Category Archives: Fan Interviews & Art

Interviews with Trev & Transformer Fans alike, along with a nice dose of Fan Art sent in to tickle your artistic sensibilities.

Permaculture: Using Goats to clear Blackberry Patches

On our farm here in NSW, like many other farms in the region, we have a problem with Blackberry Bushes.

For anyone from the city who isn’t acquainted with them, Blackberry Bushes aren’t cute little shrubs that give you some delightful fruit.  No, they are a noxious weed that grows out of control.  There is virtually no limit to the size they grow, and they are covered in thorns ready to ensnare human and animal alike with even the slightest contact.

And that is just ONE patch!

We’ve got some whoppers of Blackberry Bushes on our land, some almost bigger than our house!  They have been very hard to get rid of for two reasons:

A: We don’t like to use poisons on our property

B: Even if we did use poisons, most of the bushes are located in the middle of our shallow creek, meaning that any use of herbicides could result in them entering the water, causing major damage to other plants and the ecosystem in general.

So what were we to do?

Well, we kinda lucked out.  Mick, who I buy nearly all my second-hand pots from in order to propagate plants for our Organic Plants & Produce business, runs a family business of his own.  He and his wife Billie run Dry Creek Farm, and they specialize in bringing out herds of goats in order to decimate Blackberry Patches, leaving nothing but stems and fertilizer in their wake.  After being impressed with the job they did on our farm, I couldn’t help but ask them for an interview and they kindly obliged:

Sustainable – and cute!

What first gave you the idea to use goats to clear huge blackberry patches?

Huge Blackberry patches on our own place and a strong desire not to spray. We have done a permaculture course and heard of people using goats for weed control. We were getting a fair bit of pressure from the weed inspectors to do something about our Blackberry so we decided we’d have to give it a go. 

What made you decide that using goats to clear blackberry was a viable business?

Mostly the fact that it worked so well on our place. We knew other people were also looking to an alternative to spraying. Also, we had the goats and were running out of feed for them! 

How much blackberry can a mob of your goats clear in a day?

We usually say a single car garage per day but we’ve recently experimented with using larger mobs and knocking them over a bit faster. We have found that it depends on the goats and what they’re used to eating, we’ve recently bought some goats and found they weren’t as keen on blackberry as our initial mob. Nothing a bit of competition and on the job training won’t fix. (after the goats moved from your place to join with the others they have started churning through the patches like there’s no tomorrow)

How is using goats to clear blackberry more sustainable and ecologically friendly than using traditional methods?

Spraying is very detrimental in the long run, it kills soil life and does not allow the weed to add fertility to the soil. The production and transportation of agricultural chemicals is a huge contributer to greenhouse gases and creates a cycle of chemical dependence on farms. Goats help to increase fertility by turning weeds into manure which makes it easier to break down. Treating weeds in this way also allows the plant to continue filling it’s niche in the ecosystem. For example, blackberry helps prevent erosion and having the goats treat a patch still leaves the canes and the roots to fulfill this function. 

I understand something rather odd (and amusing) happened when your goats were at our place.  Can you describe what happened?

We’ve well and truly learnt that not everything goes to plan when working with animals. We decided to swing via your place for an unscheduled check on the goats because we happened to be in the area. Lucky we did. When we arrived we noticed there were nine feral and stinky billygoats showing an interest in our girls. One was in the paddock with our goats and another had his horns completely tangled in the mobile fencing and was being humped from behind by another of the billies! It was not his lucky day. Mike had to get amongst it and wrestle him free of the fence then we had to draft them out of the paddock and chase them away to discourage them returning. It was all a bit dramatic but didn’t cause too much drama in the end and gives us something to have a laugh about. We were quite surprised as we had the goats working on our place for twelve months with feral goats always around and we have also done other jobs and seen billies about but never had this situation! 


I’d like to thank both Michael and Billie for both their time doing this interview and the wonderful job their goats did getting rid of our blackberries.  You can find the website for Dry Creek Farm HERE.


Got any questions for Mick and Billie?  Pop it in the comments section below and I’m sure they will be happy to answer it.


Related Articles:

*Capturing Wild Animals: Feral Goats

*Interview: Greens Member – Natalie Abboud

*Raising Goats as Pets

*Permaculture: Building a No-Dig Garden




Transformers Fan Interview – Santa Claus

Today, instead of interviewing our usual Aussie Transformers Fan, we will be interviewing an international one, and someone who could be considered the quintessential expert on all things toys.  Today we are in fact interviewing the Jolly Fat Man himself, Santa Claus.

B.A.Trev: Santa, thanks for joining us for this interview.  I appreciate this is a very busy time of year for you.

Santa: Ho ho, no problem Trevor.  I’m a big big fan, love your work.

B.A.Trev: Glad to hear it.  And thank you for being so generous over the years.

Santa: Oh ho ho, you’ve always been such a good boy!

No coal in my stocking!

B.A.Trev: Now, are you aware how these interviews work?

Santa: Oh yes, I read everything on your fantastic site so I’ve seen all the previous interviews.  Have at it!

B.A.Trev: Ok, here we go:


Real name or what friends call you?

Saint Nick, but my friends call me ‘Joe

Country you live in?

I actually live on constantly converging and shifting sea ice in the middle of the Arctic Ocean.  Makes getting the mail a real headache.

Your occupation?

Anthromorphic Personification of Yuletide cheer and commercialism

Your dream job?


Your age?

I stopped counting after 300, it got depressing.


Got a missus.  There are lots of children-sized elves that work for me but they are NOT my kids, no matter what that lying bitch Debbie in accounts says!

What other (non-toy) interests do you have?

(sighs) Keeping warm

What type of music/movies/TV/books do you enjoy? 

I’m a big fan of Die Hard.  A great Christmas movie and book!

Transformers Allegiance, if you had one?

Ho ho, an Autobot of course!

Your Techspec motto if you had one?

‘Whatever happened to wooden trains?’

What existing, official Transformers character best describes you? 

Astrotrain, he can carry a huge amount and fly around the entire planet in one night!

Which special ability of any Transformers character would you want to have for yourself?

Skywarp’s teleportation, then I’d never have to go down another damn chimney again!

Do you think you will collect Transformers until you die? 

(looks morose and resigned) Other people get to die, I just have to go on… and on…. and on.  Never do I get to feel the sweet kiss of eternal slumber.

Have you attended any fan-meets, Fairs, Conventions? 

Well, I attend a lot of shopping malls I guess.

Any creative endeavours with Transformers (drawing, writing, customising, etc)?

I outsource all that these days.

Favourite series/era/year, and why? 

Beast Wars – all the kids in that era wanted were pointed sticks and to not get eaten by robotic insects.

Least favourite series/era/year, and why? 

Cyberverse – where is the craftsmanship?  I’d fire an elf on the spot if he designed that Warrior Megatron figure.

Collect any comics (which ones)? 

Do you know what snow does to paper?!

Favourite Comic issue/story, and why? 

The IDW Holiday Special is a wonderful!  The Dreadwind one where he is visited by ghosts is very good as well.

Favourite Cartoon episode/story, and why?

Definitely Transformers Animated: Human Error I & II.  The one where Gears becomes all jolly is a favorite from years gone by.

Favourite Video/Board game and why? 

Transformers: The Robot Warrior Game.  No electronics to soldier.

Favourite Character, and why? 

Tracks.  He is a flying car – no rule that says ground vehicles shouldn’t fly, it’s very believable.

Sexiest Transformers (robot) Character?

Toys are NOT sexy!  They are to delight youngsters and encourage play and creativity…

… I do have an Elita-1 Mousepad though.

Which Transformers character would you want to exist for real?

Tidal Wave – big enough to house my manufacturing plant and he won’t sink every time the ice moves.  (looks exasperated) Honestly, why did I choose to live there – it makes no sense!

First Transformers toy? 

I remember making a little wooden man who when you folded him backwards would look like a horse.  I thought it was a real winner until Ms Claus pointed out that the mans (expletive deleted) became the horses tail.  What’s wrong with it being anatomically correct I say?  You have dolls that (expletive deleted) and (expletive deleted) themselves for the kids to clean up for (expletive deleted)s sake!

Worst toy(s) ever in your opinion? 

Atari Jaguar – do you know how long it took to make the controllers for that thing?  3 elves died of exhaustion and then no one played with the finished product anyway!

Toy(s) that were most disappointing when you got them? 

An elf once presented me with a snow globe with a figure of me inside.  Yeah, that’s what I want, to be in more (expletive deleted) ing snow!  I kicked his little (expletive deleted) so hard he was (expletive deleted)ing blood for a week!

Thoughts on gimmick and non-convertable Transformers toys? 

Non-convertible Transformers are great!  Take zero time and effort to build.

Thoughts on unlicensed fan-project figures/accessories? 

Wannabe toymaker hacks – the lot of’em!

Thoughts on Crossover Transformer toys (Star Wars, Street Fighter etc)? 

I always thought some Yuletide ones were in order, maybe a sleigh that turns into a jolly figure in a red suit?  Would be a real winner!

Thoughts on the Transformers Brand over the last five years? 

They seem to get more simplistic as the years progress which is less work for me I guess.  Takes an elf about 5 minutes max to put together a Cyberverse toy.

Which single TFs toy should every fan own? 

Optimus Prime – he is big red and his trailer is magic!

Which Transformers toy/product would you give as a wedding present? 

Don’t I give enough presents already?!


B.A.Trev: Many thanks for answering those questions.  Do you have time to answer a few questions sent in from fans?

Santa: Ho ho, of course Trev, anything for all the little boys and girls out there.


Questions from Fans:

From Michael

Hey there Santa. Pretty sure I asked for a G1 OP circa 1984/85. Any reason you didn’t deliver?

(Just so there’s no lingering ill-feeling, would be happy to accept one this year. MISB if you please).

Because you were on the naughty list then and you are still on the naughty list now!  I’ve seen the Facebook clips where you demolish perfectly good toys in order to ‘make them better’.  How do you think that makes me feel!?  My craftsmanship isn’t good enough for you – you need to turn a perfectly good Transformer into a MOTU figure!?  Screw you Michael – if I see you you’ll be getting a lump of coal shoved straight up your ass!


From Trent

So Santa, there is only one of you. And obviously there is a limit to whatever black magic you tap into to fly around the World in one night. This is most evident in the fact that no 2 Santas are the same when it comes to Christmas photos. So how do you explain it? My parents tried saying that they are your elves dressed up but we both know that’s false. Your elves are far too short to impersonate you. How do you justify holding kids to the high standard required to get presents year after year when you yourself lie and send impersonators, impostors even, in your stead? Do you see the hypocrisy here Santa? What does Mrs Clause think?

It’s called outsourcing – just be thankful all my Santa’s aren’t some call-centre rejects from the 3rd world. And I’m trying to grow a franchise here, people pay me to dress as me and give me a cut of their earnings, then they recruit 10 more people to dress as me and they get a cut of their earnings and so on.  It’s called an ‘iceberg scheme’ and everyone wins!

As to what Mrs Claus thinks, just leave that alone.  The day I came home to find her in bed with 3 Santa Impersonators and she swore that she thought I had just used some Xmas magic to clone myself in order to really give her stocking a good stuffing – it still haunts me to this day!  I don’t wanna talk about it anymore.

Also, my next question; Why only the Christian world? What you got against everyone else you fascist?

They believe in me, they get a gift.  They don‘t believe in me then they don’t.  I live off the belief and worship of others and in return they get crass consumer products. It’s not fascism, its commercialism – where have you been?!


Santa: I thought you said these questions were from fans?

B.A.Trev: Er… yes.  But I think some of them are more my fans than yours.

Santa: Grumble, fine let’s just get the rest over with.


From Jason

My question, I was always the good child growing up and my brother the naughty one yet he was younger and always got more presents than me. Wtf?

There is a thing called ‘The Hitler Gene’.  It’s very diffuse now to the point that even when both parents have it, it doesn’t guarantee that all their kids will.  You have it, he doesn’t.  How do you think people would react if I was heaping extra presents on the opffspring of the great great, great nephew of the 15th cousin thrice removed of the world’s greatest monster (not counting the guy that came up with Kiss Players)?  Don’t blame me – blame Uncle Adolf!


From Lisamaree

Santa, so.. lugging all those toys around… how do you manage the storage of the pressies and where do they hide on the sleigh?   Is it like Optimus Prime‘s magically disappearing trailer? And if so did he show you the trick or did you show him?

Indeed I do use a subspace fold in order to increase the storage capacity of the sleigh.  I have to admit, I learned it from him.  I might be centuries old but he has a few megaannum on me.


From Paul

Do you deliver presents to good protoforms on Cybertron too? Or do you delegate to a Cybertronian (and if so who?)?

I have a couple of reps on Cybertron who handle things up there on my behalf

Megatron was responsible for billions of deaths but has turned over a new leaf abroad the Lost Light. Has he done enough to deserve a present this year or will he get coal again? (Of course he could turn that coal to Energon so maybe that’s not a bad gift for a Transformer)

Well I have to handle things year by year.  I can’t not give little Timmy a present this year because of naughty things he did the year before.  So yes, Megatron will be getting a present…

… an old copy of ‘Interstellar Travel Guide to Pleasant Planets’.  Of course most of the planets in it have been destroyed because of his war, but it can’t be helped if my gift reminds him of all the death and destruction he caused can it?


From Mayza

Movie Optimus has been executing Cons, will he be getting a lump of coal?

Those Cons were killing humans.  Less humans means less belief to power me.  Have at them I say Optimus!  It’s ‘Peace on Earth, Goodwill towards Mennot ‘bots’.

Also Santa, what are your thoughts on Michael Bay, will he also be getting a lump of coal?

I think all the reviews of the new Bumblebee movie, when compared to the reviews of The Last Knight, will be punishment enough this season.


From Dallas

After giving so many of us coal for so many years, do you regret that now, given you could have been giving us solar cells or something similar?

People were supposed to stick those lumps of coal under a heap of heavy books for a few hundred years so their descendants could have diamonds – not my fault if people burned perfectly good gifts!

Also, my kids said they’d like the first issues of Whatever IDW are going to produce next for Transformers, I told them it was a long shot since it’s not available yet, but they insisted.

I’ll have a chat with Vector Prime and see if something can be worked out.


B.A.Trev: Well Santa, thanks so much for taking the time to answer all these questions today.

Santa: Ho ho, my pleasure, Merry Christmas to all!

(sotto voce as he walks out) except for that Trent guy, now there is someone who is going to feel the sharpened end of a candy cane shoved right up his stocking!


Related Articles:

Video: Big Angry Trev’s 12 Days of Xmas

Book Review: A Die Hard Christmas

Interview – Greens Member: Natalie Abboud

Usually fan interviews on this blog consist of people who are fans of Transformers and/or yours truly.  However today we are interviewing someone who I am a fan of. As the big sis of long time blog reader Maddy, this is a person whom I have had the honor of meeting once or twice, as well as conversing with online when I’ve had a few too many and want to vent about the current political issues plaguing this country.  She is The Greens Councillor for Moreland, North-East Ward, Natalie Abboud.

Given it can sometimes mean a life where you are working hard for a populace where the fashion is to openly distrust and dislike politicians, what lead you personally to enter a life of politics? 

I get a $28k taxable allowance at Moreland (the Moyoralty is more but it’s full time) so it’s certainly a job you do for love or challenges. I’ve always been engaged in politics and ran in a couple of elections I couldn’t win so when I was tapped on the shoulder for council I was up for it. I also work hard and answer calls in an effort to break the stigma. People don’t always need to agree but we all want to be heard. I had some great conversations about Australia Day. 


For those of us that are ignorant of what politicians actually do, what are some of your primary responsibilities?  How does a usual day at work play out for the Councillor for Moreland?

Monday’s and Wednesday’s are blocked out for emails and meetings but I often do stuff most other days too. 

I’m the Cr responsible for Youth, status of women, and Social Diversity, multiculturalism and Reconciliation. I sit on the Oxygen Committee, audit and risk committee, chair the Human rights committee and I’m the council rep for the Disability working group and the reconciliation working group. 

This means I attend up to 4 night meetings a week and occasionally(once a week) I go to other conferences and events. 


As a Member for The Greens, what do you believe are the three main issues (among the many) that need immediate and significant action in our country today?

-Renewables (why do the Gubs keep resisting them?)

-Transport (why can’t we have trains like Japan?) 

-Addressing the Climate emergency


Where do you see The Greens in ten years time?

Holding balance of power in Vic which will lead to more action in State Parliament. Not sure about Aus. I’d like to see two more in the Federal lower house and maybe a few more senators. 


As a young man I didn’t care much about voting, I just liked the requisite sausage sizzle.  My first election I voted for The Democrats as I had a crush on Natasha Stott Despoja.  My second I voted for The Shooters Party as I thought it would be funny if they won and would give me material for my stand-up comedy routines.  My third I voted for The Sex Party because a big fat bearded guy in a bright yellow T-shirt gave me a flyer while I was waiting in line to vote.  Now that I am (somewhat) more mature, as well as a parent, I vote for The Greens because I care about the state of the planet my kids will grow up on, as well as many of The Greens policies aligning with my personal moral compass.  Do you find young people are more ‘switched on’ to voting and politics now than in decades past?  Or does one need to get a few years under their belt in order to understand the depth of the issues and the importance of ones vote?

Young people are more engaged than ever. Young people understand the risks we face. Politics is very conservative in Aus which has alerted people. (This could be wishful thinking but the Greens have many young active members so I exist in a bubble)


I’ve never understood those that treat Political Parties like football teams, as in they will ‘barrack’ (vote) for that Party no matter what they do or what their current policies are.  What methods does one take to sway voters of that mindset?

Vote compass is effective. Get people to talk about policy not personality. Having a crush won’t get the results you want from your government 😉 

Show people where government is active, any action is about getting votes. Ie the schools money and Scott (Hillsong) Morrison or trying to throw Barnaby Joyce at the drought. In Vic it’s all about marginal seats. Moreland council has been asking for a really dangerous intersection to be fixed for years, now that Pascoe Vale has gone marginal we were just promised $11m to fix it. Meanwhile in Frank McGuire’s electorate of Broady (next door) the Windows of the schools are literally rotted shut and the carpets are rotted or threadbare. 


There is a growing movement in rural areas by farmers for the government to take action on climate change.  Yet a large amount of country people remain voters for The Nationals, even though as part of the Coalition they have taken no real action on this issue and have within their ranks a significant number of climate-change deniers.  Do you think this may signify a possible shift in rural voting habits for the future and what can The Greens do to bolster their presence in these regions?

I sure hope so. We are running a guy called Serge Simic who is a farmer for the seat of Ripon. He came here escaping the breakup of the Former Yugoslavia as a child with his family. 
Water will be the real issue. The cockies are already involved in “hay battles” South Aus is unhappy that NSW is getting their hay, grain is being freighted from WA. That kind of thing is completely unsustainable. 

Sad thing is, Serge is getting trolled by hunters who don’t wanna be locked out of the national parks so we have a way to go. 


On our farm we subsist on rainwater (not easy in a drought) and if we want our rubbish taken away we have to drive it ourselves to the tip.  This contributes towards our mindset of conserving water as much as possible as well as trying to create minimal waste.  How do you encourage people in a large city to be ‘waste conscious?’

We are heavily focused on getting food waste out of landfill at the moment. The container deposit scheme was voted down again by the old parties which is disappointing. 

No matter, it took gun control ten failed bills to parliament by the Greens before a massacre at Port Arthur finally got it over the line. 


Now for a few personal questions if I may:

*Living in the second most populated city in Australia, what do you in your own life to ‘stay green’?

Try not to use a lot of plastic, compost everything we can, grow veggies, ride my bike when I don’t have the kids, shower in a bucket and use the water for plants, we are about to have solar installed on our new house and I don’t do stuff like get acrylic fingernails or consume a bunch of unnecessary crap. I still regularly feel like I can do more though. 


Your sister has been raising some lovely chookies over the last few years.  Where you live do you have a yard big enough to have any animals? Or perhaps a couple of fruit trees and a veggie patch?

We have had chook but they got eaten by foxes, bit by snakes and other fatal things. My FIL has 4 so we get eggs from him. We live on 1500sq m so we are very lucky. We have a big veggie garden and this year we will grow tomatoes, peas, Lebo cucumber, pumpkin, beans, lettuce, beetroot, sorrel, corn and I’m trying Okra for the first time. We have heaps of herbs and rocket. We also have apple, olive, orange, tangelo, lemons, peach, nectarine, plums, apricot, avocado and a passion fruit vine and a walnut. (Most of those trees are established and bear fruit but some are still young). I want to add cherry and almond. 


And of course I have to ask, with three strapping young lads of your own, who are their favorite Transformers?

Percy: Definitely Bumblebee

Patrick: Bumblebee

Mally: Optimus Prime


Ms Abboud, thank you for taking the time to answer these questions.

Do you have any questions for Ms Abboud?  Pop them in the comments section below!


Related Articles:

Vote #1 Big Angry Trev for PM!

Ask Trev: Who should I vote for in the Federal Election?

Alien Robot to be Barnaby Joyce’s new assistant


Transformer Fan Interview – Brendan

In our latest interview we talk to Transformer fan and collector Brendan.  Do not cross this guy!  Not only does he have the titanium-manifold to jump out of a plane 4km up in the air, but he know how to swing a mean broadsword as well!

State you live in? Of perpetual bliss. Or NSW for short

Your occupation? Errrr bum. In reality, Train Guard for Sydney Trains, not as glamorous as it sounds

Your dream job? Space Fighter Pilot

Your age? Ripe at 33
*I’ve sniffed him – I can guarantee he is definitely ripe!

Single/married/kids? Married no kids

What other (non-toy) interests do you have? I have my medieval combat reenactment, run around hitting my friends with metal swords

What type of music/movies/TV/books do you enjoy? Heavy Metal music. Movies and tv, varies a lot. Sci fi, horror, action, cartoon, comedies. Just not crap ones. Books are the same, if it takes my interest.

Do you collect anything besides Transformers? Not much in the way of “collecting”, but I do have random pieces from various places. Specific pop vinyls of movies or shows I like but only have maybe 15

How would you rate yourself on a C scale? With C1 being ‘Junker not worth it even for parts’ to C10 being ‘Perfection’. I’m way off the scale. Which way off, you decide heh

How would you rate how sexually attracted you are to Trev? With 1 being ‘Immeasurably’ to 10 being ‘I’d even jump out of a plane at 14,000 feet just to watch the g-forces ripple that magnificent arse of his on the way down’. I’d follow him anywhere, even plummeting to the Earth. Just next time, he needs to jump first haha
*Wanna bet!


Transformers Allegiance, if you had one? Cons of course

Your Techspec motto if you had one? Always look on the bright side of life

What existing, official Transformers character best describes you? That’s a toughie, maybe Soundwave (not just because he is my favourite character) but your cries and screams are music to my ears fits me well. I sometimes suffer from schadenfreude

Which special ability of any Transformers character would you want to have for yourself? Flight for sure

Fan/Collector since (year)? Probably when the G2 reboot came out was when I discovered the show, then about 2002 I started collecting again when I went to my first Parramatta Collectors fair,though was bigger into Robotech then.

What drew you to Transformers, making you become a fan/collector? Cool robots, they transform.

Do you think you will collect Transformers until you die? As long as there’s ones I want that get released, I’m sure I will

Were your family/parents supportive of collecting toys or did you have to hide your passion from them and friends? For the most part yea they were all ok with it. Don’t particularly care what people think of me either.

Have you attended any fan-meets, Fairs, Conventions? Plenty of fairs over the years. And the Oz Con that was done back in 2006.

Any creative endeavours with Transformers (drawing, writing, customising, etc)? Attempted some customising, tried to turn a Classics Starscream into Thundercracker before we ended up with a cheaper Hasbro version to the Takara one. He’s still in parts soemwhere. Did try to create my own Robot Heroes out of clay for ones that were never done. Was doing Roadbuster, and he’s in parts somewhere too. I did paint up a G1 Prime to have cartoon colours, he was mostly finished, just needs his fists. Alot of unfinished products, lacking time to do them in this adult life.

Favourite series/era/year, and why? G1 still holds the best for me, probably post movie seasons moreso. And Beast Wars too, had some great episodes.

Least favourite series/era/year, and why? Animated, just couldn’t watch it, disliked the animation style.

Collect any comics (which ones)? Some of the IDW collections, not a lot though.

Favourite Comic issue/story, and why? Probably Wreckers or All Hail Megatron. Dark stories, and brutal.
*The first half of AHM was awesome, great to see humanity handed their arses without Autobot interference!

Favourite Cartoon episode/story, and why? Either a Beast Wars episode with Inferno, Transmutate, or Code Of Hero. Inferno is great comedy, Transmutate and Code Of Hero are just touching episodes

Favourite Video/Board game and why? The Armada game for PS2, or the WFC FOC games. The Armada game was fun because it gave us the ability to play as Transformers, and the Tidal Wave boss fight was fun for its epic scale. And what can I say about the WFC FOC games that people don’t know of? They were a lot of fun.

Favourite Character, and why? Soundwave, he was a cold machine.

Sexiest Transformers (robot) Character? Of course this question is in here haha. Arcee would be the one haha

Which Transformers character would you want to exist for real? I couldn’t think of one, probably best that they don’t.

Approx TFs toy collection count (or give a range like 200s, 300s, etc)? Been a long while since I have done a count. I’d say a rough estimate over 300

Sealed collector or out-of-packaging collector? What crazy person keeps them sealed? Nah nothing against people keeping them sealed, I prefer to play with them.

How much do you think you’ve spent on your collecting habit? Too insane to contemplate.

Any rare/expensive figures in your collection? None really rare, but the Botcon stuff does cost a pretty penny these days. And WST Soundwave.

What interesting Licensed Merchandise items do you have? Probably 2007 Vector Sigma and Key. Looks nice on my shelves.

First Transformers toy? My earliest one’s I remember was a G1 Optimus in a gold box classic, G1 Soundwave, G1 Hot Rod, and G1 Scourge. Cannot remember who came first, but they were all the earliest ones I can remember.

One toy you most want? I have most of the ones I want that have come out, but maybe an MP Sleep Convoy would be a grail.

The centrepiece/favourite toy in your collection at the moment (and why)? Love my Soundwave collection shelves. Don’t really have a favourite.

Favourite toy in your early years of collecting (if it was more than 10 years ago)? Can’t say I had one back the either aside from Soundwave.

Worst toy(s) ever in your opinion? I would have to go with something from Beast Machines, those figures just didn’t do anything for me.

Toy(s) that were most disappointing when you got them? I’ve been pretty happy with all my purchases, always looked for the good in figures.

Thoughts on gimmick and non-convertable Transformers toys? Always loved my Actionmasters, so the concept of it I do like if they are done right.

Thoughts on unlicensed fan-project figures/accessories? Filling in the gaps in my collection I do like. And to enhance an official toy I do like too. I ended up getting Universe/Energon Superion and Bruticus because of the upgrades that came out.

Thoughts on Crossover Transformer toys (Star Wars, Street Fighter etc)? If people enjoy them, who am I to judge. And if kids love them too, all the better. But not my thing.

Thoughts on the Transformers Brand over the last five years? Love it. Hasbro releasing toys that I am keen on getting. Most stuff is knocking it outta the park.

Which single TFs toy should every fan own? G1 Soundwave, though kids these days would never know what the hell it transforms into.

Which Transformers toy/product would you give as a wedding present? Any Soundwave haha


Fellow Fan Questions

Big Angry Trev
We both credit each other with building up the gumption to finally go skydiving. What other extreme activities have you done over the course of your life? 

It was you who got me to jump lol. Was a spur of the moment lapse in judgment that when you mentioned that you had a coupon, that I should grow a pair to get us both to do it haha. As for other extreme activities, love rollercoasters and did do canyoning once while I was in scouts. Actually, many crazy things I did back then, one time a few of us went to abseil down Mt Keira, we didn’t think it through too well, and our leader found us and told us to go down a different way, which was still pretty perilous. We tied rope to one another in a long chain, couple of times a few of us slipped and the guy above us had to hold their weight. Thinking back on it, was kinda stupid. And canyoning, abseiling down a course in Macquarie Pass, much safer. Though I did nearly drown in a waterfall…

Transformers LARPing – yay or nay? Who would you LARP as? (If you’ve already mentioned a favourite TF character, pick another to answer this question). 
LARPing is a bit of fun, and if I was to do so as a character (that isn’t Soundwave lol) I would go with Shockwave

Just Chillin’
What is the perfect blend of transformers & heavy metal music? 
Transformers: The Movie Soundtrack haha. But to choose individual bands, Fear Factory or Meshuggah have a mechanical sound to them that works well. Or Cybertronic Spree, they look the part too lol

We know you are heavily into Medieval stuff. I’m guessing you wouldn’t mind seeing some medieval themed transformers, much like the Transformers Evolutions: Hearts of Steel where the ‘alternate timeline’ story of the transformers existed during the industrial revolution.
Who do you think would fit a good story of the Transformers Evolutions: Medieval steel.
Some autobots/decepticons and their alt modes. you are welcome to completely ignore anything that happened in a recent movie. I think a trebuchet would be quite awesome, imagine a transformer launching a giant boulder over large distances. I can’t think of many medieval themed alt modes that you could go with

What is Larping?

Live Action Roleplaying. People running around hitting each other with foam weapons and is fantasy based. I do reenactment where we use metal weapons and is historically based. 

You have sold off quite a chunk of your collection over the last year or so. What was the hardest bot to part with and do you regret selling it? After having reduced your collection, do you feel better or worse for it?
Probably maybe 3 that I felt were the hardest to let go, Overlord, Shockwave, and Victory Sabre. Such cool toys, but had to do so. Felt better afterwards yea, made space in the collection room for a computer desk and room for more of what I wanted. There was a point where I looked at what was most important in life, and selling helped.

Got any follow up questions for Brendan?  Pop them in the comments section below! 

Hard Times for Aussie Collectors

A few years ago we had a golden age for Australian collectors of… er… collectibles.

Ebay was growing exponentially, the Aussie Dollar was worth more than the US one, and not only were all the physical stores stocking a plethora of toys, but fledgling Aussie Toy Importers were opening businesses on the net, making it even easier to get those rare collectible toys from places such as Japan and America.

 Sadly it’s all now changed.

In the last couple of years many of the Aussie online toy importers have shut down or are under investigation.  The introduction of GST on all overseas purchases under a thousand dollars has made importing many toys too expensive – especially since you have to pay an extra 10% on the postage as well.   Any overseas companies such as the US branch of Amazon who don’t comply with the new GST laws are simply refusing to ship to Australia from this point on.  And now the biggest toy stores to find in this land – Toys’R’Us – are shutting their doors forever.

So whether it be in real life or online, avenue after avenue that was once available to your Aussie toy collector are disappearing.  The Golden Age is Over.

 To see how this is affecting your average collectibles buff, we talk to three toy collectors and find out their take on the current situationDallas, Darryl and Jason.


Question 1: What effect do you believe the application of GST by the Australian Government to all overseas purchases will have on your collecting?


A lot of what I buy overseas is not readily available here. There are one or two importers who sometimes stock it but otherwise I will continue to buy from overseas. the only difference may be that I buy less stuff, but it will probably just mean I spend 10% more than I used to.

The secondary effect of this being places like no longer being available to me. I will be surprised if the exclusive items or super deals I used to occasionally find on there will be available through the Amazon Australia site.

To be ‘real’ my international purchasing really slowed down when the dollar dropped from 1.05US to 0.75 US. that’s a 30% price increase, another 10% hurts but it’s not the end of the world for something that I possibly can’t find anywhere else.


Aside from having to pay a little more, I doubt it will deter me much.  I find myself having to import later waves of a line due to distribution rarely making it up my way so if I want a figure, I just have to lump it.


The only impact that the application of GST is going to have will be to increase the cost for obtaining any of the Transformers that I am currently collecting. Most of my spending on current collecting is purchased through Australian retailers so I am already paying GST and that cost is factored into my collecting. It is the items that do not receive an Australian release that are going to cost more.

Given that sites such as are no longer allowing sales to Australia for such items, it is going to cost a lot more to source these harder to find items from other overseas stores or pay significant amounts on postage to freight forwarding companies as well as the GST on top.

I understand that the point of the GST is to charge end users a flat tax across the board and that the purpose of applying it to low value goods is to create equality in trade between Australian retailers and overseas retailers, however the issue is that the Government has created for itself is a situation where they have reduced the possible supply/variety of goods into the country whilst relying wholly upon foreign entities to voluntarily remit GST. The compliance costs will be astounding and it will be interesting to see if any actual profit is generated for the economy from this or if there is simply more funds moving offshore.


Question 2: What effect (if any) has the behaviour and subsequent closure  of Australian-based online collecting stores such as PC Collectibles, TFI Downunder and MaynStream Merch had on the availability of collectible figures on a local level for you?


I have a lot of money tied up with PC. They used to be great, I have received a lot of excellently priced product from them, until they fell off the wagon, it must be nearly 2 years ago now. I hope to get my money back, but that’s up to the judge I guess. I never shopped at the other two stores. I never minded waiting for my stuff a bit longer as I often pre-order in batches and I nearly always collect faster than I open toys so I never ‘suffered’ the indignity of not having anything new to open because PC was taking longer than everyone else.

Lately I have been making  lot of purchases at TLTC and TBI. Both are reliable and both have excellent prices on different product. I’ve actually been buying a lot of stuff from these two stores that I used to import, long before the GST was introduced. I guess it’s a sign of a good competitive business that has moved with the times.


I was fortunate in that while I had issues with PC, I didn’t lose any money to them (nor did I get the stuff I ordered).  That being said, it left a bad taste in my mouth and I’m reluctant to deal with any Australian based online retailers unless they are a well established business.


I was a huge fan of PC when I stumbled across the online store in mid-2015. There was a solid 1 ½ years where I was a very happy customer and I moved a lot of my purchases from overseas retailers to PC. However, it all started to unravel in 2017 and it has left myself, and a lot of others, out of pocket.

PC’s demise and the way in which PC conducted itself no doubt put a dampening on my collecting enthusiasm. All of a sudden, I went from using my spare time to research what Transformers I was wanting to buy to using my time to attempt to correspond with PC, reading forums such as Ozformers for guidance on dealing with PC/Banks and corresponding with the Banks and attempting to do chargebacks.

My hobby went from something enjoyable to something more akin to my job. However, there have also been some other stores pop up recently (or that have just come to my attention) such as Toybot Importz and The Little Toy Company and I am willing to give them a chance. Neither have disappointed me so far and I hope that neither will. Both have shown exceptional communication and competitive pricing. Whilst the range (and pricing, but we now know why PC’s pricing was so good) may not be the same as PC, I am able to source most of the Transformers that I want from these two online stores.


Question 3: What effect will the closure of various brick’n’mortar toy stores (such as TRU) have on your collecting?  Especially since so many online avenues have been closed off?


The closure of TRU is a bit sad. I have purchased a lot of exclusive items from them over the years and I’ve often made use of their 20% off sales or price matching policy. It’s likely that I’ll have to resort to more expensive avenues to find those special items that they would have otherwise stocked. Even TRU US supplied me with the recent Titans return Grotusque and Arcee. I would like to think Hasbro Australia will find another avenue for this product but only time will tell and I imagine if prices through alternate channels are too high I may end up skipping a lot of stuff.


Probably won’t affect me much.  My nearest TRU is over an hour away so I didn’t get there very often, in fact, with my local K-Mart as the only close source for TF’s (Target, Big W are also an hour away) I’ve accepted that I’m going to have to go online more to get the figures I want.  As much as I want to support local stores (even if they aren’t owned locally) they haven’t been very supportive of me.  So sadly, it looks like any money I will be spending on my collection will be heading off-shore.


I don’t think that so many online avenues have been closed. There are now quite a few Australian online retailers and a lot of the overseas retailers still appear to be selling to Australia.

I was never really one for buying Transformers for my collection from brick’n’mortar stores. The convenience of online shopping and having the items delivered straight to me is to irresistible to pass up. Not to mention, I often found the prices online (even from Australian online retailers) were far more competitive than in store prices.

Whilst it will not impact upon my collecting, it may impact a little on my younger son. He is really getting into Transformers at the moment and we enjoy going to stores like TRU together and picking ones out for his collection. Whilst we have a great time doing this, it seems as though stores such as Big W now have such a large selection of toys that they have effectively replaced the need for speciality toy stores such as TRU.


Many thanks to these three fine lads for sharing their thoughts with us.  How have all the recent changes effected you?  Let us know in the comments section below.

Transformer Fan Interview – Dallas

In this latest interview with Aussie TF collectors we are talking to Dallas, a great bloke I was privileged to meet at the Collectormania Toy Fair last year (he even bought me a beer!).  So lets chat to this fine fellow and avid collector of all things Cybertronian.


Real name or what friends call you?
Dallas, D, big D. some of the guys on my baseball team have droppd a D-rod, or D-Train here and there. None of it really sticks.

State you live in?

Your occupation?
Would you believe, Trained as an Aerospace Engineer, employed as a Mechanical engineer working on Boats and Submarines and trucks posing as radar targets…

Your dream job?
Drummer in a band, an internationally massive band.

Your age?
Why do you ask, is this some sort of scam?


We’ve just been blessed with twins this last year. They are now the centre of our universe. And we’re married, just gone 9 years! We met nearly 18 years ago.

What other (non-toy) interests do you have?
Star Trek
Star Wars,
The Phantom
General Science fiction, some fantasy, squash, I dabble in lego from time to time.

Do you collect anything besides Transformers?
I’ve selectively picked some of the Star Trek Starships collection.
I’ve been collecting the Phantom Comic regularly since I was about 13, (with the exception of a few years while I was at uni and couldn’t afford it)
I have a hand full of Keaton Era and Batman Animated Batmobiles.
Apparently I collect drum kits as well. I have the one my parents bought me when I was 10 (it was 20 years old then), the good acoustic kit I bought in 1995 and the Electronic kit I bought after I finished uni and had a full time job.

How would you rate yourself on a C scale? With C1 being ‘Junker not worth it even for parts’ to C10 being ‘Perfection’.
C6, fairly good condition, some loose joints. Nothing a bit of spit and polish * wouldn’t fix.

Editors Note: I’ve told you about 20 times now – I’m not giving you a ‘spit polish’ no matter how many times you approach me about it!

How would you rate how sexually attracted you are to Trev? With 1 being ‘Extremely’ to 10 being ‘I dress up as Chrissy Amphlett and sing ‘I Touch Myself’ by the Divinyls into a hairbrush as I stare at the poster I have of Trev on my wall’. 
It involves a Mankini *, where does that fit on the scale?
Editors Note: I’m hoping it was just an educated guess on your part that I actually do have one of those!

Transformers Allegiance, if you had one?
Autobot –Engineering Corps

Your Techspec motto if you had one?
Wait, What?

What existing, official Transformers character best describes you? 
Is there someone that’s a cross between Jazz and Wheeljack?

Which special ability of any Transformers character would you want to have for yourself? 
Skywarps teleportation, we love to travel and that would take so much of the shitty bits out of it.

Fan/Collector since (year)?
1984-85 I’m pretty sure it was that Christmas that I got my first two transformers. There have been periods when I wasn’t an avid collector or even aware that there was a series on tv.

What drew you to Transformers, making you become a fan/collector?
I can’t remember, it’s so long ago. Probably the excitement of giant robots and the Robots in Disguise element, still the best gimmick of the line.
I slowly lost interest towards the end of G1 and G2. I remember seeing all the G2 stuff with these huge stickers on them that ruined the ‘robots in disguise’ concept. Like the G2 Optimus that had the massive sticker down its side with his name emblazoned in big bright lettering on an otherwise black truck. The G2 show disappointed me as well, I was looking for new shows/stories not just the original show re-edited. I remember how excited I was when I saw the CG intro, and then how devastated I was when I saw that it was just the old cartoon. For years I lost touch with the brand, not through lack of interest but through lack of knowing anything existed. I kind of missed beast wars, when it was on TV, I didn’t like that they had moved away from vehicles and that they were re-using the names of characters without them being the same characters. I couldn’t figure out why they didn’t just give them a new name? I’d visit toy sections every once in a while through late high school and Uni but never felt any attraction to the toys for these reasons. Names of G1 characters being applied to toys that bore no resemblance to the character as I knew it, and mostly vehicles that could not be considered ‘normal enough to be in disguise’ anywhere. I don’t think I even realised that RID 1.0 or the Unicron Trilogy were actual shows. My collecting started again in 2005 when I was out of Uni, had a full time job and found out about these things called Alternators. I bought some from eBay and Casefresh. They were incredible, then I saw the Masterpiece line. As an Aero Engineer, the MP starscream was the most stunning transformers toy I’d ever seen. A colleague saw him on my desk once and thought it was a legit model aircraft. I got back in to mainline toys when the ‘generations’ line started creating new moulds reimagining G1 characters. I’ve been collecting steadily ever since.

Do you think you will collect Transformers until you die?
It’s quite likely that I will in some capacity, though there has to be limits. I can’t imagine the space needed to store and display transformers collected over a 120 year period.
Editors Note: You are gonna live 120 years?! You must eat a frag of a lot of kale!

Were your family/parents supportive of collecting toys or did you have to hide your passion from them and friends?
My first transformers came to me from my parents (Mum did all the Christmas purchasing) and Santa Claus. So in that respect yes, supported. Over time my Dad hasn’t quite understood the long running interest. He’s generally not said much but once in a while he’s dropped a comment indicating what a waste of money he thinks it is.
In Primary school Transformers were the business so there was no hiding, the only frustration I had was someone stealing Thundercrackers rocket launchers from my bag after lunch once.
The rest of my family, even married into family seem to accept it if not support it. My sister just went to Japan and asked for a shopping list before she went.
My friends and colleagues vary in their acceptance. Some get it and are as bad as me with other types of collections, others just don’t understand. My wife was a bit misled as when we met I wasn’t actively collecting, it was only after we’d been going out for several years when my interest in collecting was reignited that she saw that side of me. Long before we tied the knot though.
I don’t believe in hiding my passions and interests it defines who I am. I do filter them a bit from time to time though.

Have you attended any fan-meets, Fairs, Conventions?
Have I ever! I’ve been to Botcon 2011 and 2014. I had a great time at both, probably the biggest highlights of my experiences as a collector.
I used to go regularly to the Parramatta collector fair and the post-fair breakfast at the Westfield. I now mainly go to the Penrith fair, it’s a bit of a hike but there are a few good stalls and a lot of others generally turn up so some good chats are had.

Any creative endeavours with Transformers (drawing, writing, customising, etc)?

I have always liked creativity. I dabble a bit in drawing, though I realise I’m pretty bad at it.
I have done some designs that I’ve had made on shapeways, they didn’t pass the prototype stage but I thought they were solid concepts and if the CAD package I’d been using hadn’t had a 30 day trial limit on it, I might have continued dabbling in that. I have a whole lot more ideas in my head and on paper. Keep an ear to the ground for a company called ******* toys, if it ever happens, chances are it will be me and my buddy, Myself.

Customising class – Botcon

I participated in the Custom class at Botcon both times I went. I really enjoyed it and it gave me a good understanding of the structure of transformers. That gave me the confidence to pull apart a few here and there and fix internal damage or change something.
I have a lot of plans for creative stuff. I have a couple spare deluxe Airachnids from TF-Prime, I plan on modding one up to have the right number of legs. I have a couple Revoltech Starscreams, I need a third so I can repaint two into the other two seekers. It’s not something I want to spend a lot of money on though and those things are expensive.
I have a big thing for creative/dynamic displays, shoulder to shoulder displays are great for saving space but they are often over crowded and very static. It feels like a waste to have all these awesome figures that are so articulated and not have them posed doing something. (Saying that, Sinnertwin has a very well organised display with bots standing in columns and rows and his collection room is almost breathtaking.). My display is often spread out, with many bots in alt mode and others facing off across the shelf. I try to augment my displays with interesting risers and backgrounds. The DOTM leader box internal sleeve was good for this. I have one as a background in my display cabinet at the moment. This last week I finally went to throw out the stock cooler for my CPU that I bought in 2009, I realised that under all the crappy fan cowling plastic there was a nice solid flat heat sink. I’ve kept that bit and plan on using it in a display in the future. I have manufactured some risers out of left over polycarbonate from work and some stand-offs from eBay. I also have some aluminium structures left over from prototypes that I have or plan to modify into risers and stands for my display. It will need some paint, sometimes there is a fine line between looking interesting and other worldly and looking like you’ve been picking through someone else’s rubbish. I have purchased a number of display panels (the machine robo nests and the recent Zeta EX display stands that ToyBotImportz were stocking. I haven’t incorporated them yet but I’ve started touching them up with gundam markers to add some colour and they’ll be getting added to the display at some point.

Favourite series/era/year, and why?
I’m always going to be a G1 fan, that’s where it all started for me and it’s the baseline for my expectations of modern interpretations of characters.

But, the series I’ve enjoyed the most was Transformers Prime, outstanding design, excellent show from so many perspectives and an outstanding toy line. Imagine being a 10 year old and having that as your G1!

Least favourite series/era/year, and why?
That would have to be the Unicron Trilogy, I didn’t even realise it was on TV at the time. Probably because I was at Uni and for a few years didn’t even have a TV. But at the same time, I was perusing the toy isles at the time and the toys just didn’t appeal. I’ve always felt, if you’re going to make a new character, in a new show that has a different personality, different strengths/weaknesses and abilities you should give that character a new name, not re-use the name of a character from an earlier interpretation of the franchise *. I get the whole different universe’ thing and generally accept it, a lot more now than I used to.

Editors Note: I agree with this 100%!

Collect any comics (which ones)?
In the G1 era I didn’t even know they made transformers comics. My interest in comics started when I was a young fella delivering papers for the local newsagent. They’d let me read them in the shop after I’d finished my round. I became a collector of the Phantom comics, still am. I saw my first transformers comic at Comic Kingdom in Sydney in the late 90’s. I was very excited but at the same time confused, it was a G2 comic and didn’t seem to have any relationship to the re-hash tv show. I bought it anyway.
I then was super excited when I saw a digest style transformers comic at the supermarket. I bought that and then chased down all the Dreamwave Trades and the singles that never made it into trade. I have since never stopped. I collect trades, it’s more affordable, I prefer reading the stories in larger chunks and with less advertising. They also look better on the shelf. I’ve picked up all the TFCC comics and even went out of my way to get hold of the TFcon TF Animated comic that was released last year.

Favourite Comic issue/story, and why? 
Probably the first issue of the Dreamwave G1 comics, seeing those characters in vibrant artwork with a story after all those years was a joyful moment. I missed Dreamwave when they fell apart. I had no idea at the time and hate Pat Lee for the way he treated his employees but I enjoyed the art, it was vibrant and colourful and while the style was unrealistic I felt it was very polished and clean. I’ve never been a fan of scratchy looking artwork in comics, I thought the early IDW work felt unfinished.

Favourite Cartoon episode/story, and why?
The G1 episode where Jazz in car mode cranks out a super funky tune that disrupts the Decepticons. It was a type of music I’d never heard before, I thought, if this is Jazz, I need to find more Jazz. Turns out it was more of a funk/rock. But I have grown to love many different types of music from the drive to discover more music that this episode ignited.

Favourite Video/Board game and why?
Probably the Fall of Cybertron game. Great fun from start to finish and a more polished gameplay than the War for Cybertron.

Favourite Character, and why?
I’ve always liked Jazz, the attitude, the stylings of his alt mode, the G1 toy was a standout for me, being a fairly different transformation to so many of the other early autobots.

Sexiest Transformers (robot) Character? 
I honestly find sexifying transformers, or other franchises, kind of weird and uncomfortable. I’d never turn up in the Boudoir wearing a transformers Mankini and expect the missus to get excited.
Editors Note: Make the Mankini metallic with gun-ports – that might rev her engine!

Which Transformers character would you want to exist for real?
Most definitely Jazz, then we could Jam!

Approx TFs toy collection count (or give a range like 200s, 300s, etc)?
I honestly have no idea. When I was a kid I counted my G1 collection as some number around 120. Since then I’ve collected a bunch more G1 toys/reissues. I’ve collected every mould and some remoulds/repaints of the Masterpiece line and the Alternators/Binaltech line. I’ve been collecting Generations toys since the time they stopped just repainting Unicron trilogy toys and started actually making dedicated new moulds for classic characters. I tend to have at least one of every mould type. I have two complete sets and 2 mostly complete sets of Botcon toys and I’ve collected a lot of Movie toys since 2007, again generally having one of most mould types of the main line of scout/Deluxe/Voyager and Leader toys. I have the entire cast of animated, Prime and RID. I’m going to have a ballpark guess and say somewhere around the 1500 mark. It’s literally over 25 years since I did a collection count.

Sealed collector or out-of-packaging collector?
My general intent is to be an out of package collector, there are caveats though. I collect faster than I seem to open transformers. Part of the driver for this is that I have limited display space so generally when something is opened it replaces something else on display. So I have a lot of sealed stuff that is patiently waiting for its time in the sun/artificial light.
Some things, like the TF Prime New York Comic Con exclusive pack with Bumblebee and Arcee have stayed in package since they look so good like that and I have both moulds otherwise.

How much do you think you’ve spent on your collecting habit?
I honestly don’t want to think about it. I could probably buy a very nice car with the money that I’ve collectively spent on transformers over the last 20 -30 years.

Any rare/expensive figures in your collection?

Probably the rarest would be Botcon 2011 Custom Class Minerva. The most expensive would be the Mega Action Series Optimus Prime, actually no a G1 Skorponok that I bought several years ago, in excellent condition, I think I paid about $280 for that.
The Chevy Aveo Swerve that was released years ago, I picked one up at Botcon 2011.

What interesting Licensed Merchandise items do you have? 
Mega Action Series Optimus, soon to be joined by Mega action series Megatron. One day they will be the centrepiece of my display space.
I still have my metal food tray from when I was a youngster that has the stunning box art of Metroplex on it. I have a stunning Beanie that I bought from BBTS that has the Decepticon Logo on it, it’s exceptionally good quality being a New Era product. The Transformers Legacy book has my name in it, I sent the Author a bunch of High res scans of some of my original toy boxes that he was having trouble procuring original art for.

First Transformers toy?
As mentioned above, I received Thundercracker and Skids at the same Christmas, I can’t tell you which one I opened first.

One toy you most want? 
This is a tricky one, I’ve done a good job of buying some representation (Either reissue or good condition 2nd hand) of a lot of the big ticket G1 toys, especially the western characters. I had no knowledge of the existence of a lot of the Japanese characters until more recently (In the last 10 -15 years). So unless it was in a G1 show or toy catalogue here in Australia, my drive to collect other toys is a little lower than others. I’d like a G1 Overlord. Some of the bigger MicroMaster base toys.
If this was a hypothetical question, I’d want a Masterpiece Jazz. Now.

The centrepiece/favourite toy in your collection at the moment (and why)?
It’s not even on display at the moment but I really do love the MP-04 Optimus prime. I really like the recent Masterpiece Inferno and other recent G1 masterpiece toys. They all look so good and are a lot of fun, many of the ones from the teens have had articulated hands added to them making them a fair bit more expressive.

Favourite toy in your early years of collecting (if it was more than 10 years ago)?
Thundercracker and Skids hold a special place in my heart, and always will but again, G1 Jazz was unique amongst his peers and was a favourite. However, now that I think about it, Skids must have been a favourite as my original is so worn out it won’t hold together at the waist any more.

Worst toy(s) ever in your opinion?

I think the Dark of the moon Ravage variants are definitely in the top 5. They are flimsy, the plastic feels cheap, especially when compared to other movie toys at the time and it transforms into a lump of robot cat. It’s representation of the screen character is OK detail wise but it’s not fun in the slightest. I do feel that it’s a victim of the movie script however. The 2007 movie Scorponok is a close second, at least it has markings that look like it could be part of a helicopter.

Toy(s) that were most disappointing when you got them?
The Ravage above, I expected it to be shit and even though I bought it on special I was still disappointed with it.

Thoughts on gimmick and non-convertible Transformers toys?
I’ve always felt that Transformation is the best Gimmick of the transformers toy line. I get so much enjoyment out of a transformer that has two clean modes and an elegant transformation.
Having said that, I really like light piping when it’s done well, but I also really like well-defined eyes that aren’t light piped (Generations Deluxe Warpath is an excellent example).Gimmicks that inhibit the transformation or muddy the appearance of one mode or other of the toy irritate me. I much prefer a leader/Ultra/Voyager toy that doesn’t have a huge box at its core full of electronics because I feel that sort of thing greatly inhibits the freedom of the transformation design. The same often applies to deluxes that are forced to keep a space available for a cockpit. I feel that that’s one of the greatest pitfalls of the headmaster concept. Having a removable head allows for the transformation to not need to accommodate it, but instead it has to accommodate a cockpit space that is often bigger than the head. I think that was best handled by the Fans project Smart Robin (Brainstorm), an inspired but simple transformation design.
Non-convertible transformers are something that I used to not really like/understand. Especially statues. I picked up some statues from BBTS years ago on clearance and I have to say I really like them. I have a hard time justifying spending much on them because, ‘they don’t transform’. But, statues and action figures can achieve appearances that traditional transforming toys cannot. They can look a lot more like the on screen/page appearance. They don’t feature much in my collection but I definitely have some and will be getting more.

Thoughts on unlicensed fan-project figures/accessories?

I was initially very cold on the idea of complete ‘indie’ transformers inspired figures. All the usual arguments about IP applied but I also felt that there were problems with essentially non-professional designers making engineering decision on products that require very detailed rigorous engineering. This was highlighted for me on one of the very early Megatron figures that used clear plastic in the ratchets for its knees. I was able to handle someone’s brand new figure at a meetup and just picking it up I could see small flecks of clear red plastic around the knees, I quickly put it down without moving the legs. Design work like that, clearly not taking into consideration the strengths and weaknesses of mating materials is pretty bad, especially on product that costs more than $100. Other things that irritated me about ‘Indie’ transformers for a long time and often still does is the lack of finish on a figure. If you pick up an official toy, and have a very close look at the corners and edges, you’ll see that nearly every single one has a small chamfer or radius on it (unless it mates with another part to create a smooth surface), it’s not a sharp edge. This is a sign of good finished design. It takes a lot of time to apply that sort of finish to a complex CAD model but the completed appearance is much less harsh looking and also has other benefits of being easier to manufacture the moulds and allowing for easier part release, less opportunity for plastic deformation as a result of different areas of a part cooling down at different rates. It also feels smoother in hand and allows for better tolerance in the motion between parts that swing past each other, though this is minor it also reduces the opportunity for edges to burr when they do contact. Very many early Indie toy designs didn’t have this and many still don’t.
That all being said, I have the original city commander armour that Fans Project released and I like it a lot, it definitely has issues, some born of the above discussion. Is it ‘redundant’ now that I have the more recent Takara IDW inspired Magnus, I’m not sure. It’s certainly going to keep a place in my collection at the moment.
I really like Indie additions to existing HasTak product, they often flesh out the figure in a way that may not have been realistic for the original product, even if it’s as simple as a bigger sword or the inclusion of a gun. I do find that a lot of the more recent add on kits, especially for the combiners are way overpriced to the point of lunacy. If you compare some of the recent add on kits, for part count and complexity against entire masterpiece ‘scale’ or style Indi transformers and then compare the price the ratio isn’t close to equivalent. Plastic makes up a very small amount of the cost of a toy, just look up the cost of a few kilos of raw plastic pellets and you’ll see what I mean. These kits often have a lot of unnecessary parts that I personally wouldn’t want, to essentially ‘value add’ and justify a higher price tag.
I also really like that there is a lot of choice because of the Indie companies, and product available that would otherwise never be made by Hasbro. I’m talking about the DJD that MMC have developed, I can’t see HasTak releasing a transformer that turns into an electric/torture chair. I also have caved and bought the Fans toys Dinobots and a few other third party figures that I didn’t think HasTak would ever be able to justify. Some of those I was wrong, but at the same time I can’t seem to bring myself to pick a favourite and get rid of the other. I’ve been very selective with my Indie purchases because they are expensive and its money that I could be spending on official product. As a result most of the Indie product I have is fairly well designed and manufactured and most of it is unique, at least for the moment.

Thoughts on the Transformers Brand over the last five years?
The transformers brand has gone from strength to strength over the last 15 years. Over the last 5 it may have waned a little with the loss of popularity in the movies and associated toys. I have been frustrated by the lack of broad cast product from the movies, especially the last knight. So many Decepticons that should have had a toy representation, especially when compared against the random non-existent characters and repaints from the first two movies in the series.

I’m still dirty that we didn’t get a three pack of dreads with an identical alt mode and three different transformations and bot modes. I hope they find a production house to make another game as good as the War for and Fall of Cybertron series. The amount of choice that still exists between main line toy show, kids show product and collector oriented lines is astounding. I only hope it continues. I would like to see more of the ‘modern update’ designs for G1 and later characters rather than the ‘original toy with articulation ‘approach.

Which single TFs toy should every fan own?
That really depends on the person doesn’t it? Where their interests lay. Car, Truck, Gorilla, Dinosaur, Jet, biplane, futuristic other worldly race car. All of these things are very different and that’s part of what’s so awesome about the transformers brand. I could probably recommend a favourite of each but I’ve already waffled on enough. Generations Warpath.

Which Transformers toy/product would you give as a wedding present?
That’s a tricky one, some of the previous answers to this question have been quite romantic and I wouldn’t have thought of them. Perhaps a version of Hound or Jazz, characters who even though they are good at war, their main drive is appreciation of the beauty around them be it physical in terms of flora and fauna or more spiritual in the form of music and companionship/mateship.

FAN Questions

Question: I really enjoyed meeting you at both Collectormania and the Hasbro Sneak Peak last year. Do you find a lot of your toys and figures at these kinds of meets? Or do you usually do your TF shopping in stores and/or online?
Well thank you, I too enjoyed the company of the Enigmatic Trev.

I have a habit of wanting to buy something when I go to an event like Collectormania. The old Parramatta fair was particularly ‘bad’ for this because I’d want to have something with me for the get together in the food court afterwards. I ended up bringing a new toy from home that I hadn’t opened yet, in case nothing piqued my interest at the fair proper. When I was at Botcon those two times, I bought a whole lot of Transformers, luckily when the customs officials ask what’s in the box and you say toys, they dismiss them as not having much value…
Normally my collecting is mixed between bricks and mortar and Online. Primarily these days, I buy online between a couple local companies and overseas for Japanese and some “Indie” product. I would buy more at shops but online is often cheaper, than even the sales.

Question: How do balance collecting and being a new dad?
I don’t. I try to but, invariably a lot of my personal time has disappeared. Most of my online shopping happens at lunch times at work, I get less shopping time and when I do I feel like I’m letting the team down by not doing something for the kids or my wife. I have a stash of unopened toys and unread comics in the ‘office/study/music room’ and also in the corner next to the couch in the lounge. This gives me the opportunity to open something up and play with it while we’re watching an hour of TV in the evening between our chores and trying to get some sleep.

Question – As the twins are now 1, when do you plan on introducing them to Transformers and which series?
They have already been exposeexposed. I have watched most of Transformers RID in the lounge, where they play most of the time. Often early on the weekend when I have taken the kids out of their cots after waking up so they don’t disturb their mum. Once fed and changed we have a play in the lounge and I’ll put on something that my wife doesn’t like to watch, Transformers, Star Trek, Agents of Shield, the Orville. It sometimes takes an hour and a half to watch an episode if the kids are cranky or need extra attention but I get there. They generally don’t ‘pay much heed to what’s on the TV yet but they do perk up from time to time, especially with the younger target audience animated stuff.
Once they are a bit older, I’ll be making the G1 Series available to them, I have all of the available Rescue bots on DVD, and by the time they are old enough I’ll have all the recent RID as well, as its released in season box sets.

Question: As nerds, we already face ridicule and mockery from general society by essentially being grown men who collect/play with toys.* How do you then face the “double whammy” that also comes from being a drummer? I mean, as a toy collecting skin beater you must be the butt of every joke that you hear! 
Editors Note: What’s this ‘we’ you speak of paleface?
They’re called heads, you Musical Luddite. Drum heads, only people that don’t know what they’re talking about call them skins.

Question: Also, I have garnered that space is a significant issue for you and as such a majority of your collection is in storage. Do you think that most of your collection will remain in plastic tubs for the rest of your life or do you have a plan? A vision? A goal? And do you see that goal as realistically being achieved before you grow sick of the hobby?
I don’t understand ‘grow sick of the hobby’ can you re-phrase the question?
Well, yes, at the moment we are in a 3 bedroom apartment with a lot of stuff. I admit a lot of it is mine, between collecting transformers and having 2 drum kits. And two kids worth of stuff. We have a lot of stuff.

I would love a ‘collection room’ but have come to realise from seeing the struggle of others, and how much space a collection like Griffins takes up, that even a small bedroom converted into a collection room probably isn’t a big enough space.
I would one day like a decent size mancave space to put my collection in and display it but it would have to be a space where I had some sort of central volume/area that I could use for a more dynamic display, something I could pose the figures on rather than just having them all in cabinets. I think I will probably always have some element of my collection in storage, I just hope that in the long run, we move into a place that has room for the majority of it to be on display rather than in storage. I will probably have to do a cull eventually but it will be a struggle. (Not pictured, 6 large plastic bins and 3 epic BBTS boxes full of opened and unopened transformers respectively.)

Question: Is Botcon (though gone now) something that every Aussie TF fan should go to/experience once? Equivalent of TF Mecca or is buying the toys enough? 
I would say that it’s something that most dedicated fans should try to attend. It’s a very expensive venture and to make it worth the trouble of international travel you really need to do the full ticket that the show has to offer and try to experience as much of the event as you can. The closest thing now would be Hascon or TF con, one being official and the other more dedicated specifically to Transformers with a strong bent towards the Indie scene. If I was overseas around the time of a TF Con, or even Hascon I would try to fit it into my trip.

The script reading panel. Actors from G1, and Rescue bots.
As for buying toys, when the Aussie dollar was close to parity the dealer room was a veritable Transformers Mecca. Many lines available at US prices, so cheap compared to here and a lot of ‘antique’ older line transformers available from some sellers. I didn’t do the numbers but Griffin has commented in the past that the dollar value he saved on all the toys he purchased while on a Botcon trip pretty much met the cost of his flight. Probably the best purchase I made at a Botcon was the Hard Hero Devastator bust for $15. MISB. I haven’t opened it yet so I hope it’s not full of bricks.

Question: If your kids aren’t interested in TF , what will you do with your toys in the future?
I don’t have any plans to stop collecting, and while it will be a bit saddening that I can’t share my biggest hobby with them, I will enjoy it like I do now and probably one day sell a lot so it’s easier to get rid of when I eventually move on to be one with the Allspark.

Question: Dallas, you seem like such an amiable, friendly and positive guy online. Let us see a little bit more of your “dark side” – What are your pet peeves? (TF related or otherwise). What really burns your biscuits? What makes you see red?
Editors Note: Squirrels! He stomps squirrels to death – I’ve seen it!
The term Lazy Design. This is one of the most bullshit descriptions I see in comments or reviews on toys. People don’t get into toy design to make money, they get into toy design, because they love designing, or they love toys or both. It’s a rude thoughtless label. I can guarantee you that the reason there is an apparent design flaw in a toy is because of budgetary or time constraints most likely enforced by someone who has no idea of the effort required to design something properly from scratch.
Litterers: I don’t care how busy you are, or how far it is to a bin, there’s no reason to leave your garbage behind, be it food wrappers, cigarette butts, gum. You’re selfish laziness is just creating work for others, or it’s getting into the environment causing problems. So much of our rubbish doesn’t break down.
People parking in visitor spaces: Our apartment complex has 98 apartments and 25 visitor spots. Nearly always all taken up by residents who all have at least one and many have either a double length garage or two garages. I have family visit from all over the country and they often can’t get a park. I feel that guests should be given priority, mine or someone else’s.
Pro tip, I’m a pretty friendly guy, but don’t get on my bad side. It’s a short list but once you’re on there, getting back over the fence is extremely hard.

Just Chillin’
 You and your partner have been together for a long period of time now (congrats ), so my questions is: How did she react when she found out you collect these little plastic toys? and as a follow up: how does she react now when you bring a new one home?
Wife/Girlfriend, she hates the term Partner, we don’t run a business together. 😉
We met in late 2000. She had a pretty good idea I was a nerd from the get go. We both worked at the Coles not far from the university campus and one night, while I was working she bought up her flatmate to check me out. Her flatmate popped her head around the end of the isle and turned around and burst out laughing!! ‘That’s the president of Spocksoc” I was at the time the president of the Campus Science Fiction, Fantasy and Animation club. Her flatmate knew because she had been to our Buffy the Vampire Slayer screenings. I wasn’t collecting at the time but as mentioned above I started again when I was not long out of uni and Alternators were hitting the market.
These days we keep 10% of our incomes to ourselves to do with as we please (it also helps hide how much we spend on each other for gifts). So there’s never any complaining about spending ‘our money’ as it’s only ever used for the household. However given the aforementioned space issues, when I come home with a large order from somewhere or if a few parcels turn up in the space of a week, I occasionally get comments like’ where is that going to go’ and to be fair they are warranted. I’m starting to think I am going to have to do a big cull of boxes because they are taking up too much garage.


Thank you all for the questions, I’ve really enjoyed answering them!
Got any more questions for Dallas?  Pop them in the comments section below and I’m sure he will do his best to answer them!

Transformer Fan Interview – Chris

Welcome to the latest in a series of interviews with Aussie Transformer Fans.  Last time we talked to Michael, an absolutely brilliant customizer!  Today we talk to someone who has also had a crack at the customization game – as well in his spare time brushing up on his Metallikato skills – today we talk to Chris.

Name or what friends call you?

Christopher Turner.


State you live in?



Your age?



How did you hear about

Transformers Collectors Club Australia.


Transformers Allegiance, if you had one?



Your Techspec motto if you had one?

“Do not scorn the weak cub. It may grow to become the brutal Tiger.”


What existing, official Transformers character best describes you?

Bludgeon. He’s a Decepticon warlord bound by a strict code of honour.


Which special ability of any Transformers character would you want to have for yourself?

Bludgeon’s mastery of Metallikato. His supernatural skill with the blade makes him a match for even the most powerful Transformers.


How would you rate yourself on a C scale, C10 being MISB Mint perfection to the lowest C1 ‘junker not worth it even for parts’?

C7 – Out of the box but in good nick.


Fan/Collector since (year)?

I’d like to say 1984, but that was the year I was born so my interest didn’t truly develop until about ’86-’87.


What drew you to Transformers, making you become a fan/collector?

I used to watch the G1 cartoon and I was always drawn to the Decepticons. I always thought characters like Soundwave and Starscream were so cool. I also had a lot of hand-me-down G1 toys that belonged to my older brother and my Uncle.


Do you think you will collect Transformers until you die?

Without a shadow of a doubt!


Were your family/parents supportive of collecting toys or did you have to hide your passion from them and friends?

No one among my family or friends really shared my passion for Transformers but I never hid it nor was I ashamed of it. I have made friends in the TCCA now so I have a lot of fellow collectors in my life. My fiancè is very supportive of my hobby. She’s bought me several Transformers as gifts and lets me display my collection in our living room. My stepmother once remarked that our house looks like a “museum for Transformers”.


Have you attended any fan-meets, Fairs, Conventions?

I was lucky enough to meet Peter Cullen at Supanova a few years ago. He’s a really great guy and it was one of the most fulfilling experiences of my life. I hope to meet Frank Welker one day so my life can be truly complete. As the current QLD Rep for the TCCA I have hosted a couple of meet-ups for local members.


Any creative endeavours with Transformers (drawing, writing, customising, etc)?

I recently collaborated with the very talented John Ryan to customize a G2 coloured FoC Bruticus. Our next joint project is going to be a Decepticon throne.


Favourite series/era/year, and why?

I will always have a soft spot for G1 but I actually like most TF series out there, including the obscure Japanese ones. And yes, I even like the Bay movies and the Machinima cartoons. Transformers Prime is probably my favourite of the most recent series.


Least favourite series/era/year, and why?

I could never get into Transformers Animated. The childish humour, simplistic style, and general “wackyness” didn’t appeal to me.


Collect any comics (which ones)?

I have a fair few of the Marvel G1 comics, and a couple of IDW releases.


Favourite Comic issue/story, and why?

It’s a three way tie between Dreamwave’s War Within: Dark Ages (still the best version of The Fallen to date), IDW’s All Hail Megatron (a fantastic re-telling of G1’s origins), and IDW’s Stormbringer (Bludgeon and Thunderwing… ’nuff said).


Favourite Cartoon episode/story, and why?

Does the G1 movie count? I love everything about that story.


Favourite Board/Video game?

War for Cybertron and Fall of Cybertron were amazing games. Best Transformers games of all time in my opinion.


Favourite Character, and why?

Bludgeon. He’s a skeleton samurai that turns into a tank. I don’t know what else you need to make him any more badass. Though he’s never appeared on screen, in the Marvel, Dreamwave, and IDW comics he’s an absolute beast. Has to be one of the greatest villains in Transformers history.


Sexiest Transformers (robot) Character?

I don’t really get how some people can find robots sexy. I guess I like Airachnid in the sense that the woman who voices her in Transformers Prime (Gina Torres) is really hot.


Which Transformers character would you want to exist for real?

Optimus Prime. I’d like to say a Decepticon but let’s face it, the reality is an actual ‘con would probably just kill me.


Approx TFs toy collection count (or give a range like 200s, 300s, etc)?

Around 200 or so.


Sealed collector or out-of-packaging collector?

Out of box all the way. I like to display my bots.


How much do you think you’ve spent on your collecting habit?

It has to be in the thousands.


Any rare/expensive figures in your collection?

I have quite a few but the ones that spring to mind are my TFCC Barricade, Titans Return Trypticon, Universe Unicron, most of my Unicronian figures (Galvatron, Cyclonus, Scourge etc) are Takara Henkei, CW Devastator, Jinbao OS Predaking and Bruticus, Micron Arms Galvatron… that’s the tip of the iceberg.



What interesting Licensed Merchandise items do you have?

I have the Takara Soundwave that transforms into a fully-functional Mp3 player. I also have a G1 print signed by Peter Cullen.


First Transformers toy?

G1 Duocon Battletrap.


One toy you most want?

At the moment I’m keen to get my hands on Power of the Primes Rodimus Unicronus.


The centrepiece/favourite toy in your collection at the moment (and why)?

It’s a tie between my MMC Kultur (3P Tarn) and my DNA Susanoo (3P Bludgeon). Both fantastic Decepticon figures that look amazing on display.


Favourite toy in your early years of collecting (if it was more than 10 years ago)?

Probably G1 Soundwave + tapes.


Worst toy(s) ever in your opinion?

Probably the little crab dude from RID. What even is that? What were you thinking Hasbro?


Toy(s) that were most disappointing when you got them?

I hated CW Menasor. Sold him pretty quick. His individual bots were quite nice but in Combiner form he was a dumpster fire. No amount of upgrade kits could make that eyesore look good.


Thoughts on gimmick and non-convertable Transformers toys?

I think certain gimmicks really detract from toys. Sometimes they go to so much trouble to get a figure to launch a projectile or do something flashy that it just ends up ruining it.


Thoughts on unlicensed fan-project figures/accessories?

It’s great to have those options as a collector. Especially when official avenues leave gaps in the market. The fact they exist at all is proof of a thriving hobby.


Thoughts on the Transformers Brand over the last five years?

I think Hasbro needs to pick a direction and stick with it. They seem to change their minds so rapidly about where they want to take the franchise. Constant cancellations and re-boots are antagonizing the fanbase. On a positive note, I think Titans Return has been the best line yet for CHUG collectors.


Which single TFs toy should every fan own?

Any of the CHUG Deluxe Seekers. HasTak nailed it with that mold.


Which Transformers toy/product would you give as a wedding present?

Maybe some Decepticon cufflinks.



Got any extra questions for Chris?  Pop them in the comments section below and I’m sure he will do his best to answer them.


Related Articles:

TF Fan Interview: Raymo

TF Fan Interview: Lisamaree


Transformer Fan Interview – ‘I wanna be like Mike!’

Last time we talked to Con, a fan up in the far north of Australia.  This time we head back down south to talk to Michael, one of the true Kings of Customization in Australia and a helluva nice guy a few years ago I got the pleasure of meeting!

Oh, and don’t forget to check at the bottom of this post for your chance to be a future interviewee on!


Real name or what friends call you? 
Michael. Mick to my family (literally only blood relatives call me this).

State you live in? 

Your occupation? 
I’m a community nurse, that is, I deliver nursing care to people in their homes.

Your dream job? 

Your age?
41, or as I like to think of it, old enough to know better.

Married, 2 teenage step-kids, 2 boys of my own, 3 & 5 years old.

Any websites/blogs/picture/social sites? 
My customising work is at Twitter @michaelfouche. Working on a Twitter and Instagram profile for my customs work. I had a writing blog (a considerable body of work to which I have not added for some time) at It was/is little more than an exercise in writing and not much use to anyone, to be honest. There’s a couple of TF based pieces in there if you want to dig a bit. I keep promising myself and my editor that I’ll write more, but it hasn’t happened yet.

What other (non-toy) interests do you have? 
I love writing and I’m a (very amateur) singer and musician. I used to love illustration, too, but haven’t adequate skill to pursue it as fervently or productively as I would like. Dyed-in-the-wool Western Bulldogs (AFL) supporter*. Obsessively follow politics, which intrigues and disgusts me in equal measure. I enjoy cooking but my fussy family means I don’t get to stretch those muscles nearly as much as I’d like.
*All TF fans should be Essendon supporters – our mascot is a Bomber Jet!

What type of music/movies/TV/books do you enjoy? 
I’m a huge music fan, pretty eclectic tastes. I have all my most favourite music on my phone – about 3,300 songs. I love to read but struggle to find time. Got 3 books going (on and off) at the moment. I devour podcasts, if I’m doing anything like housework or gardening or driving I usually have one on. Love movies, all kinds, my favourite being The Incredibles. I have little time or patience for most TV, but my favourite show of all time that I could watch over and over and over again would be The West Wing.

Do you collect anything besides Transformers? 
TFs are definitely my first love, but a part of my heart belongs to Masters of the Universe and Lego.


How would you rate yourself on a C scale? With C1 being ‘Junker not worth it even for parts’ to C10 being ‘Perfection’
C6? Could do with a pretty good reno, but there’s bits that will never ever be mint. An argument could be made for flawed straight off the factory floor due to poor QC.

How would you rate how sexually attracted you are to Trev? With 1 being ‘Very’ to 10 being ‘I make my wife dress up in a Trev costume whenever we make love’.
Are you kidding? I met my wife after she won first prize in a Trev look-alike competition*. Where else would one go to find a suitable partner? Can you think of somewhere better? Well? Go on. I’ll wait.
*I was in that competition – I came fourth 

Transformers Allegiance, if you had one? 

Your Techspec motto if you had one?
The one listed in my high school yearbook remains apt: “What are we talking about again?”. I’m perpetually distracted.

Which special ability of any Transformers character would you want to have for yourself?
Skywarp’s teleportation. There’s no ability that tops it, not even close.

Fan/Collector since (year)? 
I collected as a boy, ’84 & ’85 mostly, then lost interest as a teen and gave all my (beautifully kept) TF collection to a younger step-brother who destroyed them (the snotty little brat that he was!). I’ve regretted that desperately ever since. Recommenced collecting in 2007, at the onset of the Bay films.

What drew you to Transformers, making you become a fan/collector? Back in the day, I was the perfect age at the birth of the brand – about 7-8 years old. I used to watch the G1 cartoon from the very first episode on The Early Bird Show with Marty Monster.
More recently, around ’07, my wife bought me one – a Movieverse voyager Ironhide. I bought my second one, she bought the 3rd, and we were off to the races.

Do you think you will collect Transformers until you die?
I’ve been thinking about that a lot lately and don’t have an answer. It’s certainly possible I’ll reach a stop point, but I haven’t got there yet. To me, toys are about joy. Who wants to stop having joy?

Were your family/parents supportive of collecting toys or did you have to hide your passion from them and friends? 
Not really an issue, although my wife has facetiously asked me on a couple of occasions “Haven’t you got them all yet?”. She also reminds me that I really am out of space to display my collection, and I have more space than many do.

Have you attended any fan-meets, Fairs, Conventions? 
Mostly local fan meets, most of them Ozformers ones, a few TCCA ones. They are always a joy.

Any creative endeavours with Transformers (drawing, writing, customising, etc)?
No. Nope. Nada. Never. Wouldn’t dream of it. Why do you ask? Ridiculous notion…

…Actually, come to think of it, it’s suddenly coming to me, I do rather enjoy customising Transformers*
*To understand the depth of this smart-arseary, check out the pics in the Questions from other fans section

Favourite series/era/year, and why?
G1 (for the nostalgic reasons above) but I absolutely do not begrudge fans of any other era. If things (brands like Transformers) don’t evolve and open themselves up for reinterpretation, they die. Simple. Not all of it is my cup of tea, but I’d rather it exists for the enjoyment of others so that the brand lives on.

Least favourite series/era/year, and why?
I’m pretty cold for The Unicron Trilogy. I’m really ambivalent towards the Bay-verse stuff, because I feel it is deliberately disrespectful at its core (in so many ways, but not in the sense of “Michael Bay raped my childhood!”, which is utter nonsense). On the other hand, it is also responsible for reigniting my passion for all things TFs. My biggest TF confession is that I’ve never seen a single episode of Beast Wars* (even though I believe many people who say it’s some of the best TF fiction ever). One day.
*There is a monkey that talks and a wasp that explodes a lot – that’s the main jist of it.

Collect any comics (which ones)?
I have a bunch of the newer IDW stuff that I got cheap via a Humble Bundle, but haven’t had the time to read it yet. I own a few thousand comic books (mostly Marvel circa 1990-2005 or thereabouts) in a cupboard. I still collect and read Kurt Busiek’s Astro City via TPBs.

Favourite Comic issue/story, and why?
Target 2006, from the old UK Transformer comics (also foolishly disposed of when I was younger. I swear if I met a younger version of me I’d fully smack some sense into myself). It seemed like the *perfect* sequel to the ’86 animated movie, all edge-of-your-seat excitement.

Favourite Cartoon episode/story, and why?
The animated ’86 movie was more or less a feature length episode of the G1 cartoon, so I’ll say that one. Still the best TF movie ever!

Favourite Character, and why?
I always had an affinity for G1 Hound. Gentle, softly spoken, but unlike most of the Autobots of his time, he’s a military vehicle (as opposed to a sports car of a truck or a sedan or something). There’s an interesting dichotomy there. Also love the Protectobots.

Approx TFs toy collection count (or give a range like 200s, 300s, etc)?
Around 350.

Sealed collector or out-of-packaging collector?

How much do you think you’ve spent on your collecting habit?
I try not to. I am lucky in that due to my customising and commissions work, I have earned enough to effectively pay for my collecting for the last 2 years. No impact on the family budget means the good lady wife is (relatively) happy.

Any rare/expensive figures in your collection?
Not really. Not that kind of collector I guess.

First Transformers toy? 
Can’t fully remember. I think it might have a G1 minibot, Brawn springs to mind.

One toy you most want? 
At the moment, it’s an MP11ND Dirge. Ordered from PC (so yeah, flying pigs anyone?), and now it’s at a price that I can’t justify spending on what is basically the 328th repaint/remould of MP11.

The centrepiece/favourite toy in your collection at the moment (and why)?
MP10 will be exceeding difficult to surpass in my eyes. It’s so damned beautiful a toy.

Favourite toy in your early years of collecting (if it was more than 10 years ago)? 
G1 Defensor (because I hunted for him over several weeks and got him piece at a time) or G1 Hound (for reasons above).

Worst toy(s) ever in your opinion?
DOTM HA Thunderhead. Not only an idiotic toy, but my hatred of it also comes from a sense of self-loathing in that I also bought the recolour of it in Crosshairs, during a fit of anal-retentive completionism.

Toy that was most disappointing when you got them?
A recent disappointment of staggering proportions was POTP Starscream. The robot mode is insanely out of proportion, the jet mode doesn’t tab together at all neatly, his stickers are bad quality and uniformly poorly applied, and worst of all, I can’t get the SS head to fold away in torso mode (so it looks like he’s giving birth to himself… eeeeewwwwww). Feels like a first draft that was accidentally released before it was ready for public consumption.

Thoughts on gimmick and non-convertable Transformers toys?
Mildly worthwhile, if only as cute curios. But they have to be charming to work.

Thoughts on unlicensed fan-project figures/accessories?
Cautiously accepting, in limited circumstances. That’s probably a much longer discussion than what there is time or space for here. I am a huge fan, and I mean massive, of Reprolabels (via as enhancements to toys in my collection.

Thoughts on the Transformers Brand over the last five years? 
If you’d told me 6 years ago we’d have this many modern Headmasters (ahem, sorry, Titan Masters) toys, Trypticon, Fort Max, so many extraordinary G1-inspired Masterpiece toys, I’d say you were dreaming. We are so damned lucky, spoiled for choice really. The Bay-verse is limping to an inevitable death, which was somewhat predictable, but going out with a bang toy-wise, with the Studio series. Overall, I’m optimistic that the brand is in good shape.

Which single TFs toy should every fan own?
MP10 Optimus Prime. Easy choice.


Big Angry Trev: I really enjoyed going to see TF4 in Gold Class with you a few years ago. It has been announced that the current Movieverse will end with this year’s Bumblebee movie and there will be a reboot in a few year’s time. What would you like to see in the reboot to make it something that truly does the Transformers justice?

That meet was a highlight for me too! It was the first time I went to see a Transformers film with a passionate TF fan*
*And one that looks like your wife apparently

I don’t think it needs to slavishly adhere to any previous versions of the fiction (as I said before, re-imagining and re-interpretation keeps the brand fresh, and every iteration is someone’s first). Having said that, the single biggest factor that first exploded TFs as a brand and secured it’s place in popular culture, in my view, was the introduction of individualistic personalities, characteristics, and abilities for each character. It elevated them from mere toys with a gimmick to something far more weighty, that really captures the imagination. Spectacle is an absolute necessity, but without character and story, the spectacle is empty and can only be maintained for a limited time – and I would argue that Michael Bay has stretched the public’s patience with respect to the movies as long as is possible, possibly to the next movie’s detriment (the Bumblebee stand alone and even beyond).

Focus on giving us an amazing and gripping story, filled with intriguing characters (robot characters for the love of Pete!) that we can care about and let the spectacle take care of itself.


Dallas: You are clearly very good at customising. I would consider myself a dabbler at best. I’ve done 2 of the Botcon Custom classes, and I’ve got to say they don’t come close to the level of complexity you constantly apply. 

Therein lies a tale. I feel like I’m asking for even more indulgence than I’ve already been given thus far in this interview, but here it is:

I started dabbling, and my first efforts were utterly abysmal because I essentially had little clue what I was doing. The first complete TF figure I did was a ROTF Brawn (see attached pic). I went out and bought another afterwards and did it again, so I could correct mistakes I made the first time, which were plentiful. The thing that kept me going was curiousity, a desire to improve and a bone-headed willingness to royally screw things up in order to get better. There’s a writer’s saying that you need to write out a million bad words before you get to any of the good ones. Put differently, you have to wade through a river of excrement (of bad customs) in order to get to clean waters (of good customs). With TF customs, I’ve been prepared to make ten year’s worth of mistakes in order to get at a level I’m almost happy with. That takes a tremendous amount of time, effort, frustrations and money.

Man alive, that really sounds really self important. Sorry.

Have you done one of the Botcon classes, if so were you disappointed?

I’ve never done a Botcon customising class, but I did enrol in a series of online customising classes by a famous and extremely talented customiser. After the first one I had learned all I was going to learn from that individual, but I enrolled in another 6 of his classes in order to make a combining Defensor (this was before Combiner Wars). He did the first few classes but then essentially lost interest in completing the others. He strung everyone (including me) along with false promises until it was too late to be able to initiate chargebacks and has disappeared from the TF customising scene owing me and a heap of other participants hundreds of dollars each. His name is mud now, and rightly so. Screw that guy.

I did get some early advice from a friend that was into Warhammer and the like, but other than that it was online tutorials and YouTube videos (of which there is a metric crap-tonne). One of the best places I found in the early days as a learning resource was http://h<a href=”http://www.jinsaoto…</a> (provided you are happy checking out that content despite that particular creator’s past controversies…). From there, the best teacher I had was experience, doing and failing, doing and failing, again and again, with a little less failing each time.


Trent: As a customiser, what sort of things tickle your interest? You seem to have enjoyed the custom you completed for me a few years ago and have expressed interest in my next one but there would no doubt be concepts that you aren’t keen on based on either the design or the work involved.

Simply put, I am intrigued by anything that pushes me creatively. Each and every custom HAS TO be better than the last one. HAS TO. Another confession: the last 2 commissions I’ve accepted and completed required me to perform techniques and skills I did not yet possess at the time of the request. Some stupid bravado there, perhaps, but fortune favours the brave (or the stupid, you decide) and now I have new skills I can employ next time. If I stagnate, I’ll look for something else to put my hand to.

There are some requests I get that I am not particularly keen on, but one can always say no. I’ve not traditionally been good at that, but I’m learning. I can find benefit and interest in every project regardless of my feelings about its value, and there isn’t a project I’ve done that I haven’t enjoyed to a degree. The love of customising is in the doing, not the end product. Not to say that that the final result isn’t important, but it’s not the be all and end all, for me anyway.

(And just quietly, I’m looking forward to your next project as I don’t quite yet know how I’m going to make it special. But it will be special.)

What’s your all time favourite custom that you’ve completed and why?

I’d have to say the Metrotitan custom (from a Generations Metroplex). That was tough and long and it changed tracks on me a couple of times before ending up as it did. I think the length of time it took to complete was the thing that has made it stand out for me. I was supremely pleased when it ended up in the hands of an Aussie collector.

If the question had been “what is your favourite custom work”, the answer is always “the next one”. It sounds trite, but I swear it’s true.


Raf: As a parent, would you like your children to follow your passion for transformers? And as a follow up, how did you start breaking them in so to speak?

While I would love my kids to carry on my passion for TFs, I am learning from older, wiser and more experienced parents to find a way into their hearts by loving the things they love rather than trying to make them love what I love. They do often like to come into my man-child cave and play with my toys though. A good many of these answers were typed with my three-year-old on my lap playing with “my” stuff, asking me about my Minicon deskbots and swapping the hair between Lego Mr Incredible and Lego Marty McFly. He told me later that it was the best part of his day. It may well have been mine too.

The boys do, from time to time, like to play with my TFs – I have a small collection of deluxe figures (mostly from the recent RID line) that I keep especially for such purposes so they’ll leave my more expensive or precious ones alone, but they are usually pretty gentle with them anyway. I have also bought them a few TFs from time to time, like from the Rescuebots line (awesome cartoon by the way! Especially good to watch with the little ones).


The Gambler: Do you have other creative endeavors outside of customising Transformers?

I really feel an innate need to be creative and have a constant creative outlet, like a shark that sinks if it stops swimming. I enjoy music, illustration (but not for a while now), customising other toy lines (such as MOTU – I have a killer MOTU idea that uses the Shattered Glass concept from TFs but haven’t had the time to really get stuck into it as deeply as I would like). And of course writing, although again I haven’t written as much as I have answering these questions for some time. I suspect writing will be my ongoing creative outlet of choice one day.


Raymo: I think some of your creations are amazing, the crossover He-Man Prime Transformers was such a great concept and well executed, has someone ever come up with a concept and your first thought is….are you high? Or do you think nope I’m gonna have a crack and give it time?

Not really. Occasionally, a commissioner might make creative decisions I may not be in total agreement with, but in the end, the figure is going to sit in their collection, so they get the ultimate say. Sometimes, I get a really cool idea and float it with them, and rarely do commissioners say no if the idea is good enough.

Sometimes people see something I’ve done and ask “can I get you to do one of those for me?”. It’s not out of the question (I have made multiples of things before) but usually I want to move on to something new, not just rehash the same old stuff, even though I’m reasonably confident I can always do the second one better than the first.

The He-Man idea (and the figures involved) were such a no-brainer for me, I’m stunned nobody thought of the idea sooner (that I am aware of).

Speaking of, do you want to see more He-Man/TF crossovers? I have all the base figures for series 2 and 3… (16 more characters planned).

Which leads me to my next question, do you get complete timewasters in the custom world?

Most people I have encountered make an enquiry and when I respond they either say thanks but no thanks (ie the quoted price might be too high for them) or I don’t hear back. Time wasters haven’t been a big issue for me. There was this one guy (not anyone associated with this forum) who, every 6 months or so, says he’s desperate for me to do a particular project for him. Each time I’ve said yes, he stops communicating and it doesn’t happen. Then, after a little while, he comes back with the same request. We’ve been at this particular tennis match about 3 or 4 years now.

Lastly, when are you going to clean up your house?
Fair question. For those following at home, I have 2 kids under 5 and my house can be appropriately described as “lived in”. My youngest is 3, so I expect the house to be tidy around January.

January 2035.

I am reliably informed (like, I’m sure it was on the internet somewhere) that brainy people have messy desks. That’s truth man. 


Kevin: If someone were to create a movie about your life, what would it be about and who will be playing the lead characters?

I’m not very sporty and have a distinct lack of co-ordination. There’s even a way of falling over my mates have named after me (“The Fouché Flop”, trademark, copyright). Put that together with the fact that I have a good face for radio, and I can’t think of anyone better to portray me than a Mr. Bean-era Rowan Atkinson. Safe to say it would be a comedy of errors involving misunderstandings, tomfoolery and pratfalls.


Got any other questions for Michael?  Pop them in the comments section below and I’m sure he will do his best to answer them!



All the answers to the crossword below can be found in the interview above.  Be the first to put the answers in the comments section and it will be YOU appearing in a future fan interview!

1. A Transformers Custom
2. What his family calls him
3. A beloved 80’s cartoon

1. His first name
2. A MOTU Custom
3. Claims to be an amateur


Related Articles:

Fan Interview: Lisamaree

Fan Interview: JP Martin

Transformer Fan Interview – Con

Welcome to the next in a series of interviews with different Aussie Transformer fans.  Last time we chatted to JP, a younger fan from Victoria.  Now we are heading right to the other end of the country; right up to the tippy-top of the continent to talk to Con – showing collectors are spread all over this wide brown land!

Name or what friends call you?

Con Kosta Iliou


Where do you live?

Darwin N.T.


Your age?



How did you hear about

I heard about Big Angry Trev from Transformers Collecters Club Australia.


Transformers Allegiance, if you had one?



Your Techspec motto if you had one?

‘Justice is a idea not a moral’ or ‘…..YEAHHH!!!’


What existing, official Transformers character best describes you?

Blitzwing from G1, he is a warrior but when times comes for doing the right thing he see past his leaders beliefs and ultimately does the right thing.


Which special ability of any Transformers character would you want to have for yourself?

Mirage’s invisibility


How would you rate yourself on a C scale, C10 being MISB Mint perfection to the lowest C1 ‘junker not worth it even for parts’?

C5, no box but in good condition


Fan/Collector since (year)?

1985 when I was 3


What drew you to Transformers, making you become a fan/collector?

I became a fan when I was in hospital in Adelaide I had to have an operation and my mum and dad were there for me as well as my older sister and so we’re the Transformers to get me through a tough time.


Do you think you will collect Transformers until you die?

Awwww yeah I will do it for a very long time.


Were your family/parents supportive of collecting toys or did you have to hide your passion from them and friends?

No my parents, sisters and friends know how much I love the franchise and I don’t hide that fact from anyone lol.


Have you attended any fan-meets, Fairs, Conventions?

No unfortunately but would absolutely love one day, to meet people and friends I have made through a community would be a really special memes to hope someday have soon.


Any creative endeavours with Transformers (drawing, writing, customising, etc)?

I really like kit-bashing and repainting characters that Hasbro haven’t done yet or 3rd parties haven’t gotten around to like my custom Tarn…then a few months after Master Mind Creations brings one out lol – he is one of my favourites and don’t think I will get a the official knowing what I did to make the one I have, he may not transform but have the way he looks aesthetically.


Favourite series/era/year, and why?

Favorite is G1 from 1984 because the story and character development they took with each character.


Least favourite series/era/year, and why?

Least favorite if I had to choose is 2001 Robots in Disguise mainly because the show did that anime style too much and alot of the characters where to kiddy for me, some episodes are ok but in all I can give it a miss.


Collect any comics (which ones)?

I don’t collect any of the comics even though I have a few IDW’s from early 2000’s mini issues.


Favourite Comic issue/story, and why?

I don’t have a favourite comic but like the universe jumping one with Deaths Head where I think he goes from the Transformers universe to the Dr Who’s, then to a mediaeval Earth and then the doctor leaves him into of the roof top of the Fantasic Four. I like when franchises can merge like that.


Favourite Cartoon episode/story, and why?

My favourite episode is Web World and I like how Cyclonus takes Galvatron to the planet because he thinks he’s starting to go more Loooney Tunes then before and how those Planet of the Apes looking creatures psychoanalysis his brain and he turns a simple object into a gun and start shooting up the place and says “Let me outta here!”


Favourite Character, and why?

I really like Blitzwing because he can turn into a tank, jet and sword wielding gun shooting giant robot, he is the one robot army.


Sexiest Transformers (robot) Character?

Sexiest I would go Firestar as she is a firecracker and not afraid to get a job done.


Which Transformers character would you want to exist for real?

The Transformer I would like to wish exist would be Sideswipe, that way I could have a Autobot friend and a Lamborghini countach lol


Approx TFs toy collection count (or give a range like 200s, 300s, etc)?

300 and counting


Sealed collector or out-of-packaging collector?

Out of the package because I like to display them.


How much do you think you’ve spent on your collecting habit?

Alot…maybe $8000 worth probably


Any rare/expensive figures in your collection?

A rare figure I have is a sealed 1984 Soundwave with Buzzsaw, that is never coming out of his package prison.


What interesting Licensed Merchandise items do you have?

I think the most interesting licenced product I have is a plate that I think came with a mug, it has G1 Optimus and Megs on it.


First Transformers toy?

Optimus Prime was my first Transformer.


One toy you most want?

A really big (like as big as a building) size Unicron.


The centerpiece/favourite toy in your collection at the moment (and why)?

My centerpiece figure I would have to say would be my Knock Off Oversize Predaking because I think that the 3rd party ko guys got it right with the size and the look of each character and Predaking as a whole.


Favourite toy in your early years of collecting (if it was more than 10 years ago)?

Early years my favourite transformer was the Autobot Grotesque because of the gimmick he came with you push the button on his head and sparks come out of his mouth that was cool back then it still is today actually.


Thoughts on gimmick and non-convertible Transformers toys?

I like gimmicks done right but when they are done wrong like mech tech then yeah not a fan.


Thoughts on unlicensed fan-project figures/accessories?

I really like what they have done outside of the licensed of Transformers because I believe that a lot of these guys and girls designers and Engineers I pretty much fans like us and get that image and look of what we remember from the G1 days but then there are other guys out there that do really good interpretations of characters that we remember and I really like that a lot too. I also want to say that if you want to buy knock offs it’s your choice as a collector, if it makes you happy I don’t see the harm in collecting them.


Thoughts on the Transformers Brand over the last five years?

Over the last 5 years I have really like what Hasbro has done with bringing the old school G1 look back and also pleasing the new generation as well as the older generation so everybody can enjoy that aspect I really do love. I hope one day that when I have a family of my own that we can sit there and play together old and new.


Which single TFs toy should every fan own?

Optimus Prime is a must for any collector or fan of the franchise.


Which Transformers toy/product would you give as a wedding present?

A transformer that I would give for a wedding present would be Trypticon because who doesn’t like big robotic dinosaurs I know why do I’d love one for wedding present even though I already have one.

Got any other questions for Con?  Pop them in the comments section below and I’m sure he will do his best to answer them for you!


Related Articles:

Fan Interview: JP Martin

Fan Interview: Raymo

Transformer Fan Interview – JP Martin

Welcome to the next in a series of interviews with different Aussie Transformer fans.  Last time we chatted to Paul, a near 20-year veteran of the Online TF community.  Today we will be talking to JP – a younger fan of the genre who shows a real love of giant shape-changing alien robots!


Name or what friends call you?

JP Martin


State you live in?



Your age?



How did you hear about

I’ve read a few of your reviews and interviews. Always a great read!


Transformers Allegiance, if you had one?



Your Techspec motto if you had one?

“Don’t stop until you’re the last one standing”


What existing, official Transformers character best describes you?

Hm, if I had to choose one character, I would say that Ultra Magnus would be the best fit. A strong and by the book warrior, that has some leadership qualities but would rather work on the ground to get the job done.


Which special ability of any Transformers character would you want to have for yourself?

I would really like to have the Insecticons’ ability to clone themselves. Would give me the chance to keep up and do all the things I want to do all at the same time.


How would you rate yourself on a C scale, C10 being MISB Mint perfection to the lowest C1 ‘junker not worth it even for parts’?

C8, Pretty good condition, missing box but have all the accessories


Fan/Collector since (year)?

I want to say 1999 when my brother introduced me to it but 2001 was when I really started as a kid. Fell out roughly around Transformers Cybertron and Dark of the Moon. Really got into collecting December 2016 when so many Christmas Clearance Sales drew me back in.


What drew you to Transformers, making you become a fan/collector?

My brother had a few G1 toys from when he was a kid. I remember playing with his Optimus Prime trailer and being a huge fan of Bumblebee. I really loved the mythos and lore behind each series and toyline. As I’ve grown older I’m really into the more obscure and side stories that help create the Transformers Mythos.


Do you think you will collect Transformers until you die?

Absolutely! The Autobots and Decepticons war will never end and they will need more troops for the shelves!


Were your family/parents supportive of collecting toys or did you have to hide your passion from them and friends?

Family is quite open to my collecting so when I swapped back into Transformers it was welcome. However they are beginning to notice the tubs and boxes coming in the mail. Friends love their own collections (Warhammer, Game Memorabilia, Star Wars etc) so this is my “thing” in our group.


Have you attended any fan-meets, Fairs, Conventions?

I attend most of the big conventions in Melbourne. I do take the time to stop by and say hi to the TCCA guys, see how things are and if it’s available, get membership on the spot. Will need to see the guys next time since I haven’t joined up for 2018 yet!

I have yet to attend a fan-meet as they always seem to fall on days when I have some type of event going on beforehand. Hope to head to one eventually!


Any creative endeavours with Transformers (drawing, writing, customising, etc)?

Oh boy! I’m a huge fan of the universe so me and a friend have been playing a Transformers RPG over the last year using bits and pieces from each series/reality.So I have quite a few dozen characters that I aim to eventually make figures of.

My main character is a Decepticon Gladiator named Treadcrusher who acts as a Decepticon Drill Sergeant that takes on new recruits and tempers them for the war before sending them to different Warzones and battle groups.

Regarding actual figures, I have created three of my bots so far. First up is Raidwave, an Autobot Communications Specialist and Conspiracy Theorist focusing on secret Quintesson plots both within the Autobots and Decepticons.

I also have made the main characters of the RPG: Gearzone and Warsmith. Gearzone used to be a guard on Garrus 9 before a Decepticon breakout destroyed his body. Warsmith is a former elite guard and Decepticon general who surrendered to the Autobots after becoming disillusioned with the Decepticon cause and Megatron. Here’s a pic of the two in their Wrecker Campaign colour scheme.


Favourite series/era/year, and why?

It would have to be Armada. It was the series that I was so invested in as a kid and I absolutely love mini-cons and the whole fight to control or save these little bots between the two factions.


Least favourite series/era/year, and why?

Bayverse transformers after Dark of the Moon. The trilogy was okay but Age of Extinction and Last Knight really frustrated and confused me with how weirdly humans acted towards the transformers and even the Autobot groups themselves. The movies had the Autobots become progressively more and more like movie Decepticons in their actions and disregard for life and property so there was very little justification for any of the characters or war anymore.

While I am not a fan of the movies, I will say the bayverse toys are amazing and I do love those bots. A personal favourite would have to be the scout class Hubcap and Depth Charge who remain on my main Autobot shelf.


Collect any comics (which ones)?

I collected the old Dreamwave Comics as a kid. Big fan of the Age of Wrath series before the big bankruptcy. Today I pick up the IDW Lost Light series each month. Likewise I am also a subscriber to the Definitive Generation 1 comic series so I can have a read of the original Marvel US and UK series as well as the early IDW stuff before the big renumbering back to 1.


Favourite Comic issue/story, and why?

Last Stand of the Wreckers is an all time favourite for me. I was always a big fan of the Wreckers and to see a story arc dedicated to the team and their final battle on the Prison of Garrus 9 was absolutely amazing and quite heart-wrenching. WRECK AND RULE!

Another contender would be the Dreamwave Armada ‘Worlds Collide’ story arc with  dimension hopping heralds of Unicron wiping out different universes. Since Armada is my favourite series, it was awesome to see G1 bots go head to head with the Armada crew.

G1 kicking the other universes butts!


Favourite Cartoon episode/story, and why?

My favourite cartoon episode would have to come from G1. The Golden Lagoon. Seeing the Decepticons becomes so overpowered and indestructible was quite entertaining. Even when watching the episode I always get giddy when the Autobots are repelled and have to outlast the Decepticons to defeat them.


Favourite Character, and why?

My favourite character would have to be Punch/Counterpunch. Something about an Autobot Double Spy tricking Decepticons sounds amazing. Also, with recent FunPub stories, I like the whole idea that he may have started as a Decepticon Spy but the Autobot persona has taken over and he’s just in this morally gray world where he is not sure who he truly is.

A seriously overlooked character by the comics


Sexiest Transformers (robot) Character?

G1 Arcee for sure.


Which Transformers character would you want to exist for real?

I would like Armada Demolisher to exist in real life. He would be an awesome and loyal friend to hang out and just have to help when things get tough.


Approx TFs toy collection count (or give a range like 200s, 300s, etc)?

I…Hm. I think I probably have 300ish bots on me. They are all in different boxes that get cycled out to sit on my shelf every few weeks.


Sealed collector or out-of-packaging collector?

Out of Packaging! Free the bots from their cardboard and plastic prison! I can understand why people would want to keep them safe in the box but I think that people should go and have a play with their bots. Especially if they spend heaps of dollars on them to have them in their collection.


How much do you think you’ve spent on your collecting habit?

That is a very dangerous and thought provoking question. Probably far too much but hey, it’s a collector’s hobby so you are bound to spend a lot to fill out your collection.


Any rare/expensive figures in your collection?

A few Japanese exclusives I picked up while I was in japan earlier this year but nothing too special or rare. I actually am not a big hater of retools and repaints so if a simple construction green repaint of Scoop now flipped into a Decepticon, that will find a place in my collection.


What interesting Licensed Merchandise items do you have?

I also like little rubber figures so I own an old Soundwave Eraser. I’m also a big fan of the old Ladybird G1 books and they hold a very fond place in my heart and collection.


First Transformers toy?

That would be Robots in Disguise 2001 Two pack Spychanger Mirage and Ironhide. Two of my first bots and they still from a special place within my collection.


One toy you most want?

At the moment, I am looking at picking up a few random Combiner Wars sets but the most important thing I currently want is a G1 Punch/Counterpunch or the FunPub Botcon exclusives.


The centrepiece/favourite toy in your collection at the moment (and why)?

At the moment I am loving my CHUG G1 Cars. I recently picked up Sunstreaker, Bluestreak and Red Alert and they look amazing together. There’s also the Fall of Cybertron Sideswipe that I absolutely adore his giant path blaster and alt mode.


Favourite toy in your early years of collecting (if it was more than 10 years ago)?

Every battle that I had when I was a kid always featured the RiD Spychangers. Just having a wide range of simple, cheap price point bots were always awesome to have starting my collection and just having such great designs and colour variations.


Worst toy(s) ever in your opinion?

G1 Broadside. That thing is an absolute brick. Thank goodness for the Titans Return remake.


Toy(s) that were most disappointing when you got them?

I got a Movie 1 Scout Class Warpath. I thought the Alt Mode looked quite nice but then the bot mode was an absolute ugly mess. Which is honestly strange since I liked most of the Cybertron scout figures. More recently, it would be Titans Return Blitzwing where parts kept falling off out of the box. On the shelf he looks amazing but I don’t bother transforming him as pieces keep falling off or disconnecting from their housing.


Thoughts on gimmick and non-convertable Transformers toys?

Not a big fan of non-convertible transformers but happy with gimmicks. I know shelves are chock full of One-Steps and Simple transformation bots but people still buy them and certain gimmicks can be heaps of fun i.e. Power Core Combiners


Thoughts on unlicensed fan-project figures/accessories?

Transformers is honestly a weird world regarding 3rd party things. Before returning to Transformers, I was heavily into building Gundam/Gunpla. In that community 3rd party and KO kits are heavily frowned upon and often a source of tension within the community, so when I came back to TFs, I was amazed by how open and welcoming towards 3rd party/KO Oversize and Add-on stuff.

For my own thoughts, I do not mind them as they are quite interesting but on the whole they do not interest me due to their high price points and fragile nature. I love to play and transform my figures rather than having them sit on a shelf due to their price and fragile nature.


Thoughts on the Transformers Brand over the last five years?

Overall I think it has been a strong five years of TFs. Between the Prime Wars Trilogy stuff and the cartoons and toys on the shelf, things seem to be going quite well.

The same however cannot be said for the movie franchise and the recent news about the possible cancellation of further movies. While I may not have the most love for Bayverse stuff, I do hope a reboot occurs and helps revitalise the movie franchise into something awesome and coherent.


Which single TFs toy should every fan own?

Hmm, that is a tough one. I think everyone should have a G1 Bumblebee or similar minibot as these guys are always timeless and fun to just have sitting on your desk. For a more modern pick, I would say CHUG Thunderwing as that figure is just so well done.


Which Transformers toy/product would you give as a wedding present?

As a wedding gift, I think I would be Energon Omega Supreme or any of its retools as you need both parts to make it into its bot mode and a nice symbol of two coming together.


Got any other questions for JP?  Pop them in the comments section below and I’m sure he will do his best to answer them for you!


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