Category Archives: Tales of the Trev

Think you’ve done something stupid in your life? Well sit back and enjoy the tales of Trev’s misadventures across the globe

Ask Trev: How does Big Busy Trev manage to get everything done?

This ‘Ask Trev’ question comes in from Michael in Melbourne.

‘You’re a busy man.  How do you make that work without either having a clone to help you out or somehow create a 36 hour day?’.


Well Michael it’s true, I am a very busy man.  Between this blog, my radio show, working full time, performing househusband duties, managing my giant Transformer collection and building furniture for their shed, as well as hobby farming where I raise goats as well as ducks and chickens, boredom is something that receded from my life many years ago.  Add on top of that the most time-intensive activity of all – being a father of two young children – and spare time in non-existent.

The many faces of Trev

First off – I will never clone myself.  Never!  Do you know how big my ego is?  How much attention seeking behaviour I indulge in?  I don’t need another one of me running around telling my jokes, eating my meat and vying for all the attention that should rightly be mine!

And now there’s more of me… him… us

Also I’m married.  What if my wife can’t tell me from the clone?  I don’t need no stinkin clone getting busy with my missus!  Plus, Primus forbid, what if it turns out by some quirk of the cloning process that he is better in bed than me?!  I don’t think my ego, large as it is, could take the hit of my wife saying ‘last night was the best sex we’ve ever had Trev!’ and I hadn’t even been at home!

As for 36 hour days, well manipulating the time stream to that extent is beyond even my capabilities.  Sure I could take my family to Mars where the days are at least 25 hours long – I could get a lot done in that extra hour – but it seems like a hassle.  It was hard enough moving my Transformer collection from one state to another without taking it to a whole other planet!


So how do I manage my busy lifestyle?

Well there are several things I do – some are time management and some are just sacrifice.

*Giving up hobbies: I have way too many hobbies.  Like way too many.  So some have had to be toned down and others sacrificed completely.  This blog for example, has gone from an entry each week to about two a month.  I’ve given up video gaming, though to be honest I think the gamer in me had run its course anyway.  I used to brew my own beer and had to give that up.  And I don’t farm as many fruit & vegetables as I used to, though still enough that each week we eat at least one or two things that come from the garden.  I’m also a bit of a bibliophile, but reading a book for my own pleasure has been relegated to the odd 5 minutes in bed before blissful slumber.

For a while juggling being a gamer and father was so easy!

*Multitasking: Except at work where it is a requirement, I don’t schedule.  Don’t believe in it.  What I do do is do multiple jobs in the same room at the same time.  So for example when I’m in the kitchen (with quasi-laundry attached) I might be wiping benches, preparing meals, stacking the dishwasher, loading the washing machine and unloading the dryer all at the same time (well not literally – thanks to the failure of mutation science I only have two hands).  Then the same goes for other rooms and even parts of the farm – nothing like chasing off some feral goats in the ute while you are on your way to go cut firewood in the back paddock.

Sigh… I remember when multitasking meant drinking and rocking out at the same time.

*Be Married: Dear sweet Primus let nothing ever happen to my wife!  Not only because she is the love of my life, but also because she does so many chores to manage the house & kids and our lives in general.  Chances are if she disappeared from our lives my children and I would be huddled round a fire in tattered clothing, eating beans from a can and hoping it would rain soon so we could wash ourselves.  Our existence would be akin to those survivors of a zombie apocalypse.

Make sure you treat your wife right – romance is a lot easier than being a single parent!

*Child Labour: Those damn kids can work for their food!  OK, so maybe I don’t actually deny them sustenance and or send them down mineshafts to search for coal.  But at 6 & 8 years old respectively they are at the age they can chip in with the chores.  Every day after school, before they are allowed to go play with toys or video games, they need to help unstack the dishwasher, unpack their school bags, put all their breakfast and lunch dishes in the sink and most importantly go feed all the animals.  Not only does it teach them responsibility, but it means they are spending time with their pets.  How kids can ignore a real-life dog but spend hours training a dog to obey in Minecraft is beyond me.

Wish all my chores were this cute when I was young

Of course the children love to be involved with all the constant projects going on around the farm and house too.  They help plant and pick all the vegetables, which not only helps me out but makes them more inclined to eat what we grow when it come to fruition.  My son loves to help out with my construction projects and is currently helping me build a display table for the Transformers shed, and my daughter loves to bake with her mother and make muffins for their school lunches.

Dig boy! Dig!

*And lastly, what I do most, is go, go, go!  All day, every day.  Sigh… Every. Damn. Day.  I would be lying if there wasn’t part of me that would like to spend a day just lounging on the couch, eating potato chips and rewatching Deadpool movies.  But if I wanted that I shouldn’t have had kids and chosen to live on a farm.  Life is so rewarding, and so very, very tiring.

Sometimes I fake back injuries just so I can lie down in the emergency room for an hour and rest


So that’s what I do Michael, that’s how Big Angry Trev manages his life.  And maybe I have kind of inwardly cloned myself in this one body.  There is Big Angry Trev the blogger, Big Farmer Trev the hobby farmer, Big DJ Trev the radio host.  And most importantly (Big) Dad (Trev) the father.  Big Gamer Trev is dead and buried but I hope to resurrect Big Brewer Trev at some point and start making my own beer again.  But then that begs the question – would I ever have the time to drink it?


Thank you for your question.

Got any other ‘Ask Trev’ questions?  Pop them in the comments section below!


Related Articles:

Ask Trev: Where does all my mucus go?

Ask Trev: Fun & Romantic Treasure Hunt

Ask Trev: How do I avoid Spoilers?

How 20 Years of being an Adult Collector began

This month – January 2021 – marks 20 years of me being an adult collector of Transformers.

It also marks the 20 year anniversary of my first (very short lived) marriage.  And the two are not unconnected.


As a kid we didn’t have a great deal of money, though I never went without a roof over my head or food in my belly so we did OK.  I’d get a few transformers each year with my bit of pocket money I earned mowing the lawns at home or turning in rabbit skins when visiting my dad.  And I sometimes got a Transformer for a birthday or Christmas as well.

My collection circa 1987

In my teens G1 was coming to an end.  However this was also the time that my mother began running a small Toys & Gifts shop.  This meant that I could get my Transformers wholesale!  It was also the time of reissues so as well as being able to purchase Micromasters and Action Masters at cost, I was also able to grab the Combaticons, Arielbots, Protectobots and even a few bigger figures like some Dinobots & Autobot Cars.  Yes sir, it was a golden time.

Primus bless reissues!

Sadly I strayed in my late teens as so many young men do.  G2 didn’t hold much appeal for me and suddenly beer and girls were very interesting.  So my collection, which at the time equalled 1 gross – 144 figures (if you counted individual bots such as Micromasters and Target Masters) – was put away in a box and did not see the light of day for many years.

I never stopped loving Transformers, even when I moved to Melbourne to go to Uni.  But once again partying, friends and girls seemed somehow more important.  I hated Beast Wars (I appreciate it now but back then thought it was an abomination) and sometimes my mates used to get me liquored up and goad me into a ‘trukk not munkey’ rant.  To be honest to this day organic alt-modes still do little for me.  So Transformers stayed waaaaay in the background of my existence.


Now comes January 2001


I got married.  Stupidly.  It was partly as I’d always been too lazy and cowardly to break up with the girl and partly because she had a balcony you could do Shakespeare from (I was young, shallow and dumb OK – a large chest seemed more important than a pleasant personality!).  A couple of dear friends of mine were filming the wedding for us and asked what present we would like.  I replied filming was more than gift enough.  When they persisted I said jokingly ‘Get me a G1 Optimus Prime’.

Well the night of the wedding we are unwrapping gifts.  I’m trying to stifle my boredom as they are mainly ‘grown-ups’ gifts like linen and breakfast trays (once again – I was 23 and immature).  Then I unwrapped the gifts from Tammy & Michael.

And there… lo…. was a loose GENERATION ONE OPTIMUS PRIME!!!

Me on honeymoon with Optimus Prime. I swear he got more action than I did

There was also a Wreck-Gar (whom I already had but now they could ride each other!) and a Chop Shop.  I squealed like an excited schoolgirl! For me it was the highlight of the night!


And thus after nearly a decade away, I came back to Transformer collecting.  I discovered eBay and found so many G1 toys that my ranks quickly swelled.  With a new career I had more money, and from big toys like Omega Supreme, Metroplex, Sky Lynx & Trypticon, to smaller figures like the Throttlebots, those G1 gaps were filling fast!

7 months into the marriage it ended.  Shan’t go into details but let’s just say my ex worked in education and I discovered she was doing some very ‘private tuition’ with one of her teen students and leave it at that.  So the marriage died which in the long run was one of the best things that could have ever happened to me; I ended up moving in coincidentally with the friends who had given me Optimus.  But though my marriage was dead, my love for Transformers was thriving!  I continued to buy G1 stuff online, and the new Robots in Disguise toys hit the shelves in Australia, bringing back all the concepts I loved like vehicular transformers and combiners.

My G1-cartoon cast in the early 2000’s

My collecting has continued ever since. By the end of 2001 my collection, which had stagnated at a count of 144, was over two hundred and I had no inclination to just how far it would end up going!  I’ve continued amassing Transformers right through all the cartoons from Armada to Cyberverse, throughout all the live-action movies and especially the G1-inspired toylines such as Generations, right up to the latest Earthrise figures.  I’ve travelled many parts of the globe and brought back figures you couldn’t find in Australia.   I got married again 12 years ago but this time it was for all the right reasons and I couldn’t imagine loving my wife more. If I’m 100% honest the fact that she is so tolerant of my hobby makes up a small part of that (only a small part, there are a plethora of wonderful things about her to love!).  And my kids love to play Transformers with their Dad!

They even have their own playtables set up – bless their hearts

Now 20 years on I’m sitting at around the 3500 figures mark along with about another thousand pieces of TF merchandise, have my own Transformatorium shed and indeed this blog where I often share my love of the hobby.  So I’m a pretty damn lucky guy!

“Who says I have an obsession?!”


I can’t even remember the exact day in January 2001 I got married on, but I damn sure remember getting that G1 Optimus Prime.


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Random Rant – When I learned to challenge my preconceptions

Big DJ Trev is back on the Radio!

2020 may have been a bit of disaster  on many fronts, what with Pandemics and Bushfires and the like, but it is ending on a high note:

BIG ANGRY TREV is back on the airways!

That’s right, after a 20 year hiatus I’m back on the radio baby!  You my loyal readers can now also become my loyal listeners!  On various Thursday nights (dates to be constantly updated) from 6pm to 9pm (Australian Eastern Daylight Time) Big Angry Trev will be on the air with The Big DJ Trev Show, bringing you a multitude of brilliant musical hits as well as my patented snappy banter.  You can listen on the radio or online at KRR-FM 98.7.

I still rock, ya know it baby!


Competition Time

As readers of my blog would be aware, I’m a big Transformers nut.  As a result I have the Soundtracks to all of the TF movies.  Each radio show, after the 7pm weather, I’ll be having Transformer Talk.

Transformer Talk will be a brief chat about anything Transformers people would care to know, followed by a Transformer song picked by the audience.

So in the comments section of this post, nominate something you would like me to talk about.  It could be as simple as ‘Who is your favourite Combaticon’ to something more overarching such as ‘What is your opinion on the Cyberverse cartoon and toyline as a whole’.

Also, nominate which song from the following list you would like to hear played.  For my second show and the first week of the competition I will be playing a song from the 1986 Animated Movie.

Pick one song from the below and pop it in your comment:

*Transformers Theme – Lion

*Dare – Stan Bush

*Nothins’ Gonna Stand in our Way – Spectre General

*Instruments of Destruction – N.R.G

*Hunger – Kick Axe

*The Touch – Stan Bush

*Dare to be Stupid – Weird Al Yankovic

The song with the most votes will get played this Thursday the 10th of December 2020 after 7pm.


Tune In!

So enter the competition if you are a Transformer fan.  And if you aren’t still tune in to KRR-FM 98.7 and let Big Angry Trev make sweet consensual love to your ears – you will find your brain impregnated by the best tunes and cracking chat you ever did hear!

Video: Big Angry Trev vs Mad Dog 357 Hot Sauce

This week we’ve had a challenge from long time reader Trent.  Trent has asked that I try the Hot Sauce: 357 Mad Dog, and subsequently film it.


Mad Dog has the moniker 357 because it’s rated at 357,000 Scoville, making it the second hottest sauce I’ve tried after God Slayer.

So watch the video below and enjoy the mouth-burning hi-jinks!

Related Articles:

Video: Big Angry Trev tried 15 Hot Sauces… in one bite!

Big Angry Trev vs God Slayer Hot Sauce

Big Angry Trev vs Australia’s Hottest Hamburger



Unsanctioned Food Fight on a Movie Set!

A while back I told the tale of the one and only time I scored a speaking role in a movie that actually went to cinema – Strange fits of Passion.

Well next week I will be returning to my roots by doing another small speaking role, albeit on television rather than film. But when discussing the previous speaking role with friends last night, it put me in mind of an incident that happened on a different movie set – this time the 2000 TV movie – On the Beach.

This time I was a simple Extra playing a Submariner, and had the joy of the director making me shave off my goatee right there on set since my agent hadn’t deigned to inform me we had to be plain chinned. My defoliated face now freezing, I prepared for several days of pretending to talk in the background while Bryan Brown and Armand Assante did their thing up front for the movie cameras.


On the second day of the shooting this undersea aquatic adventure I was involved with an unplanned event, and it is truly the one and only time I have been swept away so much by a mob mentality that I didn’t even really realise what I was doing.

So sit ye down me hearties while I tell ye the tale of:

The Unsanctioned Food Fight!


The Set

We were in the ‘submarine mess hall’ set. Six tables set up with 6 sailors per table. Really low ceilings and submarine diagrams all over each wall, though it perhaps speaks to the budget of the film that none of these were even laminated and, I’m pretty sure, affixed with blu-tac.

The Mess Hall of a submarine which for some reason was parked at Crawford Studios.

Every Extra has a plate of food and a beer in front of them. The food was your standard meat & veg and ice cold, whilst the beer was both zero alcohol and warm. The glamorous life of movie acting eh!


The Incident

The scene was supposed to go like this: The decision has been made for the submarine to surface, which is going to result in the entire crew dying of radiation poisoning within a couple of weeks like the rest of the planet has always succumbed to. So as food no longer has to be rationed for months, this is to be the crews ‘final feast’. Hence why we have all this delicious food and beer in front of us.

There have been a couple of takes thus far. We Extras are fake eating our freezing cold mashed potatoes and meat with congealed gravy, and sipping from our horrid beers, all whilst fake chatting to each other in the way Extras do when the Director wants your lips moving but no sound coming out.

Then the Director made a big error in judgement.

The Director lent over to one of the Extras and whispers ‘This time, ‘accidentally’ spill some of the beer over your shoulder on to the guy behind you so it looks like you are all having fun’. The director did not inform the other Extra this would be happening to him – guess he was going for an authentically surprised look.

So the next take, the first Extra does as he is told and splashes the guy behind him with beer. But then that guy turned around and promptly splashed him back big time!

And now the mob mentality starts – I’ve never seen anything like it before or since!

With the precedent set by the two guys splashing each other, all 36 extras now stand as one. Like the command to arise was sent directly to our hindbrains and our legs operated on automatic. And thus the biggest food fight I’ve ever been a part of commences! Everyone is throwing at everyone else every bit of food they can lay their hands on! Mashed Potato Missiles and Meat Mortars fly through the air as beers are shook up and wannabe actors spray them on each other like drunken frat boys! The Director fled and so did the cameramen, no doubt to stop the horrendously expensive filming equipment getting soaked. When people had thrown everything on their plates they started scooping up already thrown food to throw once again. The air was full of beer and food and yelling and laughter!

“This wasn’t in the script! This wasn’t in the script!”

After about two minutes it ended and the mob mentality faded. An eerie silence descended upon the room as all us paid-props looked around and realised what we had done. Food slowly unstuck itself from the ceiling with comedic little plops, the ink was running on all the diagrams on the wall because of the splashed beer -the set was trashed!

After about 20 seconds of complete silence there were a few nervous giggles. We were all so going to be fired!


The Aftermath

Well it turns out none of us got fired. If it had simply been one or two guys involved they would have been out on their arse, but you couldn’t have a movie where half way through the entire crew suddenly changes because you sacked the original actors. So we all got sent to sit outside in the sunshine for a couple of hours so that our uniforms would dry, and then got a stern talking to. The director was pretty pissy with us for the next few days as well, any tiny mistake by any Extra earned them a public berating. But hey – we were Extras – we were used to being treated like the crap you’d find on the main casts shoes so it didn’t worry us much. And a tiny portion of the food fight scene actually did make it into the movie so we were all pretty proud of that. You can see it here at the 4:55 mark.

And if you go to the 5:55 mark you can see me angrily dancing on a table for 3 seconds, completely surrounded by seamen.

So there ya go, the one and only time I can say that my individual will was truly subsumed by a mob mentality. A fascinating, oddly liberating and surprisingly fun experience.


Related Article:

My Immortal Words on the Big Screen


Big Angry Trev vs God Slayer Hot Sauce

I’ve had a bit of a love affair with hot sauces over the years, and like most things which are not good for you, the more you indulge in them the bigger the hit you want the next time.

Many years ago I tried 15 different hot sauces in one bite.  It was damn hot but overall it was fine.  Then I tried Australia’s Hottest Hamburger, a challenge I sadly lost, ironically due to the burger making me nauseous more than the heat itself.


For Xmas 2018 my in-laws gave me two hot sauces, the first was:


Aged 6 Years

Limited Edition

Super Hot Sauce. 

An impressive title.


The second came in a smaller black bottle.  It’s title simply read:




At dinner we were having several kinds of meat so I decided to try these hot sauces out.  I asked my 3 year old daughter which one I should try – the tall red and yellow bottle or the little black one.

Unfortunately for me, she picked the little black one.

Now before we continue I should introduce you to something called the Scoville Scale:

The Scoville scale is a measurement of the pungency (spiciness or “heat”) of chili peppers and other spicy foods, as recorded in  Scoville Heat Units (SHU) based on the concentration of capsaicinoids, among which capsaicin is the predominant component.

Now to give you an idea of spiciness – your average tabasco hot sauce comes in at around 3,500 SHU.  The Pepper Spray used by police to incapacitate people comes in at 5,000,000 SHU.

I have been unable to find a SHU listing for the Darkhorse.  But God Slayer comes in at a whopping 6,400,000 SHU.  That makes it (besides limited edition novelty releases) the third hottest commercially available hot sauce on the planet!

Of course, I did not know this at the time.

So I got some chicken and liberally coated it with God Slayer.  Took a big old bite.

The effect was instantaneous.  My lips, tongue and mouth in general were on spice-driven fire!  If it had been a cartoon flames would have been shooting out of my mouth!  I urged my brother-in-law to fetch some milk and spent the next several minutes using milk and bread and beer to try and put out the flames in my mouth.

After about 20 minutes I was OK and decided to try the Darkhorse Super Hot Sauce.  Put some liberally on my pork and took a big bite.  Like when I did the 15 hot sauces challenge and the chilli beer I had after tasted like water, this time the God Slayer had seared my tastebuds so much that I couldn’t even taste the Darkhorse.  I had another helping 5 minutes later and found the same.  So at this stage I had devoured 3 helpings of hot sauce in 45 minutes, one of them the 3rd hottest sauce on the planet.


The Effects

*At first I was fine

*Then my belly started to gurgle

*After that for about half an hour I became flatulent, to the amusement of myself if not others

*After that I became somewhat nauseous

*After that I felt quite nauseous so went and lay on the couch while the rest of the family continued to enjoy the Xmas festivities outside.  Think I even had a little nap.

*Went back to my mother-in-laws to bed at around 10.30pm.  Felt a bit nauseous still and had a tiny bit of a sweat on but nothing major.

*1am: Wake up and the backs of my hands were on fire!  Looking at them I was surprised the flesh wasn’t blistering!  Went and ran them under cold water.

*3am-7am: Up and down all night feeling nauseous, having hot flashes in my hands and feeling like I needed to defecate but couldn’t.

*8am: Wake up to nausea.  Go and sit on toilet. Diarrhea finally hits and the song ‘ring of fire’ pops into my head as my body purges itself of molten lava from my rectum for at least half an hour.

8.30am: Start to panic.  Am supposed to be taking my son and his friends to see the Bumblebee Movie for his birthday soon.  Tell my wife she may have to go in my stead.  She brings me water, pain killers and stomach pills for me to devour.

9.30am: Pills kick in.  The ordeal subsides.


So it was a fairly horrible experience in the end.  It turns out the heat in my hands was due to me drinking beer after the God Slayer.  It essentially diluted it and put it into my bloodstream where it traveled around trying to find a place to vent the heat.  As I was wearing pajamas the only parts of my body exposed and cool were my face and hands and thankfully it went to my hands.

So did this all happen purely due to the God Slayer or did the two helpings of Darkhorse contribute?  So sigh…. I am going to have to test this so this blog post might have a sequel down the line.  In the meantime, for the next few weeks at least, my mouth (and subsequently my colon) might give the hot sauce a wide berth.

Got a hot sauce experience of your own?  Would love to read it in the comments section below!


Related Articles:

Video: Big Angry Trev eats 15 Hot Sauces… in one bite!

Big Angry Trev vs Australia’s Hottest Hamburger!

Househusband Tales #8 – Star Charts

Kids.  Can’t live with’em, can’t hook them up to a car battery and yell ‘FOR THE THOUSANTH TIME, CLEAN YOUR ROOM!’

Yep, as much as we love our kids they can frustrate us, especially when they show the same behaviours every day no matter what we say or what we try to teach them.

Having a 5 and 3 year old at home, dinner times could be very stressful in our household.  You spend an hour in the kitchen preparing a meal that is both nutritious and tastes great, only for one of your kids to sit there with a look of pure revulsion on their face and go ‘Yuck!  I hate this!’ before they have even tasted it!  Meanwhile your other child has stripped off to just their underwear and is running laps around the table trying to catch the cat!  It can drive you barmy!

We got tired of nagging our kids about some of their behaviours, and realised that everything we were doing was negative and reactive.  So we decided to change tack and go proactive and my word it has made a world of difference!


How have we done this?  Something very simple – The Star Chart System.

The concept is very simple.  We assign each of our children 3 goals – one for the daytime, one for dinnertime and one for bedtime. These are printed out and stuck on the wall.  Whenever one of our kids achieves one of these goals they get a star sticker that they put up on their chart.  When they have gotten 7 stars for that particular goal then they get a prize!

His & Hers Prize bags

Now I know that sounds somewhat like bribery and perhaps at a basic level it is.  But it is more about changing your child’s mindset.  Instead of it being about the negatives associated with doing the wrong thing, its focusing on the positive’s associated with doing the right thing.


As for prizes, it needn’t be anything lavish, especially if you are giving them out reasonably often.  For kids it can be mainly about the excitement of getting the prize rather than having it.  Each of our kids has a prize bag full of stuff and none of it cost more than $2 or $3.  A quick trip down the toy and stationary isles of discount stores like The Reject Shop and you will find plenty of pencils packs, sticker sheets, fairy wings, army men, bubble wands and other assorted tat that will keep your kids occupied for an hour or two before they break it or lose interest.

The beauty of The Star Chart System is that you can adjust it to the every changing needs of your child.  For instance with our 3 year old daughter we found that achieving 7 stars meant that she would lose interest as it was too long a timescale between tangible rewards.  So we shortened her chart to she only needed to achieve 5.  By doing so she was getting more prizes and thus became far more interested in the whole process.  Admittedly she still struggles with her bedtime goal so we have reduced that to she only needs to get 1 star for a prize in the vain hope we can get a decent nights sleep.  And of course, when they achieve their goal you put a line through all the existing stars and begin all over again until the desired behaviour becomes ingrained.

The kids charts after a couple of months

We also found that by having special stickers for the final square on their charts, they worked harder towards getting that last one done so that they could put up a frog or bear sticker instead of a star.  Tweak the system as needed.

When it came to dinnertime, after only a month both our kids were achieving their goal on a daily basis, the chart working where months of nagging had not.  But again, the beauty is you can change the chart.  So instead of our son having to ‘Try all the food on my plate’ and our daughter ‘Stay in my seat and use my fork‘ we changed both to ‘I will eat all the food on my plate’.  And I’m pleased to say that most nights both our kids are now achieving this!  It has made perhaps the most stressful part of our evening as parents into something so much more positive and relaxed for the whole family.


So if you are sick of nagging your kids, and your kids are sick of getting nagged, give The Star Chart System a whirl – you will be glad you did!

Got any comments about the above?  Would love to read it in the comments section below!


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Video 2 of Big Angry Trev Skydiving

A couple of days ago I posted the video of my mate Brendan and I going skydiving (the video can be found HERE).

Since then, I have pieced together all the clips that contain extra footage and, more importantly, do not have an accompanying soundtrack so you can actually hear what is being said… or screamed (many apologies for the watermark that periodically appears).

‘Ok, so maybe I was a bit nervous’

I take a certain pride when watching this video that I am one of the very few that didn’t yell or scream when leaving the plane, but as you can tell from my expression that’s probably because I was so terrified my vocal chords were frozen.


So enjoy the second video of Big Angry Trev skydiving!

Oh, and for you Transformer fans, you’ll appreciate the reference made just before Brendan and I left the plane, even if it was a bit of a role reversal.



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Video: Big Angry Trev goes Skydiving!

Video: Big Angry Trev Bungy Jumps!

Video: Big Angry Trev goes Skydiving!

Well, I did it, I skydived.. er… I skydove… um… I jumped out of a plane!


Along with my friend Brendan, we took the plunge in Picton NSW.  T’was a beautiful day for it and we were in good spirits with much joking around as they took us through some very basic training and fitted us with harnesses which made me thankful that I already had all the kids I want.


When the plane took off, I got a bit nervous.  When the door opened, I got a bit petrified!  And as you will see in the video, those first few seconds out of the plane gave my face the ability to convey horror in a way it had never been capable of before.

But after those initial few seconds, the euphoria took over.  It was amazing!  It is kinda silly to think I was white-knuckling it when in a plane with a seatbelt, yet totally exhilarated when plummeting towards the ground from over 4 kilometres in the air at over 200kph!  The freefall was definitely the highlight and an incredible experience that I cannot recommend highly enough – everyone should try it at least once in their lives!

Way too soon for my liking the chute was pulled and freefall ended, leaving me to hang like a slab of meat off the front of my instructor as for the next few minutes we floated towards the ground.  It was so serene and silent up there, I could have happily stayed in the air all day.  Fear was non-existent, calm bliss was in abundance.


After we landed, rather than thanking the powers that be and kissing the ground, all I could think was ‘I wanna go again!’

Enjoy the below video: Big Angry Trev goes Skydiving!



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Video: Big Angry Trev Bungy Jumps!


Video: Big Angry Trev Bungy Jumps!

One week I am taking a plunge, a huge plunge. I am going skydiving.

To be honest, the idea is scaring the hell out of me!  But, with that idiotic male mindset, I fear backing out and not being able to look myself in the mirror more than taking the dive.


This upcoming battle with gravity has reminded me of the last time I did something of this ilk.  My girlfriend and I were travelling around New Zealand in 2005 and we came to Queenstown, widely considered the home of extreme sports.  As we drove into the town my girlfriend, rather cunningly I might add, said “Well one of us has to Bungy Jump while we are here, and I’m not doing it”.  Since there were only two of us in the car, that left me with the short straw.


When it came to the jump, I’d like to say I strode out confidently but in truth I was, if you will pardon the expression, shitting broken glass!  In fact I have to give some of the credit to me actually doing it to the jumper in front of me.  It was a 16 year old girl with her g-string about an inch above the back of her jeans.  If she wasn’t going to chicken out, how could I as a 27 year old man wearing sensible underwear?

So, with every sense in my body screaming at me that this was really stupid, I took the plunge!  IT. WAS. FANTASTIC!  It was so odd that I had been so scared beforehand and then after doing it all I wanted to do was to do it again!  I can certainly see why people by day passes for unlimited jumps.


So, in prelude to my skydiving endeavor next week (and if something goes wrong, thanks for reading folks!) enjoy the below video of Big Angry Trev Bungy Jumping.