The Warrior Class toys from the Cyberverse line had gotten a reputation for being pretty poor, and for the most part that rep was deserved. The simplistic paint jobs, transformations and lacklustre modes have made many of these figures an easy pass for most collectors.
However thankfully, like the cartoon which got pretty damn good in seasons 2 and 3, the powers that be decided to improve the Cyberverse toyline too. And they have done so by introducing the Deluxe Class. This class is used by the Generations line and usually involves a higher degree of sophistication in all facets when compared to the Warrior Class, and of late has included blast effects that can be attached to characters weapons.
So lets have a look at the first wave of the Cyberverse Deluxe Class figures – Bumblebee, Optimus, Megatron and Shockwave.
Sigh, it wouldn’t be a Transformers toyline without about a 150 different versions of Bumblebee would it. Thankfully this Bumblebee is quite good. He looks very screen accurate, comes with a lot more detail than the preceding Warrior Class figure, and comes with his stinger as well as a gun. Very nice!
The vehicle mode is ok. Quite compact with a decent amount of detail. However this is one case where I would say the Warrior Class looks that bit more impressive.
Optimus Prime
Once again, a vast improvement on the Warrior Class toy that came before. Optimus has good articulation, good proportions and it’s always appreciated when you can open an Optimus toys chest to find a Matrix inside. And you can use this one to (simulate) blast the big baddies, just like in the cartoon!
The vehicle mode is ok, not bad but nothing special to write home about. Perhaps a bit better than the Warrior Class due to the better paintjob (always irritates me when Optimus has red smokestacks).
My son doesn’t own the Warrior Class Megatron so we had to compare him to another from the Cyberverse line which equated to no comparison at all. Megatron looks very good here – very cartoon faithful and well articulated. I particularly like the head sculpt. Would have been nice for him to have an Energon Morningstar but I guess you can’t have anything.
A pretty decent looking Cybertronian Tank, full of nice angles and Megatron’s arm cannon taking centre stage as the tank turret. Small but feisty and very cartoon accurate.

Shockwave has gotten nearly as many Cyberverse toys as Bumblebee, having a figure in nearly every size. And unlike many the Shockwave toys haven’t been half bad. This Shockwave is good but doesn’t particularly stand out from any of the others, though its nice to see him get his arm cord back.
The beauty of having multiple Shockwave’s is that you can convert your other ones into the crab-tank modes to represent the army of drones he has in the cartoon. Once again, this toy doesn’t particularly stand out from any that have come before, though there are multiple ports on the tank mode to put his extra blaster in, giving you more options.

Maccadams/Alchemist Prime Parts
Part of the lure to get these figure is that each character comes with a body part that, when combined, form Maccadams. It’s very tempting as there has never been a toy of the famous bartender before. If you end up with multiple Shockwaves you can always use both legs, which looks a bit odd but saves you buying other figures down the line if you don’t want them.
Cyberverse Deluxe Class – worth getting?
Well they are for the most part the best Cyberverse toys we have gotten so if you are a big fan of the show then you may want to pick them up. If not then you can always bypass them. I found these figures for a staggeringly cheap $12(AU) each on sale so I was more than happy to pick them up at that price. And of course, the temptation is now there to get the next four in order to make Maccadams.
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