There are certain laws of the universe that one considers immutable – one of the main ones I have always had no reason to doubt is cause and effect. If you do A, then it will cause B to happen. If you throw a ball in the air, it will come down again. If you stick your hand in the fire, it will be burned.
So if you have a room in which you use nothing but cleaning products, then ergo that room should be nothing but clean!
Seriously, why the f*ck are bathrooms exempt from the rules of cause and effect?! I’ve tidied plenty of bathrooms plenty of times but before today, in my new role as househusband, I’d never cleaned one before. Oh sure it looks clean enough, but when you get up close the friggin things are filthy!
‘Soap SCUM?! Since when is soap scummy? It doesn’t conduct phone scams does it?’
Why are they filthy? HOW are they filthy?! I took a look at all the products we have in our bathroom:
Look at all the words contained within! Those are words associated with cleaning. It should be the cleanest damn room in the house!
And the bath! How can the bath be filthy?! You fill it full of hot soapy water and then drain that straight down a damn plughole! I come out cleaner after being in the bath, the kids come out cleaner after being in the bath – why doesn’t the bath come out cleaner from being within itself?!
It’s bloody madness is what it is! I spent over an hour cleaning the bathroom today and I still have the floor to mop!
Well, enough of that – I’m not going to be suckered twice! From now on I’m hosing the kids off in the yard, the wife can shower at work and as for me, well I’ll just stand downwind of people as a courtesy. Because a world where soap makes things dirtier just doesn’t make sense to me – it seems to be a joke played by a capricious universe that just wants to f*ck with my househusband brain.
Go to hell Bathroom – you porcelain-toting bastard you!
Have you encountered this freak of household nature yourself? Tell us about it in the comments section below!
The Plebiscite Postal Vote is almost upon us and you can’t turn on a radio or television without almost immediately being subjected to discussions of it. Don’t even think of going on the internet, let alone social media, as everyone screams their two cents in unadulterated rage at the other side.
The Pony Postal Vote
Now me, I’m going to take a different tact. I’ve got a message for two of the most vocal groups against gay marriage – those groups being Ocker Aussie Blokes and Christians. I’m not going to try to convince you to vote for gay marriage – I know you are not going to – there is no point me yelling at you. My message is why you shouldn’t be afraid of gay marriage. Because guess what? Even if it doesn’t happen this time around, eventually it will happen so you had better get comfortable with the concept.
To the Ocker Aussie Blokes:
Guys, if there is one group that should be in favor of gay marriage it’s you guys – think about it:
For every two guys that get together, that means two less guys as competition to pick up that hot chick at the end of the bar. You should want more guys to turn gay! Imagine if you were one of the few straight guys on earth – yeah maybe TV might suck more but you’d have women literally lined up around the block waiting for a shag!
Women getting married – that’s pretty hot! How are these lesbians going to pay for their weddings? Two women getting married means two wedding dresses and those things are bloody expensive! Maybe they will make a saucy video and put it online that you can watch for a small fee as a way of raising the cash eh? Even more hot girl love on the net – boo-yah!
Girl couples everywhere! To build upon the last point, lesbians being able to marry means they will feel more socially accepted for their sexuality. This means that they are more likely to freely express affection in public. Imagine being on your lunch break, eating a sandwich, to look over and see two girls going the pash, even engaging in a bit of light petting. What a wonderful bloody country this will become – I’ll damn well be voting for it!
To the Christians
Everything that happens is part of the Devine Plan. No getting away from that. So if it does happen, it means that God meant for it to happen. So don’t get upset, just accept it’s part of the almighty’s divine will that your little human brain cant comprehend.
It will make gays easier to spot and subsequently judge. You won’t have to hunt them out anymore, checking closets in case there is a nest of them ensconced somewhere in your neighborhood. They will be out in the open, holding the hands of their legal spouses. Makes it a lot easier to target them to give them fliers about The Truth and tell them at length how they should be living their lives.
More room in Heaven, less in Hell. In The Book of Revelations it gives the dimensions of Heaven which is about half the size of the USA. Given the population boom, you don’t want to go around saving everyone. If everyone gets into Heaven it’s going to be standing room only – forever. Not even room to swing a harp! You don’t want those sodomites in Hell stretching out with plenty of room laughing at you do you?
But to both the Ocker Aussie Blokes and The Christians, let me give you this last piece of reasoning. You know why you shouldn’t stress if Gay Marriage happens? Because if it does happen it means we won’t have another bloody plebiscitepostal vote that costs over ONE HUNDRED MILLION OF TAXPAYERS DOLLARS because our pollies are too afraid of pissing off the wrong special interest groups and getting voted out!
As I said before, gay marriage is going to happen one day. Just like equal rights for women and equal rights for indigenous people, there is no stopping the march for equal rights for the LGBT’s – it’s inevitable. So let’s just get it over with eh? Then you Ocker Aussie Blokes can get back to getting pissed in front of the footy and ranting about how bloody foreigners are ruining this country, and you Christians can get back to telling your children that the invisible man in the sky loves them but will make them burn in unbearable pain for all eternity if they love the wrong person. And the rest of us can just get on with it because gays getting married isn’t going to make a damn bit of difference to anybody else’s day to day lives.
Living on a farmlet in the middle of nowhere, one relies heavily on the internet to keep tabs on what is happening in the outside world. Only one problem with that, as you gaze into the outside world…
…it gazes right back.
Who is she? And how does she know where I am? And why doesn’t her singlet fit properly?
Apparently I have become the focus of quite a few women in the area. Quite a few, ahem, very forward women. Women who seem to have some serious cravings that they think only I can take care of.
Subtlety is NOT these women’s strong point
It seems every time I log onto a Transformers site, a movie reviews board or read some comics online these messages magically appear, like these ladies somehow knew I was going to be checking out the latest TF5 news and were lurking on the site waiting for me to put in a showing.
Now this is very flattering and all. I just have one major issue. Apparently all these women live within a few miles of me. Now if I lived in somewhere like Melbourne this may be plausible, but let’s have a look at the view from my veranda:
I can see a few miles in every direction. Where are all these women? And something else is disturbing too:
And neither is originality it seems.
Why do they all have the same name? There can only be one answer.
Obviously there must be a subterranean bunker somewhere. A giant underground facility that people retreated to during the cold war in case of nuclear attack. Whilst down there these people have bred and produced nothing but girls and quickly exhausted their (seemingly very limited) imagination regarding names. Now these women have grown and require male seed in order to produce the next generation of rural cave dwellers.
I must admit this all has me worried. I’m afraid to go outside in case I get mobbed by a bunch of topless nympho’s (oh where was that problem for 17 year old Trev – he would have been more than happy to deal with it). I’m worried everything I do online is being watched so these vixens can ferret out my weaknesses and eventually take possession of my sublime physique for their sordid needs.
I guess I should just click “no” every time one of these Jessica’s asks ‘Do I want to f*ck them’ but I’m always worried I’ll get back a hurt message saying ‘why not?’ and then end up having to console some naked woman online for the next half hour.
So to Rachel, Katy, Jen, Julia, Jessica, Jessica, Jessica, Jessica and of course Jessica – I say to you this: I am flattered, truly I am. But I am a happily married man with two children. I have no need or desire for an underground harem or to create more offspring. Might I suggest online dating sites? Or maybe just get out in the fresh air more and perhaps migrate to an area that has a greater abundance of men for you. I wish you all well…
… and please, let me look at my Transformer sites in peace!
Been stalked online by sex-crazed mole-women too? Let us know in the comments section below!
Stress. Ironically in a country where it could be argued we’ve never had it so good, more and more people are suffering from it in Australia.
And I never thought I’d be among those ranks but I’m one of them.
Stress is a bastard of a thing. It stops you sleeping, it stops you eating properly, it makes you feel like there is a giant knot in your gut that won’t go away. It’s most certainly something that stops life being as fun as it could be.
But is the stress you are feeling valid?
Well I don’t know you but I’m going to go out on a limb here and say yes. Yes it is. Because you can’t control what stresses you – if you did you would most likely put a stop to it so you could stop being stressed. Stress isn’t like say a teenage-angst depression (rather than the full blown one) where people get, as the song goes, addicted to a certain kind of sadness. And since you can’t control what stresses you and that stress is particular to you then that stress is valid. But it can be hard to maintain perspective.
Two pieces in the media last week have made me think about my own stress. One was a half hour special on the ABC from the show ‘You can’t ask that!’ where they posed questions to former soldiers. These people have, almost across the board, crippling physical, emotional and psychological impairments and will never be the same from what they went through in service of their country. Many of them have had their relationships end or otherwise have trouble forming ones to begin with.
The other was a story on JJJ’s Hack program where they had people talking about how with the current state of the rental property market in Australia. To afford a place to rent these people have to sacrifice using the heater, eating properly and so on. Now that may have been my world when attending Uni (I didn’t use the heater, I sat in a chair with a blanket over me and a hot water bottle between my legs) but then I wasn’t working a 40 hour week with children to support. Amazing the amount of cold you can ignore while playing Mario Kart 64.
Now compared to those two groups I’ve got it pretty damn good. Besides a back that plays up from time to time I don’t have any ongoing physical injuries and besides having the odd dream where I am back in high school, where I was constantly beaten up and bullied, I don’t have any emotional or psychological problems. Financially I’m earning more money than I ever have and am comfortably ahead on my mortgage repayments. Relationship wise I have the most wonderful wife in the world and our mutual love is never in doubt for a moment for either of us, likewise our love for our kids and theirs for us is rock solid. Yep, compared to many I’ve got it pretty bloody good…
…yet I’m stressed as hell!
Does this mean my stress is less valid than others? Well maybe the above groups would see me the same way I reacted to the suicide of Robin Williams a few years ago. The outpouring of sadness from the public was phenomenal. My reaction was somewhat different. All I could think was “He had children – how DARE he kill himself! When you have kids suicide is off the table, even if they are grown up – period! And what was wrong with his life anyway? A multi-millionaire, internationally famous and beloved – what the f*ck did he have to kill himself over? I’d kill to have the life he just threw away!”
In retrospect I didn’t know the man personally. I don’t know what stresses he had in his life, though it was probably more a deep seated depression that caused him to take the action he did. Just as other groups could look at me and be disgusted at me being stressed considering my relative good fortune, I reacted the same way to him and that was not the right thing to do. Just because on the surface he had it a lot better than I doesn’t mean the stresses he felt in his life were any less valid.
I don’t want to go in to my own stresses too much. Suffice it to say I am desperately trying to change careers and am feeling very trapped at my inability to do so due to my lack of experience in other fields. I’m being turned down for jobs that pay half as much and require more hours yet provide less yearly leave than I get now. I can’t simply quit my current job as I have a mortgage and bills to pay and a family to support – my actions affect far more than me. My beautiful daughter still does not sleep properly and there is only one or two nights a week that my wife and I get enough sleep – sleep deprivation really does your head in, especially when it’s been going on for years. I keep trying and failing at quitting cigarettes, mainly because I am stressed and I smoke when I’m stressed, and the fact I am smoking is making me stress about that too. There are other stresses in my life but these are probably the big 3.
I try to combat this by thinking of all the good I have. I have a wonderful wife, 2 beautiful children, a nice house and hobby a farm in the country. My job at least pays well and is reasonably secure. I’m in no imminent danger of not having food in my belly or a roof over my head. Does this dwelling on the positives always work? Often but certainly not always. There are times I’m lying there awake for hours in the middle of the night and all the negatives in my life join forces and become a bit too much. Those nights the giant knot in my gut rules the roost.
So how does one combat stress? Well, there are a million experts out there that will give you the answer (and probably charge you a pretty penny for doing so) so I won’t really go into that. All I can say is do what works for you. Whether that’s spending time with friends and family, losing yourself in movies and television, having a beer at the end of a long day – it’s what relaxes you. But, if I had all the answers I wouldn’t be stressed myself.
Sometimes true
So don’t stress that your stress is not valid. If you are feeling stressed and think you shouldn’t because there are those worse off than you, just remember that there are also people that are better off than you and they get stressed as well.
Now if you excuse me, I’m off to play with my kids and then sit on my veranda and have a beer -that’s what works well for me.
Got something to add or say about the article above? Would love to read it in the comments section below!
At the start of 2016, my in-laws suggested that I start a blog in order to provide a creative outlet for the myriad of random thoughts that constantly run through this odd brain of mine, as well as it possibly being a new career. So one year ago in April of 2016 was born.
Happy birthday to me!
And here we are on the sites first anniversary! It’s been a lot of fun writing this and has proven quite educational. I’ve learned my audience is much more interested in Transformers than Hobby Farming, that spiders killing snakes (or at least skinks) makes for great news and that it’s often not what you write but where someone else shares it that determines the amount of views you get. Also that I must not be particularly photogenic as the most popular video I put up is the only one I am not pictured in. Over the course of the Blogs first year I’ve had over 10,000 views – a respectable number indeed. However well short of the 100,000 a month I would need to start making money out of it. So share away guys! Send in ‘Ask Trev‘ questions, subscribe for new stories, encourage your friends to follow the blog on Facebook and Twitter and keep reading, I need a new career badly! I really appreciate those who have followed me along this journey and hope I can keep informing and entertaining you all in the future.
Not too shabby so far
To celebrate the first year of I thought I’d list below what has proven the most popular posts in each section. Enjoy!
Thank you to all of you and if you have any suggestions on how I can improve the blog or something new you would like to see featured on here please give me a shout out!
Gotta catch’em all! A sentiment uttered by Pokémon fanatics and pedophiles alike.
Is there much of a difference? Probably (though both groups made heavy use of the Pokémon GO app) . Let’s take a look at that damn cartoon eh? Or as I call it ‘Hansel & Gretel for the new millennium’.
My mom lets me sleep outdoors and has no idea as to my current location – cool!
The story centers around Ash, a 10 year old boy. Now what should 10 year old boys be doing? Living with Mum and Dad, going to school, taking piano lessons and the like one would think. But no, this kid traipses off into the woods, no adult supervision and with a bunch of wild animals and the intent to catch more.
This cartoon isn’t set thousands of years ago by the way, where one had to bring down a wolf or elk in order to prove their manhood to the tribe. No, its set in modern Japan, where apparently its perfectly fine for parents to let their kids ditch school and then head into the forest with some little yellow mutant hamster that can shoot deadly bolts of electricity. And his mission? To catch more mutant animals – ones that can shoot spikes and breathe fire and emit poisonous gasses and all manner of f*cked up shit! And why is Ash trying to ‘Catch’em all’? To make them fight each other. That’s right, cock-fighting for kids! How merry!
Oh yes – a perfectly safe pet for a 10 year old
When I was 10 I wasn’t even allowed to walk to a mates house after school by myself without ok’ing it with my mother first! But nope, Ash’s parents are progressive and believe that stifles a child’s creativity. And that immunizations cause Autism. Year after year Ash never seems to grow, indicating a severe lack of proper nutrition (maybe he eats the Pokémon he captures – I’ll admit, I’d try a Charizard & chips – at least it would be self frying) . Also he seems to wear the exact same clothes year in and year out – can’t the poor kid have a new pair of jeans (though he does keep his old clothes immaculate I must say).
Perhaps I’m being unfair. Ash (our Hansel) is often not actually alone. On top of all the deadly animals, Ash usually has a small band of friends with him. Other delinquent kids who aren’t interested in an education, within an ever changing roster (the kids that disappear probably get eaten by a damn Jigglypuff or something). Usually there is another one or two boys and a girl. Lets take a look at three of these girls:
I’m Sarena – I love short skirts and thigh high stockingsI’m Dawn – I love even shorter skirts and CFM boots
Would you let your pre-teen daughters dress in skirts that ludicrously short and wander about in the woods with a bunch of boys sans grown-ups to keep an eye on things? I think not! And if so please leave your details in the comments section at the bottom of this page so I can pass them on to the authorities. These little lasses will be visiting a ‘family planning center’ by the time they are 15 at the latest, I guarantee it. Put on some damn clothes and get back to school you little tarts!
I’m Misty and I take my fashion cues from 80’s porn actresses!
I mean come on – its not that hot! Ash seems to always be wearing jeans and a jacket and he’s not sweating. But then maybe these Gretel’s too are suffering like our Hansel is, no parents around to make them rug up and buy a sweater.
Oh, and lets not forget Team Rocket! A grown man and woman duo, off their nuts on drugs to the point that they constantly hallucinate their cat can talk, who stalk Ash and his friends wherever they go. Anyone ever heard of Stranger Danger? Where are the authorities in all this? Two adults that constantly follow small children – I mean are the cops waiting until the kids get molested or what?! All this pair of deviants are lacking is a Gingerbread Cottage!
Team Rocket – Gender-Swapping perverts cupping themselves at children
Bear in mind that this all equates to one of the most popular cartoons over the past twenty years. It’s a damn billion dollar industry! TV shows, movies, video games, toys, trading cards, apps – it’s a friggin cash cow! Lets just sum up the story line of this travesty:
A 10 year old boy wanders around the forest with no adults, other little boys, scantily dressed girls and dangerous animals while they hunt even more dangerous animals to make’em fight each other as they get stalked by a couple of druggo loonies! This is Pokémon – DVD’s on sale now!
You know what? I’ll be keeping my kids watching Transformers. At least it’s just a bunch of big alien robots shooting coloured lasers at each other. Sounds a lot more wholesome to me. Hansel & Gretel my arse!
So THAT’S why he’s been trying to catch’em all. Ew. Been in the woods way too long Ash buddy – time to go home.
Got an opinion about this cartoon of neglect and sin? Would love for you to mention it in the comments section below!
It’s Monday morning. I’m on my way in to town in the ute to do a few jobs before I grab a metric ton of gravel for the driveway. One of the jobs I’m doing is to drop off some unneeded clothing in the Salvo bins. 5 bags of maternity clothes that my wife has washed, sorted, folded and properly bagged up to donate.
I drive in to town and head to the carpark where the donation bins are located. Only one problem…
… I can’t get near them for all the crap that has been dumped!
Two busted TV’s, a bunch of broken furniture and not one, not two but THREE mattresses have been piled around the bins. From the smell wafting from them, I’m guessing the beds previous occupants were either some of the druggies down the road or else they had been used for a year by a herd of incontinent sheep (odd how they both give off the same aroma).
I managed to wade through all this stuff and put my bags into the bins. It’s then I notice this sign:
Note that the sign even specifically says ‘no mattresses’ yet there were three of them! Which means one of two things, either the people who dumped them couldn’t read (a distinct possibility) or they were feral f*ckheads who didn’t give a shit!
When I returned later in the day, I noticed that all the rubbish had been removed. Turns out it doesn’t matter if you can’t read because they have even bigger signs with pictures:
Why do people do it? Oh I get the basic reasoning – it’s easy and its free. But why there? There are skip bins next to supermarkets and shopping center’s which usually don’t have cameras on them. There are back alleys and overgrown scrub areas. But nope, for some reason like a magnet these idiots are always drawn to dump their stuff next to charity shop bins. Why? Do they like to pretend that even though this stuff is specifically not wanted, that somehow the charity shop will find a use for it anyway and therefore they really are doing a good deed? That’s an impressive level of self-delusion if so. Lets face it – have any of you ever gone into a charity shop and seen mattresses for sale? Ever? I know I haven’t!
Is it simply the word ‘bin’? The noun being ‘a receptacle in which to deposit rubbish’. Do they think a bin is a bin is a bin so you can dump whatever crap you like in and around them because that is what bins are for?
I’m not sure what their reasoning is and frankly I don’t care! It’s disgusting behavior and totally lacking in social conscience! The bins that I saw on Monday morning were less than a five minute drivefrom thelocal tip and the tip doesn’t charge that much. A growing number of councils across the country are introducing ‘free hard rubbish collection days’. Either as one predesignated day each year or individual pick-ups for households that you can get once or twice a year. The point is it’s not hard to get rid of this stuff without making a charity to it for you – to their own cost I might add!
That’s right – it actually costs the charities to get rid of this stuff! The council doesn’t do it for them for free, they have to do it themselves. That means paying employees and using vehicles to go collect all that crap and then take it to dump where they have to pay a fee to dump it off. So dumping your old mattresses there is not only not helping the charities, it is actively hurting them. This just up’s the level of bastardry of this action in my opinion.
I’d like to quote one of my cousins who lives in the ACT, who chimed in on this subject:
“One of my old jobs involved emptying those bins and aside from all the unwanted goods we (a charity!) were paying to take to the rubbish tip we also had to deal with broken glass and bags of soiled nappies, garbage etc, and occasionally came across people trying to steal from the bins!”
So now we have people not even pretending that they are doing a good deed? Soiled nappies? Yeah, the poor really need those. People stealing from the bins?!? My gods! These charities charge basically nothing for the goods they receive and then sell on. So stealing from them is essentially the same as stealing from the poor themselves. I mean – for f*cks sake!
So next time I see one of these social parasites acting in this manner I’m going to take action! Photo’s on the phone and straight to the cops it is! I’d suggest you all do the same. I’d say we should all do the super hero thing and confront the villain’s head on, but the kind of people that do this are probably the same people that wouldn’t think twice about sticking their used syringe in your eye. Then it will be you in need of the charities help and they have enough to deal with already.
And for anyone that is reading this blog who uses the Charity Bins as their personal dumping ground. Don’t. Just Don’t. Got it? Alright? Fine!
Got something to add, would love to read it in the comments section below.
Valentines Day. The cynical see it as a day invented by the greeting card companies. The sleazy see it as a day to prey on lonely, drunk, single people in bars. For those of us with partners it can often seem a bit of a chore, as if like Christmas we are supposed to drag our sorry butts out there yet again and rack our brains for something to give our significant other in order to fulfill this yearly obligation.
But nay, these are all the wrong ways to look at this day of romance. Yes it may be a bit cheesy, it may be a bit stereotypical, but Valentine’s Day really can be a day to enjoy and show the one you love that you actually do care!
Now, there are few that have met me that could deny I am a romantic soul. I have romance drippin out me various pores I do! When it comes to wooing the fairer sex there is me, Don Juan and Donald Trump. So here are Big Romantic Trev’s tips for romancin the arse off your beloved!
A charming look to get even the iciest maiden peculating in the nethers
Lovin’ for the Ladies
Guys (and lesbians – excellent taste shown there girls!), it really isn’t that hard. Go with the stereotypes. You know why they are stereotypes? Because everyone does them. You know why everyone does them? Because they work! I always go the full gamut:
Flowers: If you know her favorite type of flowers that’s a definite plus!
Chocolates: If she has a real sweet tooth, get a great big box! If not so much, a nice little box of Belgian chocolates goes down well.
Jewelry: No tiaras or belly-button rings (unless dating a hippy). A nice pendant on a chain or a pair of earrings. If you know her style, so much the better.
A card: Just a sweet one from a cheapy shop. Don’t waste $6 on something that she will go ‘oh isn’t that nice’ at and then put in a draw forever. She will value the message you write more than the quality of the cardboard.
Food: Want brownie points? Take her out to a fancy restaurant for a lovely candlelit meal for two. If you have kids book a babysitter well in advance. However if you want to score big points, cook her her favorite meal! My wife loves Thai food so for example this year I will be taking her for lunch at a nice restaurant and then cooking her up some green curry for tea.
Wine: Doesn’t have to be champagne, just a nice bottle of whatever she likes. Not a $200 bottle but don’t grab some eight-buck plonk from the gas station either. Make sure that you actually know what she likes – no point in getting a dry white when she is a sweet red gal.
A massage: Got kids that refuse to fall asleep till late? A nice shoulder massage while you are watching TV is good. No kids or the kids went to sleep before midnight? A nice long back massage with some proper oil will give her the best ending she could hope for that day. And who knows – maybe she will be that appreciative she might rub something of yours in return so you get a happy ending too!
Lingerie: Hmmm… tricky. You both know that it’s really for your own benefit. I have known very few women who really dig expensive lingerie. But on the other hand you don’t get many excuses to buy her a pair of fancy knickers so it’s hard to bypass the opportunity when it arises. My advice – stagger it out. Only get her some every second or third Valentines day. Otherwise she will see it that your opinion of Valentines is ‘I want a shag day’ and the romance will soon vanish.
Mush for the Men
Men are simple creatures; we don’t need a lot of romancing. However even we appreciate the odd gesture to remind us that we are loved. Luckily these gestures, like every girl I dated at Uni, are cheap and easy:
Food: Wanna make your man feel loved? Cook him a big breakfast! Doesn’t have to have everything but a generous helping of eggs, sausages, bacon, beans and toast are a must with a strong cup of coffee. No need to give it to us in bed, that’s a Fathers Day thing.
Nookie: Yes, it’s Valentine’s Day so your man is going to be hoping for a bit of action. If it’s a weekend and you’ve got no kids, well there are certain ways of waking up your man that will make him feel very loved indeed! Otherwise a romantic liaison between the sheets at evenings end, perhaps wearing that nice lingerie he bought you that you pretended you liked, should make him a very happy chappy.
And that’s it for romancing a guy – told ya we don’t need much!
So this Valentines Day, don’t treat it as a chore. Treat it as a chance to show that special someone that they mean the world to you. And don’t forget to fill your bellies, your hearts and yes, your beds, with love!
Got some more Valentines Day tips? Would love to read them in the comments section below!
Australia Day. A day to, in essence, celebrate Australia and being Australian. Seems pretty straight forward and for many years it has been. Get a day off work, have a BBQ and a beer. Catch up with a few mates – all very uncomplicated.
But now we have the internet.
Every year Australia Day seems to become more and more ‘obsessive, angry fragger on social media shitstorm day’. Don’t dare log on to Facebook or Twitter or anything else because this is what you will see:
The Far Left:“It’s Invasion Day! It shouldn’t be held on January 26th! It’s a racist day! We should all feel shame for something we have 3rd hand knowledge of!”
The Far Right:“If you don’t like Australia then f*ck off. If you don’t like our customs then f*ck off. If you don’t conform to our norms then f*ck off back to where you came from!”
Muted in the Middle
Well guess what – I’ll bet a lot of you who are not indigenous or listened to mainstream media talking about asylum seekers didn’t give a crap about all this 15 years ago! We have yuppies who have never stepped foot outside a capital city thinking that ranting on Twitter will make a difference to Aboriginal communities, instead of maybe actually jumping on a train to go visit one and lend a hand. Conversely we have yobbos yelling on Facebook that if you don’t like Australia Day and were not born here then piss off back to your own country, trying to somehow pass off blatant racism as patriotism. Seems like for the most part its Caucasians with too much free time and no real multicultural experience that are the actual problem. And most of these folk seem to be on social media trolling for someone to disagree with them so they can fly off into self-righteous tirades – oh yes, very Australian indeed.
For the record, if Aboriginal people have a problem with Australia Day and the date it’s held on, I reckon it’s probably valid. Most of the actual Indigenous commentators I’ve heard on the subject tend to be articulate and well spoken rather than simply screaming “INVASION AND MURDER!” on the streets. Let them have their say because at least they are saying it in an intelligent way. And for those who are not of indigenous heritage but are trying to highlight their issues and the inequalities inherent in society without trying to slam it down my throat I will happily listen to you as well. If the arguments are cogent I may well end up agreeing. For those that feel pride for being an Australian and want show it by hoisting the Aussie Flag on their front lawn and singing the national anthem on Australia Day, I don’t have a real problem with them either. If you aren’t bothering anyone or engaging in a ‘my country is better than yours’ mentality, go for ya life! I may even sing along with ya.
But for the Far Lefties screaming “Invasion Day” and the Far Righties screaming “Love Australia or get out!” all I can say is “Why don’t both sides shut the hell up!” Stop ruining the day for the rest of us! Many of the people that are yelling the loudest are screaming about issues that they have never been involved in and have never directly impacted on their own lives. It’s just a damn excuse for the right and left of politics to slam into each other in a big bitch-fest yetagain. People that have never said two words to an Indigenous person in real life screaming about what happened to them centuries ago and conversely people who have never been personally inconvenienced by an immigrant or asylum seeker yelling that this is our day and our country and they should all piss off home. Here is an idea, why don’t both sides go out to a big paddock somewhere armed with padded bats and beat the crap out of each other for the day, preferably causing at least enough damage to render all their hands too swollen to type and their throats too sore to rant.
You wanna know what I’ll be doing on Australia Day?
I’ll be happy I have the day off work. I’ll be happy that I live in a country that, even though it has a splotchy history and is by no means perfect today, is still pretty damn good. I’ll cook up some Aussie-style burgers with fried eggs from my chookies and some tomatoes from my vege patch along with some beef and beetroot. I’ll enjoy these with my family and maybe have a few beers from one of the smaller Aussie brewing companies. Might even chuck on JJJ’s Hottest 100 on the radio while I do some farm work. I won’t bother anyone, I won’t scream at anyone, I won’t get angry on the internet at anyone who doesn’t agree with me. In short I’ll relax, chill the hell out and enjoy that I live in a country where I have enough to eat and no one is shooting at me. Because a f*ckload of people on the planet – far too many – don’t get to enjoy those two simple luxuries.
I suggest you all do the same and maybe give the self-righteousness a rest eh? Happy Australia Day!
Do you agree or have a different opinion? As long as you can state it without a bullhorn I’d love to read it in the comments below.
Ah the internet, where everyone can agree on the big things like peace and love, but will get into blindingly hateful arguments over something like are Tiny Teddies considered a biscuit or a cookie.
Since the picture I took of a Redback Spider feeding on a ‘Blind Snake’ went viral, there have been dozens of people arguing about species. Whilst everyone agrees it is a Redback spider and most people seem to agree with my assessment that it is a Blind Snake, lots of people have their own theories about what the Redback is actually feeding on, some arguing for different species of snake and some arguing that it is a completely different creature all together!
Now whilst I initially thought it was a Brown Snake, which some people have messaged me to say they think it actually is, I concluded it was a Blind Snake as it strongly resembled those I have accidentally dug up from time to time around my property.
Ramphotyphlops australis – the Blind Snake. Source: Museum VictoriaBut could I be wrong? Nay, stay your disbelief! I actually can be wrong you know – it happens about once a decade (anyone who saw my cowlick hairdo in the 90’s or met my first wife in the 00’s knows I can make HUGE errors in judgment). I was taking photos with one hand and keeping my kids back with the other before I disposed of the whole grizzly scene so I didn’t exactly manage to get my Junior Scientist kit out for a proper examination. I went via the evidence of my eyes and previous experience, both of which have stood me well in the past.
So what are the other theories out there? I’ve already mentioned some believe it is a Brown Snake but completely different animals seems to be the order of the day:
Michael Piggott of Epsom in Victoria believes it may be a giant Earthworm.
“Well I can’t see a head in the picture. It looks pointy at both ends. Snakes normally have a pointy end and a bitey end. I was in the pet store looking at baby snakes on Friday and they look very different to yours. They actually look quite beautiful.”
Victorian Giant Earthworm. Source: Museum VictoriaDespite Michael not living locally, it seems according to Social Media there quite a few Swanhillians who agree with Michael’s assessment and it is usually the people who live in an area that are in the know.
The most prevalent theory I have been presented with is that it is a Legless Lizard. This has been touted by everyone from day workers to former school Principals.
Legless Lizard – photo provided by Tabatha TihomimovTabatha Tihomimov, an avid snake enthusiast who boasts 80 live snakes in her personal collection is one of the people getting behind the Legless Lizard theory:
“I think it’s a Legless Lizard because of the scale pattern (smooth scales) and the tiny little leg, shape of the head etc”
It seems most of the people who don’t think it is a Blind Snake believe Tabatha to be correct on this score.
After the photo had been circulating for a few days, we had interest come from the scientific community itself!
Heath Butler, who has an Honours degree in Zoology and has studied the movement patterns of Tiger Snakes had a new theory:
“It’s a Slider Skink (Lerista punctatovittata). They are practically legless. No Australian blind snake has a pointed snout like that, or a tapered tail”
This was soon supported by Heath’s former professor, Mr Nick Clemann. Nick is a Senior Scientist at theArthur Rylah Institute, where he leads the Threatened Fauna Program. Nick specializes in reptiles and amphibians and has spent years studying the Mallee and Riverina herpetofauna
“The pointed snout clearly shows that this is a Lerista skink – and most certainly not a Ramphotyphlops. I have worked with both for many years, and I can assure you that Heath is correct. Furthermore, you will notice that the lizard changes colour from where the body ends and the tail begins (tellingly, right about where the rear legs are!). At the very bottom of the photograph you can see the alternating black and white colour pattern that is typical of the dorsal surface of Lerista punctatovittata, and does not occur on Blind Snakes. Lastly, you can even see the tiny, vestigial forelimb.”
Image provided by Nick ClemannThis was also supported by Geoff Heard, a Post Doctoral Researcher at theUniversity of Melbourne. Geoff studies frog movement and disease, and works with Mr Clemann on reptiles around Victoria, including in the Mallee, where he has an ongoing trapping program to examine the effects of fire on reptiles.
“Heath is spot on”.
Someone else who asserts it is a Slider Skink is Mr Michael Swan who has been a Senior Reptile Keeper withZoos Victoria for 17 years.
“It’s definitely not a snake…….and it does appear to be Lerista punctatovittata”
I asked Mr Clemann about Legless Lizards and how that seemed to be the popular choice for what this creature is and asked was there really much of a difference between a Legless Lizard and a Slider Skink. He answered thusly:
“There is much confusion around common names, which is why scientists like to use scientific names. There are 5 families of lizards in Australia: skinks, dragons, goannas/monitors, geckos and legless lizards. Legless lizards are technically very closely related to geckos. So a skink is no more a legless lizard than a goanna is a gecko. And skinks vary enormously in size. Australia’s smallest lizard (called Grey’s Skink) is about 3 to 4 cm in total length when fully grown, but things like Stumpy-tailed Lizards and Blue-tongued Lizards are also skinks.
Like legless lizards, some skinks have greatly reduced limbs, usually because they have evolved to live underground, or to ‘snake’ their way through thick vegetation. Leristas are an example of this. But they are NOT legless lizards, they are skinks.”
So what IS it?
So what this creature be? Brown Snake?Giant Earthworm? Do we believe the large group who think it is a Legless Lizard? Do we believe the scientists and experts with their years of training and their consensus that it is a Slider Skink? Or do we believe Big Angry Trev who stared at it for 2 minutes before crushing it with a watering can that it was a Blind Snake. Yes yes, I know your first instinct is to simply agree with me and believe whatever I say – it’s usually where the smart money is. But I must admit, I tend to defer to scientists and Heath and his crew make very persuasive arguments but then the likes of Tabatha certainly knows more about reptiles than I.
The photo that sparked a national debate!
Write in the comments below what you believe the creature is, I would love to read your opinion!