-266: Backup Plan (x3)

*Item #TTCG0267: Diagnosis

*Item #TTCG0268: Frag Toss

*Item #TTCG0269-285: Rapid Conversion (x17)

*Item #TTCG0286-291: Surprise Attack (x6)

*Item #TTCG0292-296: Field Communication (x5)

*Item #TTCG0297-299: Work Overtime (x3)

*Item #TTCG0300-302: Leap of Faith (x3)

*Item #TTCG0303: Fog of War

*Item #TTCG0304: Combat Training



*Item #TTCG0305: Battlefield Report

*Item #TTCG0306: Reclaim

*Item #TTCG0307-313: Pep Talk (x7)

*Item #TTCG0314: Brainstorm

*Item #TTCG0315: Steady Shot

*Item #TTCG0316-320: Underhanded Tactics (x5)

*Item #TTCG0321-322: Universal Network Access (x2)

*Item #TTCG0323-328: Vaporize (x6)

*Item #TTCG0329: Bumpers

*Item #TTCG0330-334: Energon Slingshot (x5)

*Item #TTCG0335: Urban Camo

*Item #TTCG0336: Smoke Cloak

*Item #TTCG0337-347: Primary Laser (x11)

*Item #TTCG0348-352: Blast Shield (x5)

*Item #TTCG0353-355: Bravery (x3)

*Item #TTCG0356-357: Evasive Manoeuvres (x2)

*Item #TTCG0358-360: Leap into Battle (x3)

*Item #TTCG0361-366: Inspiring Leadership (x6)

*Item #TTCG0367: Start your Engines

*Item #TTCG0368-380: Armoured Plating (x13)

*Item #TTCG0381: Drill Arms

*Item #TTCG0382: Reinforced Plating

*Item #TTCG0383-385: Superior Plating (x3)

*Item #TTCG0386: Marksmanship

*Item #TTCG0387: Brainstorm

*Item #TTCG0388: Inferno Breath

*Item #TTCG0389: Heavy-Handed

*Item #TTCG0390: The Bigger They Are…

*Item #TTCG0391-392: Team-Up Tactics (x2)

*Item #TTCG0393: Collateral Damage



*Item #TTCG0394: Mining Pick

*Item #TTCG0395: Superior Cannon

*Item #TTCG0396-400: Flamethrower (x5)

*Item #TTCG0401-402: Combat Dagger (x2)

*Item #TTCG0403-407: Scrapper Gauntlets (x4)

*Item #TTCG0408-409: Power Punch (x2)

*Item #TTCG0410: Basic Combat Protocol

*Item #TTCG0411: Bolster

*Item #TTCG0412-413: Defensive Formation (x2)

*Item #TTCG0414-418: Field Repair (x5)

*Item #TTCG0419-421: Reckless Charge (x3)

*Item #TTCG0422-426: Swindled (x5)

*Item #TTCG0427-432: Testify (x6)

*Item #TTCG0433-435: Rapid Ascent (x3)

*Item #TTCG0436-439: Ramming Speed (x4)

*Item #TTCG0440-441: Repair Bay (x2)

*Item #TTCG0442-446: Supercharge (x5)

*Item #TTCG0447-453: Grenade Launcher (x7)

*Item #TTCG00454: Swarm!

*Item #TTCG0455-456: Incoming Transmission (x2)

*Item #TTCG0457-458: Vandalize (x2)

*Item #TTCG00459: Treasure Hunt

*Item #TTCG0460-464: Confidence (x5)

*Item #TTCG0465-469: Erratic Lightning (x5)

*Item #TTCG0470-471: Body Armor (x2)

*Item #TTCG0472: Ancient Wisdom

*Item #TTCG0473-474: New Designs (x2)

*Item #TTCG0475: Stealthiness

*Item #TTCG0476: Battle Ready

*Item #TTCG0477: Tackle

*Item #TTCG0478: Cooling Vents


Enigma Cards

*Item #TTCG0479-481: Constructicon Enigma (x3)

*Item #TTCG0482-483: Stunticon Enigma (x2)

*Item #TTCG0484-485: Predacon Enigma (x2)

*Item #TTCG0486: Sentinel Enigma

*Item #TTCG0487: Dinobot Enigma

*Item #TTCG0488-490: Aerialbot Enigma (x3)

ROTC Booster Packs. Part 2: Gameplay – Transformers TCG



*Item #TTCG0491: Starter Pack (MISB)


*Item #TTCG0492: Rise of the Combiners Booster Box

Rise of the Combiners Booster Packs. Review Part 1 – Transformers TCG

Transformers Collection – Movieverse Cards

To take a little break from cataloging action figures, I decided to catalog my Transformers Trading Cards.

However its been a much bigger task than I thought  Where I thought I had a few hundred, it turns out I have over a thousand!

So I’ve broken my card collection into catagories, and lets start with the first catagory – Movieverse Cards.


Transformers (the live action Movie)

*Item #TTC0001: Embossed Foil Card 8 of 10 Optimus Prime

*Item #TTC0002: 3 Bumblebee Autobot


*Item #TTC0003: 19 Sam Witwicky

*Item #TTC0004: 21 John Keller

*Item #TTC0005: 25 Satt Sgt. Epps


*Item #TTC0006: 35 Desert Trek

*Item #TTC0008: 37 Assault on Qatar

*Item #TTC0009: 41 A boy, a girl and a robot

*Item #TTC0010: 49 A conference with Keller

*Item #TTC0011: 51 Inside Hoover Dam

*Item #TTC0012: 56 Airborne Menace

*Item #TTC0013: 66 Hero with a heart

*Item #TTC0014: 68 Behemoth on Ice

*Item #TTC0015: 76 Programmed to kill


Transformers 3D Battle Card Game

*Item #BCGC001: Mirage (robot)

*Item #BCGC002: 60 Mirage Battle Card

*Item #BCGC003: Jetfire (robot)

*Item #BCGC004: Blackout (robot)

*Item #BCGC005: 90 Blackout Battle Card


Dark of the Moon Official Trading Cards

*Item #OTC0001: CR-02 Bumblebee

*Item #OTC0002: CR-05 Bumblee & Camero

*Item #OTC0003: CR-06 Autobot Shield


*Item #OTC0004: CL-02 Card List 02

*Item #OTC0005: CL-02 Card List 02 (2nd card)

*Item #OTC0006: CL-03 Card List 03

*Item #OTC0007: CL-04 Card List 04

*Item #OTC0008: CL-05 Card List 05

*Item #OTC0009: CL-06 Card List 06

*Item #OTC0010: CL-06 Card List 06 (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0011: CL-07 Card List 07

*Item #OTC0012: CL-08 Card List 08

*Item #OTC0013: CL-08 Card List 08 (2ND unit)

*Item #OTC0014: CL-09 Card List 09


*Item #OTC0015: SP-03 Bumblebee

*Item #OTC0016: SP-04 Sentinel Prime

*Item #OTC0017: SP-09 Optimus Color

*Item #OTC0236: SP-09 Optimus Color


*Item #OTC0018: GC-02 Bumblebee

*Item #OTC0019: GC-04 Megatron

*Item #OTC0020: GC-07 Ironhide

*Item #OTC0021: GC-09 Dark of the Moon

*Item #OTC0022: SC-03 Sentinel Prime

*Item #OTC0237: SC-03 Sentinel Prime (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0023: SC-06 Starscream

*Item #OTC0024: SC-07 Ironhide


*Item #OTC0025: MC-04 Ironhide

*Item #OTC0026: MC-05 Sideswipe

*Item #OTC0027: MC-07 Sentinel Prime

*Item #OTC0028: MC-13 Bumblebee Camero

*Item #OTC0029: MC-19 Barricade

*Item #OTC0030: MC-24 Blackout

*Item #OTC0031: MC-25 Frenzy


*Item #OTC0032: OP-01 Optimus Prime 1

*Item #OTC0033: OP-01 Optimus Prime 1 (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0034: OP-02 Optimus Prime 2

*Item #OTC0035: OP-03 Optimus Prime 3

*Item #OTC0036: OP-03 Optimus Prime 3 (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0037: OP-04 Optimus Prime 4

*Item #OTC0038: OP-04 Optimus Prime 4 (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0039: OP-05 Optimus Prime 5

*Item #OTC0040: OP-05 Optimus Prime 5 (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0041: OP-06 Optimus Prime 6

*Item #OTC0042: OP-06 Optimus Prime 6 (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0043: OP-07 Optimus Prime 7

*Item #OTC0044: OP-07 Optimus Prime 7 (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0045: OP-08 Optimus Prime 8

*Item #OTC0046: OP-08 Optimus Prime 8 (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0047: OP-09 Optimus Prime 9

*Item #OTC0048: OP-09 Optimus Prime 9 (2nd unit)


*Item #OTC0049: ST-01 Sentinel Prime 1

*Item #OTC0050: ST-03 Sentinel Prime 3

*Item #OTC0051: ST-03 Sentinel Prime 3 (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0052: ST-04 Sentinel Prime 4

*Item #OTC0053: ST-06 Sentinel Prime 6

*Item #OTC0054: ST-06 Sentinel Prime 6 (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0055: ST-07 Sentinel Prime 7

*Item #OTC0056: ST-09 Sentinel Prime 9

*Item #OTC0057: ST-09 Sentinel Prime 9 (2nd unit)


*Item #OTC0058: BB-01 Bumblebee 1

*Item #OTC0059: BB-01 Bumblebee 1 (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0060: BB-02 Bumblebee 2

*Item #OTC0061: BB-02 Bumblebee 2 (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0062: BB-04 Bumblebee 4

*Item #OTC0063: BB-04 Bumblebee 4 (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0064: BB-05 Bumblebee 5

*Item #OTC0065: BB-07 Bumblebee 7

*Item #OTC0066: BB-07 Bumblebee 7 (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0067: BB-08 Bumblebee 8

*Item #OTC0068: BB-09 Bumblebee 9


*Item #OTC0069: MG-01 Megatron 1

*Item #OTC0070: MG-01 Megatron 1 (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0071: MG-02 Megatron 2

*Item #OTC0072: MG-04 Megatron 4

*Item #OTC0073: MG-04 Megatron 4 (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0074: MG-07 Megatron 7

*Item #OTC0075: MG-07 Megatron 7 (2nd unit)


*Item #OTC0076: SW-01 Shockwave 1

*Item #OTC0077: SW-01 Shockwave 1(2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0078: SW-02 Shockwave 2

*Item #OTC0079: SW-02 Shockwave 2 (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0080: SW-03 Shockwave 3

*Item #OTC0081: SW-04 Shockwave 4

*Item #OTC0082: SW-04 Shockwave 4 (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0083: SW-01 Shockwave 5

*Item #OTC0084: SW-01 Shockwave 5 (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0085: SW-01 Shockwave 7

*Item #OTC0086: SW-01 Shockwave 7 (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0087: SW-01 Shockwave 8

*Item #OTC0088: SW-01 Shockwave 8 (2nd unit)


*Item #OTC0089: AC-01 Optimus Prime

*Item #OTC0090: AC-01 Optimus Prime (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0091: AC-02 Bumblebee

*Item #OTC0092: AC-04 Ironhide

*Item #OTC0093: AC-05 Sideswipe

*Item #OTC0094: AC-08 Arcee

*Item #OTC0095: AC-08 Arcee (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0096: AC-09 Sentinel Prime

*Item #OTC0097: AC-09 Sentinel Prime (2nd unit)


*Item #OTC0098: DC-02 Shockwave

*Item #OTC0099: DC-02 Shockwave (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0100: DC-03 Starscream

*Item #OTC0101: DC-03 Starscream (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0102: DC-04 Demolisher

*Item #OTC0103: DC-04 Demolisher (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0104: DC-05 Rampage

*Item #OTC0105: DC-05 Rampage (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0106: DC-08 Ravage

*Item #OTC0107: DC-09 The Fallen

*Item #OTC0108: DC-09 The Fallen (2nd uit)


*Item #OTC0109: MS1-01 Scorponok strikes in Quatar

*Item #OTC0110: MS1-04 The location of the Allspark

*Item #OTC0111: MS1-06 “Autobots Roll Out

*Item #OTC0112: MS1-06 “Autobots Roll Out” (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0113: MS1-07 Bonecrusher bashes bus

*Item #OTC0114: MS1-11 “I smell you… boy”

*Item #OTC0115: MS1-11 “I smell you… boy” (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0116: MS1-12 “These things just don’t die”

*Item #OTC0117: MS1-12 “These things just don’t die” (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0118: MS1-15 “Give me the cube… boy”


*Item #OTC0119: MS2-01 The destruction of Demolisher

*Item #OTC0120: MS2-02 Soundwave launches Ravage

*Item #OTC0121: MS2-02 Soundwave launches Ravage (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0122: MS2-03 Starscream taunts at Sam

*Item #OTC0123: MS2-04 Optimus visits Sam

*Item #OTC0124: MS2-04 Optimus visits Sam (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0125: MS2-05 Ironhide

*Item #OTC0126: MS2-05 Ironhide (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0127: MS2-06 Optimus fires at Megatron

*Item #OTC0128: MS2-07 Megatron confronts Starscream

*Item #OTC0129: MS2-07 Megatron confronts Starscream (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0130: MS2-08 Battle in the Forest

*Item #OTC0131: MS2-08 Battle in the Forest (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0132: MS2-09 Jetfire speaks of the Primes


*Item #OTC0133: MS2-10 Bumblebee

*Item #OTC0134: MS2-10 Bumblebee (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0135: MS2-12 Jetfire Teleports

*Item #OTC0136: MS2-13 Sam & Mikaela dashes to cover

*Item #OTC0137: MS2-13 Sam & Mikaela dashes to cover (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0138: MS2-15 Megatron attacks top of the Pyramid

*Item #OTC0139: MS2-16 “Optimus, take my parts”

*Item #OTC0140: MS2-16 “Optimus, take my parts” (2nd unit

*Item #OTC0141: MS2-17 Victory over The Fallen

*Item #OTC0142: MS2-18 “I am Optimus Prime”

*Item #OTC0143: MS2-18 “I am Optimus Prime” (2nd unit)


*Item #OTC0144: PA-02 Bumblebee

*Item #OTC0145: PA-03 Shockwave

*Item #OTC0146: PA-03 Shockwave (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0147: PA-04 Shockwave

*Item #OTC0148: PA-04 Shockwave (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0149: PA-05 Shockwave

*Item #OTC0150: PA-05 Shockwave (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0151: PA-06 Megatron

*Item #OTC0152: PA-06 Megatron (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0153: PA-07 Megatron

*Item #OTC0154: PA-07 Megatron (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0155: PA-08 Megatron

*Item #OTC0156: PA-08 Megatron (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0157: PA-09 Sentinel Prime

*Item #OTC0158: PA-10 Optimus Prime

*Item #OTC0159: PA-10 Optimus Prime (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0160: PA-11 Bumblebee

*Item #OTC0161: PA-12 Sentinel Prime


*Item #OTC0162: LA-02 Bumblebee

*Item #OTC0163: LA-03 Sentinel Prime

*Item #OTC0164: LA-03 Sentinel Prime (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0165: LA-05 Shockwave

*Item #OTC0166: LA-06 Starscream

*Item #OTC0167: LA-06 Starscream (2nd unit)


*Item #OTC0168: RV-01 Bumblebee 1

*Item #OTC0169: RV-02 Ratchet 1

*Item #OTC0170: RV-02 Ratchet 1 (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0171: RV-03 Ironhide 1

*Item #OTC0172: RV-03 Ironhide 1 (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0173: RV-04 Bumblebee 2

*Item #OTC0174: RV-05 Ratchet 2

*Item #OTC0175: RV-05 Ratchet 2 (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0176: RV-06 Ironhide 2

*Item #OTC0177: RV-08 Sideswipe 2

*Item #OTC0178: RV-08 Sideswipe 2 (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0179: RV-09 Sideswipe 3

*Item #OTC0180: RV-01 Sideswipe 3 (2nd unit)


*Item #OTC0181: CC1-01 Power Up Optimus Prime 1

*Item #OTC0182: CC1-01 Power Up Optimus Prime 1 (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0183: CC1-03 Power Up Optimus Prime 3

*Item #OTC0184: CC1-04 Power Up Optimus Prime 4

*Item #OTC0185: CC1-04 Power Up Optimus Prime 4 (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0186: CC1-06 Power Up Optimus Prime 6

*Item #OTC0187: CC1-07 Power Up Optimus Prime 7

*Item #OTC0188: CC1-07 Power Up Optimus Prime 7 (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0189: CC1-09 Power Up Optimus Prime 9


*Item #OTC0190: CC2-02 Demolisher & Devestator 2

*Item #OTC0191: CC2-02 Demolisher & Devestator 2 (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0192: CC2-03 Demolisher & Devestator 3

*Item #OTC0193: CC2-05 Demolisher & Devestator 5

*Item #OTC0194: CC2-05 Demolisher & Devestator 5 (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0195: CC2-06 Demolisher & Devestator 6

*Item #OTC0196: CC2-08 Demolisher & Devestator 8

*Item #OTC0197: CC2-08 Demolisher & Devestator 8 (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0198: CC2-09 Demolisher & Devestator 9


*Item #OTC0199: CC3-01 Arcee & Sideswipe 1

*Item #OTC0200: CC3-04 Arcee & Sideswipe 4


*Item #OTC0201: CC4-01 Decepticons 1

*Item #OTC0202: CC4-01 Decepticons 1 (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0203: CC4-02 Decepticons 2

*Item #OTC0204: CC4-03 Decepticons 3

*Item #OTC0205: CC4-03 Decepticons 3 (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0206: CC4-04 Decepticons 4

*Item #OTC0207: CC4-04 Decepticons 4 (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0208: CC4-05 Decepticons 5

*Item #OTC0209: CC4-06 Decepticons 6 (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0210: CC4-06 Decepticons 6 (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0211: CC4-07 Decepticons 7

*Item #OTC0212: CC4-07 Decepticons 7 (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0213: CC4-08 Decepticons 8

*Item #OTC0214: CC4-09 Decepticons 9

*Item #OTC0215: CC4-09 Decepticons 9 (2nd unit)


*Item #OTC0216: CC5-01 Optimus & Sentinel 1

*Item #OTC0217: CC5-03 Optimus & Sentinel 3

*Item #OTC0218: CC5-03 Optimus & Sentinel 3 (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0219: CC5-04 Optimus & Sentinel 4

*Item #OTC0220: CC5-05 Optimus & Sentinel 5

*Item #OTC0221: CC5-06 Optimus & Sentinel 6

*Item #OTC0222: CC5-06 Optimus & Sentinel 6 (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0223: CC5-07 Optimus & Sentinel 7

*Item #OTC0224: CC5-08 Optimus & Sentinel 8

*Item #OTC0225: CC5-09 Optimus & Sentinel 9

*Item #OTC0226: CC5-09 Optimus & Sentinel 9 (2nd unit)


*Item #OTC0227: CC6-02 Autobots 2

*Item #OTC0228: CC6-02 Autobots 2 (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0229: CC6-03 Autobots 3

*Item #OTC0230: CC6-05 Autobots 5

*Item #OTC0231: CC6-06 Autobots 6

*Item #OTC0232: CC6-08 Autobots 8

*Item #OTC0233: CC6-08 Autobots 8 (2nd unit)

*Item #OTC0234: CC6-09 Autobots 9

*Item #OTC0235: CC6-09 Autobots 9 (2nd unit)


TF3 Unlock the Secrets Cards

*Item #UTSC001: Megatron

*Item #UTSC002: Autobot Symbol

*Item #UTSC003: Bumblebee

*Item #UTSC004: Bumblebee 2

*Item #UTSC007: Bumblebee 2 (2nd unit)

*Item #UTSC008: Sentinel Prime

*Item #UTSC009: Sentinel Prime (2nd unit)


TF4 Topps Cards

*Item #TF4C001: 1 Autobots

*Item #TF4C002: 38 Bumblebee

*Item #TF4C003: 72 Sideswipe

*Item #TF4C004: 88 Mikaela Barnes

*Item #TF4C005: 91 Carly Spenser


Total Count: 271 Cards


Transformers Collection – Toyline Cards