Living in the bush I don’t get to see other Transformer fans very often. I don’t get to pop over to a mate’s house to see his latest acquisitions. I don’t attend meets, I don’t go to pop culture conventions, hell I don’t even get to visit toy stores. So when it comes to talking to others about a shared hobby I have to rely almost solely on the internet.
But the way a large segment of the fandom has been going in the last few years, I find myself thinking more often than not why I bother.

I don’t know when this all started. Maybe it was the live action Transformer movies. Most people seemed to like, or at least tolerate, the first movie in 2007. Those raising very vocal hatred for it being largely groups of GeeWunners who wanted it to look like the 1984 cartoon.
But then Revenge of the Fallen came out and a massive amount of the fandom started bitching, and it seems they have never stopped. It’s been years since a Transformers movie directed by Michael Bay (The Last Knight) has been released, and you still can’t surf a Transformers site without there being negative comments and memes threaded throughout screaming about how people hated them and it ‘raped their childhood’. Now in 2024, it’s the same arguments and complaints about the new Transformers One trailer: “Why isn’t this part of the G1 cartoon universe?! It’s a kick in the teeth to all the fans who carried the franchise for 40 years – Habro owes us!” Fans treating it as a personal insult that an animated movie designed to sell children’s toys isn’t aimed soley at middle-aged men – the sense of entitlement is staggering.

And it seems this negativity of the fandom has spread from the movies to encompass any and everything Transformers. Be it comics, cartoons, toys – whatever. If it’s toys it’s all nitpicking about release times, non screen accurate figures and online retailers. If it’s the cartoons then it’s that the cartoon isn’t specifically aimed at demographic X – and if it IS aimed at demographic X then demographic Y kicks up a fuss.
When it’s about the comics people seem to get the most vocal of all (at least in years where a new movie hasn’t been released). Pre the reboot at IDW it was all about the writers having an agenda and virtue signalling and what have you. Now it’s about crossovers. The amount of hatred on the internet about the My Little Pony crossover coming up has been frankly disgusting. Anyone who isn’t hating on the idea getting accused of being a homosexual or engaging in bestiality. Grown men – grown men – talking about how they despise My Little Pony. Why any grown man without a daughter has watched enough episodes to form such a strong opinion on a cartoon aimed at little girls is beyond me – but they must have watched it because they all seem to be experts on it and hate it. Even one of the artists that did one of the front covers for the upcoming crossover comics has received enough abuse to comment about it publicly. People abusing someone for doing their job and daring to draw a fictional horse on the same page as a fictional robot – way to make the fandom look good fellas.

Now bear in mind I don’t have a problem with people who have a genuine complaint. If you’ve bought a figure that snapped the moment you tried to transform it, despite you being gentle and following the instructions precisely, then damn right you are valid in being pissed off about it. Complain away and you will find a sympathetic ear in me. You got ripped off by an ebay seller and your TR Trypticon turns out to be a pack of beach towels – yell to high heaven! Preach brother! And if you didn’t like a comic or cartoon or movie or toy, then I’ll happily read your opinion if you keep it civil, logical, factual and state your opinion once.

But it’s the constant bitching I can’t hack anymore. The people who didn’t like a movie and then years later are still writing post after post about how they hated it. People talking about how much a toy or movie sucks before they have even been released yet, like their opinion on something they have yet to personally experience makes it fact. People acting like so-called experts when they know little more than someone who has just entered a toyshop for the first time.
And the bitching about nothing! Sexuality in Transformers? Seriously? That is what brings people to boiling point? People lost their shit when the first wrist-rest mouse pads were released, like the manufactures had made booby pads based on their mothers instead of fictional shape-shifting alien robots. People scream abuse at each other over whether it is valid for Transformers to feel romantic affection for each other since they don’t breed. Is such a thing really worth calling a stranger a ‘f**king c**t’ over?

So it’s sad to say I’m feeling pretty done right now. I’m sick of clicking on a link or a FB post or a thread on a fansite to find out about some of the latest Transformer news and being confronted with a wall of vitriolic shit. I’m sick of saying I like something and having a dozen people call me an idiot or a faggot or worse for daring to have an opinion different to theirs. Sick of clicking to see if a toy is available only to see the people that got their toys and the people that didn’t, who ordered from the same online retailer, tearing each other a new one.
I know this kind of behaviour is not solely related to the Transformers fandom, it certainly happened in the Ghostbusters fandom with Frozen Empire. Some days it seems it’s the whole internet in general. Maybe I’m too old for the digital world. Whenever I converse online I try to think about, if I said this to a bloke in the pub, would it earn me a punch in the face? Because that was the reality I grew up with, with no internet and texting being easily accessible until I was in my 20’s. When you said something to someone you were saying it to their face. But now we have people who have done nearly all of their socialization their whole lives online, and have grown up in a world where you can say whatever hateful shit you like to someone because chances are that person is on the other side of the planet and you will never have to face consequences for your actions. Yes, the internet is getting too angry for even Big Angry Trev.

Now people who live in GlassGas houses shouldn’t throw Cyberstones, and there are undoubtedly people out there that I have gotten into heated online arguments with over the years over very silly issues. So I am guilty too. But I pride myself that each year I get into less online fights, get into less pointless arguments and get better at cyber-walking away. I’m not perfect but I’m getting better. And maybe that it a goal we could all aim for – to improve our skill of walking away from the keyboard or smartphone when the blood begins to boil, and go play with our Technobots for a while.
So when I go home tonight, I won’t be surfing the big Transformer sites. I’m going to try my best to practice what I’m preaching and be a chilled out fan. I’m going to open up a bunch of new figures I just got and play with them with my son, as a reminder to myself that this hobby should be positive, should be fun, and in the end is about plastic toy robots.
Hey! If you are a positive person who loves talking about all the things they LIKE about Transformers? Why not restore my faith and write something happy in the comments below!
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You’ve echoed a sentiment that is reverberating throughout a good number of my TF fan circles and it is a real shame that such negativity is permeating what is often a very fun, welcoming and exciting community.
Over the past few years I’ve found my interaction with the greater fandom has receded, year in year out. Owing largely to having less time to devote than in years past is largely to blame, but the ever present creep of ill-educated, entitled man-children is largely to blame – also is the ease of access to ‘sites’ and the facility for real-time interaction, as for me, for example, I spend WAY less time in front of a PC screen than my phone.
The thing I’ve liked about the Transformers, as an adult, is it is such an open palette for ideas and trying new things – there are always conservative elements, HasTak’s penchant for 80s G1 characters and narrative motifs for example, and there’s often a resistance to change from older fans, but there has and needs to be avenues for change as ‘change’ is at the very heart of what Transformers is about!
My hope is that the discourse amongst the fandom transforms back to being a more polite, understanding and welcoming one as it was when I joined the fray in 2010 – take the politics and tribalism and mis-information out, leave the “Mine-mine, gimme-gimme” at preschool where it belongs.
The world is in need of more empathy everywhere, and the super-serious business of Transformers Toys needs it too.
Couldn’t agree more with the article or your comment Dave. I feel that there is a very vocal minority who just seem to enjoy all this negativity – they thrive on it and it fuels there online persona.
I have pulled back significantly from the fandom too. Almost every FB site is just full of garbage and a lot of it is condoned or perpetrated by group Admins.
People need to chill out, remember this is a hobby that we all do for FUN and just enjoy the passion that interests them instead of the need to pick arguments with strangers.
Despite living in a major metro area, I don’t get to see other collectors in person either. Most are too far away for me to visit, or just don’t have the time outside of work.
I do see a cyclical thing of people hating on this and that in the TF fandom, but to put in context it’s often a minority – most folks I’ve met in person who are in TF have been good decent people, and a few toy collecting online mates too whom I truly value. Some of it click baity BS behavior, or trying to get “reactions” out of people, which is a sad state of affairs, but it’s easy to let that minority taint your online experience.
I’m selective in which pages or groups I’ll participate in, and which sites, channels and blogs are worth my time. If someone if full of bile (and is not like REALLY creative with it, such as a good horror film, or a well written Farce) then I just have no time for them as there are better ways to spend my time online or elsewhere.
Oh, Trev. Sweet, sweet, innocent Trev.
The Transformers fandom is awful, and has been since virtually forever. Before the Bay haters, there was Beast Wars haters. ‘Trukk not Munky!’ they would cry, and lo! many childhoods were Ruined Forever.*
Better to ignore them, and take what solace you can in your robo-boob mousepads and your ponies.
*I mean, I don’t really like the Bayformers aesthetic myself, but the series has produced some damn good (usually non-screen character) toys over the years.
It sounds like you’re pretty bummed out by negativity, and I rather suspect that it’s in part because you’re reading internet comment threads (if you think it’s just transformer fans, check out other franchises. Or any YouTube video. U so GAY!!! Is almost guaranteed to be there no matter what the topic).
I much prefer to read Big Angry Trev who is funny, and this post has me greatly concerned for you. So might I offer few suggestions that just might refresh your faith in humanity (in general) and the distinctly unique subspecies that is Homo transformus?
When time permits, go into a real toy store during school holidays and wander through the toy isle. You’ll see enthusiasm, excitement, and likely pleading children telling a parent or caregiver how important it is that they get both Bumblebee AND Starscream. Or that they’re going to be really good and mend their mischievous ways. That’s passion, and it renews my hope for the next generation of toy robot fans. I know being rural it’s harder to get the trip and you won’t be able to do it often, but I promise it will bring joy when you do. And hey – you might just be the Dad on the receiving end of that speech 😉
This weekend is Toyfair (Saturday Feb 22) when some truly amazing product is going to be released. Now it might not be product everyone will like (Cyberverse is a different segment to Siege/Earthrise, or Masterpiece) but THAT’s OKAY. You won’t know it’s CraP and DESTROYING MY CHILDHOOD because I challenge you not to read the comment threads. It will only depress you, and it *is* okay to take a break from depressing news for awhile. But if you want to hear excitement and enthusiasm, listen to some YouTube reviews of some new toy releases from a more ‘positive’ source. I can recommend a few if you need it, but there are people who exhume positivity and excitement and passion for this cray-cray little hobby of ours. Who actually open the package, crack it open and transform it, and sometimes even play with them.
It is -okay- to pull back from negativity for awhile, and be self-protective. And definitely to take solace in the new range of robo-boob mouse pads (I’m thinking of ordering green Lancer myself). Maybe you just need to be more selective about what elements of your hobby you expose yourself too. Because I do hope that, in time, you’re back to Big Angry Trev who is fired up and excited…… but it’s okay to be SAD too sometimes and there’s nothing wrong with expressing that.
I -do- hope that it’s just fandom getting you down too Trev and not some larger issue. If you think it might be, please reach out to someone. The world is a better place with you in it.
Hi 🙋 There is a reason i quit Facebook in April this year and have not been on it since . Too much hostile comments and name calling .
I have instead tried to focus my attention of collecting G1 mini knock off figures of Transformers like i found a knock off Megatron which i am really pleased with and just complex enough transformation and three mini F15 Starscream , Thundercracker , and skywarp pocket toys !
Have a lot of masterpiece Soundwave cassettes and a mini – Shockwave ! 😊
A few more masterpiece autobots and i have a fairly rounded action figure collection in my wardrobe closet . The plastic scrap battlefield of my childhood .
I was really obsessed by the Soundwave cassettes mini – cons and now I have lots of
them ! My childhoods goal achieved finally !
More Rumble – figures than you may have seen in your life . And I don ‘ t care what people think ! I find it comforting in a strange way having these childhood characters on a shelf in my wardrobe and I sometimes use them as stress fidget toys .
I also have a few Captain Power ( live action series ) laying about and a vintage Gi Joe Baronesse . There is room for a few stormtrooper figures too !
So . Why can ‘ t people stop being so hatefull and trollish and start appreciating what they got instead of spewing negative comments and toxicity ? ?
But anyway I find my toy collection brings some sense of comfort and happy memories in an otherwise increasingly crazy world .
So keep calm and collect those toys 😊
And yeah the news can be very
depressing and repetitive ➰➰