Burger Review #7: Southern Style Chicken Burger

Yea-haw! Fried chicken! Get me some grits, a banjo and a bottle of moonshine and I’m in hog heavan, boy-howdy!

I love fried chicken. But so few places serve it these days because it is so unhealthy. You can get crumbed chicken anywhere, but not it’s fried friend. You can always go to a KFC I guess, but whereas it was my favourite food as a teenager I can’t stand the oily filth that it is has degenerated into over the decades.

So I was pretty chuffed when I took the family out for a relaxing lunch on a surprisingly mild winters day to The Globe Hotel in Rylstone and saw on their lunch menu Southern Style Chicken Burger.

This was a good sized burger with a very big chicken breast inside. And with burgers, like with all facets of life, the bigger the breast the better! This one certainly added to the height of the burger considerably.

There was a bit much slaw on the bottom for my liking but it really wasn’t too much and between it and the crispiness of the chicken it meant this burger had a lot of crunch value.

There was quite a bit of bacon popped in to the burger, and although it was quite fatty it was still pretty nice. There was your requisite tomato and onion, some cheese the menu didn’t mention, but it was the ‘special sauce’ that was the real stand out – for both good and ill – of the condiments.

It was hard to pin down what the special sauce actually was. Something like a sweetened ranch dressing but with a little bit of spice thrown in to give it a kick. While it was really nice and added some much needed moisture to what would otherwise be a dry burger, it was it’s distribution that let it down. On one side of the burger there was hardly any, leaving you wanting more. On the other side of the burger there was way too much, so much so you couldn’t taste anything else. In the middle it was perfect. Obviously whoever made the burger squirted it on top of the chicken without regard for evenness, which really detracted around the outer edges from what was otherwise a damn tasty feed.

So if you find yourself at The Globe and see it on the menu, I heartily recommend you give this burger a try. At $16 it’s not particularly cheap, but given its size and the amount of chips that come with it you will definitely leave full. Just hope they get that sauce distribution right.


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