Toy Review – Masterpiece Skids

Oh Skids you poor dear you – always overlooked.  Skids remains to this day perhaps the least well known and recognisable of the Autobots from the 84/85 G1 cartoon.  With very brief and unmemorable appearances in only 2 episodes, even the likes of Grapple and Huffer have proven more popular and its only hardcore G1 … Continue reading Toy Review – Masterpiece Skids

Toy Review – Masterpiece Grapple

Grapple.  Perhaps while not the most unpopular, perhaps the least loved (does that mean the same thing?) of the 84/85 Autobot Car characters.  It’s surprising since the Constructicons were so popular and Grapple was the only Autobot equivalent, but not many people really digged our resident Autobot Architect.  Nevertheless, the 85’ toy was pretty cool … Continue reading Toy Review – Masterpiece Grapple

Toy Review – Masterpiece Inferno

Ah Inferno.  So cool yet so overlooked.  A gung-ho character that was either fighting fires or fighting Cons or dealing with his psychotic superior.  Inferno is not considered a fan favourite by many, but I always loved the guy!  The original toy was great with lots of features and was a good size for its … Continue reading Toy Review – Masterpiece Inferno

Toy Review – Masterpiece Thrust

Oh Tak/Tom, why do you not want me to pay off my house?  Why do you keep releasing these overly-priced MP exclusives that I just have to have?  Shame on you!  If I was a stronger man I would resist, but since I’m not and have caved yet again, I may as well share with … Continue reading Toy Review – Masterpiece Thrust

Toy Review – Masterpiece Shockwave

Ah Shockwave, the guy that many adults – who liked TF’s but weren’t nuts about it – could never remember the name of because it sounded too much like ‘Soundwave’.  To the true TF nut, he was a big purple fragger who psychologically was a mixture of Spock from Star Trek and Brute from Shakespeare … Continue reading Toy Review – Masterpiece Shockwave

Toy Review – Masterpiece Ratchet

Most of you young kids will be going “Hey!  Big Angry Trev!  That’s not Ratchet!  Ratchet is a green emergency response vehicle that got killed in TF4!  Who is this white dude that turns into a van?!”   Well shame!  Shame on you!  Fie I say!  THIS BE RATCHET!  This is the Ratchet of old, … Continue reading Toy Review – Masterpiece Ratchet

Transformers Fan Interview – Bobby Allen

It’s time for another Transformer Fan Interview, and once again this one comes from overseas, the good ol’ US of A.  Bobby has some of the most awesome looking Transformers displays I have seen, and he’s sharing photos of it, as well sharing the history of his hobby, with us today. Name and/or nicknames:             Hi … Continue reading Transformers Fan Interview – Bobby Allen

Transformers Collection – Universe

And thus the great cataloging of my collection continues. Transformers Universe was… it was…. it was a bloody mess to be honest! Starting out in 2003, it was intially a way to milk existing moulds.  It took figures from G2, Beast Wars, Beast Machines and the Unicron Trilogy and released them as their original characters … Continue reading Transformers Collection – Universe

Transformer Fan Interview – Chris Bishop

It’s time for another Transformer Fan Interview, and once again this one comes from overseas, the good ol’ US of A.  Chris has some of the most brilliant looking Transformers displays I have ever seen, and he’s sharing photos of it as well sharing the history of his hobby with us today.   Name and/or … Continue reading Transformer Fan Interview – Chris Bishop

Who became Cyclonus? Skywarp, Bombshell or an Insecticon Clone?

There are certain debates that run in fandoms, sometimes for decades. Star Wars: Why didn’t Anakin’s rich princess girlfriend ever buy Anakin’s mother out of slavery for him, and why when he was a powerful Jedi did he wait so long to go back for her? Star Trek: How was it Kirk could spend decades … Continue reading Who became Cyclonus? Skywarp, Bombshell or an Insecticon Clone?